Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 1332 Just try it

When Wen Danzi opened the jade box and saw two demonic beast inner elixirs that were about seven thousand years old, he immediately raised his eyebrows, stared at Zhuo'er and asked, "How did you get them?"

Zhui'er made a sad face and said, "Senior brother, you didn't listen to what I just said. You asked even though I said I wasn't allowed to ask."

Wen Danzi couldn't help asking out of surprise. He recovered from Zhui'er's complaint. He looked at Zhui'er with suspicion and fell silent. He couldn't accept it without asking clearly. He knew it. Yes, a monk who had just formed an elixir could produce two inner elixirs worth seven thousand years. There must be something extraordinary hidden in it. Zhui'er insisted not to say that he could understand.

Zhui'er showed a flattering smile and said, "Senior brother, this thing was given to me by someone else. Just accept it with confidence. There won't be any trouble."

"No reward for no merit. This gift from you is too big. I can't accept it without explaining it clearly. It was given to you by Huaying, right? You should let me make the elixir for you next, right?" Asked Danzi, even though he said this He said but did not immediately return the two jade boxes to Zhui'er. These two inner elixirs were indeed rare. Zhuo'er did not hesitate to spend money to take out the two best inner elixirs at once.

"No, no, this has nothing to do with Huaying, and the person who gave me the inner elixir has nothing to do with Huaying, let alone coveting my senior brother's elixir. It's another blessing I encountered, um... Speaking of elixirs ..., I would like to ask my friend Shu Yan for an aid to break the orifice. Senior brother, if you feel sorry for taking these two inner elixirs for nothing, just help me refine one, hehe..."

Wen Danzi smiled contemptuously, "Huh, that beautiful snake is so cunning and cunning. If she can easily manipulate you, there must be something going on here."

Seeing that he had determined that it was a trap set by Huaying, Zhui'er felt helpless and said, "Senior brother, don't be too smart. If Huaying is planning it, will she let me give you the inner elixir as soon as I come back? That's too stupid. Come on, I can think of this, why can’t you think of it?”

"You don't need to tell me this?!" Wen Danzi's old face couldn't help but blush. He had indeed ignored this. It wasn't that he didn't think of it, but that he was too guarded against Huaying. Under the preconceptions, he naturally became one. He thought hard about Huaying, and he had to maintain his face, so he continued to argue, "What is false is real, and what is true is false. You cannot see through Huaying's tricks. Her palace is deep."

This strong argument made Zhui'er desperate. After thinking about it, he secretly said, "To tell you the truth, Wuhun gave it to me. He is currently fighting the monsters in Shuiqing Continent in Puyun Continent, so he has these." "

"Soulless?" Because he knew that the secret was too big, Wen Danzi also cautiously used his spiritual thoughts.

"Have you never heard of Wuhun? He is the commander of Yiling Guards and a great monk in the late Nascent Soul."

Wen Danzi seldom pays attention to trivial matters that have nothing to do with alchemy. He really doesn't know that there is such a famous person as Wuhun. He heard that it involves Yilingwei's Guanying, and his expression can't help but become solemn, "Yilingwei's Guanying Why give you such a valuable thing?”

Zhui'er told the truth about how he got to know Wuhun and why Wuhun was so nice to him, because he felt that telling Danzi about this was not much different from telling him about a stone. This senior brother had no interest in any of this. After hearing it, it was not only rotten in my stomach, but I didn't take it to heart at all.

"You actually saved Huaying? Hahaha, no wonder she suddenly took you out to practice. I heard that she took you out but I was worried about it. But I didn't want it to be like this. Why didn't you tell me earlier!" Wen Danzi thought this was funny and also felt happy. Naturally, he was happy because he could safely accept these two inner elixirs. As for Wuhun and Zhui'er, he didn't have any idea.

It is doubtful that those people in Yilingwei have no future today, so it is not surprising that they do anything they do.

"Wuxun asked me not to tell outsiders, and senior brother and Huaying don't like each other, so how dare I tell you about this."

"Am I an outsider?" Wen Danzi scolded him with his eyes widened.

Zhui'er hurriedly smiled and waved his hands, "No, no, of course I won't treat my senior brother as an outsider. I'm mainly afraid that you'll be annoyed by me for helping Huaying."

"Confused! She caused trouble because she helped me plot the magic pill. She didn't help me at other times but she should have helped her at this time. I have a clear sense of grudges. How could I blame you for this?"

"Oh, I didn't expect this." Zhui'er stood there blankly and blinked, as if he was just waking up from a dream.

"Despite this, you have to be careful about Dian Huaying. When it comes to elixirs and prescriptions, you should be even more careful. Don't fall into other people's traps. It's best to stay away from her. Don't be fooled by her beauty. You have to be a little bit. Make a difference!"

Zhui'er lowered his head in embarrassment. This senior brother really showed no mercy to him.

"Okay, don't blame me for speaking harshly. This is for your own good. You should have some idea about the painting."

