Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 1322 Ancient Spell

The next step is to wait. There are shadows to draw and the joy of practicing. This kind of waiting is not boring at all.

On the fifth day, the soulless wind and dust came, and the painted shadows retreated far away.

"You've improved your cultivation really quickly." Wuhun was greatly pleased and thrust Zhui'er into his body-protecting divine light.

"Hehe" Zhui'er giggled, and seeing Wuhun looking tired, he asked with concern, "How is the war going?"

"I'm afraid there will be big trouble." Wuhun said with deep concern, "You, Qianxu Palace, have stirred up a hornet's nest this time. The act of revenge has completely angered Shui Qingzhou. You must have an idea in mind. The most recent It's better not to run away and wait and see how the situation changes.

"You mean it's possible for monsters to come to Nanjingzhou?" Zhui'er asked nervously.

"It's hard to say." Wuhun's face turned serious, "Just have some idea in your mind, don't tell it out loud." He pondered for a moment before using his spiritual thoughts to say, "There are feather-level monsters participating in the battle over there in Shui Qingzhou. , and more than one, several Huayu monks from Puyunzhou have also arrived on the battlefield. The situation has reached an extremely dangerous point. Once the war breaks out in full, the consequences will be unpredictable. Nanjingzhou has been involved. If the war comes, you will Qianxu Palace must be a major target of monster attacks, and your revenge has killed too many monsters."

"Ah? Is it that serious?" Zhui'er was a little flustered.

Wuhun nodded and said, "Maybe you still don't know what I just said. The feather-level monsters in Shui Qingzhou directly attacked the low-level monks, which means that they are already red-eyed. There is not much difference between the wisdom and cognition of feather-level monsters and the great supernatural powers of our human race. Don’t look at them in the same way as ordinary monsters. In fact, there are some monsters with high spiritual intelligence who have cultivated to the point where their spiritual intelligence is opened. Later, they will have wisdom that can rival the human race. They call this "opening the spirit", and it is the same as our "breaking the body", a leap of reincarnation.

He paused and continued, "So don't think that Shuiqingzhou is a barbaric land. There are corresponding orders and rules there, and there are also a small number of humans there, just like Nanjingzhou is also inhabited by monsters. The difference is The human race in Shuiqing Continent is weak, but the monsters in Nanjing Continent are very powerful.”

Zhui'er blinked and said, "I heard this from my senior brothers. Nanjing Continent is very big, and the human race occupies less than one-tenth of it. It is extremely dangerous outside, and there are many ferocious monsters inhabiting it."

"Yes, so once the monster beasts in Shui Qingzhou are killed, some of the monster beasts on our side will definitely jump out and make trouble. As for the number, no one can estimate the number. Once the situation gets out of control, it will be a war. A catastrophe.”

"Then what should we do?" Zhui'er became even more panicked.

Wuhun smiled and patted his shoulder and said, "Don't be afraid, it's useless to be afraid. If the war develops to the point where even the Huayu monks can't survive alone, then it will only depend on God's will.

Zhui'er grinned. Wuhun was really bad at comforting people. It's strange that he said that Zhui'er wasn't afraid.

Seeing Zhui'er's expression change, Wuhun hurriedly said, "Don't worry too much. There are only a few intelligent monsters among the monsters. Overall, they are just a mess. There have been many wars between humans and monsters. The human race always has the upper hand. Although every fight is very difficult, the advantage is still very obvious. Even if the war comes over this time, you should be fine as long as you stay in the Qianxu Palace. When the stems are empty, the palace must be

Of course, it is a major battlefield, and the Heavenly Law Alliance will mobilize forces to provide reinforcements. If you can witness such a battle, it will be a rare experience for you. "

Zhui'er said with a grimace, "But what if we lose the battle?"

Wuhun laughed dumbly and said, "Then nothing will happen to you. I have the ability to see people's good and bad luck. You are very lucky. As long as you don't seek death, you will not die easily." Although he was joking, he felt a little bit sad in his heart. Yes, if the situation really gets extremely dangerous, Shen Qing will definitely find a way to save this kid.

"Then I can only lend you some good words." Zhui'er smiled bitterly.

Wuhun patted him hard on the shoulder and said with some pride, "Be brave. A man must have the spirit of a man. If you can't see through life and death, you will never be able to understand the avenue. If you die, you can start over. What's so scary?" "

Zhui'er was startled, looked at Wuhun and said, "You... also believe in reincarnation?"

Listening to his tone, Wuhun guessed that Shen Qing had talked about reincarnation with him. If he said more, it would be too obvious, so he said vaguely, "I am willing to believe it, and you'd better believe it too. In that case It’s easier to look down on life and death.”

Zhui'er nodded and said nothing. He had just started to have some fun in life, and even if there was real reincarnation, he would not die easily.

