Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 1293 I didn’t beg for mercy

"I... don't remember." Of course Zhui'er didn't dare to tell such a person about his hometown.

The soulless eyes did not rub the sand. Of course he could tell that this boy was not telling the truth, "How did you get into Qianxu Palace?"

"I don't know either. I just remember that I arrived at Qianxu Palace somehow. I don't remember anything before." Zhui'er saw that his smile became more friendly, and his beating heart gradually calmed down, thinking that he could not He couldn't embarrass Qianxu Palace, let alone in front of Shen Qing and Huaying, so he regained some courage and spoke more smoothly.

"How did you meet Shen Qing?" Wuhun felt very uncomfortable on his face. He hadn't maintained a smile for such a long time in a long time.

Zhui'er became alert, blinked and said, "Can't you just ask her?"

"She and I don't have a very good relationship." After Wuhun said this, he winked at Zhui'er to show his closeness.

The fact that a great monk winked at him made Zhui'er even more wary. He closed his mouth tightly and didn't want to answer the question.

Wuhun stared at him and said, "If you want to tell me, I can let your senior sister go, but there is one condition. You can't tell Shen Qing a word of what we said."

Zhui'er swallowed and kept blinking, wondering if this would bring trouble to Shen Qing. After carefully recalling the process of getting acquainted with Shen Qing, he felt that there was nothing he couldn't say, so he looked at Wuhun and said, "You really Are you willing to let my senior sister go? You can’t come back and intercept us again!”

Wuhun really smiled this time, nodded and said, "As long as you say so, Death-Burning Fairy and I will return to Yilingwei immediately. We will be responsible for this case. You don't have to worry about me having any plans with you."

"Okay, but I want to know why you are asking these questions. Is the matter about me so important? So important that you would not hesitate to let go of a fugitive who can be caught soon?"

Wuhun looked at him with relief and said, "You are quite smart. It doesn't hurt to tell you. You look very much like a good friend of mine in the early years, and your sense of loyalty is also very similar. Unfortunately, he is already dead. Seeing you makes me sad." Thinking of him." What he said was rather vague. To Zhui'er, it seemed like his "early friend" was from when he was as young as himself thousands of years ago.

"Oh..." Zhui'er pondered for a moment with doubt, and then said slowly and cautiously, "During a competition in Qianxu Palace, I went to a nearby stall to buy things. Senior Shen met me accidentally. She said... I'm quite compatible, that's how we met." After finishing speaking, Zhui'er looked at Wuhun's expression with a guilty conscience. He himself felt that this description was too simple, and he probably had to ask more questions.

What Zhui'er didn't expect was that Wuhun just nodded. Not only did he not ask any more questions, but he seemed quite satisfied, "Okay, Langxing, just because you reminded me of my late friend, I'll tell you this." To save face, consider this as a memorial to my good friend, but don’t mention what we two said to anyone. If there is any trouble in the future, you can seek shelter at any place where the Heavenly Law Alliance is stationed and mention my name. That's fine, I'll try my best to help you." He said, taking out a charity flag and asking with an uncontrollable smile, "Did Shen Qing give this to you?"

"Yeah... I gave it." He said it so openly that Zhui'er was too embarrassed to hide everything.

"Then I won't have to teach you how to use it." Wuhun couldn't control his excitement. Shen Qing even gave the Shanyi Flag to this little guy, which shows that Shen Qing has probably confirmed this little guy.

This is the reincarnation of Xun Yi, "If you haven't encountered any trouble, you can also use this flag to contact me after you form the elixir. I want to see you again and comfort my memory of my friend. , if you have leisure, you can come to me at any time. If you have any needs or requests, I can help you as long as it is not difficult. "

"Then...thank you, senior. Don't be too sad. People can't be resurrected. You'd better take it easy." Zhui'er said words of comfort in his mouth, but his heart was about to burst with joy. He secretly thought that he was really gone. With great luck, I was able to rescue my senior sister based on her appearance. This is simply too bizarre.

Wuhun withdrew his body-protecting divine light and said to Huaying with a stern expression, "You can leave. We just pretend we haven't seen you, but you will eventually have to give an explanation to the Heavenly Law Alliance for this matter. This case does not require you." Don’t even think about walking in Nan Jingzhou from now on.” After saying that, he glanced at Shen Qing, then said hello to Xian Ming, and walked away. This decision surprised Xian Ming, but she didn’t say anything. He said he just stared at Zhui'er and then left with Wuhun.

Huaying was stunned in disbelief. She couldn't believe it was true.

