Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 1371 Don’t be confused

Zhui'er didn't want to make any more accusations. After all, he himself had to go out to avoid trouble, so he didn't have much confidence to criticize Huaying harshly on this matter.

"Hey, how dangerous is the situation? Please let me know. When will Master estimate that the monster will come over?" Huaying bumped Zhui'er's shoulder with a flattering expression.

"Wuxun told me last time that the feather-level monsters from Shui Qingzhou directly participated in the battle. Do you think there is anything more sinister than this?"

"Really?!" Huaying stared at Zhui'er with wide eyes in surprise. When Zhui'er heard the news from Wuhun's mouth, Zhui'er was just a little panicked out of ignorance and fear, but Huaying knew what it meant. Of course, after Wuhun's subsequent explanation, Zhui'er also had a general understanding of this.

"Of course it's true." Although now is not the time to be proud, Zhui'er still felt somewhat proud when he said this. He can be considered a well-informed person in this regard.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier! The monster we killed in Wutou Mountain came from Shuiqingzhou!" Huaying suddenly felt scared and took Zhui'er's arm and said, "We have to leave quickly, we're late. There’s going to be big trouble!”

"Senior Brother Wen Danzi already told me that the monster came from Shui Qingzhou, and I felt worried at that time."

"You are really good at hiding things in your heart!" Huaying poked his finger on his forehead angrily, then frowned and glanced at Lu Gang who was still awake, wishing he could go back to Xianlin Courtyard immediately to clean up the matter. Things leave.

Zhui'er could tell what she was thinking, and advised, "There's no need to panic. There's a line of defense on our border. I don't think it's that easy for monsters to attack us. Together we have two continents." Even if they can't stop them, they won't reach us in the blink of an eye."

"If someone with the magical power of Hua Yu joins the battle, then nothing can be said." Huaying bit her lips lightly, her eyes full of worry, she paused for a moment and half-truthfully threatened Zhui'er and said, "That monster we killed The beast should have been sent here to find out the news, just in case someone knew

If it was the two of us who did it, then there will definitely be no good results for both of us, so we have to leave as soon as possible. "

Zhui'er glanced at her and said nothing. Huaying's eagerness to abandon his master and run for his life made him feel uncomfortable. Although Hengguan Xianzun explained the truth clearly to him, Huaying couldn't be so ruthless and unjust, right? Qianxu Palace has nurtured her to the middle stage of Nascent Soul.

Huaying saw Zhui'er's dissatisfaction, lowered her head and thought about her thoughts, and did not dare to push Zhui'er any more.

Zhui'er took out two Shanyi flags, and first sent a greeting to the one given by Wuhun. He was worried about Wuhun, and then used the other Shanyi flag to send a message to Shen Qing, wanting to invite her over. Meet yourself.

After a while, Shen Qing's spiritual thoughts came from Shanyi Banner, "Where are you now? I will be at Qianxu Palace soon."

Zhui'er reported his location and then asked, "Are you here to find me?"

"Let's talk about it when we meet." Shen Qing replied briefly and then cut off the transmission of the two charity flags.

Zhui'er collected the charity flag given by Shen Qing and stared at the one given by Wuhun for a while, then put it away as well.

Huaying stepped aside when Zhuo'er took out the Shanyi flag. Seeing him put away both flags, he leaned over and looked at Zhui'er with inquiring eyes.

Zhui'er sent her away, "Shen Qing will be here soon. You go back and pack your things to prepare for the escape."

Huaying saw Zhui'er frowning, thinking that he still disliked her, so he showed a pitiful look and said, "Langxing, I am not greedy for life and afraid of death, but in a war involving great supernatural powers, my cultivation is really good." It won't have any effect. The master made the arrangement for the disciples of Xianlinyuan to take refuge. The jade cannot be burned together, nor can it be driven away.

A young tiger fighting a ferocious wolf, it's not worth dying like that. "

Zhui'er waved his hand and said, "I don't mean to blame you. Don't get me wrong. I'm worried about the safety of Senior Wuhun. He didn't reply to my message."

Huaying breathed a sigh of relief and first comforted him, "He might be fighting a monster, don't worry if you wait." Then he said with a hint of resentment, "Your face will change as soon as you become the Immortal Lord. From now on, I don’t dare to get close to you anymore.”

Zhui'er said in astonishment, "Why have I changed my attitude towards you? Haven't I always been like this?"

Huaying curled her lips and said, "You just don't feel it, your whole person has changed with your stinky face."

"Where am I?" Zhui'er couldn't help but use his spiritual consciousness to check his face, and said inexplicably, "I've always been like this. There must be something wrong with you!"

"Huh." Huaying snorted, not wanting to argue with him anymore, and then she changed her sincere expression and said, "When disaster is coming, I have to take better care of you. No matter whether Shen Qing comes or not, I have to make sure that you If you want to go back to Lu Gang’s safety, you have to go back together.”

Just as Zhui'er was about to frown, he remembered the accusation just now and quickly made a pleasant expression and said, "Master, I've told you, just do what I say and don't meddle in my affairs. Can you just use this instruction?" Violation?" .??.

"Ignorance!" Huaying spat, and Zhui'er's appearance now made her feel much more comfortable.

Zhui'er smiled naively and said, "Go ahead, go ahead. I'll just ask Shen Qing to take us both back."

"No." Huaying pursed her lips, looked at her heart and said, "It doesn't matter whether you are a bright star or a spiritual star, and it doesn't matter whether you like it now or not, I still have to follow the same rules as before. I will do my best to you until you get bored. You said that our debt is a debt of conscience, and I have to live up to my conscience. "

Zhuo'er's inner feelings

He moved and said sincerely, "You don't have to think about my new identity all the time. No matter how high I climb on the branch, we are still the relationship between senior sister and junior brother. Even Qianxu Palace may not be able to protect it. The identity of the twelfth generation disciple is just It's just a false reputation, so don't worry about it even if I don't take it seriously. You have a lot of belongings, so I asked you to go back and clean it up early. If you are not worried, just wait until Shen Qing comes."

Huaying showed a satisfied smile and said, "Then I can't leave even more. I have to bring you back safely."

Zhui'er shook his head and smiled, "That's up to you."

Huaying stepped forward and took Zhui'er's hand affectionately, secretly saying, "You are not allowed to do stupid things for Shen Qing." She had heard what Zhui'er had told Hengguan Immortal before to persuade Shen Qing to take refuge.

"I won't do anything stupid, hehe." Zhui'er giggled innocently. Huaying's so intimate behavior made him feel a little flustered, and those smooth and boneless hands made his heart pound.

"You're so stupid, it's so easy to do stupid things!" Huaying gave him a charming look.

"Hey, no, no..." Zhui'er wanted to let go of the little hand that was almost too much for him to bear, but Huaying deliberately tightened his grip.

At this moment, with a wave of spiritual power, Shen Qing appeared a hundred feet away. Seeing the intimate scene of the two holding hands, she stood there without coming over.

Zhui'er was quite embarrassed. Huaying did not let go immediately, but squeezed Zhui'er's hand hard again, secretly conveying a snarky spiritual thought: "Don't be confused, otherwise I won't spare you!" before letting go. He opened his hand and looked at Shen Qing, who was a hundred feet away, with a slightly arrogant look.

Shen Qing didn't pay much attention to Huaying's unfriendly gaze. After Zhui'er came over, she took Zhui'er and flew down to a barren hill hundreds of miles away. She immediately opened up her body-protecting divine light and covered Zhui'er.

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