Zhui'er said in a low tone, "What my senior brother taught me is that I am already staying away from her. It's almost like we had a falling out."

When I asked Danzi, he didn't look like he was faking it. He probably had a real quarrel. When he wanted to ask, he felt weak. Thinking about these messy things made him feel tired, and the matter about the two inner elixirs was too complicated. The deal was settled first, and then the sale was completed and he said, "I have already refined the elixir for the little futon. It shouldn't be a problem to make it live for another ten years. Although I didn't use too many rare materials, it took a lot of thought on my part." "

"Ten years..." Zhui'er couldn't say he was very satisfied with this year. When he reached the elixir formation stage, his feelings about the years were different from before. Four years had passed since he went out.

Wen Danzi glared and said, "It's not a spiritual beast. This has already multiplied its lifespan several times. In addition, I have been using medicine to keep it alive all these years. How many times has it been multiplied? If you want to It's not impossible to let it live for a few more years, but it's just hanging on, and that means you'll suffer. Are you willing?"

Zhui'er hurriedly said, "Yes, yes, thank you, senior brother. I am very satisfied that I can allow it to live in good health for ten more years. It is also worthy of the fact that it has come to me and asked senior brother to worry about it."

This one obviously didn't sell well, so I had to turn to Shu Yan when I asked about the pill, "The little girl doesn't need the pill to break through. It's better for me to refine another pill for her when she encounters a bottleneck in the future. Then It’s enough to change her destiny.”

Zhui'er showed a flattering smile again, "Two of our three childhood friends entered the Xianlin Academy. She was very depressed about this. I don't think her chances of entering the Xianlin Academy are very high, and her future life will be very difficult. , Senior brother, you are so capable, I want to ask you to take the trouble to help her refine a... Hehe... a pill that helps to open the spiritual eye, just try it, it doesn't matter if it doesn't work. ”

Wen Danzi was amused by his silly obsession with his spiritual eyes. Zhuo'er had mentioned this to him before when he was about to break his orifice, but he scolded him away. However, he brought it up again this time.

"The spiritual eye is heaven-defying. If I could refine that kind of elixir, God would have taken me away long ago. Don't make me stupid here."

Zhui'er was silent for a while, then suddenly took out the Qiankun bag given to him by Wuhun, and poured out a mountain-like pile of things, including inner elixirs, skin and bones, original liquid, uniquely valuable organs, and the contents of more than a dozen monster beasts. It would not be an exaggeration to say that it is a treasure house when things are piled together. When Wen Danzi opened the jade box and saw two demonic beast inner elixirs that were about seven thousand years old, he immediately raised his eyebrows, stared at Zhuo'er and asked, "How did you get them?"

Zhui'er made a sad face and said, "Senior brother, you didn't listen to what I just said. You asked even though I told you not to ask."

Wen Danzi couldn't help asking out of surprise. He recovered from Zhui'er's complaint. He looked at Zhui'er with suspicion and fell silent. He couldn't accept it without asking clearly. He knew it. Yes, a monk who had just formed an elixir could produce two inner elixirs worth seven thousand years. There must be something extraordinary hidden in it. Zhui'er insisted not to say that he could understand.

Zhui'er showed a flattering smile and said, "Senior brother, this thing was given to me by someone else. Just accept it with confidence. There won't be any trouble."

"No reward for no merit. This gift of yours is too big. I can't accept it without explaining it clearly. Is Huaying giving it to you? You should let me refine the elixir for you next, right?" Asked Danzi that even though he said this He said but did not immediately return the two jade boxes to Zhui'er. These two inner elixirs were indeed rare. Zhuo'er did not hesitate to spend money to take out the two best inner elixirs at once.

"No, no, this has nothing to do with Huaying, and the person who gave me the inner elixir has nothing to do with Huaying, let alone coveting my senior brother's elixir. It's another blessing I encountered, um... Speaking of elixirs ..., I would like to ask my friend Shu Yan for an aid to break the orifice. Senior brother, if you feel sorry for taking these two inner elixirs for nothing, just help me refine one, hehe..."

Wen Danzi smiled contemptuously and said, "Huh, that beautiful snake is very cunning and can trick you easily. There must be something going on here."

Seeing that he had determined that it was a trap set by Huaying, Zhui'er felt helpless and said, "Senior brother, don't be too smart. If Huaying is planning it, will she let me give you the inner elixir as soon as I come back? That's too stupid. Come on, I can think of this, why can’t you think of it?”

"You don't need to tell me this?!" Wen Danzi's old face couldn't help but blush. He had indeed ignored this. It wasn't that he didn't think of it, but that he was too guarded against Huaying. Under the preconceptions, he naturally became one. He thought hard about Huaying, and he had to maintain his face, so he continued to argue, "What is false is real, and what is true is false. You cannot see through Huaying's tricks. Her palace is deep."

