Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 1431 He is not here

The people of the Lingxin tribe retreated, and the five great supernatural powers retreated to a place where Yuchan's divine consciousness could not detect them.

Yu Chan could see that they were not retreating, but regrouping. There would be a more difficult battle ahead, so she had to seize this opportunity to take a good rest.

At this moment, a woman slowly flew toward her under the rays of the morning sun. This was the first Lingxin tribe member to appear since she broke into the Lingxin tribe's realm.

Yu Chan stared at the figure approaching from far away with full vigilance. What shocked her was that this young woman's cultivation had actually reached the realm of great supernatural powers, but she was sure that this woman would not fight her. There were five people in the group, which meant that the other party had another strong enemy. When the other party flew closer, Yu Chan frowned slightly because she saw that this woman seemed to be seriously injured. The eyes are not the blue that the Spirit Heart Clan should have, but light yellow.

A great magical power whose cultivation was damaged was not something to be afraid of, but this young woman made Yu Chan feel a huge threat. This was due to the keen perception she possessed due to her cultivation in the middle stage of becoming a feather.

"Why are you here? Don't come any closer, otherwise I will take action." She issued a warning when the other party approached within five hundred miles.

But she still underestimated the terrifying power that the threat represented. When the woman stopped, a huge bow appeared in her hand, and at the same time, a blood-red arrow was placed on the open bow string. , it was a sharp arrow made of blood.

Heaven sets the bow, the earth produces arrows, the heart guides, and settles the grudges!

As soon as the hunter's bow came out, the color of the world changed. The powerful force seemed to freeze time. The invisible murderous aura caused all the creatures within its envelope to be devastated and lose their fighting spirit. In the hands of a person with great magical powers, the power of the hunting stem bow is so terrifying that it is unimaginable.

Yu Chan's eyes were also frozen by the sharp arrow, and her heart was sinking rapidly. The powerful magic power displayed by this fairy treasure made her dare not make the slightest move. She was not sure that she could escape this. Arrow, so she can only hope that things can ease. She understood clearly that if the other party really wants to use this treasure to deal with her, she will not use this method. He only needs to shoot an arrow suddenly in the fierce battle. Then she will He must be killed immediately. ??

"I saw you in the Xuantu Rift Plain."

This is the first time Yu Chan has received the Lingxin Clan’s unique way of transmitting spiritual thoughts. After fighting for so many days, she has only heard one panic call from the other party before. The Lingxin Clan didn’t talk to her. There was nothing to talk about, and secondly, he didn't want her to know more about the secrets of his clan. This actually put an invisible pressure on Yu Chan. It was very awkward to fight with a bunch of silent people.

Hearing the other party mention the Xuan Tu Riyuan, Yu Chan's heart rose with hope. For such a young and powerful supernatural power, she had already thought of the "True Wisdom Fruit" mentioned by the Immortal Concubine Jing Shui. It seemed that Xun Yi was the If you give the Zhenghui Fruit to this woman, she must be the one who takes away Xun Yi's reincarnated body!

"Let me see him, and the rest can be easily discussed." Finally, there was hope of seeing Xun Yi's reincarnation. This excitement diluted the fear of death, and Yu Chan turned his gaze away from the bloody arrow. He moved up and looked at Ming Lan with sincere eyes.

Ming Lan, who was in seclusion to heal her wounds, was disturbed by Yu Chan's spiritual call. Although she had been recovering for more than fifty years, her injuries were still serious, so even if the war was so critical, the Spirit Heart Clan did not wake her up. When I came back, I was already dying. I went into emergency retreat without saying a word.

So no one knows what she did, and no one knows who she was injured by, and no one would think that the great fairy concubine who broke into the territory now was found on their head because of what she did back then.

Ming Lan already had a certain status in the clan. She didn't need to ask. She guessed it just by the divine thought that woke her up. So she advised everyone to leave and came to see Yu Chan alone, which was a bit secretive. She didn't want her tribe to know.

