Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 1364 I practice!

Wen Danzi's eyes turned cold and he said, "It's not up to you two. You have to do it or not, just do as I say."

Shu Yan was afraid of causing trouble to Zhui'er, so she hurriedly winked at Zhui'er and said, "Stop talking, or...just follow the arrangements of seniors."

Zhui'er risked his life and said, "Senior, he is my senior brother!" Having revealed his true identity, he turned to this senior brother again with blank eyes, "I caused this trouble. I admit that I caused trouble for you. I was right." I can’t help you, but if you have to let her leave Qianxu Palace, then you have to find a way to let me go out too. I will accompany her. Don’t yell at me. I can’t put you at risk, but I can’t hurt her either. This matter cannot be done as you say. We both have little experience and can't think of any solutions, so we have to rely on you. Don't be so impatient. This is related to her life and death. No matter how hard you are willing to waste your brain, you have to think about it today. Come up with a solution that has the best of both worlds, otherwise I will never let her leave Qianxu Palace!"

Wen Danzi listened to Zhui'er's stern face but calmed down. This was the first time that Zhui'er had a bad temper with him. He wanted to scold him sternly, but the firm attitude expressed by Zhui'er made him have to consider changing. strategy, then you have to think seriously about whether there is any other way. Once his boredom is suppressed, his attitude will not be so bad.

Shu Yan, who was frightened by the quarrel between these two people, saw Wen Danzi calm down and felt a little hopeful. Her eyes looked timidly at Zhui'er and then at Wen Danzi.

After Wen Danzi pondered for a moment, he shook his head and said, "There is no good way to think of. If you let her stay here, people will notice it sooner or later. Then she and I will be in big trouble."

Zhui'er pursed his lips tightly and refused to cry, to show his non-compromise attitude, but he was also muttering in his heart, asking Danzi what to do if he couldn't think of any other way. It's useless to just ask Senior Brother Danzi.

"I... then I..." Shu Yan didn't want to put Zhui'er in such a difficult situation. She wanted to say that she could leave Qianxu Palace, but she was so flustered and timid that she couldn't say it twice in a row.

"Anyway, if she wants to leave, I have to accompany her." Zhui'er muttered.

"Speak with your spiritual thoughts!" Wen Danzi gave the two of them a stern look, then looked at Zhui'er and said worriedly, "It would be easier for her to leave. You are a disciple of Xianlin Academy. It's not that easy to leave, and I also hope that it will be easier for her to leave." You are studying the art of alchemy with me. It would be a pity to have such a high talent like yours ruined. Besides, Guanxian Lord favors you. If you run away, no one will be able to explain to you."

Zhui'er lowered his head with a sullen face, and waved his hand to Shu Yan who mustered up the courage to speak, "Don't say anything. If you leave Qianxu Palace like this, I can't explain it to myself, let alone go to Lu Gang confessed that it was me who caused the disaster. Even if I die, I will die before you."

Shu Yan looked at Zhui'er with red eyes and shook her head, "You are not causing trouble, Zhui'er..., don't think so."

Wen Danzi also advised, "You don't have to blame yourself. Opening your spiritual eyes is a once-in-a-lifetime blessing. If that pill is really effective, I will gain something from it. It's just that I need to overcome the trouble in front of me."

"But the trouble in front of her will kill her." Zhui'er looked at Shu Yan guiltily.

Wen Danzi rubbed his brows and said helplessly, "Then let's wait until she forms the elixir before going out. I'll teach her a little trick to cover up her spiritual eyes first. If you take any risks, just take some risks. After she forms the elixir, her ability to protect herself will be strong." It will be improved a lot, and you will be shocked to leave Qianxu Palace."

Zhui'er was overjoyed and said, "Since there is a way to hide your spiritual eyes, why didn't you tell me earlier!"

