Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 1196 Go home! go home! !

"Isn't it that delicious?" Shen Qing asked expressionlessly. It was very difficult for her to initiate such a conversation, but in order to collect more information about this child, she could only bite the bullet and do this. Something I'm not good at anymore.

"It's quite delicious." In order to show that the taste was okay, Zhui'er took another big bite, which made people travel all the way. Even if it tastes terrible, he still has to eat it with relish, not to mention that the taste is not bad. It's hard to swallow.

Shen Qing asked again, "Can you remember anything when you get here?"

Zhui'er said with a bitter face, "I can remember some scenes in the town where the cakes were sold, but they can only be partial. The direction from which my fourth uncle took me back then, and the direction from which I left are No impression left at all.”

Shen Qing cursed secretly in his heart, "You are such a foodie!".

What Zhui'er said is almost the truth. He was probably less than five years old when he passed by here. For a child who keeps walking on the road, he can remember where this kind of cake and that kind of tree are. It would be nice together. ??

Of course, Zhui'er still kept many similar things in mind, because he started to prepare for returning home at that time. If he got rid of Shen Qing now, he would probably be able to find his way home within a few months.

After eating the cake, Zhui'er tentatively said to Shen Qing, "How about... I'll go around here by myself and see if I can find some familiar scenery. It won't be easy for you to calm down if you follow me around." , that... I mean, when you are around, I always feel that I can't waste too much of your time, and my heart becomes a bit... "

Shen Qing saw that he was embarrassed by his explanation, so he interrupted him and uttered two words neatly, "Go ahead."

"Ah? Oh!" Zhui'er didn't expect the opportunity to come so easily. After responding, he restrained his inner excitement and slowly flew away with his sword. After flying for a while, he looked back furtively. This was not a precaution. Shen Qing followed him, but he was a little reluctant. If he ran away, he might never have the chance to see this fairy again.

When it came to escaping, Zhui'er showed enough patience, centering on the place where Shen Qing was, and circling outward little by little. He knew clearly that he couldn't see others, but others could definitely see him. .

At dusk, he had gradually circled to a position more than 300 miles away from Shen Qing. At this point, he felt that he was almost there, so he pretended to have discovered something, stopped going around in circles, and slowly headed straight away from Shen Qing. Then he went, and from time to time he pretended to drop down to look at the surrounding scenery.

He chose the place where he fell for the last time at the edge of a dense forest. After looking around, he slowly walked into the forest.

At midnight, Zhui'er was already lying in the firewood pile in the woodshed of a wealthy family in a big city. In the darkness, his eyes were shining with excitement. He felt that he should be able to get rid of the fairy. To be on the safe side, he planned to hide here for a few more days.

Hiding himself in a densely populated city was a plan he had made a long time ago. The higher the level of cultivation, the harder it is to stand this kind of filthy atmosphere. I think the fairy would not search carefully even if he came here to look for him. He was different. Now, I have just reached the stage of enlightenment. Although I feel the filthy air of the mortal world, I am far from being able to accept it.

It's no problem to hide here forever.

Thinking of seeing his parents soon, Zhui'er's eyes became moist. It has been ten years. I don't know if my parents are healthy, and I don't know how my grandparents are doing. They will definitely be very happy to see me go back. Touching the Qiankun bag, Zhui'er felt a sense of pride in his heart. Although he didn't learn much skills, these things were enough to keep his family alive for a long time. He was able to repay everyone's kindness in raising him.

After thinking about the people at home for a while, he thought of the little futon again, and he felt a strong sense of guilt in his heart. He really couldn't bring the little futon with him, and I'm afraid I won't be able to pick it up again. I'm really sorry for this person who has been with him for so long. Big friend, alas..., Zhui'er sighed in his heart, and now he can only think about the good news. Fortunately, Uncle Xu and Aunt Juan will definitely treat little Futon kindly.

After thinking about the little futon, he thought about Lu Gang and Shu Yan again... In the middle of the night, he fell asleep.

Someone came to move firewood early the next morning, and piled more firewood in the afternoon. Zhui'er never moved. On the third day, the fourth day, the fifth day, after hiding for four days and one night, he felt that it was almost the same. .

