Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 1280 My son has learned the magic of immortality

Shen Qing re-sealed those items and buried them deeply underground.

On the road again, the two of them were in a good mood, and their relationship became closer. Shen Qing, who was famous for his coolness, smiled from time to time.

When approaching his hometown, Zhui'er said to Shen Qing in a very formal manner, "My parents have nothing to do with these things."

Shen Qing smiled and said, "Even if it matters, I won't make it difficult for them. You don't have to guard against me."

Zhui'er was relieved and said with a naive smile, "Can I stay with my parents for a few more days? Only you can do this for me. This is what I long for most in this life." His eye circles turned a little red as he spoke. . ??

Shen Qing nodded and said, "Okay, but you must not reveal anything about the cultivation world. It will only bring trouble to them."

"I know, I know, I understand this." Zhui'er looked deeply at Shen Qing and said emotionally, "Thank you very much. Without you, I might not have the chance to see my parents in this life."

Shen Qing said helplessly, "I hope you can put aside your ties to this world as soon as possible. I really don't want to indulge you like this."

Zhui'er said sadly, "No matter how long they live, they only have a few decades left. To us, a few decades is nothing. When they pass away, I won't have anything to worry about. Don't worry about it." This is what I care about."

"It's up to you." Shen Qing pointed forward, "Here we are, I'm still waiting for you on the mountain where you killed the blood bat last time. Are five days enough for you?"

Zhui'er looked at her with pleading eyes and said, "Just a month. I don't know if there will be a chance to come back in the future."

Shen Qing glanced at him without saying anything, and walked towards the mountain peak alone.

"Thank you!" Zhui'er excitedly sent a spiritual thought, and then returned to the wilderness outside the town like an arrow. After changing his clothes, he trotted towards home.

The old man who was guarding the door this time recognized the young master at a glance. As he watched the young master run into the inner courtyard, he felt a little dazed. Why did he feel that the young master had not changed much in the past ten years?

The last time he came back, Zhui'er was less than 18 years old and had just entered the Kairong stage. Now he is twenty-eight years old. His cultivation has reached the late stage of Kairong. He was already the mainstay of the family at the age of twenty-seven in the mortal world. But because of his cultivation, , Zhui'er's eyes and expression still look like a half-grown child.

"Mother! Mother!" Zhui'er shouted before entering the inner courtyard. His voice was trembling and his eyes were filled with tears. It had been ten years since he last had a quick meeting with his mother.

Qing'er, who was cutting clothes in the house, couldn't help but trembled when she heard the call, with a look of disbelief in her eyes. Since the last time Zhui'er left, she ran out more than once because she seemed to hear such a call. Unknown to her, Is this another hallucination? When Zhui'er ran in like the wind, he knelt down in front of her with tears streaming down his face.

"Zhui'er!" Qing'er's body trembled violently, but as soon as she reached out her hand and touched her son's head, she retracted it like an electric shock. The excitement on her face gradually became distorted. She was using her greatest strength. Perseverance controls one's emotions.

Zhui'er saw the change in her mother's expression through her tears and cried, "Mom, please don't be like this. My child has been working hard and has learned better than others..."

Qing'er tried hard to keep a straight face, but she couldn't control the tears welling up, "You love your family so much, how can I believe that you will study hard? Zhui'er! You..." She couldn't say any more and turned to the side.

He turned his head and wiped the tears from his face.

"Mom, I work really hard. Even my master praised me. My son has become one of the best disciples..."

Qing'er stood up and closed the door, then secretly winked at him.

Zhui'er wiped away her tears and said, "Mom, don't worry, no one is watching me this time, so I can speak with confidence."

Qing'er breathed a sigh of relief, pulled Zhui'er to sit on the bed, and whispered, "Then tell your mother where you are studying now? Your father and I can't remember what happened that day, we just know You were taken away to learn art by someone."

"Mom, don't be afraid." Zhui'er blinked his eyes that were red from crying, and then muttered, "Mom, this is a skill I have learned. I can let you know what I want to say without opening my mouth." , The place where I learned my art is far away from here, and it is impossible for mortals to reach it. I will not tell you the name of the sect. If it is revealed, it will cause you trouble. "

Qing'er is someone who has seen spells several times, and the ones who cast spells on her were two feather-level fairy concubines. Even though those memories are not very clear, they are always more knowledgeable than ordinary mortals, so Zhui'er is very interested in her. After the spiritual thought was transmitted to her, she was stunned for only a moment before her eyes showed a look of ecstasy. Immortal magic! My son has learned magic!

