Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 1410 How familiar are you two?

Zhui'er wanted to know more about the relationship between Xun Yi and Shen Qing. Every time Xun Yi was mentioned, Shen Qing would always fall into sadness, and she always liked to mention Xun Yi. Zhui'er wanted to know more about the situation so that she could better understand it. Comfort Shen Qing.

When Zhui'er asked about the relationship between the two of them, Mu Hui curled her lips and said, "She was the one who pestered my junior brother. If it weren't for her, my junior brother wouldn't have died. This woman is as ruthless as those of their Qing Yuan sect." Wuyi, I only have the Tianlu Alliance in my heart. I suspect that my junior brother was tricked by her into working for the Yiling Guards. Sooner or later, I will have to avenge my junior brother."

Zhui'er frowned and asked, "How did she trick your junior brother into Yilingwei?"

Mu Hui looked angry, "Isn't this obvious? My junior brother has become the Seven Immortals of Zixiao Palace. How can he become a Yiling Guard if he is good? He must have been seduced by Shen Qing. My master My senior sister and I once saw them hanging out affectionately together at the selection meeting for fruit pickers. She must have used some underhand trick to charm my junior brother’s mind and make him work for them, just for the sake of it. The death of my junior brother at the hands of the Yuanyi tribe, and the two continents' joint efforts to annihilate the Yuanyi tribe were a big conspiracy planned by the Qingyuan Sect, and my junior brother is the most critical part of it. "

"Do you have any other evidence?" Zhui'er was a little dumbfounded. If that was the case, it would be understandable to explain that Shen Qing felt guilty about Xun Yi.

"The people of the Qingyuan Sect are all over the sky in the Tianlu Alliance. How can they easily let others catch the evidence? So many great magical powers in Zixiao Palace and Puyunzhou are being played around with. How can we, the Xuanfang Sect, have the ability to find evidence? But No matter what they say, I don't believe it anyway. My little junior brother was tricked to death by them." At this point, Mu Hui felt that she had said too much and hurriedly said, "Junior Brother Langxing, I feel very close to you. I just told you these things, please don't spread it to me, otherwise I will be in trouble. After all, I don't have any evidence in my hand. If I are held accountable, I will suffer a big loss, and I may even be silenced by them. "

"No, no, no, I won't tell you." The more Zhui'er thought about it, the more she felt that things were not as she said, so she advised, "I have also dealt with Shen Qing, and I feel that she has nothing to do with Xun Qing." Yi has deep feelings. She admires Xun Yi very much, and Shen Qing is definitely not that kind of despicable person. According to her, Xun Yi returned to Nanjingzhou because he was disgusted with the filth and darkness of Puyunzhou, and he also joined Yilingwei. It's for your own reasons, not because of temptation or coercion. There must be some hidden secret that we can't know. I dare not say anything else, but I can guarantee Shen Qing's character to your life with sex. She won't use it. Despicable means to harm Xun Yi."

"Are you familiar with Shen Qing?" Mu Hui felt a chill rising from his back.

"She's quite familiar with her, but don't worry. I won't betray you in front of her. I just want to advise you not to always think wrongly. Things shouldn't be what you guessed."

"How familiar are you two?" Mu Hui asked in panic.

"I got acquainted with her when I was still in the Qi-gathering period, and we were often together after that. I got to know her very well, so I dared to vouch for her with my life. She became extremely sad when she mentioned Yiyi. I just wanted to I asked her to ask you about them."

"Then..." Mu Hui's legs began to weaken

Okay, this is bad. How could I have imagined that such a young monk would have a close relationship with Shen Qing? If what I just said reached Shen Qing's ears, there would be no good results.

"You really don't have to worry, I will never tell her."

The sincere look in Zhui'er's eyes gave Mu Hui some hope. She grabbed Zhui'er's arm and said with a grimace, "What I said are indeed just speculations. Junior Brother Langxing, we are destined to be in love. How can you do this?" Don't harm your sister. Don't let Shen Qing hear these words. My sister's life is entirely in your hands."

Zhui'er smiled and said, "It's not that evil. Shen Qing won't argue with you even if she hears it. She's not that kind of person."

Mu Hui said anxiously, "No! What if my guess is right? Then can they not come and kill me to silence me? You must never tell her."

Seeing that she was really frightened, Zhui'er immediately said, "I swear with my Taoist heart, I won't mention these words to anyone else, okay?"

"Good junior brother! You saved my sister's life." Mu Hui said excitedly and gratefully.

