Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 1318 Let’s continue traveling

The hole was too deep. At first, Zhui'er was on full alert, but after falling more than seven or eight thousand feet, he felt a little collapsed. If a monster appeared in such a deep place, it would probably have to be at the Nascent Soul stage. Either way, he would be dead if he didn't take precautions, so he simply changed from a cautious descent to a rapid fall in order to fall to the ground as soon as possible. He really couldn't bear this sin.

This is due to Zhuo'er's lack of knowledge. The caves of the "Youyou" are not shallow, and they must be at least one or two thousand feet tall. Otherwise, why would they be called "Youyou"? The caves of "Youyou" are not particularly rare monsters. The problem is that Zhui'er's current knowledge is basically obtained from Xu Zhong and Yun Juan. The knowledge of these two people is not very high. It's hard to say whether they have heard of Xiyou. Anyway, they have never told Zhui'er. .

When Zhui'er was able to use his spiritual sense to detect a pile of bones below, Immortal Xiaoyao's words came to him, "Stop."

Zhui'er let out a long breath, and his palms were already covered in sweat.

"Don't touch this pile of bones in the future." After saying this, Immortal Xiaoyao took Zhui'er and penetrated the cave wall from a distance of more than a hundred feet from the bottom of the cave.

After walking diagonally downward for more than a thousand feet, Immortal Xiaoyao arranged another secret space. This time he arranged it more carefully than the last time. Not only did he do his best to keep it secret, he also built a house inside. , and set up a secret room to hide treasures.

He brought Zhui'er into the secret room, and first sealed the spiritual treasure, dress and other items he had just collected in a treasure storage box on the wall, and then said to Zhui'er, "I can no longer use it due to my own reasons." Treasures, please keep them here temporarily. If I get another treasure suitable for you in the future, I will send it here, and this will be your treasure hiding place." Seeing Zhui'er's disappointed expression, he explained. "Although these treasures of yours are of no use to me, the secrets they reveal have benefited me a lot."

"Are you trying to trick me?" Zhui'er didn't believe what he said at all.

Immortal Xiaoyao said in a very serious tone, "I'm not trying to coax you. It's just that the things involved here are too big. I can't tell you more. Don't mention these treasures to anyone again. These things are considered gifts to me." "Don't worry about giving it away to others anymore." He pointed to the blocked treasure storage grid, "This restriction can only be opened when the cultivation level reaches the late stage of Nascent Soul, and no one can enter this space except you. Those who have the ability to forcefully open this space do not need to use these treasures, so you should give up giving these things to others. "

Zhui'er shook his head and said, "I have already given these things to you. There is no reason to give them to anyone else. Just don't worry."

Immortal Lord Xiaoyao was relieved by his guarantee, so he nodded and said, "Then it's settled, if I haven't taken these things away when you reach the late Nascent Soul stage, you can use them. "

"Yeah." Zhui'er wanted to ask if these treasures really benefited him, but he thought it was quite boring, so he endured it.

Xiaoyao Immortal Lord deliberately said in a slightly cold tone, "After you reach the Nascent Soul stage, you can contact me by sinking into this space. If I have time then, I will take you to see the Fairy Concubine for a checkup. Okay, I have wasted enough time on you. If I explain to you the art of earth escape, our fate will be over for the time being. Whether I will help you in the future depends on whether the fate is over or not. You want to Take care of yourself.”

"Yes, senior's great kindness to this junior will never be forgotten!" Zhui'er said as he knelt down and knelt down but was stopped by others. He could only say sincerely in his heart

I'm so grateful.

This earth escape technique was learned by Xiaoyao Immortal Lord from the true essence of black earth. It can be said to be one of his unique skills. It may not be as good as the Beigong family's ancient magic "Minglu Jue", but it is worse than ordinary earth escape. The art of escape is much more advanced. It is precisely because he realized this spell himself, so he can naturally teach it more thoroughly. However, due to the fact that Zhuo'er's cultivation level is too low at the moment, in many places he can only Let him give a detailed explanation first, and let him memorize it and then refer to it and understand it himself after his cultivation level improves.

Five days later, under the guidance of Immortal Xiaoyao, Zhui'er emerged from the hidden space and began his first journey through the earth. With their cultivation, monks can break through the ground, but if they want to travel without leaving traces, it is not something ordinary people can do. Moreover, the soil in this ten thousand feet deep place is already as hard as gold and stone. Monks in the late infant stage do not dare to trespass. The skillful earth escape technique is not only as simple as walking through the earth, but also needs to be able to obtain breath from the earth. Otherwise, the time that can be sustained by inner breath alone will be limited after all. .

