Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 1386 Don’t take this spirit stone!

Zhui'er grinned and said, "I was originally thinking about getting some pharmacopoeia and other complete books of spells, but I forgot about it as soon as I came out. Uncle Master, how about you let me go in again..."

Hengsi Immortal Lord hurriedly waved his hand and interrupted, "No one can go in and disturb you now. Don't even think about it. I will personally protect you here from today on. No one is allowed to enter the Jade Scripture Pavilion anymore."

"Yes..." Zhui'er gave up and bowed his head in agreement.

Hengsi Xianzun was a little embarrassed when he saw Zhui'er's unwillingness. He wanted to reward him with something to comfort him, but the child's cultivation level was too low and he didn't have any treasures suitable for him. After thinking for a while, he said A small ball of light formed from his fingertips and was placed on Zhuo'er's forehead, saying, "I'll teach you the art of 'phantom shadow'. If you can understand it, it will not only enhance your ability to protect yourself, but also gain insights into you." It’s a big benefit.”

"Thank you, Uncle Master, for the generous gift." Zhui'er bowed and thanked him while looking at the spell that was directly sealed in his mind. He now has too many spells to learn, so his interest in this spell is not as direct as the hand of Hengsi Immortal Master. There is great interest in the magical power that can be transferred into the brain.

Seeing that Zhuo'er didn't show much joy, the Fourth Immortal Lord said, "This 'virtual shadow' technique should be attributed to the word 'virtual' in the three characters of Qianxu Palace. It is the secret of Qianxu Palace that is not passed down." Although the art of "phantom shadow" is a relatively shallow one, if you understand it thoroughly, you can see the whole leopard at a glance. It is even worse than the "burning hatred sticker" that you regard as a treasure. Don't take it lightly. , We at Qianxu Palace dare to say that my master is the only one who has fully understood this 'phantom' technique."

Immortal Lord Hengsi shook his head and said, "You must not talk about such ignorant nonsense in the future. If you don't understand the 'Void', you can't talk about the art of understanding the 'Void'. That can only be said to be superficial proficiency." After the fourth training. Immortal Lord, he turned to Zhui'er and said, "What your senior brother said before is right. This technique of phantom is no worse than the technique of Burning Hatred. If you can understand the realm of 'virtual' from this technique, then You can enter the 'Void Realm' to continue your enlightenment."

"Oh...nephew, I understand." Zhui'er couldn't help but react after hearing what they said.

Pay attention to the magic.

Immortal Lord Hengsi waved his hand to the Fourth Immortal Lord and said, "Take him with you. Don't let others know about Fen Hentie."

"Yes." The Four Immortals took the order and flew down the mountain with Zhui'er.

Immortal Lord Hengsi said to the Fourth Immortal Lord again, "Don't show off your understanding of the art of shadow to him. He doesn't need your guidance, and don't interfere too much in his affairs. We must respect your third uncle's arrange."

The Fourth Immortal Lord replied "Yes" with his spiritual thoughts. He was really planning to talk to Zhui'er about the art of "phantom shadow". His master's instructions made him couldn't help but once again express his gratitude to this young junior brother who was only a few dozen years old. I took a few secret glances.

Under the instruction of the Four Immortals, Zhui'er returned to Guangpu and Lu Gang with a sad look on his face.

Lu Gang was naturally disappointed to see him like this, but his brother had already tried his best, so he couldn't show his disappointment, so he took Zhui'er's arm to express his comfort.

The Fourth Immortal Lord said to Guangpu with an expressionless expression, "Take them back. Don't talk about this matter to others. Don't punish them, and don't ask any questions."

"Yes." Guangpu promised with his spiritual thoughts, and his heart that had been hanging around finally fell to the ground. This ending was the best he could hope for. As for not letting anyone ask more questions, he would have thought about it early. He has become accustomed to it. As the headmaster of Xianlin Academy, he frankly said that his job is to serve these wizards. The only ones he can control are children like Zhui'er and Lu Gang. It seems that he can control them less in the future. Or just ignore it, this is what he wants.