After making the decision, Wen Danzi's impatience came up again. He looked at Zhui'er sideways and said, "The adventure I'm talking about also includes

Let her practice this method. There are few books about spiritual eyes that are reliable, and spiritual eyes are different. Even the writings written by people who have opened spiritual eyes cannot be copied. We have to say ugly things first. If she is because of If something unexpected happens while practicing this technique, you can’t blame me. "

Zhui'er was a little hesitant when he heard it, but Shu Yan rushed to say, "I practice! If anything happens, you can only blame me for my bad luck, not senior."

"How dangerous can it be?" Zhui'er looked at Danzi worriedly.

When asked, Danzi replied truthfully, "I can't say for sure."

Shu Yan pulled the sleeves of Shui'er and said to Wen Danzi again with a firm expression, "I'm not afraid. Please give me some advice, senior." In her opinion, even dying in an accident is better than living alone outside. Strong, so she is willing to take this path.

When Wen Danzi saw that Zhuo'er had stopped making any sound, he said to Shu Yan, "I can also teach you some techniques for cultivating the spiritual eye, but you must be extremely cautious. If you cannot fully understand it, you would rather not practice it for the rest of your life."

"Okay! Thank you, senior!" Shu Yan said with great gratitude.

Zhui'er furrowed his brows and remained silent. He didn't want to stop him from doing this. It was understandable to take some risks in order to practice his spiritual eyes. There were risks in practicing any spell, and the earth escape technique he practiced was quite risky.

"You go ahead and find a place to stay."

After Wen Danzi sent Zhui'er away, he began to teach Shu Yan some small methods about spiritual eyes. These methods were much simpler than the "Tianqiao Zixiu" that Xunyi had learned at the beginning. After a long time of asking for advice, he finished explaining it to Shu Yan, and then the two of them jointly studied the method of covering the spiritual eyes. Shu Yan regarded this as a life-saving straw, so he studied with extreme concentration, which can be said to have brought his understanding to the fullest. To the extreme, the first run was completed when the moon was at the zenith.

The place where the spiritual eye is most easily exposed is when gathering energy. The spiritual orifice of ordinary people is on the top of the head. The spiritual orifice of a person with open spiritual eyes is on the forehead. During the gathering of energy, the difference in the location where the spiritual energy is condensed is quite significant. At the beginning, Yi was found in the pistil. This is why the secret was exposed in front of the Fairy Concubine and others, and the method taught by Wen Danzi is to form a spiritual energy cyclone on the top of the head, and then use a covering method to make it enter the spiritual eyes. This is naturally useless in front of the great monks, but practicing It should be possible to deceive someone with a mid-level Nascent Soul cultivation level after becoming proficient, provided that they don't pay attention to observation.

"I know, let's go back." Shu Yan looked at the moon in the sky, worried that it would be too late to go back and explain to her senior sisters.

Zhui'er, who had been waiting not far away for a long time in a nervous mood, saw that Danzi had collected the isolation circle and hurriedly ran over to ask about the progress.

Wen Danzi said calmly, "It still needs practice. Don't worry about it. I will find a way to help her."

"Hey? Senior brother, why do you seem to have changed your temperament? Are you not annoyed? Are you trying to coax me?" Zhui'er looked at Danzi suspiciously.

"Your heart is getting dirty." Wen Danzi gave Zhui'er a disdainful look, and then explained, "Even if I let her leave Qianxu Palace, I also want to learn more about the mysteries of spiritual eyes from her. , since she must stay in Qianxu Palace, let’s do these two things together.”

Zhui'er put on a smile and said, "Oh, that's it. Hehe, thank you very much, senior brother."

Wen Danzi glanced at him angrily, and secretly said, "You have revealed my identity, so I won't argue with you about it, but you can't tell her my true appearance and name again. Don't tell her anymore." It’s causing trouble for me!”

"Yes, yes, senior brother, please don't argue with me. I acted stupidly when I was anxious. I will apologize to you." Zhui'er grinned and gave Wendanzi a silly smile after transmitting his spiritual thoughts. Wen Danzi's eyes turned cold and he said, "It's not up to you two. You have to do it or not, just do as I say."

