Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 1402 Blood Iron Stick

Zhui'er had already noticed that the other party had already made it clear that he would not let them go easily, so it would only matter what they had, so he began to deliberately force the other party to make the first move. He had some confidence to begin with, because he not only had Little Monkey, with the talisman given by Huaying and the poisonous pill that asked for pills, Lu Gang and Shu Yan's fearlessness in the face of danger also infected him with more confidence. The biggest problem is that he didn't know those two left. What kind of cultivation level does the person have? If he knows that they are in the early stage of Nascent Soul, then he will have more confidence.

The tough attitude of the three people from Qianxu Palace finally completely angered the two people from Qianjie Sect. Although their cultivation level is not much higher than that of the three people from Qianxu Palace, considering their age, the three of them are just brats. And they were all talking in childish words, which was so irritating. If they continued to argue, they would definitely not win, because it was impossible to reason with children. Just what Zhui'er said could make people angry. The nose is crooked with anger.

"How dare you insult our Qianjie Sect!" the female disciple shouted, urging the flying sword to stab the three people. She didn't want to be angered to death by these three people, so she had to use this as an excuse to take action.

Lu Gang was about to go up to him, but Zhui'er was well prepared, grabbed him, and muttered, "They can't break our defense. We'll take action when we're sure. Hit them with the talisman, and save the poison pills to deal with the other two." indivual."

When Zhui'er was transmitting his spiritual thoughts, the female disciple's flying sword had already flown to him. Although Zhui'er had great confidence in Qing Po, he still activated his evil-eliminating shield, allowing the barrier formed by the evil-eliminating shield to cover Qing Po's body. Outside the barrier of soul, the male disciple couldn't bear it anymore. When he saw the female disciple take action, he immediately threw his flying sword.

The two flying swords drew two rays of green light and pierced the evil-eliminating shield almost at the same time. As the two rays of light flashed by, Zhui'er snorted, as if the Qi Mansion had been severely damaged, and the barrier bloomed from the evil-eliminating shield. He then disappeared, but at the same time he called out to his two companions, "Don't panic, it's okay. Shu Yan, come and block the next wave of attacks. Don't be afraid."

Lu Gang and Shu Yan were really panicked when they heard Zhui'er groan, but after hearing that divine thought, they both had the same thought.

The Zhui'er brothers actually cheated?

Of course Zhui'er can cheat. He is not honest with anyone. With his intelligence, he doesn't need to be taught by others about cheating. The heavy responsibility on his shoulders makes his mind spin faster than ever. He has to Do your best to protect your two partners.

"Qianxu Palace is just what you say!" The female disciple put away the flying sword and taunted. The strongest one on the other side had been disabled. It didn't take two people to deal with the defensive barrier supported by the little female cultivator. .

Although Zhui'er said it was nothing, Shu Yan still nervously pushed Qing Po to the extreme that she could. Firstly, the opponent was higher in cultivation than her, and secondly, she didn't have much experience in battle.

When the male disciple urged the flying sword to hit Qing Po's light blue barrier again, Shu Yan let out a very fake cry. If you listen carefully, the cry was obviously filled with excitement, because Shu Yan Sure enough, she felt that it was nothing, and the slight shock to her Qi Mansion was much smaller than she expected.

The two people from Qianjie Sect didn't listen carefully, so Shu Yan's performance didn't reveal anything. It wasn't that the two people were confused, but that Lu Gang urged the blood-iron stick to attack them, because Lu Gang heard that Shu Yan's scream was too fake, he was just trying to cover up for Shu Yan.

The blood-iron stick was struck at the male disciple. The man was overjoyed and wanted to reach out to collect the treasure, but when he felt the evil aura emitted by the blood-iron stick, he changed his mind with a guilty conscience and hurriedly urged Fei The sword goes to meet the attack.

The two magic weapons collided in the air. The blood-iron stick made a heart-shaking buzz, flashed a dark red light and flew back. The flying sword originally had the advantage, but with that sound There was a buzzing sound, and the male disciple's expression changed. He couldn't control the flying sword for a moment, causing it to fly out diagonally.

