Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 1189 Thank you Zhui'er

The little beast's scream frightened Shu Yan's heart, and she almost sat down on the ground. Seeing that Zhui'er was already fighting with the little beast, she closed her eyes and urged the cane in her hand to pull towards that side!

The cane flashed a green light and was three feet long. Under normal circumstances, she could move the cane to five feet long. Now she was panicking and timid. It would be good to have such a level. Fortunately, she couldn't use all her strength, otherwise This time it must be slapped on Zhui'er.

Zhui'er felt that the cane was being pulled towards him, and shouted angrily, "Divine consciousness!" He was reminding Shu Yan to use his divine consciousness to lock the little beast and control the magic weapon. The little beast's movements were too much. It was so fast that he didn't dare to say another word, but even so, he was still distracted by this opening. The little beast flew from the side of the shield and swiped his left shoulder with a claw, drawing blood immediately.

Seeing that Zhui'er was injured, Shu Yan became anxious and urged the cane to hit the little beast again. This time, she was accurate, and the green light castrated it fast and hard, forcing the little beast to retreat several feet.

"Okay!" Zhui'er was overjoyed and rushed after him with his sword.

At this moment, a sharp bird call came from the distance, followed by Lu Gang's shouting, "Zhui'er! Zhui'er!"

Shu Yan turned around and saw that Lu Gang was being chased by a big black and white bird and was running away in embarrassment. He must have focused on the strange bird and didn't notice what was happening here. The two of them were also in crisis.

"Lü Gang can't hold it anymore!" Shu Yan shouted anxiously to Zhui'er.

Zhui'er had also seen the situation on Lu Gang's side and waved his hand to throw the flying sword to Shu Yan. He stared at the little beast and said only three words, "Go and save him!"

"Then you..." Shu Yan was so anxious that she was about to cry, but seeing that Lu Gang was on the verge of collapse, she had no choice but to step on the flying sword to save Lu Gang first.

Without the flying sword, Zhui'er could only rely on small fireballs to save him, and when he used the spiritual fire technique, he had no spare energy to activate the jade shield. After shooting two small fireballs, not only did he fail to burn the little beast, but he was also burned by the little beast. The beast's claws scratched the head. Fortunately, he dodged in time and only scattered the hair bun. However, the scalp was pulled raw and painful. Zhui'er was so frightened that he didn't dare to take any more risks and pushed with all his strength. The shield was just dodging left and right, but the little beast's movements were so fast that it soon forced Zhui'er to the edge of the cliff. If he retreated, he would fall, and Zhui'er had no time to observe his retreat. Not aware of this.

After one step in the air, Zhui'er let out a cry of surprise and fell down!

What's terrible is that the little beast also jumped down. The cold light from its eyes made Zhui'er subconsciously shoot another small fireball. The sudden fall had already made him confused, but the threat of the little beast was more urgent than falling to death. , which made him instinctively focus on the immediate situation. If the danger was not close at hand, it would be impossible for him to activate the fireball while falling. This was purely a forced potential.

As soon as the fireball shot, the little beast twisted his body. Seeing that the little fireball was about to miss, Zhui'er was so anxious that he wished he could control the little fireball to move a little bit. This little fireball was his last hope, so he unconsciously gathered all his energy. thought, and then felt a sharp pain in his head, and he fainted.

The cliff was not high, only twenty feet above the water, and the hill was only seventy feet high. When Zhui'er woke up, he felt pain all over his body.

"Wake up! Wake up! Zhui'er, are you okay?" Following Shu Yan's surprise call, Zhui'er felt big raindrops falling on his face, which seemed to be a little warm.

He opened his eyes and saw another raindrop falling,

Then I saw Shu Yan's face full of tears.

"How are you, Zhui'er?"

Zhui'er turned her eyes and saw Lu Gang's concerned eyes.

"Did I fall to death?" Zhui'er was still confused.

"No! No!" Shu Yan said repeatedly.

"Nonsense, you can still talk even if you fall to death!" Lu Gang couldn't help but choked him excitedly when he saw that he had come back to life.

Shu Yan pushed Lu Gang without looking, and then explained to Zhui'er excitedly, "You are also a fortune teller. We just saw you fall off the cliff when we fought off that strange bird, which scared us both." It's broken, but I'm a thousand feet away and there's no time to save you. I just think that even if you don't fall to death, you will be bitten to death by that evil beast..."

When Zhui'er heard her talking about the little beast, she couldn't help but interjected, "Where is the little beast?"

Shu Yan said in a loud voice, "I was injured by you! Zhui'er, I really admire you. You were able to fire fireballs even when you fell off the cliff. I was almost dumbfounded at the time."

