Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 1186 I think you are very good

"Is this a very powerful spiritual beast?" Zhui'er looked at the little frog nervously and asked Shen Qing with his spiritual thoughts. He had just acquired the ability to use his spiritual thoughts to convey words, but he was still very unfamiliar with it. His lips were still wet when conveying his spiritual thoughts. He couldn't help but move.

Shen Qing held the little frog in the palm of his hand and brought it to Zhui'er with a hint of provocation in his eyes.

Zhui'er took a few steps back and pressed his back against the rock wall. "No, let's forget it." He was a little afraid of this weird little frog.

After Tun Tian glanced at Zhui'er twice, he lost interest in him and closed his golden eyes.

Shen Qing put away Tuntian with a little disappointment. In the past few years, she had used Tuntian to test several people who were suspected of being the reincarnation of Xun Yi, but the results were always the same. She was also in a hurry and sought medical treatment. Did Tuntian recognize it? The ability of the master of the previous life.

When Tuntian was put away, a hint of thoughtfulness flashed through Zhui'er's eyes, but it only disappeared briefly.

"I...I have to go back. Senior Brother Bai will find me. I won't thank you for your kindness. I will repay you twice as much in the future." Zhui'er wanted to keep the rich harvest in his arms and sleeves, fearing another accident.

Shen Qing took out dozens of spirit stones and two Nascent Soul Stones among them. After holding the spirit stones in her hands and playing with them for a while, she turned around and faced Zhui'er, staring at Zhui'er with eyes as bright as autumn water.

"No, I can no longer repay this great kindness, and I can no longer accept the favor." Zhui'er waved her hands in gratitude and refused. After smiling honestly, she felt that the other person's gaze was a bit strange, and he couldn't help but avoid it. Catching the other person's eyes, after a while he felt that the other person was still looking at him, and he couldn't help but look back curiously.

Shen Qing just wanted him to take a closer look at himself. Zhui'er has never dared to stare at Shen Qing. Firstly, she is a guest of Qianxu Palace, and she is also a female cultivator. He has to observe etiquette. Secondly, although this female cultivator is extremely beautiful, she is not easy to mess with at first glance. , he didn't dare to look too much. Now that Shen Qing was staring at him like this, and his eyes were friendly, he didn't have to worry so much.

After looking at Shen Qing evasively for a few times, Zhui'er's heartbeat was a little erratic. Shen Qing's beauty was enough to make a man's heart beat faster. Zhui'er was already sixteen years old. Although his mental growth was lagging behind due to years of practice, his physical Growth has not been delayed.

"Why do I feel like I've seen you somewhere?" Shen Qing deliberately tempted Zhui'er to think about this. She really wanted to hear Zhui'er say the same thing.

"No way, I have never seen... a woman as beautiful as you." Zhui'er was a little embarrassed when he said the second half of the sentence. This was his true words, and the implication was obvious, that is, if I will definitely not forget it if I have seen it before.

"Doesn't it look familiar at all?" Shen Qing asked again unwillingly.

Zhui'er narrowed his eyes and looked at Shen Qing carefully, then shook his head. When he lowered his eyes, his heart suddenly moved inexplicably, and he couldn't help but raise his eyes to look at Shen Qing again.

His action made Shen Qing a little excited, and his eyes couldn't help but shine.

Zhui'er shook her head in embarrassment and said cautiously, "I really don't remember. I came here when I was six years old. Although I have traveled to many places before, I was too young at that time and I don't remember much, but... ”

"But what?" Shen Qing asked nervously.

"But I think you are very good and a very good person." After Zhui'er said this, he quickly avoided Shen Qing's eyes. He felt a little sorry for them. They sold him so many things, but he could express his gratitude. Just "I think you're good".

Although she didn't get the most satisfactory answer, Shen Qing still felt hopeful. She could tell that Zhui'er's words were sincere, and it probably wasn't just because of the favor she received.

"I think you are quite compatible. Would you like me to take you out for some practice?" Shen Qing tried her best to show a friendly expression, but she was used to having a cold face, so her expression was a bit stiff.

Zhui'er rolled his eyes, then made a happy expression and said, "Okay, I do."

Shen Qing couldn't help but be overjoyed when she saw that he agreed so readily. She didn't know that Zhuo'er was trying to trick her. This kid was worried about how he could sneak home under everyone's surveillance. Shen Qing's proposal was simply a blessing to him. A big pie falling from the sky.

