Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 1340 Trouble!

"Are you really stupid?" Huaying glared angrily.

"What's wrong?" Seeing her like this, Zhui'er had no choice but to suppress her eagerness to get the treasure and looked at Huaying with a blank expression.

"Then there's still poison on it, how do you get it?" Huaying warned in an evil voice. Naturally, there would be no antidote for such a violent poison, and there would be no time to treat him.

"Oops!" Zhui'er woke up from a dream, scratched his head in shame, and asked Danzi if he had indeed told him that if he killed the other party with poison pills, he must not take the Qiankun bag and other items left by the other party. Danzi could not have expected that he would encounter such a powerful monster on this trip, so he did not give too detailed instructions, because ordinary monsters would be reduced to nothing under the power of this poison pill, and he would fall into the trap. The main reason why Er was confused was because his drug addiction gave him a preconceived idea.

Huaying's face softened and she stared at Zhui'er again.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Zhui'er had long noticed that her eyes were a little strange.

"I should have been knocked unconscious by the pill I was asked about."

"Huh?" Zhui'er was very doubtful about her statement.

Huaying said calmly, "When you first entered the Xianlin Courtyard, you were blocked by Xingpeng in the courtyard. When I went there for the first time, I secretly cast the agarwood incense, but you were not fascinated. I also I thought the dose was not enough.”

"What do you mean?" Zhui'er asked, blinking.

Huaying shook her head slowly, "I think you are not afraid of poisons, but I can't guess the reason behind this."

"I'm not afraid of poisons? Stop talking nonsense!" Suddenly hearing such a weird thing made Zhui'er a little panicked.

"This is easy to verify." Huaying took out a bright red vial.

Zhui'er was so frightened that she jumped away and said, "You can't try this randomly! What if it poisons me to death?"

"This just makes

The incense of agarwood that makes a person sleepy cannot poison you to death. "

"That won't work either!" Zhui'er swallowed nervously and quickly thought of the reason. He glared and said, "You haven't recovered yet, and we are still in danger! Are you stupid for doing this kind of test now?! "

Huaying raised his chin towards the battlefield and said, "Then you go and bury the bones. If others see it, there will have to be an explanation for what happened today. Then I won't be the one asking you to do the test." "

"That's true." Zhui'er said. He glanced at the battlefield but did not act immediately. He asked suspiciously, "Are you sure you were drugged?"

"80% yes, this drug is very different from the method used by monsters to plot against me."

"How about... I take you there to try again?"

"Go to hell!" Huaying raised the vial in his hand threateningly.

"No... I'm a little scared." Although he was embarrassed to admit that he was scared, he was really a little scared.

Huaying said seriously, "I am sure that the monster was poisoned to death. If you don't want others to test you, then the aftermath must be done cleanly."

"Okay..." Although Zhui'er doesn't know much, he can still think that if he is really not afraid of poisons, it will definitely not be a good thing if others find out, and he should not be allowed to deal with poisonous things all day long.

"Don't touch that bone, just dig a deep hole on the side and let it fall down." Although Huaying was almost sure that he was not afraid of poison, he was still afraid that he would not be able to withstand the poisonous attack.

"Yeah, I know." Zhui'er has already thought of this. When he's not confused or impulsive, he's very energetic and is afraid of death.

The two returned to the vicinity of the battlefield. Huaying watched as Zhui'er tentatively flew into the area where the drug was scattered. The confusion in his eyes became darker, and he casually grabbed a bird that flew by. Throwing it over, the little bird fell to the ground like a stone and did not move at all.

"What are you doing!" The startled Zhui'er complained dissatisfiedly. After seeing clearly that it was a bird, he knew what Huaying was doing. Was he really not afraid of poisons? This was not the time to think too much. He wanted to leave this dangerous area immediately. Who knew if his ability would suddenly disappear? So he hurriedly flew to the piece of bone, and used his spiritual power to dig a big hole a hundred feet deep with extreme caution. Then he emptied out the soil under the bone, causing the place to collapse. After backfilling the soil, he hurriedly dug another hole. After covering it up, he ran back. The area had been beaten into a mess. It was impossible to erase the traces of the fighting. We could only hope that no one would be discovered in a short time. There would be two or three years of lush vegetation. These traces will be eliminated.

"Look, Wen Danzi's drug has no effect on you." Huaying's eyes flashed with excitement when she said this.

"I think his drug just didn't work, maybe it was too old and it didn't work anymore."

"Leave the place of right and wrong first." Huaying held Zhui'er's arm and flew away into the distance while saying with spiritual thoughts, "I won't leak it to you. You can't hide this from me."

"I saved you once again. If I don't take you to escape, even if the monster is unable to kill you, it can kill you just by rubbing a little of the poison on you."

Huaying looked at him with a disdainful side eye and said, "If it weren't for you, I wouldn't have come here and suffered an accident. I don't know how long it will take to recuperate after I go back!"

Zhui'er moved her lips and wanted to say that if she was not too troublesome, she would ask Danzi to follow her instead.

Maybe he could kill the monster easily, but it was too heartless to say so, so he quickly swallowed his words.

"Okay, you helped me when I came to Wutou Mountain this time, and I risked my life to save you. We owe nothing to each other."

Huaying said expressionlessly, "Do you have to be so clear with me?"

"No...I just...sigh..." Zhui'er didn't know what to say. He was really confused about how to deal with his relationship with Huaying.

Huaying changed the subject thoughtfully and said, "The appearance of this monster is strange. Logically speaking, a monster of this level will never appear in an area so close to human forces. I don't know this kind of monster. After returning, Need to check."

Zhui'er said with a bitter face, "Just check the classics. It's best not to ask others. I don't know if I can hide it from you and ask Senior Brother Danzi. I used two pills at once. He will definitely know." Asked for details.”

"Just show him the previous memory. I just said that I took the pill and ran away. You probably didn't see anything clearly at the time. No matter how curious he was about this monster, he wouldn't do it. He took the initiative to ask me about this kind of thing, but maybe he would come and check it out in person, and then he would be able to find the buried bone. You can just bite it to death and not know anything. If you want to completely hide this from him, impossible."

"How about... can I try to throw that bone away?"

"It's better not to take this risk. Asking about Danzi's poison is not a joke, and you don't have to worry about him knowing. Even if you find the bone, he won't be troublesome. I know his temperament very well."

"Oh! Then you have to explain to him why you are here, it's troublesome!" Zhui'er, who has learned to lie, has initially realized the trouble caused by lies. In this regard, his mentality is far inferior to Xun'er. Easy.

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