Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 1193 If you dare to scream again, I will kill you.

When Zhui'er stared blankly at Xingpeng falling, Lu Gang rushed over and wanted to kick Xingpeng. He didn't want to vent his hatred, but he was afraid that Xingpeng would fall to death and wanted to relieve him of some of the force of his fall.

Before Lu Gang's kick could hit Xingpeng, a figure had already caught Xingpeng. The person who came was the leader of the Wuyu Peak team. He was Xingpeng's senior brother, and his cultivation had reached the late stage of pill formation.

After this person caught Xingpeng, he did not reprimand Lu Gang and the three of them, nor did he even look at them. He just lowered his head to check Xingpeng's condition, but his expression was obviously not good-looking.

Immediately afterwards, the leaders of Tiansheng Peak, Cuiyu Peak and Bai Hua appeared one after another.

Shu Yan and Zhui'er both lowered their heads in panic, but Lu Gang turned his head to the side, with a stubborn look on his face, a bit resigned to death. If he dared to do something, he must dare to do it. He was already prepared to be severely punished.

When the big man and the little man saw the person in charge arriving, they hurried over to complain. However, they were really frightened by the ferocity of Lu Gang and Zhuo'er and did not dare to speak loudly. Instead, they ran to their senior brother and whispered in a low voice. , muttering and stealing glances at Lu Gang and Zhui'er.

Zhui'er quickly raised his head. He flew in front of Lu Gang and showed that he was the culprit of this matter. Although he was extremely panicked, no matter what kind of punishment he had to receive, he would do it for Lu Gang. Bearing the heaviest burden, Lu Gang and Shu Yan were avenging him anyway, and he must have this sense of justice.

Lu Gang pushed Zhui'er away and snatched the steel knife from his hand. He said to his senior brother calmly, "I picked the matter and it has nothing to do with Lang Xing and Shu Yan."

Zhui'er said anxiously, "Xingpeng bullied me twice. I can't swallow this breath. I asked them both for help. I am willing to bear all the blame!"

Seeing how righteous they were, Shu Yan couldn't help but blush and said to her senior sister, "It's Lu Gang and I who want to avenge Lang Xing. Lang Xing has always disagreed, so he shouldn't be punished."

Zhui'er said loudly, "You don't have to take the blame for me! I'll accept it even if I'm expelled from the school if I let out such a bad breath!"

Lu Gang snorted and said calmly, "Do you have the courage to plan such a thing?"

Shu Yan immediately agreed, "It's really none of his business. He's been trying to persuade us not to do anything."

At this time, Xingpeng, who was being hugged by his senior brother, yelled at Zhui'er and Lu Gang, "You two bastards! Join forces and beat me up. I can't spare you! Let's see!" He was too embarrassed today. At this time If I don’t say a few words, I will be embarrassed in Linh Lang Son.

"Fuck you!" Lu Gang cursed in a low voice with a cold look. He showed such a tyrannical attitude mainly to prove his previous words and make everyone believe that he was the only one with the courage to plan this matter. Zhui'er said that he It's a joke that he is the mastermind.

Zhui'er understood Lu Gang's intentions, so he couldn't let Lu Gang compete. So Lu Gang scolded him, and he yelled at Xing Peng, "Fuck you! If you dare to yell again, I will kill you!" Not only that, He also rushed towards Xingpeng while yelling.

Lu Gang was convinced. He really didn't dare to rush after Zhui'er. If he was so arrogant, he would be expelled from the school.

"Lang Xing!" Bai Hua scolded.

Zhui'er stopped and glared at Xingpeng unwillingly. His body was shaking slightly. He looked like he was angry, but in fact it was caused by panic. He was holding on with his loyalty. It would be strange if I didn't panic to the point of trembling when I do something I dare not do. People with discerning eyes like Bai Hua can see this clearly.

The scene fell silent all of a sudden, which was very strange. Logically speaking, the leading divisions at this time

The brothers and sisters should interrogate them, but these people remained silent.

Just when Zhui'er felt uneasy and glanced at everyone one by one, the woman as beautiful and cold as an ice flower suddenly appeared next to him.

"Then I'll take him away right now." After Shen Qing told Bai Hua, he pulled Zhui'er and floated away.

Bai Hua and others hurriedly bowed and saluted, saying in unison, "Juniors, I send you my best wishes to Master Shen." In terms of seniority, Shen Qing was three generations ahead of them. Although they were all older than Shen Qing, the words "Master Shen" They shouted respectfully, and their respect for Shen Qing was more out of admiration. Shen Qing was only over two hundred years old and was already a great monk in the middle stage of Nascent Soul. Those of them who were four or five hundred years old were only in the late stage of elixir formation. This huge disparity made them unable to help but admire them from the bottom of their hearts.

Lu Gang and the others were dumbfounded. When they saw their senior brothers and sisters saluting respectfully, they followed suit in a panic, but at this time Shen Qing and Zhuo'er had already disappeared.

