Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 1325 Are you stupid?

Before the agreed two-month deadline came, Huaying gave Zhui'er another sudden check-up, but this time he did not use his spiritual consciousness directly, but said hello first with his spiritual consciousness.

"The day has come, I'm going to go."

Just when Zhui'er had just received the divine message and hadn't had time to open his eyes, Huaying was already standing next to him. This time Huaying smiled proudly because she hadn't had time to see the spell in Zhui'er's hand. Let go, this is definitely meditating on magic!

"You're really good at stirring things up." Zhui'er complained with a grimace, a bit dumbfounded. It was just a matter of repayment if his practice was interrupted before, but once his enlightenment was interrupted, his work for a long time was in vain.

Huaying ignored his complaints, looked at Zhui'er as if she had grasped the handle, and said, "Tell me, what kind of magic is this?"

"The Cold Heart Technique." Zhui'er replied angrily. The Cold Heart Technique was the first spell he learned when he first entered Wanfa Qiu. He only practiced it on the second level before putting it down.

"There's no such secret in the Han Xin Jue, right?" Huaying gestured to the secret that Zhui'er had just pinched. This was Zhi Zhuo'er. She had never learned the Han Xin Jue at all.

Zhui'er said plausibly, "Anyway, I have learned this technique from the Hanxin Jue. If you think it's wrong, point it out to me." This is considered nonsense. Among the two levels of Hanxin Jue he has learned, he can't even compare with this one. There is no similar method. If his understanding is so outrageous, then he is not a genius but a fool.

Of course Huaying would not be serious about this with him. She was sure that Zhui'er was messing around, but if Zhui'er insisted that this was how he understood it, then it would be useless even if he put the Hanxin Jue in front of him at this moment. Huaying This time, I just wanted to catch him, and I didn't want to plot his magic, so I gave a knowing sneer, and then smiled generously and scolded, "Little brat! How old are you? You're so different from trying to seduce me." You're far away! I've seen through what you're hiding a long time ago, but you didn't expose it just because you wanted to make it happen. Just keep it in your heart. Your senior sister, I stand with you sincerely and want to help you. ”

Zhui'er believed that she sincerely wanted to repay him, but there should be some fear of Immortal Xiaoyao in such magnanimity. But no matter what, he had to accept this favor, so he said with a silly smile: "Since it was so early in the morning You saw it through and peeped over and over again? In the end, you deceived yourself even more. You even said hello, but you didn’t even give me the time to lift your pants. If you really bump into me, I don’t know where to put your face. "

"You brat! If I don't catch you, will you admit it?"

"Hehe, what I have comprehended is the Cold Heart Technique." Zhui'er said with a silly smile. Even though his mind was like a mirror, he couldn't admit it and just tacitly understood it, so he immediately branched out. He opened the topic and said, "Thank you for bringing me to such a good place. I have gained so much these past few months, but... I haven't gotten over this energy yet. Senior sister, please don't let me practice for a few more days. I'll give it to you." Some benefits." Speaking of benefits, he blinked mysteriously.

"It's been a year since I came out!" Huaying said with a pretty face, but there was obviously some room left in this statement. She really wanted to know what benefits Zhui'er was going to give her, and she was so excited about the benefits promised to a little brat. It made her feel funny and weird at the same time, but this little kid was so evil, and his actions were so generous. He could give any pills to her casually if she asked for them. How could she not expect the benefits this time? ? Huaying felt greedy and apologetic at the same time in her heart. It was normal for her to experience her first experience after entering the Dan-Jie stage. She was bullying Zhuo'er for being ignorant, regardless of anyone else.

Yes, let him tell you what the benefits are before making a decision.

Zhui'er, who was bullied for his ignorance, saw that there was room for negotiation, and hurriedly took out two bottles of the original liquid made from the corpses of monsters. Wuhun had already refined it. He held the two large bottles of the original liquid with expectant eyes. He looked at Huaying and said, "Is this thing useful for refining weapons and making talismans? Look at it, it was made with five thousand years of demonic beasts."

The reason why it is so certain that it was made with five thousand years of demonic beasts is because Wuhun left a jade slip in the Qiankun Bag, made a clear list, and also attached a general purpose for each item. And the price, we have to be careful about such an ignorant little brother Wuhun, otherwise if he gives it away randomly or sells it at a low price, the loss will be secondary, and it will be a big trouble if he is questioned by the gang of Qianxu Palace. .

Huaying took the two bottles of raw liquid and examined them. He curled his lips slightly and handed them back to Zhui'er. It seemed that he was not very interested. If he hadn't caught up with the battle with the monster, he would have wanted to find a five-thousand-year-old monster. It’s not easy. These two bottles of raw liquid can be sold for hundreds of thousands of spirit stones at least, and these two varieties are also needed for Huaying. She did this to see what good things this kid has. She can already guess this It was probably given by Wuhun. Wuhun was a great monk in the late Nascent Soul. He must have gained a lot in such a big war. As for how many good things he gave to this kid, it was worth testing.