After sneaking out of this big city in the middle of the night, he flew down in a direction that he had found earlier. I don't know if it was because of a guilty conscience, but he always felt that someone was following him, so when he encountered another big city, he He hid in there, this time for five days. Before leaving, he stole some clothes and changed into his own Taoist robe.

When he came out again, he felt that everything was safe, and he started to find his way home easily and happily. This was not an easy task. Even though he had carefully memorized some easily identifiable sights, it was still quite difficult to find. The most troublesome thing was that he He couldn't let people see him running around with a flying sword. He had to find a remote place to land every time, and then go to the suspected places to identify. Most of the things he could remember were in towns, such as people's different ways. There are decorations, unique buildings, delicious cakes, etc. There are also some mountains and rivers, but there are too many mountains, rivers and rivers passing by along the way, and there are too few that can leave a deep impression.

Everything is difficult at the beginning, but it becomes much easier after finding the general direction. A month later, Zhui'er found the way much faster, and he felt that he was not too far away from home.

Two months later, he heard a familiar accent in town that nearly brought him to tears.

It took him another three days to find the Taihe River. He was sure that the big river was the Taihe River that flowed through his door, because after traveling through thousands of mountains and rivers, the Taihe River was still the largest river he had ever seen!

Walking rapidly along the river at high altitude, Zhui'er opened his eyes and carefully identified the scenery sliding slowly below. When he finally saw the familiar small fishing village, he shed tears of excitement.

"Father, mother! The child is back!" He whispered in a choked voice, then quietly fell into the wilderness far away from the village.

After putting the flying sword into the Qiankun bag, he used his spiritual consciousness to examine himself from head to toe. When he felt that there was no flaw, he strode towards home. Although he ran out secretly, he still He must abide by the rule of not revealing the identity of a monk. This is not out of consciousness, but out of fear. Uncle Xu and Aunt Juan have repeatedly emphasized this rule to him a long time ago. If he does not abide by it, it will be very dangerous. You may lose your life. "Isn't it that delicious?" Shen Qing asked expressionlessly. It was very difficult for her to initiate such a conversation, but in order to collect more information about this child, she could only bite the bullet and do this. Something I'm not good at anymore.

"It's quite delicious." In order to show that the taste was okay, Zhui'er took another big bite, which made people travel all the way. Even if it tastes terrible, he still has to eat it with relish, not to mention that the taste is not bad. It's hard to swallow.

Shen Qing asked again, "Can you remember anything when you get here?"

Zhui'er said with a bitter face, "I can remember some scenes in the town where the cakes were sold, but they can only be partial. The direction from which my fourth uncle took me back then, and the direction from which I left are No impression at all.”

Shen Qing cursed in his heart, "You are such a foodie!". ??

What Zhui'er said is almost the truth. He was probably less than five years old when he passed by here. For a child who keeps walking on the road, he can remember where this kind of cake and that kind of tree are. It would be nice if they were together.

Of course, Zhui'er still kept a lot of similar things in mind, because he started to prepare for returning home at that time. If he got rid of Shen Qing now, he would probably be able to find his way home within a few months.

After eating the cake, Zhui'er tentatively said to Shen Qing, "How about... I'll go around here by myself and see if I can find some familiar scenery. It won't be easy for you to calm down if you follow me around." , that... I mean, when you are around, I always feel that I can't waste too much of your time, and my heart becomes a bit... "

Shen Qing saw that he was embarrassed by his explanation, so he interrupted him and uttered two words neatly, "Go ahead."

"Ah? Oh!" Zhui'er didn't expect the opportunity to come so easily. After responding, he restrained his inner excitement and slowly flew away with his sword. After flying for a while, he looked back furtively. This was not a precaution. Shen Qing followed, but was a little reluctant. If he ran away, he might never have the chance to see this fairy again.

When it came to escaping, Zhui'er showed enough patience, centering on the place where Shen Qing was, and circling outward little by little. He knew clearly that he couldn't see others, but others could definitely see him. .

