Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 1329 Get out of here!

Seeing Huaying's expression, Hui'er felt a little unbearable, and said with a bitter face, "Why do you have to say such things? I really think about you and don't want you to waste too much time and energy on me."

Huaying looked forward and said calmly, "There is no need to practice diligently in the middle stage of Nascent Soul. There is plenty of time to waste."

"Then... doing some serious things will help improve your cultivation, right? My things are too small."

Huaying stopped talking to him. It was already so obvious that he wanted to reject her. She was the one who wanted to save face.

When they arrived near Dilang Mountain, Huaying stopped in a forest. She looked in the direction of Dilang Mountain and remained silent. It seemed that she wanted to stop here, and she didn't even bother to say a word of explanation.

Zhui'er said cautiously, "I'll meet with them, ask them about the situation, and then I'll go back to Xianlin Courtyard with you. I won't be there for too long."

Huaying looked up at the sky as if he hadn't heard.

Zhui'er became ruthless and flew towards the Heavenly Holy Peak with his sword. Since the trouble has come to this point, he should simply persevere to the end. If he keeps grinding, his little determination will soon collapse. If you lack the ability to resist temptation, try to stay away from temptation. This is also a kind of wisdom. This kind of wisdom does not hurt, but it requires extraordinary perseverance.

When he arrived at Tiansheng Peak, as usual, he first found a senior brother of Lu Gang to say hello. The senior brother suddenly showed surprise when he heard that he came to Lu Gang, and then asked with a strange expression, "You haven't seen him before." ?”

"No..." The other person's expression made Zhui'er a little confused.

The senior brother was also quite confused, "He came to your place a year ago."

"Where are we? You mean...Xianlinyuan?!" Zhui'er finally understood, with a look of surprise in his eyes.

The senior brother nodded slightly, and Zhui'er bowed his hand to him in great joy and went straight to Cuiyu Peak. Lu Gang finally entered the Immortal Forest Academy. He was so happy. If Shu Yan also entered the Immortal Academy, If Lin Yuan is there, it will be perfect.

\u003e The perfect thing didn't happen. Shu Yan looked very depressed when she saw Zhui'er. Two of the three people she had played with since childhood entered the Xianlin Academy. She not only felt embarrassed but also lonely.

"Zhui'er, I feel so useless. You two have reached the elixir formation stage and you both..." Shu Yan sighed and turned her head to the side.

"Lü Gang has also entered the pill-forming stage?" This news surprised Zhui'er. This guy is really hardworking. He thought he would be at least ten years ahead. Seeing that Shu Yan was in a low mood and didn't say anything, he He hurriedly advised, "You are getting better soon. What you cultivate is your state of mind. How can you be so dejected? I have been practicing outside in the past few years, so I couldn't come over to see you in time. Don't worry, I will give you a test." Is there a chance? It’s the place where there are many magic books.”

Hearing Zhui'er talking recklessly about the test in Xianlin Academy, Shu Yan hurriedly stopped her with her eyes.

Zhui'er opened her body-protecting divine light to cover her, and used her spiritual thoughts to ask, "Have you been there?"

Shu Yan nodded gently twice with a frown on her face.

Zhui'er pretended to smile casually and said, "Entering Xianlin Academy is not a one-time deal. As long as you are given the opportunity, you will not give it just once. Remember, when you go again, you must choose the spell that you are most interested in to understand." , don’t worry about gains and losses, just think that you can’t pass the test just to learn a spell in vain.”

Shu Yan said disgustedly, "Why are you still so stupid even though I've already cultivated alchemy for you? Didn't you see me nodding my head twice?"

"Ah? Nod twice? What do you mean..." Zhui'er looked at her confused.

"That means we've gone there twice!" Shu Yan felt uncomfortable and her words came out sideways.

"Two..." Zhui'er was startled for a moment.

