Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 1230 You damn bitch

There was a flash of light, and Xingpeng, whose Qi Palace was shocked, turned around and ran away. He had lost the opportunity and was injured. No matter how brave he was, he could not suffer this immediate loss.

The ferocious Zhui'er chased after him like crazy. The hunting fork in his hand hit Xingpeng's vest mercilessly and he threw it out.

Xingpeng had a lot of fighting experience. While running wildly, he used his flying sword to barely block the hunting fork. This heavy blow almost made him spurt blood.

After exchanging this move, Xingpeng ran out of the yard. Zhui'er was determined to teach Xingpeng a painful lesson, so he followed him and rushed out without mercy.

The distance between the two was only ten feet. Xingpeng ran wildly while urging the flying sword to guard against Zhui'er's attack again. He didn't have time to jump onto the flying sword. Zhui'er chased him ten feet away before he realized something was wrong because Xingpeng was running too fast. , and also urged the flying sword, which obviously used spiritual power. After realizing this, he couldn't help but panic. Just when he didn't know whether to bluff to scare away Xingpeng or to hurry back, he saw Xingpeng. Peng had already jumped on the flying sword and fled in panic.

Xingpeng was indeed frightened and was a little dazed. He was afraid that Zhui'er would really kill him, so as soon as he distanced himself, he immediately jumped on the flying sword and fled forward. He had no time to think about why he was so easily thrown away. The pendulum is open.

Zhui'er forced himself to be calm and watched Xingpeng go away. Then he breathed a sigh of relief, and then ran towards the courtyard in a panic. While running, he turned his head to look worriedly. When he turned back for the third time, he was shocked to find that Xingpeng is just a few feet behind him!

When he saw Xingpeng, Xingpeng had already made a sword hand and stabbed him with a sword energy formed by spiritual power. This time it was his turn to be killed by someone who was caught off guard. He had no time to resist. All he could do was Subconsciously he raised his arm to block it.

The sword energy stabbed his arm hard, and he screamed and flew into the courtyard. After rolling to the ground, he ignored the pain in his arm and jumped up, holding the hunting fork in one hand and getting ready. Ready for the hard fight ahead.

Xingpeng slowly walked into the yard with a flying sword in hand, a victor's smile on his lips, but his eyes were full of defensiveness.

Zhui'er slowly backed away. The severe pain in his arm greatly affected his ability to use his spiritual power. In this case, he did not dare to attack rashly.

After Xingpeng forced Zhui'er to take a few steps back, he stared at Zhui'er and slowly walked towards the place where the fight had just happened. He said jokingly, "So you don't have the talisman yet, so you can study alchemy here for a few years." Let’s get some introductory knowledge, and I’ll make sure you learn it solidly.”

Zhui'er said nothing with anger in his eyes. He really had no idea about the tragic fate that Xingpeng described to him. If they stayed outside, he would definitely not dare to go out. It would take six or seven people to run back to Xianlin Courtyard from here. of time.

Seeing that Zhui'er was frightened, Xingpeng suddenly used a burst of spiritual power to grab a jade plaque on the ground, and then immediately walked backwards towards the outside of the courtyard, with a smile on his face as if every plan had succeeded.

That jade tablet was the defensive magic weapon he used just now. Because the situation was too critical at that time, after using this magic weapon to block the hunting fork, he had no time to take it back, so he could only let it fall to the ground. Now he finally got it back.

"I told you that I won't fight you in the training ground. I am now a disciple of Xianlin Academy and must abide by the rules of Xianlin Academy." Xing Peng stepped out of the courtyard.

He also gave an explanation for his retreat.

Zhui'er silently watched Xingpeng exit. Judging from the embarrassing manner in which Xingpeng retrieved the jade token, he realized that Xingpeng was also bluffing. This kid should have been seriously injured by his fork. The two of them It was Ma Shou and Da Lang who were both afraid. Without the slightest certainty of victory, he had no choice but to let Xingpeng go.

Back in the house, he checked the injury on his arm. The sword energy stabbed a bloody hole in his forearm, which was as deep as the arm bone. This also proved that Xingpeng's injury was indeed serious, otherwise his arm would definitely be damaged. There was no way to stop the sword energy. He didn't believe that Xingpeng would be merciful.

"You damn bitch, I'm going to make you look good sooner or later!" Zhui'er cursed fiercely in his heart while bandaging the wound. Of course he wasn't cursing Xingpeng, he was cursing the woman in black dress he saw before, because When he suddenly saw Xingpeng appear behind him, he also saw the woman's figure. Although she was standing far away, Zhui'er was sure that she was involved. She must have revealed to Xingpeng that she could not be outside. News of using spiritual power, otherwise how would Xingpeng dare to come back? And she kept looking back at that time. If she hadn't helped Xingpeng, how could Xingpeng have such fast movement skills?