At dusk, he had gradually circled to a position more than 300 miles away from Shen Qing. At this point, he felt that he was almost there, so he pretended to have discovered something, stopped going around in circles, and slowly headed straight away from Shen Qing. Then he went, and from time to time he pretended to drop down to look at the surrounding scenery.

He chose the place where he fell for the last time at the edge of a dense forest. After looking around, he slowly walked into the forest.

At midnight, Zhui'er was already lying in the firewood pile in the woodshed of a wealthy family in a big city. In the darkness, his eyes were shining with excitement. He felt that he should be able to get rid of the fairy. To be on the safe side, he planned to hide here for a few more days.

Hiding himself in a densely populated city was a plan he had made a long time ago. The higher the level of cultivation, the more unbearable this filthy atmosphere is. I think the fairy would not search carefully even if he came here to look for him. He was different. Now, I have just reached the stage of enlightenment. Although I feel the filthy air of the mortal world, I am far from being able to accept it.

If you can't help it, you can hide here forever.

Thinking of seeing her parents soon, Zhui'er's eyes became moist. It has been ten years. I don't know if my parents are healthy, and I don't know how my grandparents are doing. They will definitely be very happy to see me go back. Touching the Qiankun bag, Zhui'er felt a sense of pride in his heart. Although he didn't learn much, these things were enough to keep his family alive for a long time. He was able to repay everyone's kindness in raising him.

After thinking about the people at home for a while, he thought of the little futon again, and he felt a strong sense of guilt in his heart. He really couldn't bring the little futon with him, and I'm afraid I won't be able to pick it up again. I'm really sorry for this person who has been with him for so long. Big friend, alas..., Zhui'er sighed in his heart, and now he can only think about the good news. Fortunately, Uncle Xu and Aunt Juan will definitely treat little Futon kindly.

After thinking about the little futon, he thought about Lu Gang and Shu Yan again... In the middle of the night, he fell asleep.

Someone came to move firewood early the next morning, and piled more firewood in the afternoon. Zhui'er never moved. On the third day, the fourth day, the fifth day, after hiding for four days and one night, he felt that it was almost the same. .

After sneaking out of this big city in the middle of the night, he flew down in a direction that he had found earlier. I don't know if it was because of a guilty conscience, but he always felt that someone was following him, so when he encountered another big city, he He hid in there, this time for five days. Before leaving, he stole some clothes and changed into his own Taoist robe.

When he came out again, he felt that everything was safe, and he started to find his way home easily and happily. This was not an easy task. Even though he had carefully memorized some easily identifiable sights, it was still quite difficult to find. The most troublesome thing was that he He couldn't let people see him running around with a flying sword. He had to find a remote place to land every time, and then go to the suspected places to identify. Most of the things he could remember were in towns, such as people's different ways. There are decorations, unique buildings, delicious cakes, etc. There are also some mountains and rivers, but there are too many mountains, rivers and rivers passing by along the way, and there are too few that can leave a deep impression.

Everything is difficult at the beginning, but it becomes much easier after finding the general direction. A month later, Zhui'er found the way much faster, and he felt that he was not too far away from home.

Two months later, he heard a familiar accent in town that nearly brought him to tears.

It took him another three days to find the Taihe River. He was sure that the big river was the Taihe River that flowed through his door, because after traveling through thousands of mountains and rivers, the Taihe River was still the largest river he had ever seen!

Walking rapidly along the river at high altitude, Zhui'er opened his eyes and carefully identified the scenery sliding slowly below. When he finally saw the familiar small fishing village, he shed tears of excitement.

"Father, mother! The child is back!" He whispered in a choked voice, then quietly fell into the wilderness far away from the village.

After putting the flying sword into the Qiankun bag, he used his spiritual consciousness to examine himself from head to toe. When he felt that there was no flaw, he strode towards home. Although he ran out secretly, he still He must abide by the rule of not revealing the identity of a monk. This is not out of consciousness, but out of fear. Uncle Xu and Aunt Juan have repeatedly emphasized this rule to him a long time ago. If he does not abide by it, it will be very dangerous. You may lose your life.

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