Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 1209 The middle stage of development

The big man gritted his teeth and gasped. He didn't dare to glare at Zhui'er, but the hatred in his heart was self-evident. If the path of cultivation was cut off, it would be crueler than killing him.

When Zhui'er saw the big man's behavior, he couldn't help but secretly become ruthless. He wanted to defeat these two people. The big man was obviously not convinced. If he was just destroyed, there would be nothing more to say. Most likely he will be expelled from the school, but if he is not abolished, he will definitely get revenge on himself in the future.

Thinking of this, he put the sharp edge of the machete against the big man's face. Before he could say anything, the big man collapsed and said with tears, "You have already beaten me to pieces. Even if I bully you, But this should be evened out, you still want my life..."

"Hmph! I will spare your life this time. If there is another time, I will kill you!" Zhui'er said these cruel words stiffly.

"I'm useless, what's the next time?!" The big man looked at Zhui'er with tears in his eyes. There was resentment in his eyes, but because he didn't dare to reveal too much, he looked more like a A pleading complaint.

"Huh!" Zhui'er snorted again, and then Yujian flew away in the air. He could only pretend so much, and he was still very flustered. If the big man was really useless, he would be in misery.

He couldn't go to see Uncle Xu and Aunt Juan when he was so flustered. Zhui'er sat by a stream for a while before he calmed down. When he flew into the air again, he didn't panic anymore because he had figured it out. Even though he was forced to go home after his cultivation was abolished, he still accepted it. I think his parents should be able to forgive him after learning the whole story. He only got into this situation in order not to drag down his good friends. His mother has always taught him She wants to be a kind and righteous person, and she will definitely not blame herself for this. If she can go back to reunite with her parents, it will be a blessing in disguise. Anyway, Shen Qing said that cultivation is not necessarily right, so she stopped There is nothing regrettable about cultivating the path.

After thinking about it, he calmed down. After Zhui'er beat his two classmates, one was seriously injured and the other was slightly injured, he went to see Uncle Xu and Aunt Juan in a nonchalant manner. The couple really didn't notice. Something is wrong.

One thing that made Zhui'er feel a little sad when I went back this time was that little Futon'er started to show his age. When he saw his little master coming, he jumped around Zhui'er as excitedly as usual, but he didn't. After a while, he lay on the side tiredly and stopped moving. He could only follow the figure of the little master with his attached eyes. It is just an ordinary dog. It is already fifteen or sixteen years old this year and is about to reach the end of its life.

Zhui'er stayed there for three days before returning. He wanted to spend more time with Uncle Xu and Aunt Juan. Maybe he would be kicked out of the house after he returned. He would never have the chance to see Uncle Xu and Aunt Juan who loved him again in this life.

During these three days, he once took Little Futon'er to a secluded place and tried to communicate with her through his mind again as he did when he was a child. He wanted Little Futon'er to know how sad he was, but unfortunately he failed to do so and gather his thoughts. Even though I was almost in pain and fainting from thinking about it, I couldn't let Little Futon'er realize my thoughts. In the end, I could only hold Little Futon'er in my arms and shed tears for a while.

I returned to my residence feeling anxious, and not long after, a senior brother came to my door.

Zhui'er's heart suddenly rose to his throat. Even though he was fully prepared, he was still nervous and his heart was beating fast as he had not experienced any big storms. What he didn't expect was that the senior brother

Before speaking, he gave him a pill.

"Senior brother, are you here to give me pills?" Zhui'er asked nervously. He had received pills twice in the more than three years since he came to Wuyu Peak, and it was this senior brother who sent them to him.

"Well, this is only available to disciples with higher qualifications. Don't tell others." The senior brother said in a routine manner.

"Yes! I know! Thank you, senior brother!" Zhui'er nodded repeatedly. He also said the same thing the last two times when he gave him pills. Senior Brother Bai also gave him such instructions more than once when giving him pills. Zhui'er has long been accustomed to it. .

The senior brother looked at Zhui'er and his face sank slightly and said, "We have already investigated clearly the matter of your injury to Lu Zheng. You were a bit harsh, but because this matter is excusable, I won't do anything to you this time." I’ve been punished, so I won’t do it again. Just practice with peace of mind.”

"Thank you so much, senior brother!" After hearing this verdict, Zhui'er's mood suddenly became complicated, because he had been thinking about this matter these days, and he even wanted to be driven home.