Zhui'er wasn't stupid either. He was really shocked when he saw the list. Of course, with his knowledge, he was more frightened by the prices listed above, so he deeply understood what Wuhun said. What does "Don't be too showy" mean? Seeing Huaying's attitude at this moment, he made a cruel gesture and took out a three-foot-long thin bone made of black jade, and said heartbreakingly, "That's all." Come on, don't bully me for being ignorant. This bone alone is worth at least one million spiritual stones. I'm not just begging you to give me some time, but I want to take the opportunity to give you some benefits. Don't think I'm stupid. , I also know that these three things are very useful to you.”

Huaying's eyes couldn't help but condense when she saw that thin bone. When she heard what Zhui'er said, she pursed her lips and smiled, "How smart do you think you are? You are just stupid. You have entered the Dan Formation stage and come out to practice. It’s so ordinary, how about it? Are you stupid? I’ve been teasing you, a fool!”

"Huh? Years are all right?" Zhui'er was a little stupid, but then she giggled happily, "Then... then you can stay with me for a few more years. I'll give you these three things."

Huaying looked at him sincerely and said, "I want these three things, but I won't take them from you in vain. To be honest, the two times you rescued me and the pill you asked about, I couldn't give it to you at the moment." It will only take a long time for you to repay more in return, but the starting price I have paid for these three items will give you a total of 1.5 million spirit stones, which can be converted into 1,400 Nascent Soul Stones, not a single one is missing. Yours."

At this point, she showed a pitiful look and said with all her heart, "Junior brother, I have been concentrating on cultivation these years and have no time to hunt monsters. The materials needed to refine the talismans can only be obtained by selling talismans." In exchange, but I don’t want to sell the best talismans to others. This is the same as asking Danzi not to make elixirs for others. It’s hard to earn spiritual stones by selling some ordinary talismans. The main reason is that it also delays me. It takes a lot of practice, but Senior Sister is willing to give you all the good talismans. Although those talismans are too powerful for your current cultivation level, Senior Sister can swear with her Dao Heart that she will give them to you when the time comes, so you If you have any other materials, please sell them to me. I promise not to mention this to anyone, so just help me." Before the agreed two-month deadline, Huaying came again. A sudden inspection, but this time I did not use my spiritual consciousness directly, but first said hello with my spiritual consciousness.

"The day has come, I'm going to go."

Just when Zhui'er had just received the divine message and hadn't had time to open his eyes, Huaying was already standing next to him. This time Huaying smiled proudly because she hadn't had time to see the spell in Zhui'er's hand. Let go, this is definitely meditating on the magic!

"You're really good at stirring things up." Zhui'er complained with a grimace, a bit dumbfounded. It was just a matter of repayment if his practice was interrupted before, but once his enlightenment was interrupted, his work for a long time was in vain.

Huaying ignored his complaints, looked at Zhui'er as if she had grasped the handle, and said, "Tell me, what kind of magic is this?"

"The Cold Heart Technique." Zhui'er replied angrily. The Cold Heart Technique was the first spell he learned when he first entered Wanfa Qiu. He only practiced it on the second level before putting it down.

"There's no such secret in the Han Xin Jue, right?" Huaying gestured to the secret that Zhui'er had just pinched. This was Zhi Zhuo'er. She had never learned the Han Xin Jue at all.

Zhui'er said plausibly, "Anyway, I have learned this technique from the Hanxin Jue. If you think it's wrong, point it out to me." This is considered nonsense. Among the two levels of Hanxin Jue he has learned, he can't even compare with this one. There is no similar method. If his understanding is so outrageous, then he is not a genius but a fool.

Of course Huaying would not be serious about this with him. She was sure that Zhui'er was messing around, but if Zhui'er insisted that this was how he understood it, then it would be useless even if he placed the Hanxin Jue in front of him at this moment. Huaying This time, I just wanted to catch him, and I didn't want to plot his magic, so I gave a knowing sneer, and then smiled generously and scolded, "Little brat! How old are you? You're so different from trying to seduce me." You're far away! I've seen through what you're hiding a long time ago, but you didn't expose it just because you wanted to make it happen. Just keep it in your heart. Your senior sister, I stand with you sincerely and want to help you. ”

Zhui'er believed that she sincerely wanted to repay him, but there should be some fear of Immortal Xiaoyao in such magnanimity. But no matter what, he had to accept this favor, so he said with a silly smile: "Since it was so early in the morning You saw it through and peeped over and over again? In the end, you deceived yourself even more. You even said hello, but you didn’t even give me the time to lift your pants. If you really bump into me, I don’t know where to put your face. "

"You brat! If I don't catch you, will you admit it?"

