Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 1344 The apricot fruit returned to its original owner

Shen Qing and Qi Jia came to express their condolences to the Eleven Immortal Lord and several other great monks who died on the battlefield. Although it has been more than two years, the great monks often stay in seclusion for several years, so this kind of condolence will last for many years.

Guangpu brought Zhui'er to the two of them, said a simple hello and left.

Qi Jia looked at Zhui'er with great interest, and his attitude was much friendlier than when he first saw Xunyi, because this little guy seemed very immature, and there was no need to worry about his junior sister falling in love.

Zhui'er was also sizing up Shen Qing's fifth senior sister. Shen Qing had planned to take him to see this fifth senior sister before, so he had a crush on Qi Jia, and this fairy with thin eyebrows and crooked eyes looked gentle. It really made him feel close to his heart.

"Langxing has met Fifth Senior Sister." Zhui'er put down the futon and saluted with a naive smile. He is now a disciple of Xianlin Academy, and his seniority cannot be treated like ordinary disciples. In addition to his relationship with Shen Qing, he called Fifth Senior Sister. Not too much.

"No need to be polite." Qi Jia looked at Zhui'er with smiles in her eyes and did not return the courtesy. Instead, she supported Zhui'er's bowed body with a gentle spiritual force. She was really happy. Zhui'er naturally reminded her of the childish appearance of her little junior sister. She had only grown up for two days, but she actually got herself such a little brat who called her fifth senior sister, and she also brought a Puppy, isn’t it funny to watch?

"Hehe..." Zhui'er smiled naively, looking at Qi Jia without scruples with eyes full of intimacy, as if he were looking at his biological eldest sister. .??.

Qi Jia couldn't help but frown and smile. He turned his finger to face Shen Qing and said, "His silly smile is just like what you said. It really makes me unbearable."

Shen Qing covered his mouth and smiled and said, "How can you talk like that? Just say he is giggling, but you can't just say it!"

"Hehe..." Zhui'er expressed his disinterest with a silly smile, which made Shen Qing and Qi Jia burst out laughing.

"Stop laughing, we are here to express our condolences." Qi Jia reminded Shen Qing with his spiritual thoughts, and then personally pulled up Zhuo'er and flew away from Qianxu Palace.

After stopping in a wilderness, Qi Jia smiled bitterly, looked at Zhui'er kindly and said, "I think you really feel like you are in love. You have to practice hard. If you are missing anything, you can come to me." "This must be the fate of the past life. Previously, Shen Qing said that he would take her to meet a new Taoist friend. She was not very interested. She would never have expected that she would fall in love with this naive little monk at the first sight.

"Thank you, Senior Sister." Zhui'er thanked her sincerely, and obediently replaced "Fifth Senior Sister" with the closer "Senior Sister".

"He is a disciple of the Immortal Forest Academy of Qianxu Palace, so he will certainly not be short of ordinary things. Senior sister, you are not sincere when you say this." Shen Qing helped Zhuo'er to get some benefits.

Qi Jia glared at Shen Qing with a smile, looked at Zhui'er with some embarrassment and said, "Your cultivation level is too low right now. I really don't have anything suitable to give you. Wait until the next time we meet. Then I will give this to you." I'll make up for it."

Zhui'er waved her hands repeatedly and said, "No, no, senior sister, don't listen to her nonsense. I don't lack anything now, senior sister, don't worry about it."

Qi Jia turned around and glanced at Shen Qing meaningfully. From Zhui'er's words, it could be heard that the young monk and his junior sister were not strangers to each other. They were very close to each other. It was obviously not as simple as "new acquaintances".

Shen Qing naturally understood the meaning of the senior sister's eyes, so she said with a spiritual thought, "Didn't you fall in love with him as soon as you met? He is a person who is naturally popular. I have told you before, and I am right, right?" ?”

This explanation can remove most of Qi Jia's suspicions. This little monk

It was true that she felt an inexplicable closeness to him upon meeting him. It would not be an exaggeration to say that he was naturally popular.

"Oh! I really have something here for you." Qi Jia suddenly remembered something. He pulled Zhui'er into the protective divine light and then took out a fiery red apricot fruit and handed it to him. The fire apricot fruit given to her was given to Zhui'er behind Shen Qing's back because she was afraid that the apricot fruit would arouse the sadness in the little junior sister's heart.

"Senior sister, I can't have..." Zhui'er declined embarrassedly.

"Take it, the person who gave me this spirit fruit is no longer in the world, and I don't want to keep it with me anymore. Just don't talk to Shen Qing. She also knows that person. Eat it as soon as possible. This fruit It’s quite effective.”

Seeing the sad look on Qi Jia's face, Zhui'er knew that what she said was true, so she stopped refusing and accepted the apricot fruit with some doubts in her heart.

"What good thing? You're hiding it from me." After Qi Jia took away the protective light, Shen Qing looked at the two of them in amusement and asked.

"Hehe... I can't tell you this." Zhui'er rushed to answer, taking full advantage of his stupidity.

"Yes, don't tell her." Qi Jia helped perfunctoryly.