His reaction made the senior brother feel strange, but he just looked at him in confusion and left without asking anything.

Zhui'er sat there for three days in a row. After clearing his mind, he took the light green pill.

With the help of the effect of this elixir, Zhui'er broke through in one fell swoop three months later and entered the middle stage of enlightenment.

After another three days to stabilize his cultivation, he went to check the divine thoughts left on the protective circle. As expected, there was a divine thought left by Xingpeng on it. Xingpeng fiercely threatened to replace the big man. Lu Zheng and Pi San took revenge and would never let him have a good life in the future.

Xingpeng's message made Zhui'er's heart immediately filled with unspeakable boredom. He really didn't want to live like this anymore. The current situation left him with no hope because he couldn't go home. The sky was dark enough, but this Xingpeng was like a noisy crow hovering in the dark sky, unable to drive away, unable to drive away, so annoying that he wanted to tear it apart.

Xingpeng mentioned in his message that he has entered the middle stage of Kairong, which means that the two of them are on the same level. For Zhui'er, this should be something to be happy about. He has evened the gap between them. But Zhui'er is not happy at all, because it is very difficult to get rid of Xingpeng in terms of cultivation to the point where he dare not provoke him. Even if it can be done, it will take many years of hard work, and it won't take long. The big man and the others will enter the middle stage of Kai Rong, and they will have to live a life of being bullied by then. The most terrible thing is that if this continues, Lu Gang and Shu Yan will sooner or later be dragged into big trouble by themselves.

After thinking for a long time, Zhui'er walked out of the residence slowly. Since arriving at Wuyu Peak, he acted like a thief every time he walked out of the residence. This was the first time he stepped out of the door with firm steps.

After getting up with the sword, he first came to Pi San's residence nearest to him. As soon as he stopped, Pi San poked his head out of the magic circle. The kid's eyes flickered with evil, and he squeezed out a smile. Then he retracted his head, and Zhui'er felt a little relieved. He could see that this kid was completely afraid of him, otherwise he wouldn't show his head like this.

Next he went to the big man's residence. He stayed there for a while but saw no reaction inside. He didn't know whether the big man was practicing or he didn't dare to come out to see him. Just when he was about to leave, Xingpeng's menacing sword flew over. . The big man gritted his teeth and gasped. He didn't dare to glare at Zhui'er, but the hatred in his heart was self-evident. If the path of cultivation was cut off, it would be crueler than killing him.

When Zhui'er saw the big man's behavior, he couldn't help but secretly become ruthless. He wanted to defeat these two people. The big man was obviously not convinced. If he was just destroyed, there would be nothing more to say. Most likely he will be expelled from the school, but if he is not abolished, he will definitely get revenge on himself in the future.

Thinking of this, he put the sharp edge of the machete against the big man's face. Before he could say anything, the big man collapsed and said with tears, "You have already beaten me to pieces. Even if I bully you, But this should be evened out, you still want my life..."

"Hmph! I will spare your life this time. If there is another time, I will kill you!" Zhui'er said these cruel words stiffly.

"I'm useless, what's the next time?!" The big man looked at Zhui'er with tears in his eyes. There was resentment in his eyes, but because he didn't dare to reveal too much, he looked more like a A pleading complaint.

"Huh!" Zhui'er snorted again, and then Yujian flew away in the air. He could only pretend so much, and he was still very flustered. If the big man was really useless, he would be in misery.

He couldn't go to see Uncle Xu and Aunt Juan when he was so flustered. Zhui'er sat by a stream for a while before he calmed down. When he flew into the air again, he didn't panic anymore because he had figured it out. Even though he was forced to go home after his cultivation was abolished, he still accepted it. I think his parents should be able to forgive him after learning the whole story. He only got into this situation in order not to drag down his good friends. His mother has always taught him She wants to be a kind and righteous person, and she will definitely not blame herself for this. If she can go back to reunite with her parents, it will be a blessing in disguise. Anyway, Shen Qing said that cultivation is not necessarily right, so she stopped There is nothing regrettable about cultivating the path.

After thinking about it, he calmed down. After Zhui'er beat his two classmates, one was seriously injured and the other was slightly injured, he went to see Uncle Xu and Aunt Juan in a nonchalant manner. The couple really didn't notice. Something is wrong.

