Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 1420 Another old friend from the past life

Three years later, Zhui'er sneaked back home again. There were new changes in the family. With the addition of maids and servants, this old house, which was originally very spacious, now seems a bit crowded.

When Zhui'er left, the family was discussing how to solve the housing problem. Hongshi suggested that Xian'er's family of four move back to the big house in the town. The old couple lived quietly in the old house. Xian'er firmly refused to separate. He suggested that everyone move back together. His daughter-in-law Xiaomei and the concubine naturally liked the father-in-law's idea, but they had no say here, so they could only agree with Xian'er's opinion to show their filial piety.

Qing'er's idea is to build a house behind the old house, and she and Hongshi will move to the new house, while Xian'er and his family will live in the old house.

Xian'er naturally obeys her mother's orders. Since her parents are unwilling to leave the small village, it is natural that the new house should be built for her parents to live in. However, Xiaomei and the concubine have other ideas, let alone the two of them. Even Hongshi felt that this arrangement was a bit inconsiderate to the children. The old couple were used to living in the old house, so giving up the new house to the Xianer family was the best of both worlds. There was really no need to compete with their children for a new house.

Although the family business was earned by Mr. and Mrs. Hongshi, the person in charge of the family is Qing'er, the mother-in-law. Qing'er makes the decision on all major issues. There is no other way, not to mention that Hongshi has doted on her since she got married. With this wife, just because of her close relationship with the fairy son, Hongshi felt that he was lower than his wife. Although he had become a wealthy businessman, his knowledge was still high. But God, my wife talks to the son of the God about everything. They don’t know how many secrets they keep from them.

So Hongshi only said, "How about letting Xian'er and the others live in a new house?" After getting Qing'er's negative answer, he said nothing more. The matter was settled. The family began to discuss how to build a new house.

Only Zhui'er can understand Qing'er's painstaking efforts. She is not fighting for a new house to live in, but giving up the protected old house to her children and grandchildren.


It is inconvenient for my son to interfere with this. He cares about his mother, and she also cares about her youngest son, so he can't dissuade him. Fortunately, the new house is built next to the old one. If something happens, he can just run there in two steps. Besides, my mother And with the protection of the silver hairpin, I guess nothing will happen.

This time Zhui'er didn't say hello to his mother. After hearing that they had agreed to connect the new house with the old house and build it, he planned to go back. However, he inadvertently glanced around with his spiritual consciousness and saw a monk standing in the air. It seems that they are also paying attention to their family there.

Zhui'er was taken aback, and his heart was full of doubts. After a while, he saw the man who still didn't leave, so he quietly sneaked out for hundreds of miles, then flew into the air, pretending to be passing by and returned to the sky above the small village, and met him. After the man said hello, he asked, "Why is this senior brother staying here?" The man was hundreds of years old, and his face looked like an old man in his fifties. According to the custom of Nanjingzhou's world cultivation, Since the two of them have similar cultivation levels, Zhui'er should call him senior brother.

Seeing that Zhui'er had already developed golden elixirs at such a young age, the man couldn't help but hold his hands in admiration and said, "Junior brother is really a man among men. This extraordinary qualification has opened Brother Yu's horizons."

Zhui'er smiled naively and said, "It's just thanks to God's blessing. It has to be my talent." After being polite, he pointed at the small village under his finger and asked again, "Is there anything here that would interest senior brother?"

The man sighed and said, "I once accepted a disciple here. Originally, his qualifications were not enough to embark on the path of cultivation. However, he was eager to follow the path. Even though I repeatedly told him that there would be nothing wrong with taking this path. However, he still begged firmly, so I accepted him. As you can imagine, after decades of hard work, there was no hope of entering the enlightenment period, so I had to return to my hometown to marry a wife and have children to continue my family legacy. Passing by here today, I thought of this very difficult disciple. He must have passed away long ago. I thought about how his descendants would fare.

If there is a talent that can be developed, he can be brought back to help him, which is considered to be a worthy mentor-disciple relationship for decades. It is a pity that his descendants are not qualified enough to cultivate him. "He said and pointed to the Lang family's house.