Shu Yan was afraid of causing trouble to Zhui'er, so she hurriedly winked at Zhui'er and said, "Stop talking, or...just follow the arrangements of seniors."

Zhui'er risked his life and said, "Senior, he is my senior brother!" Having revealed his true identity, he turned to this senior brother again with blank eyes, "I caused this trouble. I admit that I caused trouble for you. I was right." I can’t help you, but if you have to let her leave Qianxu Palace, then you have to find a way to let me go out too. I will accompany her. Don’t yell at me. I can’t put you at risk, but I can’t hurt her either. This matter cannot be done as you say. We both have little experience and can't think of any solutions, so we have to rely on you. Don't be so impatient. This is related to her life and death. No matter how hard you are willing to waste your brain, you have to think about it today. Come up with a solution that has the best of both worlds, otherwise I will never let her leave Qianxu Palace!"

Wen Danzi listened to Zhui'er's stern face but calmed down. This was the first time that Zhui'er had a bad temper with him. He wanted to scold him sternly, but the firm attitude expressed by Zhui'er made him have to consider changing. strategy, then you have to think seriously about whether there is any other way. Once his boredom is suppressed, his attitude will not be so bad.

Shu Yan, who was frightened by the quarrel between these two people, saw Wen Danzi calm down and felt a little hopeful. Her eyes looked timidly at Zhui'er and then at Wen Danzi.

After Wen Danzi pondered for a moment, he shook his head and said, "There is no good way to think of. If she stays here, people will notice it sooner or later. Then she and I will be in big trouble." .??.

Zhui'er pursed his lips tightly and refused to cry, to show his non-compromise attitude, but he was also muttering in his heart, asking Danzi what to do if he couldn't think of any other way. It's useless to just ask Senior Brother Danzi.

"I... then I..." Shu Yan didn't want to put Zhui'er in such a difficult situation. She wanted to say that she could leave Qianxu Palace, but she was so flustered and timid that she couldn't say it twice in a row.

"Anyway, if she wants to leave, I have to accompany her." Zhui'er muttered.

"Speak with your spiritual thoughts!" Wen Danzi gave the two of them a stern look, then looked at Zhui'er and said worriedly, "It would be easier for her to leave. You are a disciple of Xianlin Academy. It's not that easy to leave, and I also hope that it will be easier for her to leave." You are studying the art of alchemy with me. It would be a pity to have such a high talent like yours ruined. Besides, Guanxian Lord favors you. If you run away, no one will be able to explain to you."

Zhui'er lowered his head with a sullen face, and waved his hand to Shu Yan who mustered up the courage to speak, "Don't say anything. If you leave Qianxu Palace like this, I can't explain it to myself, let alone go to Lu Gang confessed that it was me who caused the disaster. Even if I die, I will die before you."

Shu Yan looked at Zhui'er with red eyes and shook her head, "You are not causing trouble, Zhui'er..., don't think so."

Wen Danzi also advised, "You don't have to blame yourself. Opening your spiritual eyes is a once-in-a-lifetime blessing. If that pill is really effective, I will gain something from it. It's just that I need to overcome the trouble in front of me."

"But the trouble in front of her will kill her." Zhui'er looked at Shu Yan guiltily.

Wen Danzi rubbed his brows and said helplessly, "Then let's wait until she forms the elixir before going out. I'll teach her a little trick to cover up her spiritual eyes first. If you take any risks, just take some risks. After she forms the elixir, her ability to protect herself will be strong." It will be improved a lot, and you will be shocked to leave Qianxu Palace."

Zhui'er was overjoyed and said, "Since there is a way to hide your spiritual eyes, why didn't you tell me earlier!"

