Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 1346 Three to Five Days

After a long while, Zhui'er frowned and spoke.

"How could there be no time? Even a very common thing like the wind blowing through the treetops takes time and leaves traces of time. It takes time for the wind to condense and for the tree to grow, even for a stone. It may appear in vain, unless the world is empty and a dead space."

Shen Qing shook his head slightly and said, "If you can experience time without leaving any traces, can you also say that time does not exist?"

"But trees have to grow little by little? Every time they grow taller, there are traces of time. How can it not leave traces?"

"A tree can exist or not exist. It can be a towering tree or a sapling. It can be whatever it wants. It can be here or there."

"Reverse the years?" Zhui'er murmured. He knew that Shen Qing meant more than simply reversing the years, but he didn't know what words to use to express what Shen Qing meant.

"I haven't thought about it, but if you just reverse the years, you obviously can't say that the years don't exist. It can only be said that you have the ability to resist God's spell." At this point, Shen Qing looked at it with deep eyes. Zhui'er, "We can imagine things that we can see and touch, but it is difficult to imagine things that we have never seen. Xunyi once compared us monks to those who can fly up branches and walls. Chicken, the more I think about it now, the more it makes sense. My horizons are much wider than other chickens, but what I can see is still limited to one village and one town. I am still far from seeing the whole world. Chickens can still see birds flying in the sky. As long as you have enough wisdom, you can develop corresponding imagination, but it would be extremely difficult for an earthworm that has lived underground all its life to imagine a bird that can fly in the sky. We guess that things outside the world are more like earthworms. Imagine a bird that can fly. God has not given us that kind of wisdom. We have to work hard to become the odd number among the odd numbers to break the lock of heaven. "

Zhui'er's eyes flashed repeatedly

, and then fell into an excited silence. As for what Shen Qing said about cracking the way of heaven, he was not that ambitious yet, but he was very interested in reversing the years. In that case, his parents could be immortalized.

Neither of them spoke again for the rest of the journey, each immersed in their own thoughts.

"Here we go, how long do you want to stay this time?"

Shen Qing's words brought Zhui'er back to his senses. He looked at his house, and the excitement that surged over him suddenly dispersed his thoughts about the years, "Well... God, it won't be as long as last time."

"Okay, I'll wait for you at the old place." After Shen Qing said that, he drifted away.

Zhui'er didn't change her clothes in a hurry and run home like she did a few times before. Instead, she looked at her home in the air for a while.

He knew that this might be the last time he saw his parents, but he still just wanted to live for a while, rather than live as long as possible. This was a complex emotion that was difficult to explain. For mortals, it was brought about by growth. is the inevitable result, and it is more obvious and complicated in monks. However, powerlessness, helplessness and the sudden relief caused by the two are common to both mortals and monks.

This time, Zhui'er did not fall into the wilderness and then walk home. Instead, he disappeared and landed directly in the yard where his parents lived. More than ten years had passed, and his slightly changed appearance was not suitable for any outsiders to see. Here we are, including the late family member who is the gatekeeper.

"Why hasn't Xian'er come back yet?" Qing'er, who had some white hair in her hair, stopped her needlework and looked at her husband who was checking the accounts at the desk with a hint of worry.

"Oh." Hong Shi, whose hair was completely white, responded absently, eyes tight.

Staring at the ledgers spread out over several cases.

Qing'er frowned unhappily and continued, "Didn't you say he would arrive last night? Do you want to send someone to greet him?"

"Oh." Hongshi responded casually again.

"Did you hear what I was saying?" Qing'er angrily threw a ball of thread at her side at her husband.

"Ah? What's wrong?" Hongshi raised his head and asked with a confused look on his face.

Qing'er stared and said loudly, "I ask you why Xian'er hasn't come back yet!"

Hongshi showed a troubled smile, "When you are out, how can you say it will arrive at any time? No matter what happens, it will be delayed. Why are you still so restless after so many years? He It’s not the first time you’ve gone out. There are so many people around you. Why don’t you worry? Stop making trouble and let me finish checking the accounts.” After that, he lowered his head to look at the accounts.

Qing'er angrily scolded, "So what after so many years? When did I not wait in fear when your return date was approaching? If you die outside, you will die outside. How can I survive if something happens to Xian'er?" !”

Hongshi raised his head and said with a compensatory smile, "I say, old lady, you are really cruel. Why do you mean I will die outside when I die outside? How can a couple who have been together for decades be so heartless?"

Qing'er said fiercely, "You deserve it! If you want money rather than life, don't blame me for being heartless!"

Hongshi defended, "Isn't it because of this family that I'm working so hard? Besides, haven't I already listened to your advice and tried not to run out? I've been staying at home for more than half a year now."

"Then don't we have to run out again soon?!" Qing'er pointed at the pile of clothes ready to come out and shouted.

"Oh, Xian'er is still young. In a few years, he will be able to shoulder all the burdens.

If I come, I won’t have to run away. "

"That's nice! You just want to run away. Don't think I don't know why. Why for this family? Our family has enough money to spend a lifetime!"

"Well, if we can leave more for our children and grandchildren, we will naturally leave more. Are we afraid of having too much money?" Hongshi shook his head and lowered his eyes to secretly look at the accounts.

"Hmph, I won't let Xian'er go out later. It's enough to keep this family property. Children and grandchildren will have their own blessings. Can we care about the seventh or eighth generation? I just want Xian'er and my grandson to live in peace and health. , I can’t control what happens next.”

An insightful smile appeared at the corner of Hongshi's mouth, "You used to say this because you only care about Xian'er, but now you have a great-grandson added to the mix. I think, when you see your great-grandson, you will definitely want to take care of your great-grandson as well." "Added."

"Including the great-grandson's money, it's enough for them!" Qing'er couldn't help but laugh after saying this, because Hongshi was indeed right.

As soon as she smiled, the dark clouds in the room dispersed. Hongshi laughed a few times and said comfortingly, "Just keep your heart in your stomach. Xian'er will be fine. Seven or eight reliable old guys are following you. No matter what, I can handle no matter what happens.”

"Alas..." Qing'er sighed softly, falling into silence while looking at the needle and thread in her hand, and then a teardrop fell on the silk cloth.

"What's wrong? Just cry if you want!" Hong Shi scolded impatiently. In fact, he was like Ming Jing in his heart, knowing that his wife was thinking of Zhuo'er again. This happened countless times. Yes, he knew what was going on at a glance, there was no need to guess.

Qing'er ignored her husband and just cried silently. The husband and wife had already had a tacit understanding on this matter. One didn't cry hard, and the other didn't bother to persuade, because no matter how much he tried to persuade, it was useless. He had to give in. Qing'er can only be so sad in the past.

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