Wuhun changed the topic and said, "Last time I asked you to meet after you entered the pill formation stage, firstly, it was to remember my friend, and secondly, I wanted to teach you a set of skills." He said and took out a The jade slip was handed to Zhui'er.

"What kind of technique is it?" Zhui'er looked excited. In fact, he is not very interested in the technique now. Mainly because there are too many. The spells collected in Wanfa Qiudi are enough for him to learn, and he is free and easy. The Immortal Lord taught him that the Earth Escape Technique and the God Binding Technique were very powerful spells, and he had to give priority to understanding them.

"Of course there is no need to give ordinary exercises to the disciples of Qianxu Palace Xianlin Academy. My name comes from this exercise. Not only the exercises are transcribed but also some of my experiences. I will write down the contents first. "Okay." Wuhun was very confident about this technique.

Zhui'er couldn't brush off other people's good intentions, so he put the jade slip on his forehead and moved all the contents inside to his mind. This technique is called "Guarding the Soul", and it is divided into five parts, namely Hiding the Soul, Hiding the Soul, and The virtual soul, moving soul and attacking soul, the hidden soul part is the basis of the whole set of skills, and the content is the most complicated. After being refined, the two souls of heaven and earth can be hidden invisibly, while the hidden soul further brings the two souls into the body, and the virtual soul is the condensation Creating false souls to confuse people's ears and eyes, moving souls is a body-seizing technique, and attacking souls is a method of attacking the enemy's soul. The jade slips were made in a hurry by Wuhun on the way back. The explanation and experience part could not be detailed, so this was all he could do in his haste.

"No wonder you said the name came from this." Zhui'er's eyes flashed with gratitude. He was somewhat experienced in magic. One look at the terminology of this set of exercises and he knew they were ancient magic.

Wuhun felt ashamed and said, "I have only understood the two parts of hidden soul and hidden soul, so I can only use the word soulless. Practicing the art of soul is quite risky. You should do it carefully and you can understand it." How much depends on fate, don’t force it, and don’t… ask others for advice.”

Zhui'er understood that this was a euphemism to prevent her from leaking her skills, so she swore, "This junior will never tell others..."

Before he could finish speaking, Wuhun dispersed the drop of oath blood, "I believe you, there is no need to make this oath."

Zhui'er smiled innocently, and couldn't help but think of the fairy concubine who interrupted her oath in this way. The next step is to wait. There are shadows to draw and the joy of practicing. This kind of waiting is not boring at all.

On the fifth day, the soulless wind and dust came, and the painted shadows retreated far away.

"You've improved your cultivation really quickly." Wuhun was greatly pleased and thrust Zhui'er into his body-protecting divine light.

"Hehe" Zhui'er giggled, and seeing Wuhun looking tired, he asked with concern, "How is the war going?"

"I'm afraid there will be big trouble." Wuhun said with deep concern, "You, Qianxu Palace, have stirred up a hornet's nest this time. The act of revenge has completely angered Shui Qingzhou. You must have an idea in mind. The most recent It's better not to run away and wait and see how the situation changes.

"You mean it's possible for monsters to come to Nanjingzhou?" Zhui'er asked nervously.

"It's hard to say." Wuhun's face turned serious, "Just have some idea in your mind, don't tell it out loud." He pondered for a moment before using his spiritual thoughts to say, "There are feather-level monsters participating in the battle over there in Shui Qingzhou. , and more than one, several Huayu monks from Puyunzhou have also arrived on the battlefield. The situation has reached an extremely dangerous point. Once the war breaks out in full, the consequences will be unpredictable. Nanjingzhou has been involved. If the war comes, you will Qianxu Palace must be a major target of monster attacks, and your revenge has killed too many monsters.”

"Ah? Is it that serious?" Zhui'er was a little flustered.

Wuhun nodded and said, "Maybe you still don't know what I just said. The feather-level monsters in Shui Qingzhou directly attacked the low-level monks, which means that they are already red-eyed. There is not much difference between the wisdom and cognition of feather-level monsters and the great supernatural powers of our human race. Don’t look at them in the same way as ordinary monsters. In fact, there are some monsters with high spiritual intelligence who have cultivated to the point where their spiritual intelligence is opened. Later, they will have wisdom that can rival the human race. They call this "opening the spirit", and it is the same as our "breaking the body", a leap of reincarnation.

He paused and continued, "So don't think that Shuiqingzhou is a wild land. There are corresponding orders and rules there, and there are also a small number of humans there, just like Nanjingzhou is also inhabited by monsters. The difference is The human race in Shuiqing Continent is weak, but the monsters in Nanjing Continent are very powerful.”