The strange power contained in the blood-iron stick when the two magic weapons collided made him feel uncomfortable, and the buzzing sound intensified the damage. If the two were of equal cultivation, just this one blow would be enough to kill him.

The power displayed by the blood-iron stick shocked everyone present. Even Lu Gang himself felt a little stupid. The non-fancy head-on collision just now shocked his body and turned pale. At this time, Trying hard to take back the stick.

Shu Yan couldn't see any more details, but she could tell that Lu Gang at least didn't suffer too much. She didn't know what to do next. Should she fight or not? She looked at Zhui'er anxiously.

Zhui'er was a little dazed for a moment when he saw how powerful the blood-iron stick was. Although his previous deception plan was disrupted, it would be good if he could make the other party retreat after seeing how powerful it was. After all, this battle was uncertain. Even if they win, the precious talismans and poisonous pills consumed are not worth the loss. They will have to suffer for a long time in the future.

In panic, the other female disciple flew around the three people in the middle and flew toward the male disciple.

At this moment, a sudden change occurred. The blood-iron stick that had flown back halfway was suddenly caught by a hand reaching out from the sky. Then, the man in the early stage of Nascent Soul appeared. He originally wanted to After explaining a few words about the situation, he put away this coveted treasure, but he didn't know that he was making a fatal mistake. He not only underestimated the strength of these people, but also underestimated Lu Gang's fierceness, and this Both of them would directly kill him in the next moment.

Not to mention that the blood-iron stick was Lu Gang's pet peeve. Even if an ordinary magic weapon was taken away from him, he would immediately get angry. The man still wanted to say a few words for the scene. How could Lu Gang wait until then? So before he opened his mouth, a silver snake with rabbit ears shot out from Lu Gang.

The man in the early stage of Nascent Soul was caught off guard by Lu Gang's willingness to hit him at any time, regardless of his cultivation level.

Unable to catch up, he hurriedly used his spiritual power to block the silver snake. As a dazzling light flashed by, the silver snake was blocked. That is to say, the quality of the talisman Huaying gave to Lu Gang and Shu Yan was slightly inferior, otherwise it would not have been possible. He could have blocked it in a hurry.

But blocking this silver snake was just the beginning of the disaster. Before he could defeat the silver snake, the second silver snake arrived shortly after. This silver snake was twice as thick as the previous one and emitted a bright silver light. It was incomparable to the previous one, and it was extremely fast. Even if he wasn't entangled by the first silver snake, he might not be able to escape.

This was Zhui'er's move. Once Lu Gang used the talisman, they would have no way out, so Zhui'er activated a talisman without any hesitation. His one was much stronger than Lu Gang's, and it was enough to kill him. As a monk in the early stage of Nascent Soul, Huaying's talisman-making skills are ranked at the forefront in the entire cultivation world. How could the talisman she carefully refined for Zhui'er be bad?

After the second silver snake was shot, it immediately erupted into two bursts of light that were not too strong. The first burst shattered the defensive spiritual shield blocking the first silver snake, and the second burst shattered the opponent's protective spirit. Light, that person was fighting against the first silver snake with all his strength, and the protective divine light was in a very weak state, but the second silver snake came too quickly, leaving no chance for the man to react. Once the protective divine light was broken, the two A silver snake immediately turned him invisible.

At this time, the third silver snake arrived belatedly. Shu Yan's reaction was a little slower than Zhui'er's, but her silver snake did not fail. A figure flashed out of the air and blocked the silver snake. , this is the female cultivator in the early stage of Nascent Soul rushing over to defend the Taoist monk from the attack. She originally stayed far away to guard against the sudden appearance of the elders of these three little guys. When she realized the danger, she rushed over to help. It was already too late, and she only had time to block the third silver snake sent by Shu Yan. Seeing the Taoist monk being killed, her heart suddenly went cold, because she knew that she would not survive, and she only had to kill the other two silver snakes. When she comes back, it will be difficult for her to resist. Now she is entangled by the third silver snake, and she cannot escape even if she wants to.

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