In just five days, no matter how highly enlightened Zhui'er was, he would not be able to learn such a profound earth escape technique. Obtaining breath was out of the question. At least he would have to wait until he formed a golden elixir before he could understand it. What he was doing now What can be understood is only the small part that travels through the solid soil, and the speed is slower than a snail.

It would be extremely dangerous to drill into the soil after just five days of learning, and no one practiced in the solid soil ten thousand feet deep as soon as they started. Only Xiaoyao Xianjun, who made the soil his home, and the extremely talented Zhui'er came together. Only together can we do such jaw-dropping things.

Immortal Xiaoyao also made such a perfunctory gesture because of his guilty conscience. In fact, given his current boredom, it would not be surprising if he really met a child who looked pleasing to his eyes and spent several years cultivating him, but for him Zhui'er has to be more cautious.

Zhui'er had just climbed out a few inches when he was picked up by Xiaoyao Immortal Lord to find Huaying. It was enough to let him experience the feeling. If the time was too long, he would be in danger.

Zhui'er's eyes were straightened for a long time, and he couldn't get enough of it. The experience of merging into the earth made him feel shocked and frightened, as if he had had a weird dream.

Returning to the original underground space, he saw the figure still lying on the spot. Zhui'er hadn't fully recovered yet.

Immortal Xiaoyao unlocked the restriction on Hui Ying's body. Hui Ying's memory was still stuck on the moment he was taken into the "underworld". As soon as he woke up, Hui Ying rushed to Zhui'er's side and grabbed Zhui'er's arm tightly.

"Langxing, can we go back?" Huaying looked at Xiaoyao Immortal with fear and sent this trembling divine thought to Zhui'er.

Without waiting for Zhui'er to answer, Xiaoyao Immortal Lord said to Huaying in a gloomy tone, "I don't want to be mentioned. If you dare to leak even a word about this matter, I will definitely take your life. Listen clearly." ?"

"Ah...? Oh! I swear, I will never say a word!" After all, Huaying is not an ordinary person. Although he was scared to death, he still reacted in time and heard the meaning of the other party's words. The one who let her go back hurriedly took out the oath blood.

"You are not allowed to ask him anything." Immortal Xiaoyao pointed at Zhui'er.

"Yes! Yes! This junior takes the order..." Hua Ying realized something was wrong. After some calculations, he was shocked to find that more than a month had passed!

"Take him to continue traveling." Immortal Xiaoyao ordered and threw the two of them back to the ground. The hole was too deep. At first, Zhui'er was on full alert, but after falling more than seven or eight thousand feet, he felt a little collapsed. If a monster appeared in such a deep place, it would probably have to be at the Nascent Soul stage. Either way, he would be dead if he didn't take precautions, so he simply changed from a cautious descent to a rapid fall in order to fall to the ground as soon as possible. He really couldn't bear this sin.

This is due to Zhuo'er's lack of knowledge. The caves of the "Youyou" are not shallow, and they must be at least one or two thousand feet tall. Otherwise, why would they be called "Youyou"? The caves of "Youyou" are not particularly rare monsters. The problem is that Zhui'er's current knowledge is basically obtained from Xu Zhong and Yun Juan. The knowledge of these two people is not very high. It's hard to say whether they have heard of Xiyou. Anyway, they have never told Zhui'er. .

When Zhui'er was able to use his spiritual sense to detect a pile of bones below, Immortal Xiaoyao's words came to him, "Stop."

Zhui'er let out a long breath, and his palms were already covered in sweat.

"Don't touch this pile of bones in the future." After saying this, Immortal Xiaoyao took Zhui'er and penetrated the cave wall from a distance of more than a hundred feet from the bottom of the cave.

After walking diagonally downward for more than a thousand feet, Immortal Xiaoyao arranged another secret space. This time he arranged it more carefully than the last time. Not only did he do his best to keep it secret, he also built a house inside. , and set up a secret room to hide treasures.

He brought Zhui'er into the secret room, and first sealed the spiritual treasure, dress and other items he had just collected in a treasure storage box on the wall, and then said to Zhui'er, "I can no longer use it due to my own reasons." Treasures, please keep them here temporarily. If I get another treasure suitable for you in the future, I will send it here, and this will be your treasure hiding place." Seeing Zhui'er's disappointed expression, he explained. "Although these treasures of yours are of no use to me, the secrets they reveal have benefited me a lot."

"Are you trying to trick me?" Zhui'er didn't believe what he said at all.

Immortal Xiaoyao said in a very serious tone, "I'm not trying to coax you. It's just that the things involved here are too big. I can't tell you more. Don't mention these treasures to anyone again. These things are considered gifts to me." "Don't worry about giving it away to others anymore." He pointed to the blocked treasure storage grid, "This restriction can only be opened when the cultivation level reaches the late stage of Nascent Soul, and no one can enter this space except you. Those who have the ability to forcefully open this space do not need to use these treasures, so you should give up giving these things to others. "

Zhui'er shook his head and said, "I have already given these things to you. There is no reason to give them to anyone else. Just don't worry."

