Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 1368 The hidden rules of closed disciples

Because Hengguan Immortal Lord has always been very kind to Zhui'er, Zhui'er didn't have much fear of his master. At this moment, seeing his master's face filled with joy and kindness, he became bolder and became confused. His mind gradually sobered up.

"Master...Master, what are you going to do?" He looked at Hengguan Immortal in confusion and asked carefully with his spiritual thoughts.

Immortal Lord Hengguan lowered his face slightly and said, "Do you think I am joking with you? I will call you master in the future!"

"Are you...really?" Zhui'er had a strange expression on his face, and his eyes were fixed on Hengguan Immortal Lord. ??

"Of course it's true." Hengguan Immortal Lord's expression softened again.

Zhui'er swallowed and said with difficulty, "But even if it is true, there is no reason for me to be above the forbidden laws in the palace. I don't have to shoulder the responsibility of the Immortal Lord. This... no matter what the disciple thinks... "

Hengguan Immortal Lord calmly explained, "Because you are my closed disciple. This is the practice of Qianxu Palace."

"Is there really such a rule?" Zhui'er muttered suspiciously in a mosquito-like voice.

"Yes, but don't publicize it, and don't act arbitrarily because of this. You can only do it expediently when you have no choice." When Hengguan Immortal Lord said this, he changed his tone of voice and said, "Qianxu Palace is too huge and has many veins. , naturally the evil disease of fighting for power and intrigue is indispensable. This rule is a kind of protection for closed disciples. Although you do not have to shoulder the responsibilities of ordinary immortal kings, you have the responsibility to prevent Qianxu Palace from going astray, because you are above You exist above the prohibition, so it is not easy for others to punish you. Disciples who are closed are the last to start and have no advantage in cultivation, so this kind of protection is very necessary. "

Zhui'er became anxious and said with a grimace, "Disciple... How can this disciple have such ability? Master... Master, otherwise... you should choose another good disciple. Disciple is really not that material..."

Hengguan Immortal Lord looked up at the sky, sighed and then looked at Zhui'er and said, "Fuck!"

I'm afraid Xugong is going to be in trouble this time. You don't have to worry too much about your responsibilities. I don't mean that you have to go through fire and water for Qianxugong. Everything is left to God's will. I will accept you as my disciple. Firstly, your talent is high enough, secondly, it is out of favor for the deceased Lingjuezi, and it is a way to express my grief for him. Thirdly, the situation is critical, and giving you this identity may be of some benefit to you. "

Zhui'er knelt down gratefully and said, "Thank you so much, Master, for your kindness. Even if my disciple is shattered to pieces, I dare not forget Master's great kindness!"

"Get up." Hengguan Immortal Lord helped Zhui'er up, shook his head gently and said, "You don't have to worry about the responsibility of helping Ganxu Gong for the time being. Your cultivation level is too low. From now on, you should focus on cultivation. For the sake of self-preservation, come back after the disaster in Qianxu Palace is completely over."

Zhui'er panicked and said, "You just said that there was a big disaster in Qianxu Palace, but did you mean that the monsters from Shuiqingzhou came to take revenge on us?"

"Did Shen Qing tell you?" Hengguan Immortal Lord looked at him in surprise and asked.

Zhui'er hesitated and said, "Well... Senior Wuhun of Yilingwei told me something."

"Oh..." Hengguan Immortal Lord didn't seem to have the intention to pursue the question, and said in a deep voice, "That's it. The monster beast chaos is getting more and more intense. The Qing Yuan Sect that most provokes the hatred of the monster beasts here in Nanjingzhou belongs to the Qingyuan Sect." The death of Lingjuezi dragged Qianxu Palace into the quagmire, and the revenge of Qianxu Palace pushed the war out of control. "

Zhui'er grinned. He really wanted to ask Hengguan Immortal Lord why he didn't stop the revenge action in the first place, but when the situation has developed to this point, asking this question again is equivalent to an accusation.

