Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 1271 Encountering a strange snake again

Reluctantly, Zhui'er left Xingpeng's residence and flew aimlessly deep into the Xianlin Courtyard.

In fact, it was not aimless, because after changing the direction a few times, he quickly headed towards the direction where Huaying lived.

It may be a bit exaggerated to say that men are all cheap-boned, but there are indeed not many who are not cheap-boned.

Huaying has been against Zhui'er many times, but Zhui'er still thinks about her. Although her relationship with Shen Qing has developed by leaps and bounds, Zhui'er's love for Shen Qing has not deepened, but has weakened a bit. Firstly, Shen Qing repeatedly expressed his ambition to be Taoist, which made Zhui'er realize that people do not consider personal relationships between men and women. Secondly, after getting along with her for several months, it became increasingly difficult for Zhui'er to blush like that. The feeling of heartbeat was gone. Even though Shen Qing was finally held in his arms, the feeling was still a bit strange, like being scratched at a distance, which was far less intense and turbulent than the love between a man and a woman.

The thing about being tempted is hard to explain. Shen Qing really moved Zhui'er, but now in comparison, the painting is more attractive to his soul. In terms of appearance, the painting may not be as good as Shen Qing, but her every frown and smile It can make Zhui'er think deeply.

Xianlinyuan is too big. The residence of the monks in the middle stage of Yuanying is more than 2,000 miles away from the mountain gate. It is quite tiring to fly so far with the cultivation level of Kairong in the later stage.

Fortunately, the scenery along the way is beautiful, with green mountains and green lakes. The flying process is like swimming in a painting. Zhui'er is admiring the beautiful scenery while flying, and his mood gradually becomes more comfortable, but he will be captured by Wen Danzi at any time. The dark clouds have been hanging over my heart, so the mood of traveling around the mountains and rivers is inevitably a bit tense, and I don't dare to slow down at all.

When he flew near Huaying's residence, he was almost exhausted. Zhui'er stopped by a small river to breathe for a while, then made a strolling gesture and flew towards the vast sea of ​​bamboo where Huaying lived.

Most of the disciples of Xianlin Academy moved to other places when they reached the middle and late stages of Yuanying. Most of those who stayed in Xianlin Academy in the late stage of Yuanying were weirdos like Wen Danzi. Although Huaying had already reached the level of cultivation She is in the middle stage of Yuanying, but it has only been more than 300 years since she entered the Xianlin Academy. This means that it only took her more than 300 years to reach the middle stage of Yuanying. Although this speed is faster than that of reaching the middle stage of Yuanying in only more than 200 years. Shen Qing is slightly inferior, but you can't find many in the world. From this, we can see how deep the pool of water in Qianxu Palace is. In terms of strength, the Qingyuan Sect, which is well-known in the world of cultivation, is stronger than them all. A big difference.

Huaying has always been very proud of the speed of her cultivation. Shen Qing's late comer made her very uncomfortable, and she was holding back her energy to compete with Shen Qing in terms of years in the late Nascent Soul stage. That's why she was eager to get a pill from Wen Danzi.

The territory where monks live in the middle stage of Nascent Soul is even wider. The bamboo sea stretching for hundreds of miles is Huaying's territory, but when it comes to the richness of spiritual energy, it is not as rich as the area where Zhui'er and the others live. At their level, The need for Reiki is not that great anymore.

Zhui'er pretended to be very interested in the bamboo forest and flew towards the depths of the bamboo forest with his sword. From time to time, he also penetrated into the bamboo forest and walked through the green bamboos that stood straight into the sky. After flying for about two hundred miles, the bamboos were no longer emerald green. Yes, the bamboo stalks and branches turned into a tender yellow color, but the leaves were still green and looked extremely beautiful. Zhui'er had never seen this kind of bamboo before, and he was amazed when he saw it. This time he became really interested in the bamboo forest. .

"So beautiful

Bamboo, it would be great if I could take a few bamboos back to my mother to plant in the yard. " Zhui'er stroked a bamboo stalk as thick as an arm. He couldn't put it down because of its smooth feel and delicate color.

Just when he was feeling intoxicated, he suddenly felt a warning sign. He turned around and saw a strange snake less than ten feet to his left, vomiting its head high and staring at him with a pair of red eyes!

"Here it comes again!" Zhui'er screamed in pain in his heart. The strange snake hurt him badly last time. Now he thinks about it and his scalp is numb. Although this snake is completely different from that one, it still feels like it. Looking at the pair of rabbit ears on the top of the head, you can tell that they must be transformed into talismans.

This snake looks much prettier than the last one. It is only three feet long and has a golden body. It is difficult to find among the yellow bamboo stalks. It also has two pairs of thin wings like dragonflies. The overall look is Although the appearance is weird, it exudes an eerie beauty. Even the two thin rabbit ears with only fine golden hairs look coordinated. It seems that the snake used to deal with him last time belongs to someone else. A casual creation, this one is definitely much more powerful than that one.

