Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 1374 Don’t be afraid this time

Although he was facing his closest brother, Lu Gang still hesitated for a while before sending back his thoughts and saying, "There are really people who are in charge of the law of heaven. After I killed those three people, I was inexplicably injured just after I flew not far away." A severe blow, and at the same time, a spiritual message came, warning me that I would not be lenient if I dared to interfere in mortal matters."

"Have you seen that person's appearance?" Zhui'er asked with a bit of resentment for revenge. Although the other person was in charge of Tianlu, he was still a little unconvinced by the fact that his brother was beaten for fighting off violence.

Lü Gang, who was still frightened, hurriedly gave Zhui'er a look that said, "Don't let the fuss continue any longer." Then he said with a spiritual thought, "Don't mention this matter again, don't mention it to anyone. That spiritual thought contains supreme majesty, and I'm not afraid of your ridicule." , I’m still scared now, that’s not something we can mess with.”

"Have you seen what he looks like?" Zhui'er heard what Lu Gang said, and his confidence was a little low. His desire for revenge turned into curiosity about that man. He knew very well who Lu Gang was. They definitely couldn't afford to offend someone who could scare Lu Gang like this.

"I didn't see it, don't ask, I shouldn't have said anything to you." There was a pleading look in Lu Gang's eyes.

In the past, Zhui'er would have wanted to get to the bottom of it, because Lu Gang was his good brother, and because he found out that the person in charge of the law of heaven was a huge secret, he wanted to ask clearly. But now that Zhui'er has grown up, he has chosen No more questioning, because he also has many secrets that cannot be told, and he can understand Lu Gang's difficulties.

Zhui'er put away his curiosity and changed the topic, "Okay, I have to tell you something important. The monsters from Shui Qingzhou may come to Qianxu Palace. Master Guan plans to let our Xianlin Academy The disciples went out to seek refuge..."

"What?! Can the monster come to us?" Lu Gang's eyes widened in disbelief. Without waiting for Zhui'er to answer, he continued, "I won't leave! When the teacher's sect is in trouble Is he still a human being when he runs away?”

He said these words out loud, not his thoughts, which caused the painting figure flying in front to turn around and give him a look with contempt and sneer.

Zhui'er hurriedly shook his head at him and said, "Use your spiritual thoughts. Use your spiritual thoughts. Don't get excited. Master believes that this disaster may destroy Qianxu Palace. He arranged for us to go out to take refuge in order to preserve our strength. No." Let us make unnecessary sacrifices." He then told Lu Gang about the critical situation and what Hengguan Xianzun said.

After hearing this, Lu Gang frowned and said, "Is it really that serious? But then I also feel that we can't abandon the teacher's safety and ignore it. If you want to leave, you can leave. I can't do such ruthless and unjust things."

Zhui'er said angrily, "I've told you the truth, and you still say such things! Do you think I don't care about my teacher's kindness? But with our little cultivation, what's the use of fighting to the death? Do you want Shu Yan to do it?" Are you going to give up your life in vain?"

Lu Gang's brows knitted into a knot, and he said tangledly, "Just take her away. I didn't ask you to stay."

Zhui'er asked, "Will she leave if you don't?"

"Can't you just think of a way..." Lu Gang's tone weakened.

Zhui'er said angrily, "I can't help it. The three of us have been playing together since childhood. If you want to die, then let's die together. No one can leave."

Lu Gang was speechless. He knew that if he insisted on staying, Zhui'er and Shu Yan would definitely risk their lives to accompany him. There was no hope of persuading Zhui'er to take Shu Yan away. Whether he stayed or not was not just a matter of his own. The problem.

After a moment of silence, he conveyed his thoughts and said, "I have to go back and ask for instructions. I can't hide it from you now."

, I have had people from above help me over the years. I have received favors from them, and I have to get their permission before I want to leave. "

Zhui'er had been favored by Lord Nine Immortals. He was very familiar with this situation, so he knew better and didn't ask any more questions. He nodded and said, "Okay, of course, but this is Master Hengguan's intention. I guess there won't be any problem." ”

Lu Gang nodded slowly and talked about Shu Yan, "How does Master Guan arrange the disciples outside the Xianlin Academy? Can Shu Yan come with us?"

Zhui'er looked at the painting flying in front, "I will ask my senior brothers and sisters for help. No matter what the arrangements are, you and Shu Yan must be together. Now I don't care about the laws of Xianlin Academy."

Lu Gang looked at him sharply, "I'm with Shu Yan? What about you?"

Zhui'er originally wanted to make up a lie to deceive him. It was easy to make up a lie. It was enough to say that his master had other plans for him. But thinking about Shu Yan's secret of opening spiritual eyes, Shu Yan and Xianlin Yuan He couldn't rest assured when those people were together, even asking Danzi was unreliable. After all, asking Danzi wanted to drive Shu Yan away in the first place. This senior brother regarded Shu Yan as a troublesome person. If he thought about it, he would still do this. Quite tricky.