When Zhui'er and the others entered Fengbo Ze, Shen Qing hid on the side and watched coldly. Of course, she would not miss this opportunity to observe Zhui'er. The reason why Zhui'er's small fireball hit the little beast, and why it happened to fall down later On that tree, it was all due to Shen Qing's secret moves.

During the battle between Zhui'er and Xingpeng, Shen Qing stopped Bai Hua and others and told them not to stop them for the time being. Bai Hua had already received orders from his superiors and knew that Shen Qing wanted to take Zhui'er away, so he naturally had to follow Shen Qing's arrangements. , which is also the reason why several people behaved quite strangely after appearing.

"Do you think I can keep you safe and that's why you are making such a fuss?" Shen Qing asked Zhui'er calmly while flying.

"Ah?...No." Zhui'er turned his head and looked back worriedly and answered absentmindedly. He was afraid that Lu Gang and Shu Yan would be punished, but being isolated by Shen Qing's body-protecting divine light, he couldn't see anything. "Let me go back. I can't just walk away. They are fighting this because of me!" He struggled.

"They will be fine." Shen Qing said impatiently.

"Can you guarantee it?" Zhui'er continued to struggle, but with slightly reduced strength.

"Yes." Shen Qing said one word with a straight face.

Zhui'er stopped struggling. He glanced at Shen Qing suspiciously. Shen Qing's expression made him look away quickly, and then he lowered his head and remained silent.

Shen Qing was a little dissatisfied with the violence shown by Zhui'er during the fight with Xingpeng. She learned about the grudges between the two from Bai Hua and felt that there was a big gap between Zhui'er's performance and Xunyi's. Xunyi was not a person who held grudges. , which greatly reduced her expectation that Zhui'er was the reincarnation of Xun Yi. Although Zhui'er and Lu Gang's righteous behavior later made her see a little bit of Xun Yi again, she still felt a little uncomfortable. .

"If Qianxu Palace wants to expel you from the gate, I can't protect you." Shen Qing began to test.

Without raising his head, Zhui'er said, "Then don't bother. I'll bear the trouble myself." His tone was sincere, not a matter of anger.

"You don't seem to care much about this matter. Do you know the status of Qianxu Palace in the cultivation world? You may never have the chance to find such a good teacher without Qianxu Palace."

Zhui'er raised his head and glanced at Shen Qing. His lips moved but he didn't say anything, then he lowered his head again.

"Whatever you want to say, just say it." Shen Qing tried his best to slow down his tone.

"I want you to send me back. I don't ask you to help me, but if you can say a nice word for Lu Gang and Shu Yan, I will always remember your kindness." Zai Zhuoer looked at Xingpeng in a daze. When he was falling, Lu Gang rushed over and wanted to kick Xingpeng. He didn't want to vent his hatred, but he was afraid that Xingpeng would fall to death and wanted to relieve him of some of the force of his fall.

Before Lu Gang's kick could hit Xingpeng, a figure had already caught Xingpeng. The person who came was the leader of the Wuyu Peak team. He was Xingpeng's senior brother, and his cultivation had reached the late stage of pill formation.

After this person caught Xingpeng, he did not reprimand Lu Gang and the three of them, nor did he even look at them. He just lowered his head to check Xingpeng's condition, but his expression was obviously not good-looking.

Immediately afterwards, the leaders of Tiansheng Peak, Cuiyu Peak and Bai Hua appeared one after another.

Shu Yan and Zhui'er both lowered their heads in panic, but Lu Gang turned his head to the side, with a stubborn look on his face, a bit resigned to death. If he dared to do something, he must dare to do it. He was already prepared to be severely punished.

When the big man and the little man saw the person in charge arriving, they hurried over to complain. However, they were really frightened by the ferocity of Lu Gang and Zhuo'er and did not dare to speak loudly. Instead, they ran to their senior brother and whispered in a low voice. , muttering and stealing glances at Lu Gang and Zhui'er.

Zhui'er quickly raised his head. He flew in front of Lu Gang and showed that he was the culprit of this matter. Although he was extremely panicked, no matter what kind of punishment he had to receive, he would do it for Lu Gang. To bear the heaviest burden, Lu Gang and Shu Yan were avenging him anyway, and he must have this sense of justice.

Lu Gang pushed Zhui'er away and snatched the steel knife from his hand. He said to his senior brother calmly, "I picked the matter and it has nothing to do with Lang Xing and Shu Yan."

Zhui'er said anxiously, "Xingpeng bullied me twice. I can't swallow this breath. I asked them both for help. I am willing to bear all the blame!"

Seeing how righteous they were, Shu Yan couldn't help but blush and said to her senior sister, "It's Lu Gang and I who want to avenge Lang Xing. Lang Xing has always disagreed, so he shouldn't be punished."

Zhui'er said loudly, "You don't have to take the blame for me! I'll admit it even if I'm expelled from the school if you let out such bad breath!"

Lu Gang snorted lightly and said calmly, "Do you have the courage to plan such a thing?"

Shu Yan immediately agreed, "It's really none of his business. He's been trying to persuade us not to do anything."