"I just came to look at the bamboos, nothing else." Zhui'er didn't dare to move and carefully sent his spiritual message to the snake. Although he knew it was not a living being, Zhui'er still hoped that it would understand.

As soon as this spiritual thought passed through, the snake suddenly shot straight towards him like a golden lightning bolt!

"Ah!" Zhui'er subconsciously ran backwards, and the snake followed him like a shadow. The two dagger-like fangs raised were less than a foot away from his face, so that Zhui'er had no time to wield his sword. We can only retreat desperately!

"I don't want to destroy you, so stop chasing me! Senior Sister Huaying! Senior Sister Huaying, please take it away!" Zhui'er shouted urgently.

Before he stopped shouting, a man's voice came over, "You really have the nerve to say, try to destroy it." This voice was full of ridicule.

"Who are you!" Zhui'er was forced by the snake and did not dare to use his consciousness to investigate. He only heard that the voice came from above.

"If you destroy it, I'll tell you who I am." With these words, a thin man appeared behind the strange snake. He looked like he was a disciple of Xianlin Academy, and he appeared at the same time. There are also painted shadows.

"Sister Huaying, please collect it quickly!" Zhui'er ignored the man and hurriedly asked Huaying for help.

"Don't accept it, let him destroy one for us to see." The man floated behind the flying monster snake with a mocking look on his face, and Huaying was by his side, his pretty face was full of disdain. Ignore Zhui'er's cry for help.

Huaying's reaction made Zhui'er feel very sad. He suddenly stopped the movement of his spiritual power and swung the long sword in his hand to slash at the strange snake!

Although he had the experience of dealing with the strange snake last time, this snake was too close to him. Its two fangs were only a foot away from his face. Once his spiritual power stopped, his retreat speed would be greatly reduced, and he would not wait for the long sword to hit him. The snake body, those two fangs should have bitten him, so he subconsciously closed his eyes.

"Bang!" Zhui'er struck out with his sword, and his back hit a bamboo. Just now, he could use his spiritual consciousness to check the retreat behind him while retreating. However, once his spiritual power stopped, his spiritual consciousness would no longer be able to use it. With a solid impact on the left side of his body, his body suddenly lost balance, staggered half a circle, and then fell heavily to the ground. Reluctantly, Zhui'er left Xingpeng's residence and flew aimlessly deep into the Xianlin Courtyard.

In fact, it was not aimless, because after changing the direction a few times, he quickly headed towards the direction where Huaying lived.

It may be a bit exaggerated to say that men are all cheap-boned, but there are indeed not many who are not cheap-boned.

Huaying has been against Zhui'er many times, but Zhui'er still thinks about her. Although her relationship with Shen Qing has developed by leaps and bounds, Zhui'er's love for Shen Qing has not deepened, but has weakened a bit. Firstly, Shen Qing repeatedly expressed his ambition to be Taoist, which made Zhui'er realize that people do not consider personal relationships between men and women. Secondly, after getting along with her for several months, it became increasingly difficult for Zhui'er to blush like that. The feeling of heartbeat was gone. Even though Shen Qing was finally held in his arms, the feeling was still a bit strange, like being scratched at a distance, which was far less intense and turbulent than the love between a man and a woman.

The thing about being tempted is hard to explain. Shen Qing really moved Zhui'er, but now in comparison, the painting is more attractive to his soul. In terms of appearance, the painting may not be as good as Shen Qing, but her every frown and smile It can make Zhui'er think deeply.

Xianlinyuan is too big. The residence of the monks in the middle stage of Yuanying is more than 2,000 miles away from the mountain gate. It is quite tiring to fly so far with the cultivation level of Kairong in the later stage.

Fortunately, the scenery along the way is beautiful, with green mountains and green lakes. The flying process is like swimming in a painting. Zhui'er is admiring the beautiful scenery while flying, and his mood gradually becomes more comfortable, but he will be captured by Wen Danzi at any time. The dark clouds have been hanging over my heart, so the mood of traveling around the mountains and rivers is inevitably a bit tense, and I don't dare to slow down at all.

When he flew near Huaying's residence, he was almost exhausted. Zhui'er stopped by a small river to breathe for a while, then made a strolling gesture and flew towards the vast sea of ​​bamboo where Huaying lived.