This strong argument made Zhui'er desperate. After thinking about it, he secretly said, "To tell you the truth, Wuhun gave it to me. He is currently fighting the monsters in Shuiqing Continent in Puyun Continent, so he has these." Neidan’s.”

"Soulless?" Because he knew that the secret was too big, Wen Danzi also cautiously used his spiritual thoughts.

"Have you never heard of Wuhun? He is the commander of Yiling Guards and a great monk in the late Nascent Soul."

Wen Danzi seldom pays attention to trivial matters that have nothing to do with alchemy. He really doesn't know that there is such a famous person as Wuhun. He heard that it involves Yilingwei's Guanying, and his expression can't help but become solemn, "Yilingwei's Guanying Why give you such a valuable thing?”

Zhui'er told the truth about how he got to know Wuhun and why Wuhun was so nice to him, because he felt that telling Danzi about this was not much different from telling him about a stone. This senior brother had no interest in any of this. After hearing it, it was not only rotten in my stomach, but I didn't take it to heart at all.

"You actually saved Huaying? Hahaha, no wonder she suddenly took you out to practice. I heard that she took you out but I was worried about it. But I didn't want it to be like this. Why didn't you tell me earlier!" Wen Danzi thought this was funny and also felt happy. Naturally, he was happy because he could safely accept these two inner elixirs. As for Wuhun and Zhui'er, he didn't have any idea.

It is doubtful that those people in Yilingwei have no future today, so it is not surprising that they do anything they do.

"Wuxun asked me not to tell outsiders, and senior brother and Huaying don't like each other, so how can I dare to tell you about this?"

"Am I an outsider?" Wen Danzi scolded him with his eyes widened.

Zhui'er hurriedly smiled and waved his hands and said, "No, no, of course I won't treat my senior brother as an outsider. I'm mainly afraid that you will annoy me for helping Huaying."

"Confused! She caused trouble because she helped me plot the magic pill. She didn't help me at other times but she should have helped her at this time. I have a clear sense of grudges. How can I blame you for this?"

"Oh, I didn't expect this." Zhui'er stood there blankly and blinked, as if he was just waking up from a dream.

"Despite this, you have to be careful about Dian Huaying. When it comes to elixirs and prescriptions, you should be even more careful. Don't fall into other people's traps. It's best to stay away from her. Don't be fooled by her beauty. You have to be a little bit. Make a difference!"

Zhui'er lowered his head in embarrassment. This senior brother really showed no mercy to him.

"Okay, don't blame me for speaking harshly. This is for your own good. You should have some idea about the painting."

Zhui'er said in a low tone, "What my senior brother taught me is that I am already staying away from her. It's almost like we had a falling out."

When I asked Danzi, he didn't look like he was faking it. He probably had a real quarrel. When he wanted to ask, he felt weak. Thinking about these messy things made him feel tired, and the matter about the two inner elixirs was too complicated. The deal was settled first, and then the sale was completed and he said, "I have already refined the elixir for the little futon. It shouldn't be a problem to make it live for another ten years. Although I didn't use too many rare materials, it took a lot of thought on my part." "

"Ten years..." Zhui'er couldn't say he was very satisfied with this year. When he reached the elixir formation stage, his feelings about the years were different from before. Four years had passed since he went out.

Wen Danzi glared and said, "It's not a spiritual beast. This has already multiplied its lifespan several times. In addition, I have been using medicine to keep it alive all these years. How many times has it been multiplied? If you want to It's not impossible to let it live for a few more years, but it's just hanging on to death. That's what you're going to suffer. Are you willing?"

Zhui'er hurriedly said, "Yes, yes, thank you, senior brother. I am very satisfied that I can allow it to live in good health for ten more years. It is also worthy of the fact that it has come to me and asked senior brother to worry about it."

This one obviously didn't sell well, so I had to turn to Shu Yan when I asked about the pill, "The little girl doesn't need the pill to break through. It's better for me to refine another pill for her when she encounters a bottleneck in the future. Then It’s enough to change her destiny.”

Zhui'er showed a flattering smile again, "Two of our three childhood friends entered the Xianlin Academy. She was very depressed about this. I don't think her chances of entering the Xianlin Academy are very high, and her future life will be very difficult. , Senior brother, you are so capable, I want to ask you to take the trouble to help her refine a... Hehe... a pill that helps to open the spiritual eye, just try it, it doesn't matter if it doesn't work. ”

Wen Danzi was amused by his silly obsession with his spiritual eyes. Zhuo'er had mentioned this to him before when he was about to break his orifice, but he scolded him away. However, he brought it up again this time.

"The spiritual eye is heaven-defying. If I could refine that kind of elixir, God would have taken me away long ago. Don't make me stupid here."

Zhui'er was silent for a while, then suddenly took out the Qiankun bag given to him by Wuhun, and poured out a mountain-like pile of things, including inner elixirs, skin and bones, original liquid, uniquely valuable organs, and the contents of more than a dozen monster beasts. It would not be an exaggeration to say that things are piled together and it is a treasure house.

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