"What do you mean?" Lu Gang became more and more suspicious when he saw Zhuo'er hesitated to answer.

"We'll wait until we meet Shu Yan." Zhui'er and Lu Gang sped up to fly to Huaying, and the three of them returned to Qianxu Palace together.

Because only a few people knew Hengguan Immortal’s views on this disaster at this moment, Qianxu Palace remained as calm as before. When they arrived near Cuiyu Peak, Zhui’er said to Huaying, “Go back and pack your things first. Let's go talk to Shu Yan, and I'll find you later."

Huaying hesitated for a moment and said, "I'd better wait for you to go back together. It will be easier for you to do things with me here." Although she wanted to go back immediately to prepare for escape, she didn't want to show too much panic in front of Zhui'er. She couldn't let it happen. Zhui'er looked down upon him.

Zhui'er smiled and said, "Then please help me invite Senior Brother Bai Hua from Xiulin Academy over. I have something to ask him for help."

Regarding this kind of order, Huaying could only curl her small lips to express her dissatisfaction and then turned around to follow the orders. Following Zhui'er's instructions, this was given by Hengguan Xianzun himself.

When Lu Gang saw Huaying giving Zhui'er face like this, he couldn't help but look at Zhui'er with sincerity. He had no choice but to be convinced by the Zhui'er brother's natural popularity.

When Shu Yan saw that Zhui'er and Lu Gang came together, her eyes shone with joy, and she excitedly grabbed their arms for a long time and refused to let go.

"Let's go see if Uncle Xu and Aunt Juan are back." Zhui'er's cultivation level was higher than the two of them at the moment, so he took them and flew towards the hill where Aunt Xu Shujuan lived.

Last time, Zhui'er and Shu Yan had such a quarrel in order to avoid Wen Danzi. Seeing that he was playing the same trick again, Shu Yan couldn't help but feel a little nervous. Last time, he was intercepted by Wen Danzi when he was halfway through the flight. .

"Are you going out with your senior brother this time?" she asked Zhui'er quietly.

Zhui'er calmly replied, "Don't be afraid this time. I really want to see if Uncle Xu and Aunt Juan are back."

"Oh..." Shu Yan didn't know where Zhui'er's calmness came from, and asked worriedly, "Then who did you two come with this time? How come Lu Gang can come out too?"

"Something big has happened. Qianxu Palace is going to be in catastrophe. We have to leave temporarily. We don't care about any rules and regulations now." Zhui'er explained the situation to Shu Yan in a nutshell. Although he was facing his closest brother, Lu Gang still hesitated for a while before sending back his thoughts and saying, "There are really people who are in charge of the law of heaven. After I killed those three people, I was inexplicably injured just after I flew not far away." A severe blow, and at the same time, a spiritual message came, warning me that I would not be lenient if I dared to interfere in mortal matters."

"Have you seen that person's appearance?" Zhui'er asked with a bit of resentment for revenge. Although the other person was in charge of Tianlu, he was still a little unconvinced by the fact that his brother was beaten for fighting off violence.

Lü Gang, who was still frightened, hurriedly gave Zhui'er a look that said, "Don't let it go any further." Then he said with a spiritual thought, "Don't mention this matter again, don't mention it to anyone. That spiritual thought contains supreme majesty, and I'm not afraid of your ridicule." , I’m still scared now, that’s not something we can mess with.”

"Have you seen what he looks like?" Zhui'er heard what Lu Gang said, and his confidence was a little low. His desire for revenge turned into curiosity about that man. He knew very well who Lu Gang was. They definitely couldn't afford to offend someone who could scare Lu Gang like this.

"I didn't see it, don't ask, I shouldn't have said anything to you." There was a pleading look in Lu Gang's eyes.

In the past, Zhui'er would have wanted to get to the bottom of it, because Lu Gang was his good brother, and because he found out that the person in charge of the law of heaven was a huge secret, he wanted to ask clearly. But now that Zhui'er has grown up, he has chosen No more questions, because he also has many secrets that cannot be told, and he can understand Lu Gang's difficulties.

Zhui'er put away his curiosity and changed the subject, "Okay, I have to tell you something important. The monsters from Shui Qingzhou may come to Qianxu Palace. Master Guan plans to let our Xianlin Academy The disciples went out to seek refuge..."

"What?! Can the monster come to us?" Lu Gang's eyes widened in disbelief. Without waiting for Zhui'er to answer, he continued, "I won't leave! When the teacher's sect is in trouble Is that still a human being who runs away?”??

He said these words out loud, not from his thoughts, which caused the painting figure flying in front to turn around and give him a look with contempt and sneer.

Zhui'er hurriedly shook his head at him and said, "Use your spiritual thoughts. Use your spiritual thoughts. Don't get excited yet. Master believes that this disaster may destroy Qianxu Palace. He arranged for us to take refuge in order to preserve our strength. No." Let us make unnecessary sacrifices." He then told Lu Gang about the critical situation and what Hengguan Xianzun said.

