Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 1396 Give you a fancy dress

"No..." Zhui'er was afraid that she would leave immediately, so he hurriedly took out two pills, one red and one blue, and handed them to her first, "These are the pills that killed the Qiankun Beast last time. I just got them from Senior Brother Wen Danzi." If you steal it, put it away first."

"Be careful, this poisonous thing is not just for fun, keep it away yourself." Huaying told him reproachfully, and then disappeared in front of Zhui'er.

"Hey!" Zhui'er was so anxious that he waved his hand and knocked the two pills out of the door, shouting, "It will be a waste if you don't catch them on the ground!"

The two pills flew out of the door and then turned around and flew back. However, the beautiful figure that Zhui'er wanted to see did not appear. Zhui'er grabbed the pills and chased them out. The bright moon was in the sky and the silent ground of Wanfa Hill was All that is left is the coldness.

"Senior sister! Draw a shadow!" Zhui'er shouted twice in vain, standing in mid-air with a grimace, looking around like a lone wild goose. After a while, he looked towards the hazy distance, like a wood carving and clay sculpture. He didn't move anymore.

Early the next morning, as soon as it got light, Zhui'er stepped into the gate of Guangpu's courtyard. The residence of the leader of the courtyard was not protected by a magic circle.

When Guangpu saw Zhui'er coming to the door, he thought he was here to announce the good news. Looking at the tired look on his face, he thought he was having an argument with Lu Gang. Just when he was about to ask about the situation, Zhui'er spoke first.

"Senior brother, I want to see the Four Immortals. Could you please inform me?"

"You want to see the Four Immortals? What's the matter?" Guang Pu asked in a pleasant tone.

"Please give me some advice on Taoism. Last time at Daolang Mountain, the Four Immortals taught me a little bit of Taoism. I couldn't figure out a few things."

"Oh... ok, I'll take you there. How's it going with Lu Gang? When you go to Daoliang Mountain, you have to give Senior Brother Guangxuan a message." Guang Pu looked at Zhui'er expectantly.

"Okay, please rest assured, Senior Brother Guangxuan. As long as I don't die, this matter will be over."

Broad spectrum of confusion

After a moment, he smiled helplessly and said, "I understand, let's do this for now. You have to find another opportunity to persuade him again. We can't take Brother Guangxuan's things for free."

Zhui'er nodded and said, "Definitely, I won't bother with senior brother's instructions."

Guangpu looked at him and said, "I see why you are a little depressed? You have no energy at all."

Zhui'er forced a smile and said, "I'm a little worried. This enlightenment is not going well. Senior brother, don't worry about me. I'll ask the Fourth Immortal Lord for advice, and then see if I need to go out and relax."

Guangpu didn't know whether to laugh or cry and said, "You still need to relax? You have only had enough time to relax in these years. I think you have almost lost it."

Zhui'er giggled and said, "It depends on what the Fourth Immortal Lord says. If he says he doesn't need to go, then he won't go."

"Let's go and see if the Four Immortals are free." Guangpu took Zhui'er and ran to Daolang Mountain. This kind of errands was one of the responsibilities of the director, and he had no complaints about running errands for Zhui'er. .

Zhui'er went to the Fourth Immortal Lord to ask him to send the three people on his side out of Qianxu Palace. The original plan was to ask Huaying to help, but Huaying was so hurt that he left, and the only one he could turn to was the Four Immortal Lords. Well, of course I can't go to Hengsi Immortal for such a trivial matter.

When they arrived at the foot of Daoliang Mountain, Guangxuan came out and greeted Zhui'er politely. It was quite different from his previous condescending demeanor. Zhui'er didn't show too much intimacy to him, even though he expressed his conciliation. With enough sincerity, it is impossible for Zhui'er to completely ignore the matter of letting Lu Gang kneel down. If he can forgive, he can forgive. If he wants Zhui'er to completely let go of his grudge, then he has to forgive Guang Xuan. .

After the Fourth Immortal Lord came out, he pulled Zhui'er aside and asked about the situation.