"What about the little beast?" Zhui'er asked stupidly again. The little beast had already left a shadow on him, and it would be difficult to feel at ease unless he knew its whereabouts.

"Here it is, here it is!" Lu Gang took the little beast's body and showed it to him.

"Oh..., he's finally dead." Zhui'er breathed a sigh of relief.

Shu Yan wiped the wet tears on her face and said excitedly, "When we rushed over, it struggled to run, but was stabbed to death by Lu Gang's sword."

Lu Gang snorted and said, "You two are too weak. Even if it is not injured, I can kill it with one sword."

Shu Yan glared and scolded, "What are you bragging about? You can't even beat a broken bird, and you still have the nerve to talk nonsense. If I hadn't saved you, would Zhui'er have been injured?"

Lu Gang said to Zhui'er in disgrace, "If nothing happens, get up and do some exercise. You're really lucky this time. I saw you hit a tree first and then bounced before falling into the water. If it weren't for that tree, you would have fallen onto the rocks, and in that case, you would have been seriously injured even if you didn't die. "

Shu Yan nodded in agreement, "Yes, yes, it scared me to death. Your life is long enough!"

With the support of Lu Gang and Shu Yan, Zhui'er stood up. After stretching his body, he smiled gratefully at the two of them and said, "It's just some superficial injuries. I'm tired of you worrying about me. It's nothing serious." "

Shu Yan felt quite ashamed and said, "Stop saying that. It's all thanks to you this time. If you didn't stay to protect me, I might have been bitten to death by that evil beast. Zhui'er, I'm sorry. Lu Gang was in such a critical situation at that time, I..." At this point, she hung her head guiltily.

Zhui'er consoled her very sincerely, "What are you talking about? I asked you to help him. If you didn't go, Lu Gang might be dead now. We grew up together, why should we say such things?" If so? As long as everyone is fine, don’t think too much.”

"Zhui'er..." Shu Yan looked at Zhui'er sadly, "No matter what, I can't help you this time. We both should thank you."

Zhui'er smiled naively, waved his hand and said, "Okay, okay, thank you or not, it's boring to say anything else."

Lu Gang stepped forward and patted Zhui'er on the shoulder, "I also have to say, thank you Zhui'er, we will never let you be hurt again in the future."

Zhui'er pushed him and said, "Get out of here, why are you getting up!" The little beast's scream frightened Shuyan's heart, and she almost sat down on the ground, when she saw that Zhui'er was already fighting with the little beast. Together, she closed her eyes and urged the rattan in her hand to draw in that direction!

The cane flashed a green light and was three feet long. Under normal circumstances, she could move the cane to five feet long. Now she was panicking and timid. It would be good to have such a level. Fortunately, she couldn't use all her strength, otherwise This time it must be slapped on Zhui'er.

Zhui'er felt that the cane was being pulled towards him, and shouted angrily, "Divine consciousness!" He was reminding Shu Yan to use his divine consciousness to lock the little beast and control the magic weapon. The little beast's movements were too much. It was so fast that he didn't dare to say another word, but even so, he was still distracted by this opening. The little beast flew from the side of the shield and swiped his left shoulder with a claw, drawing blood immediately.

Seeing that Zhui'er was injured, Shu Yan became anxious and urged the cane to hit the little beast again. This time, she was accurate, and the green light castrated it fast and hard, forcing the little beast to retreat several feet.

"Okay!" Zhui'er was overjoyed and rushed after him with his sword.

At this moment, a sharp bird call came from the distance, followed by Lu Gang's shouting, "Zhui'er! Zhui'er!"

Shu Yan turned around and saw that Lu Gang was being chased by a big black and white bird and was running away in embarrassment. He must have focused on the strange bird and didn't notice what was happening here. The two of them were also in crisis.

"Lü Gang can't hold it anymore!" Shu Yan shouted anxiously to Zhui'er.

Zhui'er had also seen the situation on Lu Gang's side and waved his hand to throw the flying sword to Shu Yan. He stared at the little beast and said only three words, "Go and save him!"

"Then you..." Shu Yan was so anxious that she was about to cry, but seeing that Lu Gang was on the verge of collapse, she had no choice but to step on the flying sword to save Lu Gang first.

Without the flying sword, Zhui'er could only rely on small fireballs to save him, and when he used the spiritual fire technique, he had no spare energy to activate the jade shield. After shooting two small fireballs, not only did he fail to burn the little beast, but he was also burned by the little beast. The beast's claws scratched the head. Fortunately, he dodged in time and only scattered the hair bun. However, the scalp was pulled raw and painful. Zhui'er was so frightened that he didn't dare to take any more risks and pushed with all his strength. The shield was just dodging left and right, but the little beast's movements were so fast that it soon forced Zhui'er to the edge of the cliff. If he retreated, he would fall, and Zhui'er had no time to observe his retreat. Not aware of this.