Zhui'er smiled and shook his head and said, "I think you have no need to worry about this. Listen to my advice and don't think about this matter in a wrong way. Xun Yi is a man of great wisdom and is not so easy to be deceived. Shen Qing and Xun Yi Yi's relationship should be a sincere exchange of sympathy and sympathy. I can tell from Shen Qing's words that she tried her best to help Xun Yi, but was unable to do anything. I am not saying good things for her because I have a good relationship with Shen Qing. The truth should be That's it, you and Shen Qing are both close to Xun Yi, and if you two hate each other, then Xun Yi won't be in a hurry to die underground. "

"Since you said so..., then I'll think about it more carefully." After Mu Hui finished speaking, she smiled self-deprecatingly and said, "I just feel sorry for my junior brother, so I can't help but say it. Even if things go as I guessed, In that case, I wouldn’t be able to seek revenge from others.”

"Fortunately, if you had been more capable, you might have caused a big disaster. It's better to find out more before drawing a conclusion. Based on my understanding of Shen Qing and Xun Yi, I think Sister Hui, you must be wrong. Besides, Tianlu The alliance is not that unbearable, and the Qingyuan Sect cannot cover the sky with one hand."

Mu Hui was angry again and snorted, "The Heavenly Law Alliance is not as good as you think. Among other things, my senior sister was kidnapped some time ago, although she was rescued." , but they haven’t given us an explanation yet. They can rescue people, but they don’t know who the murderer is?”

Zhui'er grinned secretly, he knew this well, and said, "The Heavenly Law Alliance also has many forces that are difficult to deal with, and they are helpless in some matters. Maybe the one who kidnapped your senior sister is a force that is difficult to deal with. They did their best to rescue people.”

"You, think of the best in everything. I'm really worried that you will suffer in the future. I'm really worried for you, because I see such a simple and honest little brother like you and I love you from the bottom of my heart. Last time you made me do something like this The one who is kind-hearted is my junior brother, but he is much more thoughtful than you, so you have to be more careful." At this point, Mu Hui sighed and said quietly, "If my junior brother can enter Qianxu from the beginning. If he belongs to a prestigious family like Gong, no one will dare to bully him, and he will not suffer so much." Zhui'er wanted to inquire about the relationship between Xun Yi and Shen Qing. Every time Xun Yi was mentioned, Shen Qing would always fall into sadness. , and she always liked to talk about Xun Yi, Zhui'er wanted to know more about the situation so that she could better comfort Shen Qing.

When Zhui'er asked about the relationship between the two of them, Mu Hui curled her lips and said, "She was the one who pestered my junior brother. If it weren't for her, my junior brother wouldn't have died. This woman is as ruthless as those of their Qing Yuan sect." Wuyi, I only have the Tianlu Alliance in my heart. I suspect that my junior brother was tricked by her into working for the Yiling Guards. Sooner or later, I will have to avenge my junior brother."

Zhui'er frowned and asked, "How did she trick your junior brother into Yilingwei?"

Mu Hui looked angry, "Isn't this obvious? My junior brother has become the Seven Immortals of Zixiao Palace. How can he become a Yiling Guard if he is good? He must have been seduced by Shen Qing. My master My senior sister and I once saw them hanging out affectionately together at the selection meeting for fruit pickers. She must have used some underhand trick to charm my junior brother’s mind and make him work for them, just for the sake of it. The death of my junior brother at the hands of the Yuanyi tribe, and the two continents' joint efforts to annihilate the Yuanyi tribe were a big conspiracy planned by the Qingyuan Sect, and my junior brother is the most critical part of it. "

"Do you have any other evidence?" Zhui'er was a little dumbfounded. If that was the case, it would be understandable to explain that Shen Qing felt guilty about Xun Yi.