"Okay, who are you from? I'll take you to say hello, and we'll leave now." Shen Qing's smile became much more natural. So far, this is the third time she has done this. She would try her best to take out any children she was interested in and examine them carefully. She would continue to do this until she was sure to find the reincarnation of Xun Yi, or until the day she felt heartbroken. .

Shen Qing definitely didn't have the same enthusiasm as Su Wan in looking for Xun Yi, because Su Wan felt strong guilt and self-blame. To put it into detail, she and Ming Lan felt different about looking for Yi. Although Ming Lan only had a relationship with Xun Yi once, she was moved by him. Shen Qing also had some affection for Xun Yi, but more of it was friendship. This was related to her aloof temperament. Ever since she heard Xun Yi say Without the metaphor of "bones in the fire", she only allowed herself to treat Xun Yi as a good friend. However, that kind of admiration cannot be put aside. Fortunately, the scene in the "poor snow field" The Tao has benefited her a lot and made her focus more on enlightening the Tao. When Xun Yi died, her love for Xun Yi completely lost her support. Of course, such emotions also need to be used. As time went by, she found that her search for Xun Yi's reincarnation was hard to say because of the power of friendship.

"I am... a disciple of Lingliang Mountain." Zhui'er hesitated a little, looked earnestly at the excited woman in front of him and said, "But I can't leave now, there are still some things I have not finished."

Shen Qing felt amused and said, "If you have anything important to do, tell me and I will help you deal with it."

Zhui'er shook his head worriedly and said, "No one else can help with this matter, so I have to solve it myself." At this point, he looked at Shen Qing cautiously and said tentatively, "Can you wait another month? Just one person Yue, I will follow you after I finish participating in Feng Boze’s experience.”

"Feng Bo Ze?" Shen Qing showed a disdainful expression, "If this is all you want, then there is no need to delay. I can take you to a better place and get better experience."

"I'm not here for training, I have other things to do." Zhui'er looked embarrassed. During the last three-person gathering, Lu Gang and Shu Yan agreed to take the opportunity to go to Fengbo Ze for training and beat Xingpeng violently. He had not yet reached the opening period, so he was not qualified to participate in Fengboze's training, but now he was qualified, so he had to follow in this fight, otherwise it would be too unloyal. How could you tell an outsider like Shen Qing such a thing? "Is this a very powerful spiritual beast?" Zhui'er looked at the little frog nervously and asked Shen Qing with his spiritual thoughts. He had just acquired the ability to use his spiritual thoughts to convey words, but he was still very unfamiliar with it. His lips were still wet when conveying his spiritual thoughts. He couldn't help but move.

Shen Qing held the little frog in the palm of his hand and brought it to Zhui'er with a hint of provocation in his eyes.

Zhui'er took a few steps back and pressed his back against the rock wall. "No, let's forget it." He was a little afraid of this weird little frog.

After Tun Tian glanced at Zhui'er twice, he lost interest in him and closed his golden eyes.

Shen Qing put away Tuntian with a little disappointment. In the past few years, she had used Tuntian to test several people who were suspected of being the reincarnation of Xun Yi, but the results were always the same. She was also in a hurry and sought medical treatment. Did Tuntian recognize it? The ability of the master of the previous life.

When Tuntian was put away, a hint of thoughtfulness flashed through Zhui'er's eyes, but it only disappeared briefly.

"I...I have to go back. Senior Brother Bai will find me. I won't thank you for your kindness. I will repay you twice as much in the future." Zhui'er wanted to keep the rich harvest in his arms and sleeves, fearing another accident.

Shen Qing took out dozens of spirit stones and two Nascent Soul Stones among them. After holding the spirit stones in her hands and playing with them for a while, she turned around and faced Zhui'er, staring at Zhui'er with eyes as bright as autumn water.

"No, I can no longer repay this great kindness, and I can no longer accept the favor." Zhui'er waved her hands in gratitude and refused. After smiling honestly, she felt that the other person's gaze was a bit strange, and he couldn't help but avoid it. Catching the other person's eyes, after a while he felt that the other person was still looking at him, and he couldn't help but look back curiously.

Shen Qing just wanted him to take a closer look at himself. Zhui'er has never dared to stare at Shen Qing. Firstly, she is a guest of Qianxu Palace, and she is also a female cultivator. He has to observe etiquette. Secondly, although this female cultivator is extremely beautiful, she is not easy to mess with at first glance. , he didn't dare to look too much. Now that Shen Qing was staring at him like this, and his eyes were friendly, he didn't have to worry so much.