"Mom, my child has learned a lot of skills, and he can also fly. If he learns for a few more years, he will be almost mature." This honest child started to lie to his mother. This was to pave the way for returning home in the future.

"If you study for a few more years... you will become an immortal?" Qing'er was quite skeptical about this.

"Well... that's not the case. Because I am extremely talented, I can learn much faster than others. In a few years, I will be able to learn almost what I need to learn. The rest is for me to understand."

Qing'er glared slightly, stared at him and said, "Are you lying to me? Are you thinking about going home?" Mother is mother, and Zhui'er can't use his current deceiving ability, let alone using it to deceive others. Where is my mother?

"'s not..." Zhui'er's guilty voice was so low that it was almost inaudible.

"Zhui'er!" Qing'er shouted softly.

"Mom, what I said is not all lies. To explain it, I have to involve too many secrets that cannot be told. In short, just believe my child. There are very few people who can become immortals, but my child has already seen some ways. In fact, according to the In mortal terms, the child can be regarded as an immortal now, but if you want to become a true immortal, you cannot achieve it by studying hard. "

Qing'er asked with concern, "What will it take?"

"It requires a very high level of understanding. The child has this level of understanding. He will definitely live up to your expectations and become a true immortal." In order to reassure his mother, Zhui'er said firmly.

"Okay... okay..." Qing'er happily touched his head and said, "You can definitely do it. You showed your talent even before you were born. Mom knows you can do it."

Zhui'er giggled, but when he saw fine lines forming at the corners of his mother's eyes, his heart couldn't help but feel clogged again, "Mom, have you eaten all the fruits and herbs I brought you last time?"

Qing'er patted her face and said with a smile, "Can't you see? Over the years, your aunts and sisters-in-law have often asked me why I never grow old. They almost treat me as a goblin."

"But I see that you are much older." Zhui'er said sadly.

"Silly boy, how can we compare with you? If everyone sees you like this, I don't know what they will say!" Shen Qing sealed the items again and buried them deeply in the ground.

On the road again, the two of them were in a good mood, and their relationship became increasingly close. Shen Qing, who was famous for his coolness, smiled from time to time.

When approaching his hometown, Zhui'er said to Shen Qing in a very formal manner, "My parents have nothing to do with these things."

Shen Qing smiled and said, "Even if it matters, I won't make it difficult for them. You don't have to be on guard against me."

Zhui'er was relieved and said with a naive smile, "Can I stay with my parents for a few more days? Only you can do this for me. This is what I long for most in this life." His eyes became a little red as he spoke. .

Shen Qing nodded and said, "Okay, but you must not reveal anything about the cultivation world. It will only bring trouble to them."

"I know, I know, I understand this." Zhui'er looked deeply at Shen Qing and said emotionally, "Thank you very much. Without you, I might not have the chance to see my parents in this life."

Shen Qing said helplessly, "I hope you can put aside your ties to this world as soon as possible. I really don't want to indulge you like this."

Zhui'er said sadly, "No matter how long they live, they only have a few decades left. To us, a few decades is nothing. When they pass away, I won't have anything to worry about. Don't worry about it." This is what I care about."

"It's up to you." Shen Qing pointed forward, "Here we are, I'm still waiting for you on the mountain where you killed the blood bat last time. Is five days enough for you?" ??

Zhui'er looked at her with pleading eyes and said, "One month, I don't know if I will have the chance to come back again."

Shen Qing glanced at him without saying anything, and walked towards the mountain peak alone.

"Thank you!" Zhui'er excitedly sent a spiritual thought, and then returned to the wilderness outside the town like an arrow. After changing his clothes, he trotted towards home.

The old man who was guarding the door this time recognized the young master at a glance. As he watched the young master run into the inner courtyard, he felt a little dazed. Why did he feel that the young master had not changed much in the past ten years?

The last time he came back, Zhui'er was less than 18 years old and had just entered the Kairong stage. Now he is twenty-eight years old. His cultivation has reached the late stage of Kairong. He was already the mainstay of the family at the age of twenty-seven in the mortal world. But because of his cultivation, , Zhui'er's eyes and expression still look like a half-grown child.