Only then did he realize that these two times were referring to the two visits to Wanfaqiu. He couldn't help crying or laughing and said, "Sister, you are making it too difficult for me. How smart can someone be to understand what you mean? Just be patient for now." Anger, let's talk carefully. You are doing more harm than good. You can still practice even if you can't enter the Xianlin Academy. If you don't look away from this matter, not only will you not be able to enter the Xianlin Academy, it will also have an impact on your future cultivation. ”

Shu Yan grabbed Zhui'er's arm aggrievedly and complained, "I just want to vent my feelings after seeing you. Zhui'er, I've been going through a lot of suffering during this period. I'm anxious and hating myself for being useless. If I enter If we don’t get to Xianlinyuan, we will be further and further behind you in the future.”

"Don't think like that. There's nothing wrong with Xianlin Academy. It's just a better place to live and more spiritual stones. As for spells, your senior sister from Cuiyu Peak must have taught you that improving your cultivation is the foundation. Immortal Although there are many spells in Linyuan, everyone can only choose one or two to learn. No matter how many spell books there are, it is useless. When you reach the stage of forming pills, I will just teach you the spells." He did not dare to encourage Shu Yanweijin. She went to Xianlinyuan and worked hard. If she really couldn't get in, it would be a big blow. It was better to pave the way for her first.

Zhui'er's consideration is reasonable. You can't enter the Xianlin Academy just by working hard. In the past ten years, Xingpeng, Lu Gang and he have entered the Xianlin Academy, which is already a lot. If Shu Yan enters It's normal not to go. In fact, there is an inside story here that Zhui'er doesn't know. The moment Jiu Xianjun died, it was inevitable for him to enter the Xianlin Academy. Even if he failed to pass the test, Hengguan Xianzun would let him move into the Immortal Academy. It was his good fortune that Xingpeng could enter the Xianlin Academy. When he slacked off due to various reasons when he was in the Xiulin Academy, it was the Nine Immortals who took the initiative to transfer him to Wuyu Peak. It is to use Xingpeng, his enemy, to stimulate him. This method is obviously extremely useful. Letting Xingpeng enter the Xianlin Academy is a continuation of this method. There is the instruction of Hengguan Xianzun, of course.

Xingpeng's qualifications are also reasonable. Although it is a bit reluctant to enter the Xianlin Academy, it is not too unconventional. Therefore, when Xingpeng blocked Zhui'er in the courtyard and bullied him, Guangpu, as the head of the academy, did not miss it. It was deliberately ignored.

Lu Gang entered the Xianlin Academy based on his own ability. This kid does have a ruthless spirit, but he was able to break through and enter the pill-forming stage so quickly because of some secret help. Qianxu Palace is too big, and there are many experts. , if Zhui'er can be favored by the Nine Immortals, it is normal for Lu Gang to be valued by other experts. After all, their qualifications are considered outstanding in Qianxu Palace.

When Shu Yan heard Zhui'er say that she wanted to pass on her spells, she was so frightened that she shook her head. There were strict restrictions on privately transmitting spells in any sect, let alone passing on the spells from the Xianlin Courtyard. If they were discovered, they would be kicked out. Everyone in Qianxu Palace is light, even if Zhuo'er dared to pass it on, she wouldn't dare to learn it.

Seeing Shu Yan frightened like this, Zhui'er smiled and said, "We'll talk about the magic later. I don't think it's important at all. I'll get you some more powerful talismans later. They are much better than magic. Now I With this method, it is easy to get but use it when you need it. Don't be reluctant. You just need to concentrate on your cultivation. I am learning to make elixirs. Don't worry about the elixirs in the future. I will prepare them for you. "

"Zhui'er..., thank you." Warmth surged in Shu Yan's heart, and her tormented heart suddenly felt better. Zhui'er's silly smile had made her feel warm and happy since she was a child.

Zhui'er didn't forget to say good things for Lu Gang, and said in passing words: "According to the rules of Xianlin Academy, you can only come out after forming the pill, and you have to be accompanied by someone, so Lu Gang can't come to see you in a short time, don't blame me" "The reason why I was able to come out before was because I didn't want to enter the Xianlin Academy. They begged me to enter, so they were less strict with me."

"Go away!" Shu Yan hid her mouth and scolded with a smile, just thinking that he was making herself happy.

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