"I didn't provoke you or offend you!" Zhui'er bandaged the wound angrily, and then began to use his spiritual power to heal the wound. Skin and flesh wounds were nothing to a monk, but this wound touched the bones, so... It cannot be cured in an instant.

There were no stars or moon that night, and it was so dark that I couldn't see my fingers. Zhui'er gritted his teeth and quietly walked out of the yard. He wanted to bet that Xingpeng would go back to heal his injuries. Now he had no choice but to join the Xianlin Academy. Listen to Xingpeng The meaning behind the words seems to be that the talisman is the key to whether he can use his spiritual power. If he doesn't seize the opportunity now, it will be even more difficult when Xingpeng recovers.

He dared to bet that in addition to being forced to have no choice but to rely on one thing, he had just learned a little bit of "Observation of the Sky". At this moment, his spiritual consciousness detection range was at least five or six miles farther than that of monks of the same level. During the Kairong period, the detection range of spiritual consciousness cannot be as far as the eyes. This dark night can help. According to his speculation, if Xingpeng stayed outside and did not leave, he should be hiding in the normal place. Not far away from the detection range of his spiritual consciousness, as long as he is not found within the extra five or six miles, there is probably a chance.

Zhui'er held her breath and quietly walked to the edge of the courtyard door, trying her best to send out her consciousness.

He guessed correctly, Xingpeng was located in the extra five or six miles, and it was hidden in a patch of weeds by the roadside. It seemed that he was recovering from his injuries.

Zhui'er let out a bitter sigh. He couldn't take this risk. He could only walk along the road. He couldn't enter the grass on both sides. He had already tried this before, passing by others at such a close distance. That's not taking a risk, it's risking death.

This road seemed to be unfeasible. Zhui'er had expected this. Xingpeng was not a fool. Others he could think of should also be able to think of it.

The depressed Zhui'er wanted to use his spiritual consciousness to scare Xingpeng. Although his spiritual consciousness was too weak at this distance to cause any harm to others, it would be nice to scare this kid, but this might lead to exposure. He is studying the secrets of "Observing the Sky", which will make Xingpeng increase his defenses in this regard.

After suppressing this harmful and useless thought, Zhui'er returned to the house with his head down. There was a flash of light, and Xing Peng, whose Qi Palace was shocked, turned around and ran away. He had lost the opportunity and was injured. No matter how brave he was, he could not suffer this immediate loss.

The ferocious Zhui'er chased after him like crazy. The hunting fork in his hand hit Xingpeng's vest mercilessly and he threw it out.

Xingpeng had a lot of fighting experience. While running wildly, he had already used his flying sword to barely block the hunting fork. This heavy blow almost made him spurt blood.

After exchanging this move, Xingpeng ran out of the yard. Zhui'er was determined to teach Xingpeng a painful lesson, so he followed him and rushed out without mercy.

The distance between the two was only ten feet. Xingpeng ran wildly while urging the flying sword to guard against Zhui'er's attack again. He didn't have time to jump onto the flying sword. Zhui'er chased him ten feet away before he realized something was wrong because Xingpeng was running too fast. , and also urged the flying sword, which obviously used spiritual power. After realizing this, he couldn't help but panic. Just when he didn't know whether to bluff to scare away Xingpeng or to hurry back, he saw Xingpeng. Peng had already jumped on the flying sword and fled in panic.

Xingpeng was indeed frightened and was a little dazed. He was afraid that Zhui'er would really kill him, so as soon as he opened the distance, he immediately jumped on the flying sword and fled forward. He had no time to think about why he was so easily thrown away. The pendulum is open.

Zhui'er forced himself to be calm and watched Xingpeng go away. Then he breathed a sigh of relief, and then ran towards the courtyard in a panic. As he ran, he turned his head and looked worriedly. When he turned back for the third time, he was shocked to find that Xingpeng is just a few feet behind him!

When he saw Xingpeng, Xingpeng had already made a sword hand and stabbed him with a sword energy formed by spiritual power. This time it was his turn to be killed by someone who was caught off guard. He had no time to resist. All he could do was Subconsciously he raised his arm to block it. .??.

The sword energy stabbed his arm hard, and he screamed and flew into the courtyard. After rolling to the ground, he ignored the pain in his arm and jumped up, holding the hunting fork in one hand and getting ready. Ready for the hard fight ahead.

Xingpeng slowly walked into the yard with a flying sword in hand, a victor's smile on his lips, but his eyes were full of defensiveness.

