Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 1320 You’re still scaring me!

After a few days, Zhuier felt very happy. There were new sights to see, beautiful sisters to accompany her, and she could enjoy the joy of cultivation from time to time. Anyone would be happy.

Huaying was in a different mood. She had a lot of doubts but couldn't ask them. She had to take Zhuier around in these boring places. Moreover, this kid would practice at any time. She could only watch stupidly by the side. So the happier Zhuier seemed, the more upset she felt. When she got angry, she wanted to hold this kid down and search his soul.

That day, after Zhuier admired a tree that was more than 30 feet thick, Huaying said with a bored look, "It's about time, right? We've been out for almost a month and a half. If we don't go back, Guangpu and the others will be worried." Zhuier shook his head and said, "Every time I go out with Shen Qing, it's at least a month. Senior Brother Guangpu has long been accustomed to it. Besides, I'm now a Jindan cultivator. It's not too much to go out for a year. How can I go back in a month and a half? What kind of experience is that?" Huaying looked at him coldly, biting her back teeth and said, "Years? Are you trying to rely on me?" Zhuier argued with a smile, "Don't be so heartless. , isn't that pill worth your company for training with me? You were the one who rushed to bring me out, but you're already impatient after just two days. Do you think that's justified?" Huaying felt guilty, and quietly put away her cold expression and put on a pitiful look, saying, "You are heartless when you say that. You know what happened. I'm so flustered that I can't rest for a moment, so how can I take you for a stroll?" As she spoke, she began to blink her soul-stirring eyes at Zhuier again, and her tone became more and more resentful, "I'm really unlucky. I'm afraid I'll never be able to get rid of this uneasiness in my life. I don't know when they will find me again, even people... I don't know any information about my family, and I can't defend myself. With this mental barrier, my cultivation may end here. Alas, it's really an unexpected disaster." Zhuier was flustered by her eyes, and pointed at the ground and said, "You are trying to ask me in a different way. The senior may still be following us, so you should be careful." "How did I ask you?!" Huaying defended herself in a hurry. After looking at the ground with guilt, she glared at Zhuier angrily and said, "You are still scaring me! Don't you think I'm not panicked enough!" Zhuier laughed and said, "Who asked you to act pitiful with me?" "How did I act pitiful with you? I said "It's all true. People treat you very well, so you don't feel anything. If you think about it from my perspective, I was frightened when I was suddenly restrained by someone, and then I was told that I would be punished. Then I was taken to the underworld, where I felt so many gloomy ghosts. Then I was locked up for more than a month. After being awakened without knowing why, I was given a lecture that would take my life at any time. If it were you, would you just ignore it?" "It's not as pitiful as you say. You are already in the middle stage of the Nascent Soul. How can you have a mental barrier?" Zhuier said this, but his tone was much softer. If Huaying thought about it, it would be terrible. "I won't talk to you anymore. I'll take you to another place to have a look." Huaying was still a little uneasy because of Zhuier. She didn't dare to stay here. After flying into the air, she secretly sent a telepathic message through the hand holding Zhuier's arm, "Although my cultivation is not low, I am a woman after all, so I am naturally less courageous than you." Zhuier really couldn't bear it anymore, and sent back a telepathic message, "Don't be afraid. The senior is a human, not a ghost, and the place he took us to is not the underworld. He treated me well because he saw that I had decent qualifications and cherished my talent. He has promised me that he will not embarrass you again, and he has also sworn with blood. You can rest assured that as long as you don't reveal this experience, he will never come to trouble you again." "Swear with blood? You are talking nonsense to me!" Huaying stared at Zhuier in disbelief. "It's up to you whether you believe it or not." "Langxing..." Huaying was pitiful again. Zhuier couldn't bear it and used his divine thoughts to transmit the scene of Xiaoyao Xianjun swearing to her. He was worried that this was not a big deal. If this continued, he would have to confess everything in a few days.

Zhuier thought too much this time. Huaying stopped asking questions after seeing the scene of Xiaoyao Xianjun swearing. Zhuier was not knowledgeable, but she was knowledgeable. A Huayu-level figure actually swore an oath with blood in order to gain the trust of a Jindan cultivator. If there is no trick, there must be a trick!

Although Zhuier is a disciple of Xianlin Academy, the things he knows are not worth deceiving a Huayu cultivator. Moreover, if he wants to get the secrets of Qianxu Palace, he can just search her soul, and it is impossible for him to target Zhuier.

What is he planning? Is he really cherishing talent? This possibility exists. People with higher cultivation often appear more strange. It is not surprising if the zombie likes this kid and gives him some advice for a while. Huaying can't think of any other reason. If he really likes his qualifications... Huaying feels very depressed. In terms of qualifications, she is not worse than Zhuier. In terms of soul count, she is higher than Zhuier. How can such a good thing fall on the boy's head? But thinking about the horror of the zombie, Huaying's resentment is slightly reduced. If she really has to stay with the zombie for a month, she would rather not have this blessing. This kid is really weird. He can actually stay with zombies for more than a month. Huaying glanced at Zhuier and felt that he really couldn't underestimate this kid anymore. He saved her from Wuhun and Zangming.

It's incredible enough. This time he saved himself from a zombie again and gave himself a pill carefully refined by Wen Danzi. Could it be that this kid is his lucky star?

If the zombie really took him to teach for more than a month because he cherished his talent, then it really wasn't appropriate to ask more questions about this matter. Asking too many questions would be making yourself sick, but the prerequisite was to ensure that there would be no future troubles.

After finishing the calculation, Huaying expressed concern and whispered to Zhui'er, "Langxing, I brought you out to practice out of good intentions. I sincerely want to repay you for giving me the medicine..."

Zhui'er was most afraid that she would be flirting with him, so he quickly interrupted, "I know this, but this disaster happened all because of you. They came to settle accounts with you, and I was implicated for nothing."

Huaying glanced at him angrily, then put on a smile and said, "Yes, yes, I have implicated you, but this is a disaster for me, but it is a blessing for you. If it weren't for me, You two can’t touch each other, right?”

"Let's balance the merits and demerits. Isn't it appropriate for you to treat this as a personal favor again? This is because people like me. What if I don't like it? I don't have to follow you into misfortune."

"Okay, okay, the merits and demerits are equal, as long as you don't feel guilty!" Huaying snorted angrily through her nostrils, and then softened her tone and said aggrievedly, "It's not important. What's important is that I brought you out. If something happens to you, I can't escape the blame. I can't ask you what happened in those more than a month. Do you think I can feel at ease..."

Zhui'er interrupted again, "I can't say it, please stop trying to push me."

Huaying apologized and said with a smile, "I don't want to ask, I just want you to think about it for yourself. Is there anything that makes you feel uneasy during this period? Are you unsure about whether there will be trouble in the future? If you tell me, I will help you." You think about it."

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