Immortal Lord Xiaoyao was relieved by his guarantee, so he nodded and said, "It's settled, if I haven't taken these things away when you reach the late Nascent Soul stage, you can use them. "

"Yeah." Zhui'er wanted to ask if these treasures really benefited him, but he thought it was quite boring, so he endured it.

Xiaoyao Immortal Lord deliberately said in a slightly cold tone, "After you reach the Nascent Soul stage, you can contact me by sinking into this space. If I have free time then, I will take you to see the Fairy Concubine for a check-up. Okay, I have wasted enough time on you. If I explain to you the art of earth escape, our fate will be over for the time being. Whether I will help you in the future depends on whether the fate is over or not. You want to Take care of yourself.”

"Yes, senior's great kindness to this junior will never be forgotten!" Zhui'er said as he knelt down and knelt down but was stopped by others. He could only say sincerely in his heart

I'm so grateful.

This earth escape technique was learned by Xiaoyao Immortal Lord from the true essence of black earth. It can be said to be one of his unique skills. It may not be as good as the Beigong family's ancient magic "Minglu Jue", but it is worse than ordinary earth escape. The art of escape is much more advanced. It is precisely because he realized this spell himself, so he can naturally teach it more thoroughly. However, due to the fact that Zhuo'er's cultivation level is too low at the moment, in many places he can only Let him give a detailed explanation first, and let him memorize it and then refer to it and understand it himself after his cultivation level improves.

Five days later, under the guidance of Immortal Xiaoyao, Zhui'er emerged from the secret space and began his first journey through the earth. With their cultivation, monks can break through the ground, but if they want to travel without leaving traces, it is not something ordinary people can do. Moreover, the soil in this place ten thousand feet deep is already as hard as gold and stone. Monks in the late infant stage do not dare to trespass. The skillful earth escape technique is not only as simple as walking through the earth, but also needs to be able to obtain breath from the earth. Otherwise, the time that can be sustained by inner breath alone will be limited after all. .

In just five days, no matter how highly enlightened Zhui'er was, he would not be able to learn such a profound earth escape technique. Obtaining breath was out of the question. At least he would have to wait until he formed a golden elixir before he could understand it. What he was doing now What can be understood is only the small part that travels through the solid soil, and the speed is slower than a snail.

It would be extremely dangerous to drill into the soil after just five days of learning, and no one practiced in the solid soil ten thousand feet deep as soon as they started. Only Xiaoyao Xianjun, who made the soil his home, and the extremely talented Zhui'er came together. Only together can we do such jaw-dropping things.

Immortal Xiaoyao also made such a perfunctory gesture because of his guilty conscience. In fact, given his current boredom, it would not be surprising if he really met a child who looked pleasing to his eyes and spent several years cultivating him, but for him Zhui'er has to be more cautious.

Zhui'er had just climbed out a few inches when he was picked up by Xiaoyao Immortal Lord to find Huaying. It was enough to let him experience the feeling. If the time was too long, he would be in danger.

Zhui'er's eyes were wide open for a long time, and he couldn't get enough of it. The experience of merging into the earth made him feel shocked and frightened, as if he had had a weird dream.

Returning to the original underground space, he saw the figure still lying on the spot. Zhui'er hadn't fully recovered yet.

Immortal Xiaoyao unlocked the restriction on Hui Ying's body. Hui Ying's memory was still stuck on the moment he was taken into the "underworld". As soon as he woke up, Hui Ying rushed to Zhui'er's side and grabbed Zhui'er's arm tightly.

"Langxing, can we still go back?" Huaying looked at Xiaoyao Immortal with fear and sent this trembling divine thought to Zhui'er.

Without waiting for Zhui'er to answer, Xiaoyao Immortal Lord said to Huaying in a gloomy tone, "I don't want to be mentioned. If you dare to leak even a word about this matter, I will definitely take your life. Listen clearly." ?"

"Ah...? Oh! I swear, I will never say a word!" Huaying is not an ordinary person after all. Although he was scared to death, he still reacted in time and heard the meaning of the other party's words. The one who let her go back hurriedly took out the oath blood.

"You are not allowed to ask him anything." Immortal Xiaoyao pointed at Zhui'er.

"Yes! Yes! This junior takes the order..." Hua Ying realized something was wrong. After some calculations, he was shocked to find that more than a month had passed!

"Take him to continue traveling." Immortal Xiaoyao ordered and threw the two of them back to the ground.

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