After making the decision, Wen Danzi's impatience came up again. He looked at Zhui'er sideways and said, "The adventure I'm talking about also includes

Let her practice this method. There are few books about spiritual eyes that are reliable, and spiritual eyes are different. Even the writings written by people who have opened spiritual eyes cannot be copied. We have to say ugly things first. If she is because of If something unexpected happens while practicing this technique, you can't blame me. "

Zhui'er was a little hesitant when he heard it, but Shu Yan rushed to say, "I practice! If anything happens, you can only blame me for my bad luck, not senior."

"How dangerous can it be?" Zhui'er looked at Danzi worriedly.

When asked, Danzi replied truthfully, "I can't say for sure."

Shu Yan pulled Shui'er's sleeves and said to Wen Danzi again with a firm expression, "I'm not afraid. Please give me some advice, senior." In her opinion, even dying in an accident would be better than living alone outside. Strong, so she is willing to take this path.

When Wen Danzi saw that Zhuo'er had stopped making any sound, he said to Shu Yan, "I can also teach you some techniques for cultivating the spiritual eye, but you must be extremely cautious. If you cannot fully understand it, you would rather not practice it for the rest of your life."

"Okay! Thank you, senior!" Shu Yan said with great gratitude.

Zhui'er frowned and remained silent. He didn't want to stop him from doing this. It was understandable to take some risks in order to practice his spiritual eyes. There were risks in practicing any spell, and the earth escape technique he practiced was quite risky.

"You go ahead and find a place to stay."

After Wen Danzi sent Zhui'er away, he began to teach Shu Yan some small methods about spiritual eyes. These methods were much simpler than the "Tianqiao Zixiu" that Xunyi had learned at the beginning. After a long time of asking for advice, he finished explaining it to Shu Yan, and then the two of them jointly studied the method of covering the spiritual eyes. Shu Yan regarded this as a life-saving straw, so he studied with extreme concentration, which can be said to have brought his understanding to the fullest. To the extreme, the first run was completed when the moon was at the zenith.

The place where the spiritual eye is most easily exposed is when gathering energy. The spiritual orifice of ordinary people is on the top of the head. The spiritual orifice of those who have spiritual eyes is on the forehead. During the gathering of qi, the difference in the location where the spiritual energy is condensed is quite significant. At the beginning, Yi was found in the pistil. This is why the secret was exposed in front of the Fairy Concubine and others, and the method taught by Wen Danzi is to form a spiritual energy cyclone on the top of the head, and then use a covering method to make it enter the spiritual eyes. This is naturally useless in front of the great monks, but practicing It should be possible to deceive someone with a mid-level Nascent Soul cultivation level after becoming proficient, provided that they don't pay attention to observation.

"I know, let's go back." Shu Yan looked at the moon in the sky, worried that it would be too late to go back and explain to her senior sisters.

Zhui'er, who had been waiting not far away for a long time in a nervous mood, saw that Danzi had collected the isolation circle and hurriedly ran over to ask about the progress.

Wen Danzi said calmly, "It still needs practice. Don't worry about it. I will find a way to help her."

"Hey? Senior brother, why do you seem to have changed your temperament? Are you not annoyed? Are you trying to coax me?" Zhui'er looked at Danzi suspiciously.

"Your heart is getting dirty." Wen Danzi gave Zhui'er a disdainful look, and then explained, "Even if I let her leave Qianxu Palace, I also want to learn more about the mysteries of spiritual eyes from her. , since she must stay in Qianxu Palace, let’s do these two things together.”

Zhui'er put on a smile and said, "Oh, that's it, hehe, thank you very much, senior brother."

Wen Danzi glanced at him angrily, and secretly said, "You have revealed my identity, so I won't care about this matter with you, but you can't tell her my true appearance and name again. Don't tell her anymore." It’s causing trouble for me!”

"Yes, yes, senior brother, please don't argue with me. I acted stupidly when I was anxious. I will apologize to you." Zhui'er grinned and gave Wendanzi a silly smile after transmitting his spiritual thoughts.

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