Hengguan Immortal Lord seemed to have seen through his mind and said calmly, "This may be God's will. Tracing back to the source, it caused the demon

Do you know who the beast is? "

Zhui'er shook his head. He had never thought about this. In his opinion, there was no need for a reason for war between monsters and humans.

Hengguan Xianzun showed a slightly meaningful smile on his lips, "They are a group of children from Puyunzhou, a group of children from wealthy families. They established themselves Qian Shao League, and the leader is the one who caused the destruction of Yuanyizhou Xiujie. Find it easy.”

"Ah?! It's him?! How could it be...him?" Zhui'er opened her eyes in shock.

"That's him. In my opinion, this guy is extraordinary. He can cause so many catastrophic disasters with his low cultivation level. This is very thought-provoking in itself."

Zhui'er blinked twice and said, "Are you saying that he is the chosen one? Did God use his hand to cause trouble for him?"

Hengguan Immortal Lord shook his head noncommittally.

Zhui'er defended Xun Yi and said, "The Yuan Yi tribe is an evil tribe. The war caused by Xun Yi wiped out the evil people of the Yuan Yi tribe in one fell swoop. Shouldn't it be called causing trouble? Monsters are also ferocious and evil, and you can't offend them. Is this considered causing trouble? It’s better to squeeze the sore sooner than later. I wonder if this is what I think?”

Hengguan Immortal Lord said calmly, "In my opinion, there is no right or wrong in things in the world. Good and evil are even more mixed and difficult to distinguish, and the boundaries are difficult to determine. There are also good people and bad people in our human race. Good people They can also be divided into many types. Bad people can also be divided into levels of bad conduct, low conduct, and heinous crimes. Compared with the heinous ones, those with low conduct are good people. And you think you are a good person, but in the eyes of the sages, you may be a blameless person. Therefore, if we have the idea of ​​eradicating evil, there will be very few people left in this world, and the last remaining "good people" must be evil people, because the truly kind people are Not alive until the end.”

"Hmm..." Zhui'er couldn't find anything to refute and thought

After thinking for a while, he was confused and said, "Then you mean there is no need to kill evildoers?"

Immortal Lord Hengguan shook his head, "What I mean is that enough is enough. The best way is to jump out of the world. Compared with the mortal world, the cultivation world is much purer. If you can further transcend the cultivation world, you will definitely If you are more pure and insist on eradicating evil, you will never be able to escape.”

Zhuo'er nodded lightly if he understood something. This principle is not profound. To put it bluntly, it is very simple. But people who are involved in it may not have such a clear understanding. Therefore, Hengguan Xianzun will transcend the world of cultivation. Looking at the world of cultivation from a different perspective, this is not a level that ordinary people can achieve, and Zhui'er is born with this wisdom. The issues he and Shen Qing have been discussing are transcending the world of cultivation, but he has not seriously bowed his head to it. Examining and thinking about the things in front of him, such as his understanding of issues such as killing rape and eliminating evil, so Hengguan Immortal Lord made such a suggestion, and he immediately understood something.

Immortal Lord Hengguan waited for him to think for a while before speaking again, "The way of heaven is mysterious, and it is difficult for me to understand its secrets. Only by cultivating to this point can you gain some transcendence. You should focus on cultivation. You can think of these." , don’t indulge too much, some things will no longer be a problem when you reach that level of cultivation.”

"Yes." Zhui'er respectfully accepted the order and dispersed the thoughts swirling in his mind.

Hengguan Immortal Lord could tell from his clear eyes that he had stopped thinking completely, and couldn't help but praise, "Your talent is indeed very high, and you are worthy of being a disciple. Xing'er, don't belittle yourself anymore, for Master, I believe you will achieve extraordinary things, so cherish yourself and don’t take risks easily.”

The more Zhui'er listened, the more uneasy he became. These words seemed to have a farewell meaning.

a?:?Thanks to Brother Ernai for the rewards and monthly tickets. I feel that the pressure of debt is getting bigger and bigger. I have to keep up with the plot and it takes a lot of time to come up with it. Please be considerate.

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