After one foot stepped into the air, Zhui'er let out a cry of surprise and fell down!

What's terrible is that the little beast also jumped down. The cold light from its eyes made Zhui'er subconsciously shoot another small fireball. The sudden fall had already made him confused, but the threat of the little beast was more urgent than falling to death. , which made him instinctively focus on the immediate situation. If the danger was not close at hand, it would be impossible for him to activate the fireball while falling. This was purely a forced potential.

As soon as the fireball shot, the little beast twisted his body. Seeing that the little fireball was about to miss, Zhui'er was so anxious that he wished he could control the little fireball to move a little bit. This little fireball was his last hope, so he unconsciously gathered all his energy. thought, and then felt a sharp pain in his head, and he fainted.

The cliff was not high, only about twenty feet above the water, and the hill was only seventy feet high. When Zhui'er woke up, he felt pain all over his body.

"Wake up! Wake up! Zhui'er, are you okay?" Following Shu Yan's surprise call, Zhui'er felt big raindrops falling on his face, which seemed to be a little warm.

He opened his eyes and saw another raindrop falling,

Then I saw Shu Yan's face full of tears.

"How are you, Zhui'er?"

Zhui'er turned her eyes and saw Lu Gang's concerned eyes.

"Did I fall to death?" Zhui'er was still confused.

"No! No!" Shu Yan said repeatedly.

"Nonsense, you can still talk even if you fall to death!" Lu Gang couldn't help but choked him excitedly when he saw that he had come back to life.

Shu Yan pushed Lu Gang without looking, and then explained to Zhui'er excitedly, "You are also a fortune teller. We just saw you fall off the cliff when we fought off that strange bird, which scared us both." It's broken, but I'm a thousand feet away and there's no time to save you. I just think that even if you don't fall to death, you will be bitten to death by that evil beast..."

When Zhui'er heard her talking about the little beast, she couldn't help but interjected, "Where is the little beast?"

Shu Yan said in a loud voice, "I was injured by you! Zhui'er, I really admire you. You were able to fire fireballs even when you fell off the cliff. I was almost dumbfounded at the time."

"What about the little beast?" Zhui'er asked stupidly again. The little beast had already left a shadow on him, and it would be difficult to feel at ease unless he knew its whereabouts.

"Here it is, here it is!" Lu Gang took the little beast's body and showed it to him.

"Oh..., he's finally dead." Zhui'er breathed a sigh of relief.

Shu Yan wiped the wet tears on her face and said excitedly, "When we rushed over, it struggled to run, but was stabbed to death by Lu Gang's sword."

Lu Gang snorted and said, "You two are too weak. Even if it is not injured, I can kill it with one sword."

Shu Yan glared and scolded, "Why are you bragging! You can't even beat a broken bird, and you still have the nerve to talk big words. If I hadn't saved you, would Zhui'er have been injured?"

Lu Gang said to Zhui'er in disgrace, "If nothing happens, get up and do some exercise. You're really lucky this time. I saw you hit a tree first and then bounced before falling into the water. If it weren't for that tree, you would have fallen onto the rocks, and in that case, you would have been seriously injured even if you didn't die. "

Shu Yan nodded in agreement, "Yes, yes, it scared me to death. Your life is long enough!"

With the support of Lu Gang and Shu Yan, Zhui'er stood up. After stretching his body, he smiled gratefully at the two of them and said, "It's just some superficial injuries. I'm tired of you worrying about me. It's nothing serious." "

Shu Yan felt quite ashamed and said, "Stop saying that. It's all thanks to you this time. If you didn't stay to protect me, I might have been bitten to death by that evil beast. Zhui'er, I'm sorry. Lu Gang was in such a critical situation at that time, I..." At this point, she hung her head guiltily.

Zhui'er consoled her very sincerely, "What are you talking about? I asked you to help him. If you didn't go, Lu Gang might be dead now. We grew up together, why should we say such things?" If so? As long as everyone is fine, don’t think too much.”

"Zhui'er..." Shu Yan looked at Zhui'er sadly, "No matter what, I can't help you this time. We both should thank you."

Zhui'er smiled naively, waved his hand and said, "Okay, okay, thank you or not, it's boring to say anything else."

Lu Gang stepped forward and patted Zhui'er on the shoulder, "I also have to say, thank you Zhui'er, we will never let you be hurt again in the future."

Zhui'er pushed him and said, "Get out of here, why are you getting up?"

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