This person turned out to be Taiye’s mentor? ! Zhui'er couldn't help but feel a little startled. This person is not only his master's mentor, but also his senior brother in his previous life. This person is Lu Yan from the Yunyuya Red Stone Valley of the Xuanfang Sect. He came down the mountain this time because he was entrusted by the Tianlu Alliance to find his master. Su Wan's. The plague of monsters is getting worse, and Su Wan, the acting head of the Xuanfang sect who holds the recipe for the Spirit-Gulling Pill, has become a key figure to be protected by the Tianlu Alliance. However, Su Wan rarely returns to Xuanyi after Xunyi's death. Fang Fang, her footprints have spread almost all over Nanjingzhou for decades. No one can tell where she is for a while. Even the eldest disciple Huang Ying doesn’t know what the master is up to. Huang Ying only knows that the master is young because of his childhood. The junior brother didn't want to see Yunyu Cliff with his junior brother again, but he didn't know that the master was tirelessly traveling through thousands of mountains and rivers to find the reincarnation of his junior brother.

Lu Yan saw that Zhui'er looked a little strange and couldn't help but look at him suspiciously.

Zhui'er realized that he had lost his composure and hurriedly tried to cover it up by saying, "You haven't entered the opening and melting stage in decades? This is too...slow."

When Lu Yan heard what he said, he shook his head and smiled in relief, "Junior brother, you are just a full man and don't know when a hungry man is hungry. Brother Yu, after hundreds of years of hard training, isn't it just the same as your cultivation level? The difference in qualifications is not due to You can make up for it through hard work, may I ask which immortal sect my junior brother comes from?"

"My younger brother is a disciple of Qianxu Palace." Zhui'er felt that he should tell the truth to his master.

"No wonder! Disrespect, disrespect!" Lu Yan suddenly stood in awe and clasped his fists in salute again.

"Dare I ask Senior Brother's Immortal Sect..." Zhui'er looked at Lu Yan's Taoist robe and asked. Although Mu Hui wore Xuanfang sect clothes, female cultivators mostly wore skirts, so although he felt that the patterns on this person's clothes were It's similar to the one on Mu Hui's dress, but I don't dare to identify it rashly.

"Xuanfang Sect is just a small sect." Lu

Yan said with some embarrassment that compared to the disciples of Shangqianxu Palace, those from a small sect would naturally feel inferior or even inferior.

It’s really the Xuanfang sect again! There was an indescribable feeling in Zhui'er's heart. The feeling seemed very complicated, but generally speaking, it was more resistance than closeness. As for why there was an inexplicable feeling of resistance, he could not find a reason. This is a kind of resistance that is deeply rooted in his heart. It has been shown since he was a child. When his parents took him to the Iron Sword Gate, he was reluctant to go forward because he saw the familiar mountains and rivers. The same was true when he saw the road monuments of the Xuanfang Sect. Logically speaking, after encountering things related to the Xuanfang Sect over and over again, and often having strange feelings in his heart, he should go to the Xuanfang Sect to find out. But That inexplicable feeling of resistance made him just want to stay away from the Xuanfang Sect.

After the two exchanged their names, Zhui'er was worried that the surname Lang would arouse suspicion, but he had no choice. He had already told Mu Hui his real name before, so he added immediately after giving his name, He said that his home was in a small village two to three hundred miles away. The surname Lang was a common surname in this area. Lu Yan didn't pay much attention to this. He mainly didn't dare to think that Lang Ming, who had meager qualifications, would have such qualifications. High descendants.

Zhui'er felt guilty and hurriedly found a topic, and said with a smile, "I just met a senior sister named Mu Hui not long ago. Is senior brother familiar with her?"

Lu Yan said in surprise, "Of course we are familiar. We are both Yunyuya's disciples and she is my junior sister. What a coincidence. She must have been chatting with you a lot, right? Please forgive me if I have offended you in any way." My junior sister loves to strike up conversations.”

Zhui'er waved his hand and said, "No, no, senior sister Mu and I had a very pleasant conversation." Mu Hui's affairs must be explained. If he doesn't tell them, if he mentions them one day, he will definitely become suspicious of him. But Zhui'er didn't want to say anything more about Mu Hui, so he immediately changed the subject and started talking to Lu Yan about alchemy. He was doing this to buy himself some time to think. What he wanted to consider was whether he should ask Lu Yan Yan revealed that he was a descendant of the Lang family.

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