On the way back, Guangpu put on a smile and said to the two little guys, "Senior Brother Guangxuan has no ill intentions towards you. He just wants to save face. You two are so stupid."

He must not be able to stand it if you contradict him like this. In anger, he went too far. But he is several thousand years old and a great monk. If you contradict him so unceremoniously, what else would it be like? Everyone will give you some clues, so don't worry about this, just think of it for my sake. "After Guangxuan came down from the mountain, he specifically asked him to help resolve the feud this time, so he had to work hard. Besides, he was the one who caused this, and he has no responsibility for it.

Zhui'er had already forgotten this matter, and immediately smiled and said, "It's not a big deal, we just don't care about him."

Lu Gang, however, had a gloomy face and remained silent. This matter could not end like this for him.

Guangpu looked at Lu Gang a little worried and took out two hundred Nascent Soul Stones, divided them into two parts and handed them to the two of them. He looked at Lu Gang sincerely and said, "Senior Brother Guangxuan asked me to give this to you. Don't say apology or apology." Yes, it’s enough to see that he has this intention. He is also a well-known figure in Qianxu Palace. This time you have made him angry enough, contradicting and attacking. After all, you have a lot of power. As long as you have the upper hand, that’s pretty much it.”

Lu Gang said coldly, "I have no shortage of spiritual stones. Let him keep this spiritual stone for himself."

Guangpu looked at Zhui'er with a headache. Lu Gang had been very respectful to him before, but when this kid got aggressive, he just ignored him like a sour-faced dog.

Zhui'er had nothing to do. He knew that Lu Gang would never give up, but he felt that this matter should not embarrass Senior Brother Guangpu, so he came over and said, "Brother, please leave it alone. I will persuade him later."

Guangpu hurriedly gave Zhui'er two hundred Nascent Soul Stones and said, "Okay, then I'll leave this matter to you."

Lu Gang looked at Zhui'er with sharp eyes and said, "Don't take this spirit stone!"

Zhui'er smiled helplessly at Guangpu, pushed the spirit stone back and said, "We don't want this spirit stone anymore."

. "

Guangpu frowned worriedly. If he couldn't even send the spirit stone away, he would be too weak to handle the matter and couldn't explain it to Guangxuan.

At this time, Zhui'er secretly said to him, "Senior brother, just secretly give me this spiritual stone. I will slowly persuade him that senior brother doesn't have to worry about this matter."

Guangpu was greatly relieved, secretly thinking that his love for this kind and sensible child was not in vain, but for a moment he forgot that not long ago he was still holding back and wanted to teach this boy a lesson, which was the reason for all the troubles he was having now.

When they returned to Xianlinyuan, Guangpu had secretly given the two hundred Nascent Soul Stones to Zhui'er. It would be easy for the two of them to hide this small trick from Lu Gang's eyes and ears.

Zhui'er acted as if he wanted to persuade Lu Gang and followed Lu Gang to his residence. As soon as he entered the house, Lu Gang said to Zhui'er with great regret, "This matter has dragged you down. Are they making things difficult for you?"

Zhui'er pulled him to sit down beside the table. He first opened his body-protecting divine light to cover him, and then smiled and said, "No one is making things difficult for me. I just met Master Si."

"Alarmed Master Si?" Lu Gang's expression changed. He was worried that the Four Immortals would be implicated.

Zhui'er didn't know what was going on and said carelessly, "You don't have to be afraid. Master Si didn't blame me. He just came to ask what happened."

"Then...then..." Lu Gang was worried and didn't know how to ask. He urgently wanted to know whether the story of the Four Immortals had been exposed, but he couldn't make Zhui'er suspicious.

"That's it. I told you it's okay. It's okay." Zhui'er said proudly, and then raised his chin even more proudly and said, "If you don't hold grudges against that Guangxuan anymore, I'll give you something good."

Lu Gang's heart moved, he narrowed his eyes and said solemnly, "Even if you bring me the Burning Hatred Sticker, I won't be able to forget this hatred!"

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