Most of the disciples of Xianlin Academy moved to other places when they reached the middle and late stages of Yuanying. Most of those who stayed in Xianlin Academy in the late stage of Yuanying were weirdos like Wen Danzi. Although Huaying had already reached the level of cultivation She is in the middle stage of Yuanying, but it has only been more than 300 years since she entered the Xianlin Academy. This means that it only took her more than 300 years to reach the middle stage of Yuanying. Although this speed is faster than that of reaching the middle stage of Yuanying in only more than 200 years. Shen Qing is slightly inferior, but you can't find many in the world. From this, we can see how deep the pool of water in Qianxu Palace is. In terms of strength, the Qingyuan Sect, which is well-known in the world of cultivation, is stronger than them all. A big difference.

Huaying has always been very proud of the speed of her cultivation. Shen Qing's late comer made her very uncomfortable, and she was holding back her energy to compete with Shen Qing in terms of years in the late Nascent Soul stage. That's why she was eager to get a pill from Wen Danzi.

The territory where monks live in the middle stage of Nascent Soul is even wider. The bamboo sea stretching for hundreds of miles is Huaying's territory, but when it comes to the richness of spiritual energy, it is not as rich as the area where Zhui'er and the others live. At their level, The need for Reiki is not that great anymore.

Zhui'er pretended to be very interested in the bamboo forest and flew towards the depths of the bamboo forest with his sword. From time to time, he also penetrated into the bamboo forest and walked through the green bamboos that stood straight into the sky. After flying for about two hundred miles, the bamboos were no longer emerald green. Yes, the bamboo stalks and branches turned into a tender yellow color, but the leaves were still green and looked extremely beautiful. Zhui'er had never seen this kind of bamboo before, and he was amazed when he saw it. This time he became really interested in the bamboo forest. .

"So beautiful

Bamboo, it would be great if I could take a few bamboos back to my mother to plant in the yard. " Zhui'er stroked a bamboo stalk as thick as an arm. He couldn't put it down because of its smooth feel and delicate color.

Just when he was feeling intoxicated, he suddenly felt a warning sign. He turned around and saw a strange snake less than ten feet to his left, vomiting its head high and staring at him with a pair of red eyes!

"Here it comes again!" Zhui'er screamed in pain in his heart. The strange snake hurt him badly last time. Now he thinks about it and his scalp is numb. Although this snake is completely different from that one, it still feels like it. Looking at the pair of rabbit ears on the top of the head, you can tell that they must be transformed into talismans.

This snake looks much prettier than the last one. It is only three feet long and has a golden body. It is difficult to find among the yellow bamboo stalks. It also has two pairs of thin wings like dragonflies. The overall look is Although the appearance is weird, it exudes an eerie beauty. Even the two thin rabbit ears with only fine golden hairs look coordinated. It seems that the snake used to deal with him last time belongs to someone else. A casual creation, this one is definitely much more powerful than that one.

"I just came to look at the bamboos, nothing else." Zhui'er didn't dare to move and carefully sent his spiritual message to the snake. Although he knew it was not a living being, Zhui'er still hoped that it would understand.

As soon as this spiritual thought passed through, the snake suddenly shot straight towards him like a golden lightning bolt!

"Ah!" Zhui'er subconsciously ran backwards, and the snake followed him like a shadow. The two dagger-like fangs raised were less than a foot away from his face, so that Zhui'er had no time to wield his sword. We can only retreat desperately!

"I don't want to destroy you, so stop chasing me! Senior Sister Huaying! Senior Sister Huaying, please take it away!" Zhui'er shouted urgently.

Before he stopped shouting, a man's voice came over, "You really have the nerve to say, try to destroy it." This voice was full of ridicule.

"Who are you!" Zhui'er was forced by the snake and did not dare to use his consciousness to investigate. He only heard that the voice came from above.

"If you destroy it, I'll tell you who I am." With these words, a thin man appeared behind the strange snake. He looked like he was a disciple of Xianlin Academy, and he appeared at the same time. There are also painted shadows.

"Sister Huaying, please collect it quickly!" Zhui'er ignored the man and hurriedly asked Huaying for help.

"Don't accept it, let him destroy one for us to see." The man floated behind the flying monster snake with a mocking look on his face, and Huaying was by his side, his pretty face was full of disdain. Ignore Zhui'er's cry for help.

Huaying's reaction made Zhui'er feel very sad. He suddenly stopped the movement of his spiritual power and swung the long sword in his hand to slash at the strange snake!

Although he had the experience of dealing with the strange snake last time, this snake was too close to him. Its two fangs were only a foot away from his face. Once his spiritual power stopped, his retreat speed would be greatly reduced, and he would not wait for the long sword to hit him. The snake body, those two fangs should have bitten him, so he subconsciously closed his eyes.

"Bang!" Zhui'er struck out with his sword, and his back hit a bamboo. Just now, he could use his spiritual consciousness to check the retreat behind him while retreating. However, once his spiritual power stopped, his spiritual consciousness would no longer be able to use it. With a solid impact on the left side of his body, his body suddenly lost balance, staggered half a circle, and then fell heavily to the ground.

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