At this time, Xingpeng, who was being hugged by his senior brother, yelled at Zhui'er and Lu Gang, "You two bastards! Join forces and beat me up. I can't spare you! Let's see!" He was too embarrassed today. At this time If I don’t say a few words, I will be embarrassed in Linh Lang Son.

"Fuck you!" Lu Gang cursed in a low voice with a cold look. He showed such a tyrannical attitude mainly to prove his previous words and make everyone believe that he was the only one with the courage to plan this matter. Zhui'er said that he It's a joke that he is the mastermind.

Zhui'er understood Lu Gang's intentions, so he couldn't let Lu Gang compete. So Lu Gang scolded him, and he yelled at Xing Peng, "Fuck you! If you dare to yell again, I will kill you!" Not only that, He also rushed towards Xingpeng while yelling.

Lu Gang was convinced. He really didn't dare to rush after Zhui'er. If he was so arrogant, he would be expelled from the school.

"Lang Xing!" Bai Hua scolded.

Zhui'er stopped and glared at Xingpeng unwillingly. His body was shaking slightly. He looked like he was angry, but in fact it was caused by panic. He was holding on with his loyalty. It would be strange if I didn't panic to the point of trembling when I do something I dare not do. People with discerning eyes like Bai Hua can see this clearly.

The scene suddenly fell silent, which was very strange. Logically speaking, the leading divisions at this time

The brothers and sisters should interrogate them, but these people remained silent.

Just when Zhui'er felt uneasy and glanced at everyone one by one, the woman as beautiful and cold as an ice flower suddenly appeared next to him.

"Then I'll take him away right now." After Shen Qing told Bai Hua, he pulled Zhui'er and floated away.

Bai Hua and others hurriedly bowed and saluted, saying in unison, "Juniors, I send you my best wishes to Master Shen." In terms of seniority, Shen Qing was three generations ahead of them. Although they were all older than Shen Qing, the words "Master Shen" They shouted respectfully, and their respect for Shen Qing was more out of admiration. Shen Qing was only over two hundred years old and was already a great monk in the middle stage of Nascent Soul. Those of them who were four or five hundred years old were only in the late stage of elixir formation. This huge disparity made them unable to help but admire them from the bottom of their hearts.

Lu Gang and the others were dumbfounded. When they saw their senior brothers and sisters saluting respectfully, they followed suit in a panic, but at this time Shen Qing and Zhuo'er had already disappeared.

When Zhui'er and the others entered Fengbo Ze, Shen Qing hid on the side and watched coldly. Of course, she would not miss this opportunity to observe Zhui'er. The reason why Zhui'er's small fireball hit the little beast, and why it happened to fall down later On that tree, it was all due to Shen Qing's secret moves.

During the battle between Zhui'er and Xingpeng, Shen Qing stopped Bai Hua and others and told them not to stop them for the time being. Bai Hua had already received orders from his superiors and knew that Shen Qing wanted to take Zhui'er away, so he naturally had to follow Shen Qing's arrangements. , which is also the reason why several people behaved quite strangely after appearing.

"Do you think I can keep you safe that's why you're making such a fuss?" Shen Qing asked Zhui'er calmly while flying.

"Ah?...No." Zhui'er turned his head and looked back worriedly and answered absentmindedly. He was afraid that Lu Gang and Shu Yan would be punished, but being isolated by Shen Qing's body-protecting divine light, he couldn't see anything. "Let me go back. I can't just walk away. They are fighting this because of me!" He struggled.

"They will be fine." Shen Qing said impatiently.

"Can you guarantee it?" Zhui'er continued to struggle, but with slightly reduced strength.

"Yes." Shen Qing said one word with a straight face.

Zhui'er stopped struggling. He glanced at Shen Qing suspiciously. Shen Qing's expression made him look away quickly, and then he lowered his head and remained silent.

Shen Qing was a little dissatisfied with the violence shown by Zhui'er during the fight with Xingpeng. She learned about the grudges between the two from Bai Hua and felt that there was a big gap between Zhui'er's performance and Xunyi's. Xunyi was not a person who held grudges. , which greatly reduced her expectation that Zhui'er was the reincarnation of Xun Yi. Although Zhui'er and Lu Gang's righteous behavior later made her see a little bit of Xun Yi again, she still felt a little uncomfortable. .

"If Qianxu Palace wants to expel you from the door, I can't protect you." Shen Qing began to test.

Zhui'er said without raising his head, "Then don't bother. I'll bear the trouble myself." His tone was sincere, not a matter of anger.

"You don't seem to care much about this matter. Do you know the status of Qianxu Palace in the cultivation world? You may never have the chance to find such a good teacher without Qianxu Palace."

Zhui'er raised his head and glanced at Shen Qing. His lips moved but he didn't say anything, then he lowered his head again.

"Whatever you want to say, just say it." Shen Qing tried to slow down his tone.

"I want you to send me back. I don't ask you to help me, but if you can say a kind word to Lu Gang and Shu Yan, I will always remember your kindness."

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