Although he knew that Zhui'er was not here to ask for advice, to Zhui'er's surprise, the Fourth Immortal Lord readily agreed to his veiled request and generously gave him 1,300 Nascent Soul Stones. In fact, He had long planned to give Lu Gang a sum of spirit stones, but he didn't want to give so much. Giving this amount of spirit stones to Zhuo'er now was considered a favor, so of course he would give more. He was almost giving away the spirit stones on his body. All the stones were removed.

Zhui'er didn't know that there was something about Lu Gang involved. Seeing that the Four Immortals gave him so many spiritual stones, he was really touched and happy. He smiled at him with all his gratitude.

The Fourth Immortal Lord did not dare to sell the favor too harshly, because sooner or later, he would not be able to hide his love for Lu Gang from Zhui'er, so he said vaguely, "Don't be silly, you three are exactly what you should be doing." During the period of diligent cultivation, the spiritual stone consumption is quite large, so plan to use it, and don’t delay your cultivation due to lack of spiritual stones.”

"Hey! Okay, thank you, senior brother." Although Zhui'er was born with a simple and honest character, he followed Xun Yi's ingenious idea of ​​​​pleasing people. After getting the spirit stone, he directly left the big ranking of Qianxu Palace. The ranking of Si Xianzun's lineage calls the Four Immortals the senior brother.

"You kid." Si Xianjun couldn't help but smile when he heard the title of Senior Brother. He slapped his head, then said hello to Guang Pu, and took Zhui'er to the Xianlin Courtyard to pick up Lu Gang. He went to Cuiyu Peak to pick up Shu Yan and sent the three of them out of Qianxu Palace.

Naturally, the Four Immortal Lords gave him another round of warnings when they parted, but Immortal Lord Hengsi told him to respect the arrangement of Master Hengguan Immortal Lord and not to interfere too much with Zhui'er's affairs, so he could only pick out some important matters. Things have been told, for example, you need to hide away when you see people from those sects, and you should not mess with those monsters when you see them.

After the Four Immortals left, Shu Yan jumped a hundred feet high in excitement, and then flew joyfully in the wind. She was finally free. Her happiness was obtained by waiting eagerly!

Both Zhui'er and Lu Gang looked at Shu Yan with a smile and no one followed to join in the fun. Zhui'er let Hua Ying put him in a bad mood, while Lu Gang was a little sad because he had just separated from the Four Immortals. We have to stick to Qianxu Palace. I don’t know if we can see each other again after this parting.

After Shu Yan vented her joy for a while, she flew back and scolded the two of them dissatisfied, "Hey, you two, what are you looking at! Where should we go next?" After leaving Qianxu Palace, she was the boss, and the more As she grew up, her advantages as a girl became stronger. When she was a child, these two people were not very used to her problems.

"I'll give you a floral dress first." Zhui'er smiled and threw the dress to her.

"Where did you get the dress? The color is quite beautiful." Shu Yan seemed to like this dress very much.

"Lu Gang got it for you." Zhui'er said in a joking tone.

"Real or fake? Where did you get it?" Shu Yan pursed her lips and looked at Lu Gang with a smile.

"Wear it if you like it." Lu Gang replied with a strange look on his face.

"Did you really get it?" Shu Yan's pretty face blushed a little. She didn't expect Lu Gang to have such delicate thoughts, but judging from his expression, he must have gotten this set of clothes. She was too embarrassed to give it to her directly, so she asked Zhui'er to help her. The Zhui'er brother was very unkind in playing tricks on Lu Gang in this way. She quickly completed the whole story from the expressions of the two men.

Lu Gang did not answer Shu Yan's questioning and asked Zhui'er angrily, "Where are you going next?"

"Well... let's take a walk around the area first, and I'll take you somewhere." After Zhui'er said that, he flew towards Zhima Lake. He really wanted to find Huaying now, even if he just said to her, "I feel sorry for you." Well, although he didn't think what Huaying said last night was so correct, he could realize that he had wronged her.

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