Zhui'er slowly backed away. The severe pain in his arm greatly affected his ability to use his spiritual power. In this case, he did not dare to attack rashly.

After Xingpeng forced Zhui'er to take a few steps back, he stared at Zhui'er and slowly walked towards the place where the fight had just happened. He said jokingly, "So you don't have the talisman yet, so you can study alchemy here for a few years." Let’s get some introductory knowledge, and I’ll make sure you learn it solidly.”

Zhui'er said nothing with anger in his eyes. He really had no idea about the tragic fate that Xingpeng described to him. If they stayed outside, he would definitely not dare to go out. It would take six or seven people to run back to Xianlin Courtyard from here. of time.

Seeing that Zhui'er was frightened, Xingpeng suddenly used a burst of spiritual power to grab a jade plaque on the ground, and then immediately walked backwards towards the outside of the courtyard, with a smile on his face as if every plan had succeeded.

That jade tablet was the defensive magic weapon he used just now. Because the situation was too critical at that time, after using this magic weapon to block the hunting fork, he had no time to take it back, so he could only let it fall to the ground. Now he finally got it back.

"I told you that I won't fight you in the training ground. I am now a disciple of Xianlin Academy and must abide by the rules of Xianlin Academy." Xing Peng stepped out of the courtyard.

He also gave an explanation for his retreat.

Zhui'er silently watched Xingpeng exit. Judging from the embarrassing manner in which Xingpeng retrieved the jade token, he realized that Xingpeng was also bluffing. This kid should have been seriously injured by his fork. The two of them It was Ma Shou and Da Lang who were both afraid. Without the slightest certainty of victory, he had no choice but to let Xingpeng go.

Back in the house, he checked the injury on his arm. The sword energy stabbed a bloody hole in his forearm, which was as deep as the arm bone. This also proved that Xingpeng's injury was indeed serious, otherwise his arm would definitely be damaged. There was no way to stop the sword energy. He didn't believe that Xingpeng would be merciful.

"You damn bitch, I'm going to make you look good sooner or later!" Zhui'er cursed fiercely in his heart while bandaging the wound. Of course he wasn't cursing Xingpeng, he was cursing the woman in black dress he saw before, because When he suddenly saw Xingpeng appear behind him, he also saw the woman's figure. Although she was standing far away, Zhui'er was sure that she was involved. She must have revealed to Xingpeng that she could not be outside. News of using spiritual power, otherwise how would Xingpeng dare to come back? And she kept looking back at that time. If she hadn't helped Xingpeng, how could Xingpeng have such fast movement skills?

"I didn't provoke you or offend you!" Zhui'er bandaged the wound angrily, and then began to use his spiritual power to heal the wound. Skin and flesh wounds were nothing to a monk, but this wound touched the bones, so... It cannot be cured in an instant.

There were no stars or moon that night, and it was so dark that he couldn't see his fingers. Zhui'er gritted his teeth and quietly left the yard. He wanted to bet that Xingpeng would go back to heal his injuries. Now he had no choice but to join the Xianlin Academy. Listening to Xingpeng The meaning behind the words seems to be that the talisman is the key to whether he can use his spiritual power. If he doesn't seize the opportunity now, it will be even more difficult when Xingpeng recovers.

He dared to bet that in addition to being forced to have no choice but to rely on one thing, he had just learned a little bit of "Observation of the Sky". At this moment, his spiritual consciousness detection range was at least five or six miles farther than that of monks of the same level. During the Kairong period, the detection range of spiritual consciousness cannot be as far as the eyes. This dark night can help. According to his speculation, if Xingpeng stayed outside and did not leave, he should be hiding in the normal place. Not far away from the detection range of his spiritual consciousness, as long as he is not found within the extra five or six miles, there is probably a chance.

Zhui'er held her breath and quietly walked to the edge of the courtyard door, trying her best to send out her consciousness.

He guessed correctly, Xingpeng was located in the extra five or six miles, and it was hidden in a patch of weeds by the roadside. It seemed that he was recovering from his injuries.

Zhui'er let out a bitter sigh. He couldn't take this risk. He could only walk along the road. He couldn't enter the grass on both sides. He had already tried this before, passing by others at such a close distance. That's not taking a risk, it's risking death.

This road seemed to be unfeasible. Zhui'er had expected this. Xingpeng was not a fool. Others he could think of should also be able to think of it.

The depressed Zhui'er wanted to use his spiritual consciousness to scare Xingpeng. Although his spiritual consciousness was too weak at this distance to cause any harm to others, it would be nice to scare this kid, but this might lead to exposure. He is studying the secrets of "Observing the Sky", which will make Xingpeng increase his defenses in this regard.

After suppressing this harmful and useless thought, Zhui'er returned to the house with his head down.

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