Shen Qing, dumbfounded, pointed at Zhui'er and cursed, "Silly thing! You don't know who is after you! Don't be easily deceived!"

"I'm not stupid." Zhui'er retorted with a silly smile on his face.

This made Qi Jia and Shen Qing laugh again. Shen Qing naturally would not continue to ask without knowing what was interesting. She could only suppress this curiosity in her heart. Anyway, the senior sister would not trick Zhui'er. This matter was just ignored, and the apricots sent by Xunyi were returned to Zhui'er's hands. I wonder if the God who played such a little trick was laughing on the sidelines. God really plays with cause and effect as he pleases. It's a wonderful thing. If Shen Qing knew that what Qi Jia sent was apricot fruit, she would have secretly sighed like this. Unfortunately, God has a way to prevent her from knowing. They are all connected and reasonable. Although the things are small, they also contain the same meaning. The mystery of heaven.

"Is this your puppy?" Shen Qing picked up the little futon.

"Well, it's called a little futon."

"This puppy..." Qi Jia squinted her eyes and looked at the little futon, as if she was hesitant to speak. With her magic power, she could see what was unusual about this puppy. Dogs of the same age will inevitably show some clues, whether in terms of blood or demeanor.

"Okay, go and get busy. We have a lot of things to do with you." Shen Qing sent Qi Jia away with a smile.

Qi Jia smiled slightly, stepped forward with some reluctance, held Zhui'er's arm, and said, "You must practice well. If you have any difficulties, go to Tianlu Mountain to find me. I will try my best to help you." Her words were true. What was told to Zhui'er was also told to Shen Qing. The junior sister brought her to see this young monk for no reason, and she could naturally guess the intention.

"Thank you, senior sister." Zhui'er thanked her sincerely, but her eyes flickered.

Qi Jia noticed the look in his eyes and said with a smile, "Is there something going on right now? Just say it, it's okay if you don't want her to hear it." After pointing at Shen Qing, she smiled and waved to Zhui'er with a protective light.

Zhui'er smiled and waved his hand, "No, it's nothing. Hehe, thank you, senior sister."

s: Thank you very much. I will always like Erno. Senior brother for your large reward and monthly ticket. Thank you very much for your fierce support.

The epidemic is becoming more and more serious. All brothers and sisters must pay attention to it. Although we are disciples of the Huayue Sect, those with lower cultivation levels cannot withstand the erosion of the virus. Senior brothers with advanced cultivation levels accompany the senior sisters on their travels. I'm afraid it will be too late for them to come back for treatment. Shen Qing and Qi Jia came to express their condolences to the Eleven Immortal Lord and several other great monks who died on the battlefield. Although it has been more than two years, the great monks often stay in seclusion for several years, so this kind of condolence will last for many years.

Guangpu brought Zhui'er to the two of them, said a simple hello and left.

Qi Jia looked at Zhui'er with great interest, and his attitude was much friendlier than when he first saw Xunyi, because this little guy seemed very immature, and there was no need to worry about his junior sister falling in love.

Zhui'er was also sizing up Shen Qing's fifth senior sister. Shen Qing had originally planned to take him to see this fifth senior sister, so he had a crush on Qi Jia, and this fairy with thin eyebrows and crooked eyes looked gentle. It really made him feel close to his heart.

"Langxing has met Fifth Senior Sister." Zhui'er put down the futon and saluted with a naive smile. He is now a disciple of Xianlin Academy, and his seniority cannot be treated like ordinary disciples. In addition to his relationship with Shen Qing, he called Fifth Senior Sister. Not too much.

"No need to be polite." Qi Jia looked at Zhui'er with smiles in her eyes and did not return the courtesy. Instead, she supported Zhui'er's bowed body with a gentle spiritual force. She was really happy. Zhui'er naturally reminded her of the childish appearance of her little junior sister. She had only grown up for two days, but she actually got herself such a little brat who called her fifth senior sister, and she also brought a Puppy, isn’t it funny to watch?

"Hehe..." Zhui'er smiled naively, looking at Qi Jia without scruples with eyes full of intimacy, as if he were looking at his biological eldest sister.

Qi Jia couldn't help but frown and smile. He turned his finger to face Shen Qing and said, "His silly smile is just like what you said. It really makes me unbearable."

Shen Qing covered his mouth and smiled and said, "How can you talk like that? Just say he is giggling, but you can't just say it!"

"Hehe..." Zhui'er expressed his disinterest with a silly smile, which made Shen Qing and Qi Jia burst into laughter.

"Stop laughing, we are here to express our condolences." Qi Jia reminded Shen Qing with his spiritual thoughts, and then personally pulled up Zhuo'er and flew away from Qianxu Palace.

After stopping in a wilderness, Qi Jia smiled bitterly, looked at Zhui'er cordially and said, "I think you really feel like you are very compatible. You have to practice hard. If you are missing anything, you can come to me." "This must be the fate of the past life. Previously, Shen Qing said that he would take her to meet a new Taoist friend. She was not very interested. She would never have expected that she would fall in love with this naive little monk at the first sight.