After hearing this, Lu Gang frowned and said, "Is it really that serious? But then I also feel that we can't abandon the teacher's safety and ignore it. If you want to leave, you can leave. I can't do such ruthless and unjust things."

Zhui'er said angrily, "I've told you the truth, and you still say such things! Do you think I don't care about my teacher's kindness? But with our little cultivation, what's the use of fighting to the death? Do you want Shu Yan to do it?" Are you going to give up your life in vain?"

Lu Gang's brows knitted into a knot, and he said tangledly, "Just take her away. I didn't ask you to stay."

Zhui'er asked, "Will she leave if you don't?"

"Can't you just think of a way..." Lu Gang's tone weakened.

Zhui'er said angrily, "I can't help it. The three of us have been playing together since childhood. If you want to die, then let's die together. No one can leave."

Lu Gang was speechless. He knew that if he insisted on staying, Zhui'er and Shu Yan would definitely risk their lives to accompany him. There was no hope of persuading Zhui'er to take Shu Yan away. Whether he stayed or not was not just a matter of his own. The problem.

After a moment of silence, he conveyed his thoughts and said, "I have to go back and ask for instructions. I can't hide it from you now."

, I have had people from above help me over the years. I have received favors from them, and I have to get their permission before I want to leave. "

Zhui'er had been favored by Lord Nine Immortals. He was very familiar with this situation, so he knew better and didn't ask any more questions. He nodded and said, "Okay, of course, but this is Master Hengguan's intention. I guess there won't be any problem." ”

Lu Gang nodded slowly and talked about Shu Yan, "How does Master Guan arrange the disciples outside the Xianlin Academy? Can Shu Yan come with us?"

Zhui'er looked at the painting flying in front, "I will ask my senior brothers and sisters for help. No matter what the arrangements are, you and Shu Yan must be together. Now I don't care about the laws of Xianlin Academy."

Lu Gang looked at him sharply, "I'm with Shu Yan? What about you?"

Zhui'er originally wanted to make up a lie to deceive him. It was easy to make up a lie. It was enough to say that his master had other plans for him. But thinking about Shu Yan's secret of opening spiritual eyes, Shu Yan and Xianlin Yuan He couldn't rest assured when those people were together, and even asking Danzi was unreliable. After all, asking Danzi wanted to drive Shu Yan away in the first place. This senior brother regarded Shu Yan as a troublesome person. If he thought about it, he would still do this. Quite tricky.

"What do you mean?" Lu Gang became more and more suspicious when he saw Zhuo'er hesitated to answer.

"Let's wait until we meet Shu Yan." Zhui'er and Lu Gang sped up to fly to Huaying, and the three of them returned to Qianxu Palace together.

Because only a few people knew Hengguan Immortal’s views on this disaster at this moment, Qianxu Palace remained as calm as before. When they arrived near Cuiyu Peak, Zhui’er said to Huaying, “Go back and pack your things first. Let's go talk to Shu Yan, and I'll find you later."

Huaying hesitated for a moment and said, "I'd better wait for you to go back together. It will be easier for you to do things with me here." Although she wanted to go back immediately to prepare for escape, she didn't want to show too much panic in front of Zhui'er. She couldn't let it happen. Zhui'er looked down upon him.

Zhui'er smiled and said, "Then please help me invite Senior Brother Bai Hua from Xiulin Academy over. I have something to ask him for help."

Regarding this kind of order, Huaying could only curl her small lips to express her dissatisfaction and then turned around to follow the orders. Following Zhui'er's instructions, this was given by Hengguan Xianzun himself.

When Lu Gang saw Huaying giving Zhui'er face like this, he couldn't help but look at Zhui'er with sincerity. He had no choice but to be convinced by the Zhui'er brother's natural popularity.

When Shu Yan saw that Zhui'er and Lu Gang came together, her eyes shone with joy, and she excitedly grabbed their arms for a long time and refused to let go.

"Let's go see if Uncle Xu and Aunt Juan are back." Zhui'er's cultivation level was higher than the two of them at the moment, so he took them and flew towards the hill where Aunt Xu Shujuan lived.

Last time, Zhui'er and Shu Yan had such a quarrel in order to avoid Wen Danzi. Seeing that he was playing the same trick again, Shu Yan couldn't help but feel a little nervous. Last time, he was intercepted by Wen Danzi when he was halfway through the flight. .

"Are you going out with your senior brother this time?" she asked Zhui'er quietly.

Zhui'er calmly replied, "Don't be afraid this time. I really want to see if Uncle Xu and Aunt Juan are back."

"Oh..." Shu Yan didn't know where Zhui'er's calmness came from, and asked worriedly, "Then who did you two come with this time? How come Lu Gang can come out too?"

"Something big has happened. Qianxu Palace is going to be in catastrophe. We have to leave temporarily. We don't care about any rules and regulations now." Zhui'er explained the situation to Shu Yan in a nutshell.

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