Not to mention that Huaying couldn't believe it, even Shen Qing was surprised, but she understood the meaning of Wuhun's last look at her, which told her to stay out of trouble and just treat everything that happened as nothing. It would be nice to see it. Wuhun made it clear that she wanted to hide this pursuit. If she reported it to the Tianlu Alliance, she would be going against Wuhun.

Shen Qing put away the punishment whip and said calmly to Huaying, "Let's go. If you encounter me again before your case is eliminated, I will definitely arrest you and bring you to justice."

Shen Qing was actually willing to let him go? Hua Ying felt a bit like he was dreaming. Shen Qing was a disciple of Cihang Immortal Lord and a former altar leader of the Tianlu Alliance. It would be even harder for her to bend the law for personal gain than to reach the sky! But Huaying didn't want to accept Shen Qing's favor. She was confident that Shen Qing had no ability to stop her, so she glanced at Shen Qing unceremoniously, then glared at Zhui'er and shouted, "Langxing! Come here!" What was in her heart today was The evil fire can only be unleashed on this kid.

"Oh!" Zhui'er, who had a big face on his face, responded with a silly smile, activated his flying sword and flew towards Huaying, not caring at all about his frowning attitude.

Shen Qing originally wanted to stop her, but since she was a senior sister and junior brother, it was a bit inappropriate for her to stop him, so she could only say to Zhui'er, "This matter is extraordinary. Don't reveal anything to her."

Zhui'er turned to Shen Qing and smiled knowingly, then came to Huaying's side.

"Did you grovel and beg for mercy? Tell me!" Hua Ying scolded harshly. Now she could only use Zhuo'er to save some face. After scolding Zhuo'er, before Zhuo'er came back, she opened her body-protecting divine light and covered her with it. It's a pendulum.

"I didn't beg for mercy." Zhui'er defended clumsily while involuntarily stepping back. Entering into Huaying's body-protecting divine light, his heart couldn't help but beat wildly.

"Then why did they leave like that!" Huaying's tone softened slightly, but it was still in a questioning tone.

"I don't know either." Being so close to Huaying and smelling the intoxicating fragrance, Zhui'er's face began to turn red and her mouth became even more stupid.

"How could you not know! Did you betray some of the secrets of Qianxu Palace in exchange for it?! Tell the truth!" Huaying's tone became stern again. She also had to find some face for her junior brother, otherwise she would not do it in the future. Don't let this kid look down on you. "I... don't remember." Of course Zhui'er didn't dare to tell such a person about his hometown.

The soulless eyes did not rub the sand. Of course he could tell that this boy was not telling the truth, "How did you enter Qianxu Palace?"

"I don't know either. I just remember that I arrived at Qianxu Palace somehow. I don't remember anything before." Zhui'er saw that his smile became more friendly, and his beating heart gradually calmed down, thinking that he could not He couldn't embarrass Qianxu Palace, let alone in front of Shen Qing and Huaying, so he regained some courage and spoke more smoothly.

"How did you meet Shen Qing?" Wuhun felt very uncomfortable on his face. He hadn't maintained a smile for such a long time in a long time.

Zhui'er became alert, blinked and said, "Can't you just ask her?"

"She and I don't have a very good relationship." After Wuhun said this, he winked at Zhui'er to show his closeness.

The fact that a great monk winked at him made Zhui'er even more wary. He closed his mouth tightly and didn't want to answer the question.

Wuhun stared at him and said, "If you want to tell me, I can let your senior sister go, but there is one condition. You can't tell Shen Qing a word of what we said."

Zhui'er swallowed and kept blinking his eyes, wondering if this would bring trouble to Shen Qing. After carefully recalling the process of getting acquainted with Shen Qing, he felt that there was nothing he couldn't say, so he looked at Wuhun and said, "You really Are you willing to let my senior sister go? You can’t come back and intercept us again!”

Wuhun really smiled this time, nodded and said, "As long as you say so, Death-Burning Fairy and I will return to Yilingwei immediately. We will be responsible for this case. You don't have to worry about me having any plans with you."

"Okay, but I want to know why you are asking these questions. Is the matter about me so important? So important that you would not hesitate to let go of a fugitive who can be caught soon?"

Wuhun looked at him with relief and said, "You are quite smart. It doesn't hurt to tell you. You look very much like a good friend of mine in the early years, and your sense of loyalty is also very similar. Unfortunately, he is already dead. Seeing you makes me sad." Thinking of him." What he said was rather vague. To Zhui'er, it seemed like his "early friend" was from when he was as young as himself thousands of years ago.

