Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 1366 It’s called Fairy Grass

When Huaying arrived, Zhui'er and Lu Gang were already ready.

Lu Gang showed a rare friendly smile and stepped forward to give Huaying a gift, thanking him for taking him out.

Huaying only rolled her eyes and looked at Lu Gang without even humming. This coldness made Lu Gang's face suddenly turn dark.

"Okay, okay, we're all on our own, so there's no need to be so polite to senior sister." Zhui'er hurriedly came up to smooth things over.

"Otherwise... I'd better not go." Lu Gang suppressed his anger and said to Zhui'er. If Huaying hadn't been a middle-stage Nascent Soul monk whose cultivation level was much higher than his, and if he hadn't taken care of Zhui'er's face, He is definitely going to fall out at this moment.

"Let's go, let's go. Are you still angry with senior sister? Senior sister has such a lukewarm temperament. You will know it later." Zhui'er coaxed Lu Gang while sending dissatisfied thoughts to Huaying, "You What's this? My brother is a man of honor. Are you doing this to him or to me? If you don't want to take him out, then forget it. There's no need to do this."

Lu Gang pulled awkwardly with Zhui'er, but still didn't want to follow. Zhui'er glared and said with spiritual thoughts, "Senior sister is a great monk in the middle stage of Nascent Soul. Your master is rich and rich. He can spare time to take us out for a walk." "What else are you dissatisfied with?" This spiritual vision painting can be intercepted. He said this for both parties to hear. He used his spiritual thoughts to take care of the face of both parties.

Huaying really wanted to push Lu Gang away from him, but Zhui'er said so, so she could only say calmly, "Let's go when you're ready."

Lu Gang couldn't keep his temper any longer, and left the Xianlin Courtyard with the two of them, unable to hide his resentment.

As soon as he arrived outside the boundaries of Qianxu Palace, Lu Gang became excited. He had only been out of Qianxu Palace for more than fifty years, so he was so excited that he didn't care much about what happened just now.

The two little brothers flew freely with flying swords, while Huaying followed closely. She knew that she was in the way, so she wisely hid out of the detection range of the two's consciousness.


Zhui'er's cultivation level is a whole level higher than Lu Gang's. He will inevitably despise Lu Gang when he flies. Lu Gang can only endure it. Unless one day he can surpass Zhui'er in cultivation level, otherwise he can't even think about it. Out. Fortunately, Brother Zhui'er was his best brother, and the contempt from Brother Zhui'er did no harm to him.

"Hey! Let's go see the town!" After discovering a mortal town, Lu Gang flew over excitedly. He had not seen any mortals since he was a teenager, so it was inevitable that he would be excited at this time.

"Don't go down, just take a look in mid-air." Zhui'er assumed the role he disliked the most before. He had no choice but to abide by the rules of the cultivation world. He couldn't embarrass Huaying, so he could only do it himself Come and control Lu Gang.

Lu Gang stood above the town and looked down excitedly for a while, while Zhui'er stood beside him and followed with interest.

Suddenly Lu Gang frowned and pointed to a place in a dilapidated house.

Zhui'er looked over as he pointed and saw three strong men with sinister faces beating a middle-aged couple. A seven or eight-year-old child was beaten until the corners of his mouth were bleeding and he was crying.

"These three bastards are so bullying!" A fierce light flashed in Lu Gang's eyes.

Zhui'er couldn't stand this kind of thing. He secretly used his spiritual consciousness to check behind him and found Huaying leisurely parked in the distance. Huaying had made a mistake here. Zhui'er had just arrived at Xianlin Courtyard. He learned the "Observation of Heaven Technique". Although he hasn't mastered it yet, he has never given it up. Whenever he remembers it, he will comprehend it for a while, so his ability to detect spiritual consciousness is a little higher than that of monks of the same level. Huaying thought that the location was beyond the detection range of Zhui'er's consciousness, but this was not the case.