"The people of the Qingyuan Sect are all over the sky in the Tianlu Alliance. How can they easily let others catch the evidence? So many great magical powers in Zixiao Palace and Puyunzhou are being played around with. How can we, the Xuanfang Sect, have the ability to find evidence? But No matter what they say, I don't believe it anyway. My little junior brother was tricked to death by them." At this point, Mu Hui felt that she had said too much and hurriedly said, "Junior Brother Langxing, I feel very close to you. I just told you these things, please don't spread it to me, otherwise I will be in trouble. After all, I don't have any evidence in my hand. If I are held accountable, I will suffer a big loss, and I may even be silenced by them. "

"No, no, no, I won't tell you." The more Zhui'er thought about it, the more she felt that things were not as she said, so she advised, "I have also dealt with Shen Qing, and I feel that she has nothing to do with Xun Qing." Yi has deep feelings. She admires Xun Yi very much, and Shen Qing is definitely not that kind of despicable person. According to her, Xun Yi returned to Nanjingzhou because he was disgusted with the filth and darkness of Puyunzhou, and he also joined Yilingwei. It's for your own reasons, not because of temptation or coercion. There must be some hidden secret that we can't know. I dare not say anything else, but I can guarantee Shen Qing's character to your life with sex. She won't use it. Despicable means to harm Xun Yi."

"Are you familiar with Shen Qing?" Mu Hui felt cold air rising from his back.

"She's quite familiar with her, but don't worry. I won't betray you in front of her. I just want to advise you not to always think wrongly. Things shouldn't be what you guessed."

"How familiar are you two?" Mu Hui asked in panic.

"I got acquainted with her when I was still in the Qi-gathering period, and we were often together after that. I got to know her very well, so I dared to vouch for her with my life. She became extremely sad when she mentioned Yiyi. I just wanted to I asked her to ask you about them."

"Then..." Mu Hui's legs began to weaken

Okay, this is bad. How could I have imagined that such a young monk would have a close relationship with Shen Qing? If what I just said reached Shen Qing's ears, there would be no good results.

"You really don't have to worry, I will never tell her."

The sincere look in Zhui'er's eyes gave Mu Hui some hope. She grabbed Zhui'er's arm and said with a grimace, "What I said are indeed just speculations. Junior Brother Langxing, we are destined to be in love. You are a thousand-year-old man." Don't harm your sister. Don't let Shen Qing hear these words. My sister's life is entirely in your hands."

Zhui'er smiled and said, "It's not that evil. Shen Qing won't argue with you even if she hears it. She's not that kind of person."

Mu Hui said anxiously, "No! What if my guess is right? Then can they not come and kill me to silence me? You must never tell her."

Seeing that she was really frightened, Zhui'er immediately said, "I swear with my Taoist heart, I won't mention these words to anyone else, okay?"

"Good junior brother! You saved my sister's life." Mu Hui said excitedly and gratefully.

Zhui'er smiled and shook his head and said, "I think you have no need to worry about this. Listen to my advice and don't think about this matter in a wrong way. Xun Yi is a man of great wisdom and is not so easy to be deceived. Shen Qing and Xun Yi Yi's relationship should be a sincere exchange of sympathy and sympathy. I can tell from Shen Qing's words that she tried her best to help Xun Yi, but was unable to do anything. I am not saying good things for her because I have a good relationship with Shen Qing. The truth should be That's it. You and Shen Qing are both close to Xun Yi. If you two hate each other, then Xun Yi won't be anxious to die underground. "

"Since you said so..., then I'll think about it more carefully." After Mu Hui finished speaking, she smiled self-deprecatingly and said, "I just feel sorry for my junior brother, so I can't help but say it. Even if things go as I guessed, In that case, I wouldn’t be able to seek revenge from others.”

"Fortunately, if you had been more capable, you might have caused a big disaster. It's better to find out more before drawing a conclusion. Based on my understanding of Shen Qing and Xun Yi, I think Sister Hui, you must be wrong. Besides, Tianlu The alliance is not that unbearable, and the Qingyuan Sect cannot cover the sky with one hand."

Mu Hui was angry again and snorted, "The Heavenly Law Alliance is not as good as you think. Among other things, my senior sister was kidnapped some time ago, although she was rescued." , but they haven’t given us an explanation yet. They can rescue people, but they don’t know who the murderer is?”

Zhui'er grinned secretly, he knew this well, and said, "The Heavenly Law Alliance also has many forces that are difficult to deal with, and they are helpless in some matters. Maybe the one who kidnapped your senior sister is a force that is difficult to deal with. They did their best to rescue people.”

"You, think of the best in everything. I'm really worried that you will suffer in the future. I'm really worried for you, because I see such a simple and honest little brother like you and I love you from the bottom of my heart. Last time you made me do something like this The one who is kind-hearted is my junior brother, but he is much more thoughtful than you, so you have to be more careful." At this point, Mu Hui sighed and said quietly, "If my junior brother can enter Qianxu from the beginning. If he belongs to a prestigious family like Gong, no one will dare to bully him, and he will not suffer so much. "

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