"Oh..." Zhui'er pondered for a moment with doubt, and then said slowly and cautiously, "During a competition in Qianxu Palace, I went to a nearby stall to buy things. Senior Shen met me accidentally. She said... I'm quite compatible, that's how we met." After finishing speaking, Zhui'er looked at Wuhun's expression with a guilty conscience. He himself felt that this description was too simple, and he probably had to ask more questions.

What Zhui'er didn't expect was that Wuhun just nodded. Not only did he not ask any more questions, but he seemed quite satisfied, "Okay, Langxing, just because you reminded me of my late friend, I'll tell you this." To save face, consider this as a memorial to my good friend, but don’t mention what we two said to anyone. If there is any trouble in the future, you can seek shelter at any place where the Heavenly Law Alliance is stationed and mention my name. That's fine, I'll try my best to help you." He said, taking out a charity flag and asking with an uncontrollable smile, "Did Shen Qing give this to you?"

"Yeah... I gave it." He said it so openly that Zhui'er was too embarrassed to hide everything.

"Then I won't have to teach you how to use it." Wuhun couldn't control his excitement. Shen Qing even gave the Shanyi Flag to this little guy, which shows that Shen Qing has probably confirmed this little guy.

This is the reincarnation of Xun Yi, "If you haven't encountered any trouble, you can also use this flag to contact me after you form the elixir. I want to see you again and comfort my memory of my friend. , if you have leisure, you can come to me at any time. If you have any needs or requests, I can help you as long as it is not difficult. "

"Then...thank you, senior. Don't be too sad. People can't be resurrected. You'd better take it easy." Zhui'er said words of comfort in his mouth, but his heart was about to burst with joy. He secretly thought that he was really gone. With great luck, I was able to rescue my senior sister based on her appearance. This is simply too bizarre.

Wuhun withdrew his body-protecting divine light and said to Huaying with a stern expression, "You can leave. We just pretend we haven't seen you, but you will eventually have to give an explanation to the Heavenly Law Alliance for this matter. This case does not require you." Don’t even think about walking in Nan Jingzhou from now on.” After saying that, he glanced at Shen Qing, then said hello to Xian Ming and walked away. This decision surprised Xian Ming, but she didn’t say anything. He said he just stared at Zhui'er and then left with Wuhun.

Huaying was stunned in disbelief. She couldn't believe this was true.

Not to mention that Huaying couldn't believe it, even Shen Qing was surprised, but she understood the meaning of Wuhun's last look at her, which told her to stay out of trouble and just treat everything that happened as nothing. It would be nice to see it. Wuhun made it clear that she wanted to hide this pursuit. If she reported it to the Tianlu Alliance, she would be going against Wuhun.

Shen Qing put away the punishment whip and said calmly to Huaying, "Let's go. If you encounter me again before your case is eliminated, I will definitely arrest you and bring you to justice."

Shen Qing was actually willing to let him go? Hua Ying felt a bit like he was dreaming. Shen Qing was a disciple of Cihang Immortal Lord and a former altar leader of the Tianlu Alliance. It would be even harder for her to bend the law for personal gain than to reach heaven! But Huaying didn't want to accept Shen Qing's favor. She was confident that Shen Qing had no ability to stop her, so she glanced at Shen Qing unceremoniously, then glared at Zhui'er and shouted, "Langxing! Come here!" What was in her heart today was The evil fire can only be unleashed on this kid.

"Oh!" Zhui'er, who had a big face on his face, responded with a silly smile, activated his flying sword and flew towards Huaying, not caring at all about his frowning attitude.

Shen Qing originally wanted to stop her, but since she was a senior sister and junior brother, it was a bit inappropriate for her to stop him, so she could only say to Zhui'er, "This matter is extraordinary. Don't reveal anything to her."

Zhui'er turned to Shen Qing and smiled knowingly, then came to Huaying's side.

"Did you grovel and beg for mercy? Tell me!" Hua Ying scolded harshly. Now she could only use Zhuo'er to save some face. After scolding Zhuo'er, before Zhuo'er came back, she opened her body-protecting divine light and covered her with it. Dropped the child.

"I didn't beg for mercy." Zhui'er defended clumsily while involuntarily stepping back. Entering into Huaying's body-protecting divine light, his heart couldn't help but beat wildly.

"Then why did they leave like that!" Huaying's tone softened slightly, but it was still in a questioning tone.

"I don't know either." Being so close to Huaying and smelling the intoxicating fragrance, Zhui'er's face began to turn red and her mouth became even more stupid.

"How could you not know! Did you betray some of the secrets of Qianxu Palace in exchange for it?! Tell the truth!" Huaying's tone became stern again. She also had to find some face for her junior brother, otherwise she would not do it in the future. Don't let this kid look down on you.

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