Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 1416 How to fix this?

The couple cuddled together and talked for half the afternoon. When the red sun set, the fishing boats began to return one after another, and it was inconvenient to continue talking.

Qing'er asked Zhui'er how many days he could stay this time. Zhui'er smiled and said, I can't enter the house anymore. The protection prevents people with cultivation ability from entering. Maybe it's because God doesn't let him go home.

Qing'er understood what he meant. She was satisfied with this afternoon's company. Her son was already a god. Apart from talking to him about things when he was a child, she couldn't find much to talk about. In this regard, Every time her son comes back, there are changes. He is getting bigger and bigger, and he is getting farther and farther away from the little Zhuo'er in her heart.

"I can't care about you going to kill ghosts and monsters, but you have to come back and tell me that you are safe when you are done. If you can't enter the house, your mother will come here to wait for you every day. If she doesn't hear the news that you are safe, she will keep waiting. ”

Mother's words made Zhui'er feel a little uncomfortable. He pulled her to a patch of reeds nearby, showed his body and looked at mother sincerely and said, "Mom, I listen to your words, and only let our small village live." Clean up all the monsters nearby, and don’t care about the ones that are far away. Just wait here, my dear, and you’ll be back in a few moments.”

Finally talking face to face, Qing'er felt relieved when she saw the look in Zhui'er's eyes. She touched her son's face happily and said, "Good boy, this will make me feel more at ease. I don't want to be a righteous person in this matter. I just want you to be safe.”

Zhui'er could see that her mother wanted to hug him but was worried about it, so she grinned and hugged her mother into her arms. Qing'er immediately hugged her son tightly. The two hugged each other for a while, Qing'er Only then did her son let go, and there were tears in her eyes. She was no longer the ruthless Qing'er. She was getting older, and she saw her son less often.

After sending his mother back to the straw mat invisibly, Zhui'er said softly, "Wait," and then quietly entered the river. The body-protecting divine light of the Danjie monk could ward off ordinary water and fire. , he can come and go freely in this kind of river. After killing the fairy fish,

, he searched for more than a thousand miles up and down the river, and killed several little spirits that might harm this small fishing village.

Those river monsters that Lang Ming had to train hard for many years to barely fight against were like killing ants when his great-grandson came to kill them. Zhuo'er didn't even use his flying sword, and could only fight with a few spirit rays that he easily wielded. He sent them all away with all his strength, and after killing the spirits in the water, Zhui'er searched for the spirits on land within a radius of 500 miles of the small village.

There are more spirits on land, not only in the deep mountains and old forests, but also in some old houses. But they are all little snake spirits, little fox spirits, little scorpion spirits, etc. They are worse than the spirits in the water. After all, this is a place close to human beings. The little spirits will stay away from human beings after they have advanced in practice. Even if some of them are not afraid of the filthy atmosphere of the world, they will need a clean environment like human monks after they practice.

The cultivation world supports the eradication of these little spirits, because if mortals are killed by the evil spirits, then the cultivation world will be cut off. However, most of the people who like to do this kind of thing are disciples in the enlightenment stage, and there are few like the falling ones. The main reason why Zhui'er, who has formed the golden elixir like this, is still meddling in this kind of business is because Zhui'er cultivates too quickly. Others have cultivated to the point where the elixir-forming cultivation level ranges from hundreds to hundreds of thousands of years. Everyone in their family has I don't know how many generations it has been passed down, but family ties have long since faded away, so things like Zhui'er's situation won't happen to them.

It didn't take much for Zhui'er to kill the large and small monsters underwater and on land. With his current flight speed and spiritual detection ability, clearing these monsters was nothing more than a quick turn.

"Mom, kill them all." After Zhui'er came back, he said to his mother who was standing under the big tree and looking around nervously.

"Ah?" Qing'er stretched out her hand to touch the side in astonishment.


Zhui'er took her mother's hand and muttered, "I didn't lie to you, it was just so fast. I wasn't lying to you just now."

"Aren't you kidding me?" Qing'er asked in a low voice, dubious, but her eyes were fixed on a fishing boat that was about to dock, fearing that others would see what was going on.

"Of course I didn't coax you. I also found a little futon, which is now raising a group of puppies. I placed two dead rabbits next to its nest without disturbing it, for fear that the meeting would arouse its attachment to me. "

"Oh, as long as it's good." Qing'er breathed a sigh of relief.

"Now everyone is back and it's getting late. It's time for you to take your eldest grandson home. The child will come to see you in a while." Zhui'er didn't want to say that he would live nearby in the future, because that would make his mother Always looking forward to his return.

"Yes." Qing'er responded softly, and then quickly turned around to prevent the people coming off the boat from seeing her tear-filled eyes.

Zhui'er comforted her with her spiritual thoughts, "Mom, I will definitely come back to see you."

Qing'er held her son's hand tightly for a while, then gently let go, and whispered in a slightly choked voice, "Go, don't worry about mother, it doesn't matter if you can't come back, mother made a mistake back then." Well, I’ll never see you again. You’ve come back four times, and I’m very content.”

"Then let's go first." After saying this, Zhui'er bowed deeply to his mother. Although his mother couldn't see it, this ceremony could not be omitted. After the ceremony, he made up his mind and drifted away, just like Qing'er back then. Just as they were determined to be separated from their son, as time went by, mother and son changed their attitude towards separation.

Zhui'er found a place and sat quietly for a while before going back to find Lu Gang and Shu Yan. The two men had already cleaned up the White-Eyed Blood Bat's cave and were waiting for him to come back in the widest cave.

, Shu Yan stood in front of the east stone wall and looked at the trickle of water flowing from it. Lu Gang stood in the middle of the cave and looked up at the water drops dripping from the dome. Without asking, he knew that the two of them were choking again, their emotions Although the newly ignorant man and woman regard each other as more important than their own lives, they can hate each other to death for just one unpleasant word, so they can't do it without Zhui'er brothers.

Seeing Zhui'er return, the two of them secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and both pretended that nothing happened and came towards Zhui'er.

Zhui'er was also sensible. He didn't ask why the two of them were quarreling. Instead, he smiled and said, "You are here to help me, so I have to give you a good place to live. Lu Gang, you can stay here for Shu Yan." Guard the door, Shu Yan lives inside, and I live in the small cave next to it."

Shu Yan immediately objected, "No, come and guard the door for me. Being with him will piss me off sooner or later."

Lu Gang also said to Zhui'er with a stern expression, "It's better that you stay here. I can't bear the dripping water. The cave on the side is drier. I'll go there."

Zhui'er raised his head and looked at the dripping dome, then gestured to the two people and said, "I'll repair it. You two, please don't act rashly."

"How to repair this?" Shu Yan asked, looking at the cracks where water was seeping.

What Lu Gang asked was, "Why don't you let us act rashly? Are you going to use some kind of magic?"

Zhui'er smiled at them both, turned and walked towards the stone wall.

s: I feel a little tired these two days, which leads to a break in updates. I’m sorry, and it’s just in time for the plot of Zhui’er returning home. Every time I write this plot, I feel sad. I can write myself to the point of being depressed. I don’t know what you think. How do you feel when you are young? There are sweet and bitter things, and the bitter things are often the ones that leave the deepest impression in the end. I don’t want to write a book that is enjoyable to the end. I hope that these descriptions of family love can make everyone appreciate the kindness of their parents. .

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