"Mother! Mother!" Zhui'er shouted before entering the inner courtyard. His voice was trembling and his eyes were filled with tears. It had been ten years since he last had a quick meeting with his mother.

Qing'er, who was cutting clothes in the house, couldn't help but trembled when she heard the call, with a look of disbelief in her eyes. Since Zhuo'er left last time, she ran out more than once because she seemed to hear such a call. Unknown to her, Is this another hallucination? When Zhui'er ran in like the wind, he knelt down in front of her with a plop in tears.

"Zhui'er!" Qing'er's body trembled violently, but as soon as she touched her son's head, she retracted her hand like an electric shock. The excitement on her face gradually became distorted. She was using her greatest strength. Perseverance controls one's emotions.

Zhui'er saw the change in her mother's expression through her tears and cried, "Mom, please don't be like this. My child has been working hard and studying better than others..."

Qing'er tried her best to keep a straight face, but she couldn't control the tears welling up, "You love your family so much, how can I believe that you will study hard? Zhui'er! You..." She couldn't say any more and turned to the side.

He turned his head and wiped the tears from his face.

"Mom, I work really hard. Even my master praised me. My son has become one of the best disciples..."

Qing'er stood up and closed the door, then secretly winked at him.

Zhui'er wiped away her tears and said, "Mom, don't worry, no one is watching me this time, so I can speak with confidence."

Qing'er breathed a sigh of relief, pulled Zhui'er to sit on the bed, and whispered, "Then tell your mother where you are studying now? Neither your father nor I can remember what happened that day. We only know that You were taken away to learn art by someone."

"Mom, don't be afraid." Zhui'er blinked his eyes that were red from crying, and then muttered, "Mom, this is a skill I have learned. I can let you know what I want to say without opening my mouth." , The place where I learned my art is far away from here, and it is impossible for mortals to reach it. I will not tell you the name of the sect. If it is revealed, it will cause you trouble. "

Qing'er is someone who has seen spells several times, and the ones who cast spells on her were two feather-level fairy concubines. Even though those memories are not very clear, they are always more knowledgeable than ordinary mortals, so Zhui'er is very interested in her. After the spiritual thought was transmitted to her, she was stunned for only a moment before her eyes showed a look of ecstasy. Immortal magic! My son has learned magic!

"Mom, my child has learned a lot of skills, and he can also fly. If he learns for a few more years, he will be almost mature." This honest child started to lie to his mother. This was to pave the way for returning home in the future.

"If you study for a few more years... you will become an immortal?" Qing'er was quite skeptical about this.

"Well... that's not the case. Because I am extremely talented, I can learn much faster than others. In a few years, I will be able to learn almost what I need to learn. The rest is for me to understand."

Qing'er glared slightly, stared at him and said, "Are you lying to me? Are you thinking about going home?" Mother is mother, and Zhui'er can't use his current deceiving ability, let alone using it to deceive others. Where is my mother?

"'s not..." Zhui'er's guilty voice was so low that it was almost inaudible.

"Zhui'er!" Qing'er shouted softly.

"Mom, what I said is not all lies. To explain it, I have to involve too many secrets that cannot be told. In short, just believe my child. There are very few people who can become immortals, but my child has already seen some ways. In fact, according to the In mortal terms, the child can be regarded as an immortal now, but if you want to become a real immortal, you cannot achieve it by studying hard. "

Qing'er asked with concern, "What will it take?"

"It requires a very high level of understanding. The child has this level of understanding. He will definitely live up to your expectations and become a true immortal." In order to reassure his mother, Zhui'er said firmly.

"Okay... okay..." Qing'er happily touched his head and said, "You can definitely do it. You showed your talent even before you were born. Mom knows you can do it."

Zhui'er giggled, but when he saw fine lines forming at the corners of his mother's eyes, his heart couldn't help but feel clogged again, "Mom, have you eaten all the fruits and herbs I brought you last time?"

Qing'er patted her face and said with a smile, "Can't you see? Over the years, your aunts and sisters-in-law have often asked me why I never grow old. They almost treat me as a goblin."

"But I see that you are much older." Zhui'er said sadly.

"Silly boy, how can we compare with you? If everyone sees you like this, I don't know what they will say!"

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