After looking at Shen Qing evasively for a few times, Zhui'er's heartbeat was a little erratic. Shen Qing's beauty was enough to make a man's heart beat faster. Zhui'er was already sixteen years old. Although his mental growth was lagging behind due to years of practice, his physical Growth has not been delayed.

"Why do I feel like I've seen you somewhere?" Shen Qing deliberately tempted Zhui'er to think about this. She really wanted to hear Zhui'er say the same thing.

"No way, I've never seen... a woman as beautiful as you." Zhui'er was a little embarrassed when he said the second half of the sentence. This was his true words, and the implication was obvious, that is, if I will definitely not forget it if I have seen it before.

"Doesn't it look familiar at all?" Shen Qing asked again unwillingly.

Zhui'er narrowed his eyes and looked at Shen Qing carefully, then shook his head. When he lowered his eyes, his heart suddenly moved inexplicably, and he couldn't help but raise his eyes to look at Shen Qing again.

His action made Shen Qing a little excited, and his eyes couldn't help but shine.

Zhui'er shook her head in embarrassment and said cautiously, "I really don't remember. I came here when I was six years old. Although I have traveled to many places before, I was too young at that time and I don't remember much, but... ”

"But what?" Shen Qing asked nervously.

"But I think you are very good and a very good person." After Zhui'er said this, he quickly avoided Shen Qing's eyes. He felt a little sorry for them. They sold him so many things, but he could express his gratitude. Just "I think you're good".

Although she didn't get the most satisfactory answer, Shen Qing still felt hopeful. She could tell that Zhui'er's words were sincere, and it probably wasn't just because of the favor she received.

"I think you are quite compatible. Would you like me to take you out for some practice?" Shen Qing tried her best to show a friendly expression, but she was used to having a cold face, so her expression was a bit stiff.

Zhui'er rolled his eyes, then made a happy expression and said, "Okay, I do."

Shen Qing couldn't help but be overjoyed when she saw that he agreed so readily. She didn't know that Zhui'er was trying to trick her. This kid was worried about how he could sneak home under everyone's surveillance. Shen Qing's proposal was simply a blessing to him. A big pie falling from the sky.

"Okay, who are you from? I'll take you to say hello, and we'll leave now." Shen Qing's smile became much more natural. So far, this is the third time she has done this. She would try her best to take out any child she was interested in and examine it carefully. She would continue to do this until she was sure to find the reincarnation of Xun Yi, or until the day she felt heartbroken. .

Shen Qing definitely didn't have the same enthusiasm as Su Wan in looking for Xun Yi, because Su Wan felt strong guilt and self-blame. To put it into detail, she and Ming Lan felt different about looking for Yi. Although Ming Lan only had a relationship with Xun Yi once, she was moved by him. Shen Qing also had some affection for Xun Yi, but more of it was friendship. This was related to her aloof temperament. Ever since she heard Xun Yi say Without the metaphor of "bones in the fire", she only allowed herself to treat Xun Yi as a good friend. However, that kind of admiration cannot be put aside. Fortunately, the scene in the "poor snow field" The Tao has benefited her a lot and made her focus more on enlightening the Tao. When Xun Yi died, her love for Xun Yi completely lost her support. Of course, such emotions also need to be used. As time went by, she found that her search for Xun Yi's reincarnation was hard to say because of the power of friendship.

"I am... a disciple of Lingliang Mountain." Zhui'er hesitated a little, looked at the excited woman in front of him sincerely and said, "But I can't leave now, there are still some things I haven't finished."

Shen Qing felt amused and said, "If you have anything important to do, tell me and I will help you deal with it."

Zhui'er shook his head worriedly and said, "No one else can help with this matter, so I have to solve it myself." At this point, he looked at Shen Qing cautiously and said tentatively, "Can you wait another month? Just one person Yue, I will follow you after I finish participating in Feng Boze’s experience.”

"Feng Bo Ze?" Shen Qing showed a disdainful expression, "If this is all you want, then there is no need to delay. I can take you to a better place and get better experience."

"I'm not here for training, I have other things to do." Zhui'er looked embarrassed. During the last three-person gathering, Lu Gang and Shu Yan agreed to take the opportunity to go to Fengbo Ze for training and beat Xingpeng violently. He had not yet reached the opening period, so he was not qualified to participate in Fengboze's training, but now he was qualified, so he had to follow in this fight, otherwise it would be too unloyal. How could you tell an outsider like Shen Qing such a thing?

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