Zhui'er blinked and said, "I heard this from my senior brothers. Nanjing Continent is very big, and the human race occupies less than one-tenth of it. It is extremely dangerous outside, and there are many ferocious monsters inhabiting it."

"Yes, so once the monster beasts in Shui Qingzhou are killed, some of the monster beasts on our side will definitely jump out and make trouble. As for the number, no one can estimate the number. Once the situation gets out of control, it will be a war. A catastrophe.”

"Then what should we do?" Zhui'er became even more panicked.

Wuhun smiled and patted his shoulder and said, "Don't be afraid, it's useless to be afraid. If the war develops to the point where even the Huayu monks can't survive alone, then it will only depend on God's will.

Zhui'er grinned. Wuhun was really bad at comforting people. It's strange that he said that Zhui'er wasn't afraid.

Seeing Zhui'er's expression change, Wuhun hurriedly said, "Don't worry too much. There are only a few intelligent monsters among the monsters. Overall, they are just a mess. There have been many wars between humans and monsters. The human race always has the upper hand. Although every fight is very difficult, the advantage is still very obvious. Even if the war comes over this time, you should be fine as long as you stay in the Qianxu Palace. When the stems are empty, the palace must be

Of course, it is a major battlefield, and the Heavenly Law Alliance will mobilize forces to provide reinforcements. If you can witness such a battle, it will be a rare experience for you. "

Zhui'er said with a grimace, "But what if we lose the battle?"

Wuhun laughed dumbly and said, "Then nothing will happen to you. I have the ability to see people's good and bad luck. You are very lucky. As long as you don't seek death, you will not die easily." Although he was joking, he felt a little bit wrong in his heart. Yes, if the situation really gets extremely dangerous, Shen Qing will definitely find a way to save this kid.

"Then I can only lend you some good words." Zhui'er smiled bitterly.

Wuhun patted him hard on the shoulder and said with some pride, "Be brave. A man must have the spirit of a man. If you can't see through life and death, you will never be able to understand the avenue. If you die, you can start over. What's so scary?" "

Zhui'er was startled, looked at Wuhun and said, "You... also believe in reincarnation?"

Listening to his tone, Wuhun guessed that Shen Qing had talked about reincarnation with him. If he said more, it would be too obvious, so he said vaguely, "I am willing to believe it, and you'd better believe it too. In that case It’s easier to look down on life and death.”

Zhui'er nodded and said nothing. He had just started to have some fun in life, and even if there was real reincarnation, he would not die easily.

Wuhun changed the topic and said, "The last time I asked you to meet me after you entered the pill formation stage, firstly, it was to remember my friend, and secondly, I wanted to teach you a set of skills." He said and took out a The jade slip was handed to Zhui'er.

"What kind of technique is it?" Zhui'er looked excited. In fact, he is not very interested in the technique now. Mainly because there are too many. The spells collected in Wanfa Qiudi are enough for him to learn, and he is free and easy. The Immortal Lord taught him that the Earth Escape Technique and the God Binding Technique were very powerful spells, and he had to give priority to understanding them.

"Of course there is no need to give ordinary exercises to the disciples of Qianxu Palace Xianlin Academy. My name comes from this exercise. Not only the exercises are transcribed but also some of my experiences. I will write down the contents first. "Okay." Wuhun was very confident about this technique.

Zhui'er couldn't brush off other people's good intentions, so he put the jade slip on his forehead and moved all the contents inside to his mind. This technique is called "Guarding the Soul", and it is divided into five parts, namely Hiding the Soul, Hiding the Soul, and The virtual soul, moving soul and attacking soul, the hidden soul part is the basis of the whole set of skills, and the content is the most complicated. After being refined, the two souls of heaven and earth can be hidden invisibly, while the hidden soul further brings the two souls into the body, and the virtual soul is the condensation Creating false souls to confuse people's ears and eyes, moving souls is a body-seizing technique, and attacking souls is a method of attacking the enemy's soul. The jade slips were made in a hurry by Wuhun on the way back. The explanation and experience part could not be detailed, so this was all he could do in his haste.

"No wonder you said the name came from this." Zhui'er's eyes flashed with gratitude. He was somewhat experienced in magic. One look at the terminology of this set of exercises and he knew they were ancient magic.

Wuhun felt ashamed and said, "I have only understood the two parts of hidden soul and hidden soul, so I can only use the word soulless. Practicing the art of soul is quite risky. You should do it carefully and you can understand it." How much depends on fate, don’t force it, and don’t… ask others for advice.”

Zhui'er understood that this was a euphemism to prevent her from leaking her skills, so she swore, "This junior will never tell others..."

Before he could finish speaking, Wuhun waved away the drop of oath blood, "I believe you, there is no need to make this oath."

Zhui'er smiled naively, and couldn't help but think of the fairy concubine who interrupted her oath in this way.

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