One thing that made Zhui'er feel a little sad when I went back this time was that little Futon'er started to show his age. When he saw his little master coming, he jumped around Zhui'er as excitedly as usual, but he didn't. After a while, he lay on the side tiredly and stopped moving. He could only follow the figure of the little master with his attached eyes. It is just an ordinary dog. It is already fifteen or sixteen years old this year and is about to reach the end of its life.

Zhui'er stayed there for three days before returning. He wanted to spend more time with Uncle Xu and Aunt Juan. Maybe he would be kicked out of the house after he returned. He would never have the chance to see Uncle Xu and Aunt Juan who loved him again in this life.

During these three days, he once took Little Futon'er to a secluded place and tried to communicate with her through his mind again as he did when he was a child. He wanted Little Futon'er to know how sad he was, but unfortunately he failed to do so and gather his thoughts. Even though I was almost in pain and fainting from thinking about it, I couldn't let Little Futon'er realize my thoughts. In the end, I could only hold Little Futon'er in my arms and shed tears for a while.

I returned to my residence feeling anxious, and not long after, a senior brother came to my door.

Zhui'er's heart suddenly rose to his throat. Even though he was fully prepared, he was still nervous and his heart was beating fast as he had not experienced any big storms. What he didn't expect was that the senior brother

Before speaking, he gave him a pill.

"Senior brother, are you here to give me pills?" Zhui'er asked nervously. He had received pills twice in the more than three years since he came to Wuyu Peak, and it was this senior brother who sent them to him.

"Well, this is only available to disciples with higher qualifications. Don't tell others." The senior brother said in a routine manner.

"Yes! I know! Thank you, senior brother!" Zhui'er nodded repeatedly. He also said the same thing the last two times when he gave him pills. Senior Brother Bai also gave him such instructions more than once when giving him pills. Zhui'er has long been accustomed to it. .

The senior brother looked at Zhui'er and his face sank slightly and said, "We have already investigated clearly the matter of you injuring Lu Zheng. Your attack was a bit harsh, but since the matter is excusable, I won't do anything to you this time." I’ve been punished, so I won’t do it again. Just practice with peace of mind.”

"Thank you so much, senior brother!" After hearing this verdict, Zhui'er's mood suddenly became complicated, because he had been thinking about this matter these days, and he even wanted to be driven home.

His reaction made the senior brother feel strange, but he just looked at him in confusion and left without asking anything.

Zhui'er sat there for three days in a row. After clearing his mind, he took the light green pill.

With the help of the effect of this elixir, Zhui'er broke through in one fell swoop three months later and entered the middle stage of enlightenment.

After another three days to stabilize his cultivation, he went to check the divine thoughts left on the protective circle. As expected, there was a divine thought left by Xingpeng on it. Xingpeng fiercely threatened to replace the big man. Lu Zheng and Pi San took revenge and would never let him have a good life in the future.

Xingpeng's message made Zhui'er's heart immediately filled with unspeakable boredom. He really didn't want to live like this anymore. The current situation left him with no hope because he couldn't go home. The sky was dark enough, but this Xingpeng was like a noisy crow hovering in the dark sky, unable to drive away, unable to drive away, so annoying that he wanted to tear it apart.

Xingpeng mentioned in his message that he has entered the middle stage of Kairong, which means that the two of them are on the same level. For Zhui'er, this should be something to be happy about. He has evened the gap between them. But Zhui'er is not happy at all, because it is very difficult to get rid of Xingpeng in terms of cultivation to the point where he dare not provoke him. Even if it can be done, it will take many years of hard work, and it won't take long. The big man and the others will enter the middle stage of Kai Rong, and they will have to live a life of being bullied by then. The most terrible thing is that if this continues, Lu Gang and Shu Yan will sooner or later be dragged into big trouble by themselves.

After thinking for a long time, Zhui'er walked out of the residence slowly. Since arriving at Wuyu Peak, he acted like a thief every time he walked out of the residence. This was the first time he stepped out of the door with firm steps.

After getting up with the sword, he first came to Pi San's residence nearest to him. As soon as he stopped, Pi San poked his head out of the magic circle. The kid's eyes flickered with evil, and he squeezed out a smile. Then he retracted his head, and Zhui'er felt a little relieved. He could see that this kid was completely afraid of him, otherwise he wouldn't show his head like this.

Next he went to the big man's residence. He stayed there for a while but saw no reaction inside. He didn't know whether the big man was practicing or he didn't dare to come out to see him. Just when he was about to leave, Xingpeng's menacing sword flew over. .

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