"Hehe, what I have comprehended is the Cold Heart Technique." Zhui'er said with a silly smile. Even though his mind was like a mirror, he couldn't admit it and just tacitly understood it, so he immediately branched out. He opened the topic and said, "Thank you for bringing me to such a good place. I have gained so much these past few months, but... I haven't gotten over this energy yet. Senior sister, please don't let me practice for a few more days. I'll give it to you." Some benefits." Speaking of benefits, he blinked mysteriously.

"It's been a year since I came out!" Huaying said with a pretty face, but there was obviously some room left in this statement. She really wanted to know what benefits Zhui'er was going to give her, and she was so excited about the benefits promised to a little brat. It made her feel funny and weird at the same time, but this little kid was so evil, and his actions were so generous. He could give any pills to her casually if she asked for them. How could she not expect the benefits this time? ? Huaying felt greedy and apologetic at the same time in her heart. It was normal for her to experience her first experience after entering the Dan-Jie stage. She was bullying Zhuo'er for being ignorant, regardless of anyone else.

Yes, let him tell you what the benefits are before making a decision.

Zhui'er, who was bullied for his ignorance, saw that there was room for negotiation, and hurriedly took out two bottles of the original liquid made from the corpses of monsters. Wuhun had already refined it. He held the two large bottles of the original liquid with expectant eyes. He looked at Huaying and said, "Is this thing useful for refining weapons and making talismans? Look at it, it was made with five thousand years of demonic beasts."

The reason why it is so certain that it was made with five thousand years of demonic beasts is because Wuhun left a jade slip in the Qiankun Bag, made a clear list, and also attached a general purpose for each item. And the price, we have to be careful about such an ignorant little brother Wuhun, otherwise if he gives it away randomly or sells it at a low price, the loss will be secondary, and it will be a big trouble if he is questioned by the gang of Qianxu Palace. .

Huaying took the two bottles of raw liquid and examined them. He curled his lips slightly and handed them back to Zhui'er. It seemed that he was not very interested. If he hadn't caught up with the battle with the monster, he would have wanted to find a five-thousand-year-old monster. It’s not easy. These two bottles of raw liquid can be sold for hundreds of thousands of spirit stones at least, and these two varieties are also needed for Huaying. She did this to see what good things this kid has. She can already guess this It was probably given by Wuhun. Wuhun was a great monk in the late Nascent Soul. He must have gained a lot in such a big war. As for how many good things he gave to this kid, it was worth testing.

Zhui'er wasn't stupid either. He was really shocked when he saw the list. Of course, with his knowledge, he was more frightened by the prices listed above, so he deeply understood what Wuhun said. What does "Don't be too showy" mean? Seeing Huaying's attitude at this moment, he made a cruel gesture and took out a three-foot-long thin bone made of black jade, and said heartbreakingly, "That's all." Come on, don't bully me for being ignorant. This bone alone is worth at least one million spiritual stones. I'm not just begging you to give me some time, but I want to take the opportunity to give you some benefits. Don't think I'm stupid. , I also know that these three things are very useful to you.”

Huaying's eyes couldn't help but condense when she saw that thin bone. When she heard what Zhui'er said, she pursed her lips and smiled, "How smart do you think you are? You are just stupid. You have entered the Dan Formation stage and come out to practice. It’s so ordinary, how about it? Are you stupid? I’ve been teasing you, a fool!”

"Huh? Years are all right?" Zhui'er was a little stupid, but then she giggled happily, "Then... then you can stay with me for a few more years. I'll give you these three things."

Huaying looked at him sincerely and said, "I want these three things, but I won't take them from you in vain. To be honest, the two times you rescued me and the pill you asked about, I couldn't give it to you at the moment." It will only take a long time for you to repay more in return, but the starting price I have paid for these three items will give you a total of 1.5 million spirit stones, which can be converted into 1,400 Nascent Soul Stones, not a single one is missing. Yours."

At this point, she showed a pitiful expression and said with all her heart, "Junior brother, I have been concentrating on cultivation these years and have no time to hunt monsters. The materials needed to refine the talismans can only be obtained by selling talismans." In exchange, but I don’t want to sell the best talismans to others. This is the same as asking Danzi not to make elixirs for others. It’s hard to earn spiritual stones by selling some ordinary talismans. The main reason is that it also delays me. It takes a lot of practice, but senior sister is willing to give you all the good talismans. Although those talismans are too powerful for your current cultivation level, senior sister can swear with her Tao heart that she will give them to you when the time comes, so you If you have any other materials, please sell them to me. I promise not to mention this to anyone, just help me."

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