Lu Gangyong

Li grabbed Zhui'er's arm and secretly said, "I'll go down and kill them. If Huaying comes, help me stop her. No matter what, I have to kill these three beasts first!"

Zhui'er sent back his spiritual thoughts and said, "Don't act rashly. Don't make a sound. Keep watching here. I'll distract Huaying. You wait a little longer before taking action. It's best not to attract the attention of others. He dealt with the three of them neatly." indivual."

"Hey! Brother Zhui'er is so good. Come on, go on!" Lu Gang was quite satisfied with Zhui'er's performance. He praised Zhui'er without hesitation, then returned to his normal expression and looked at the town again. stand up.

The two of them pointed and looked at each other for a while. Zhui'er pretended to be a little impatient and said, "You haven't seen enough yet? I'll go over there for a walk. Don't run around!" After saying hello, he pointed his sword diagonally. Fly ahead.

Not far after Zhui'er flew out, Huaying's spiritual message came over, "Where are you going? Don't separate the two of you, I can't take care of you!"

Zhui'er pointed forward, turned towards the direction of the spiritual thoughts and said with a smile, "There is evil energy on that mountain, I'll go check it out."

"You're such a monster, don't run around." Huaying responded with a smile to Zhui'er's joke.

Seeing that Huaying had no intention of strictly stopping her, Zhui'er smiled and waved her hand, and continued to fly forward with her sword. Huaying would not have thought that the two brothers were plotting against her, and glanced at Lu Gang, who was still looking at the town with great interest. , she swung around and caught up with Zhui'er.

"See if there is any evil spirit." Zhui'er continued to joke with Huaying while flying towards the mountain in front of him happily.

"Yes, yes." Huaying said lazily, ignoring him. .??.

"Hahaha... Just help me out. Let's see how I can slay the demons!" Zhui'er was amused by her and laughed heartily. She rushed towards the mountain with her unarmored sword in her hand.

"I hope you can become an Immortal Lord one day." Huaying said lukewarmly.

r\u003e "What does the Immortal Lord mean? I can still become an Immortal Lord!" Zhui'er said without looking back.

"Well, okay." Huaying hummed these two words.

The distance of less than a thousand miles was reached in a moment. Zhui'er circled the mountain and then waved to the painting that was looking at him not far away.

Huaying flew over slowly, and Zhui'er led her to the back of the mountain, pointed at two weird-shaped weeds growing in a rift valley and said, "Do you know them?"

Huaying shook his head, and Zhui'er said proudly, "I've read a lot of pharmacopoeias, but most people don't know this treasure. It's called fairy braided grass. Look, their leaves look like they have been braided by skillful hands. This kind of spiritual grass is all There are two plants growing side by side, so you have to dig them up at the same time. Do yourself a favor and let us dig one plant each. Be careful not to damage the roots. "

Huaying narrowed her eyes and asked, "Xianwei Cao? What kind of elixir is used to make it?"

"Three... true elixirs! You can take them in the middle of the elixir formation. I can just keep it and ask Senior Brother Wen Danzi to refine one for me." Zhui'er avoided Huaying's gaze and flew to one of the "Fairy Grass" trees. , then pointed to another tree a few feet away and said to Huaying, "You can't use spiritual power, be careful."

"Oh." Huaying flew over and squatted in front of the "fairy braided grass", fiddled with the braided leaves and said, "It's so poorly braided that it doesn't look like it was braided by gods. It's not worthy of its name. I think it should be called pig braided grass." right."

Zhui'er choked and stared, then smiled and said, "Stop talking nonsense, let's dig it out, remember to dig it out at the same time as me."

"Okay, you dig first, and I'll learn how to do it." Huaying said seriously.

"Watch it." Zhui'er used his spiritual power to grab a handful of dirt, condense it into a small medicine shovel that was as solid as gold and stone, and then squatted in front of the grass and dug carefully.

As soon as Zhui'er dug two shovels, Huaying grabbed the "Fairy Grass" in front of him and smashed it on his head!

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