"Thank you, Senior Sister." Zhui'er thanked her sincerely and obediently replaced "Fifth Senior Sister" with a closer "Senior Sister".

"He is a disciple of the Immortal Forest Academy of Qianxu Palace, so he will certainly not be short of ordinary things. Senior sister, you are not sincere when you say this." Shen Qing helped Zhuo'er to get some benefits.

Qi Jia glared at Shen Qing with a smile, looked at Zhui'er with some embarrassment and said, "Your cultivation level is too low right now. I really don't have anything suitable to give you. Wait until the next time we meet. Then I will give this to you." I'll make up for it."

Zhui'er waved her hands repeatedly and said, "No, no, senior sister, don't listen to her nonsense. I don't lack anything now, senior sister, don't worry about it."

Qi Jia turned around and glanced at Shen Qing meaningfully. From Zhui'er's words, it could be heard that the young monk and his junior sister were indifferent to each other. They were very close to each other. It was obviously not as simple as "new acquaintances".

Shen Qing naturally understood the meaning of the senior sister's eyes, so she said with a spiritual thought, "Didn't you fall in love with him as soon as you met? He is a person who is naturally popular. I have told you before, and I am right, right?" ?”

This explanation can remove most of Qi Jia's suspicions. This little monk

It was true that she felt an inexplicable closeness to him upon meeting him. It would not be an exaggeration to say that he was naturally popular.

"Oh! I really have something here for you." Qi Jia suddenly remembered something. He pulled Zhui'er into the protective divine light and then took out a fiery red apricot fruit and handed it to him. The fire apricot fruit given to her was given to Zhui'er behind Shen Qing's back because she was afraid that the apricot fruit would arouse the sadness in the little junior sister's heart.

"Senior sister, I can't have..." Zhui'er declined embarrassedly.

"Take it, the person who gave me this spirit fruit is no longer in the world, and I don't want to keep it with me anymore. Just don't talk to Shen Qing. She also knows that person. Eat it as soon as possible. This fruit It’s quite effective.”

Seeing the sad look on Qi Jia's face, Zhui'er knew that what she said was true, so she stopped refusing and accepted the apricot fruit with some doubts in her heart.

"What good thing? You're hiding it from me." After Qi Jia took away the protective light, Shen Qing looked at the two of them in amusement and asked.

"Hehe... I can't tell you this." Zhui'er rushed to answer, taking full advantage of his stupidity.

"Yes, don't tell her." Qi Jia helped perfunctoryly.

Shen Qing, dumbfounded, pointed at Zhui'er and cursed, "Silly thing! You don't know who is after you! Don't be easily deceived!"

"I'm not stupid." Zhui'er retorted with a silly smile on his face.

This made Qi Jia and Shen Qing laugh again. Shen Qing naturally would not continue to ask without knowing what was interesting. She could only suppress this curiosity in her heart. Anyway, the senior sister would not trick Zhui'er. This matter was just ignored, and the apricots sent by Xunyi were returned to Zhui'er's hands. I wonder if the God who played such a little trick was snickering from the sidelines. God really plays with cause and effect as he pleases. It's a wonderful thing. If Shen Qing knew that what Qi Jia sent was apricot fruit, she would have secretly sighed like this. Unfortunately, God has a way to prevent her from knowing. They are all connected and reasonable. Although the things are small, they also contain the same meaning. The mystery of heaven.

"Is this your puppy?" Shen Qing picked up the little futon.

"Well, it's called a little futon."

"This puppy..." Qi Jia squinted her eyes and looked at the little futon, as if she was hesitant to speak. With her magic power, she could see what was unusual about this puppy. Dogs of the same age will inevitably show some clues, whether in terms of blood or demeanor.

"Okay, go and get busy. We have a lot of things to do with you." Shen Qing sent Qi Jia away with a smile.

Qi Jia smiled slightly, stepped forward with some reluctance, held Zhui'er's arm, and said, "You must practice well. If you have any difficulties, go to Tianlu Mountain to find me. I will try my best to help you." Her words were true. What was told to Zhui'er was also told to Shen Qing. The junior sister brought her to see this young monk for no reason, and she could naturally guess the intention.

"Thank you, senior sister." Zhui'er thanked her sincerely, but her eyes flickered.

Qi Jia noticed the look in his eyes and said with a smile, "Is there something going on right now? Just say it, it's okay if you don't want her to hear it." After pointing at Shen Qing, she revealed her body-protecting light and waved to Zhui'er with a smile.

Zhui'er smiled and waved her hand, "No, it's nothing. Hehe, thank you, senior sister."

s: Thank you very much. I will always like Erno. Senior brother for your large reward and monthly ticket. Thank you very much for your fierce support.

The epidemic is becoming more and more serious. All senior brothers and sisters must pay attention to it. Although we are disciples of the Huayue Sect, those with lower cultivation levels cannot withstand the erosion of the virus. Senior brothers with advanced cultivation levels are accompanying the senior sisters on their travels. I'm afraid it will be too late for them to come back for treatment.

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