"He's not here. It's a long story. I don't want to be your enemy, but for the sake of my clan, I can't let you go. Let's discuss it." Ming Lan felt helpless. She knew very well that this great fairy concubine Her feelings for Xun Yi were what she saw with her own eyes when the Great Immortal Concubine fought hard against Immortal Xiaoyao in the Xuantu Rift Plains despite the danger of spiritual death. She must never make things difficult for the Great Immortal Concubine, but it is impossible for her tribe to agree to let the Great Immortal Concubine go, and she cannot bear this responsibility.

"He's not here?" Yu Chan's heart twitched. She believed that Ming Lan wouldn't lie about this matter. Looking at her like that, it seemed that Xun Yi's reincarnated body was not in good condition.

"Then where is he?" Yu Chan was so concerned about Xun Yi that she no longer cared about her own safety.

"He should be safe. I was injured because of him. I hope you can believe me." Minglan's eyes were sincere, but the bowstring of the hunter's bow was not loosened at all.

Yu Chan nodded lightly, frowned and said, "Since it was you he met in the Xuantu Riyuan, you should also believe me. We are all his friends. I only care about him and will not fight." What is your Lingxin Clan’s idea? Tell me where he is and I will take care of him. I swear by my Taoist Heart not to reveal anything about you.”

Minglan sighed worriedly and said, "I can believe you, but I can't convince the people. After all, this is a major matter related to the safety of the whole clan. Moreover, this matter happened because of me. I have to make something that everyone can agree with." Arrangements, and all I can strive for is to save your life, but you must be imprisoned. I will try my best to give you a good cultivation environment, but other than that, I can't help you with anything else. Three million dollars away There is a place filled with spiritual energy, just let me go."

Yu Chan's eyes turned cold, and he said with disdain, "Xunyi gave you the most precious treasure, the Zhenghui Fruit, and you treat his friends like this? Just because I came to find him regardless of safety, if you have any conscience, you shouldn't treat him like this." Me?"

Ming Lan said bitterly, "Actually, he gave me this fairy treasure. I know that I feel sorry for him and for you. I feel very guilty, but I really can only do this." At this point, I have no power to influence the clan’s decision. Don’t force me anymore. I really don’t want to fight with you, but if you want me to have no way to go, then I can only stand on the clan’s side and hurt me. This is a great fairy concubine in the middle stage of feathering. She has already died under this fairy treasure. She is still fighting alone. In this situation, you have no chance of winning. Even though my arrow can't kill you. It will definitely hurt you seriously."

"You used the treasure he gave you to deal with me. Did God want to trick people like this?" Yu Chan raised his head and asked the sky, his expression filled with unspeakable sadness.

Ming Lan sensed that the great fairy concubine had the intention to launch a surprise attack with her innate supernatural power, and hurriedly said, "Don't move! You can't confuse me, I advise you to think twice before you act!"

Yu Chan did have the idea of ​​​​fighting to the death. She was not willing to be imprisoned by the Lingxin tribe, but Minglan's warning made her despair. It was too difficult to sneak attack on the great magical power of the Lingxin tribe. If she could not rely on If a sneak attack eliminates the threat of this fairy treasure, she will not dare to test the arrow with herself. The people of the Lingxin tribe retreated, and the five great supernatural powers retreated to a place where Yuchan's divine consciousness could not detect them.

Yu Chan could see that they were not retreating, but regrouping. There would be a more difficult battle ahead, so she had to seize this opportunity to take a good rest.

At this moment, a woman slowly flew towards her under the rays of the morning sun. This was the first Lingxin tribe member to appear since she broke into the Lingxin tribe's realm.

Yu Chan stared at the figure approaching from far away with full vigilance. What shocked her was that this young woman's cultivation had actually reached the realm of great supernatural powers, but she was sure that this woman would not fight her. There were five people in the group, which meant that the other party had another strong enemy. When the other party flew closer, Yu Chan frowned slightly because she saw that this woman seemed to be seriously injured. The eyes are not the blue that the Spirit Heart Clan should have, but light yellow.

A great magical power whose cultivation was damaged was not something to be afraid of, but this young woman made Yu Chan feel a huge threat. This was due to the keen perception she possessed due to her cultivation in the middle stage of becoming a feather.

"Why are you here? Don't come any closer, otherwise I will take action." She issued a warning when the other party approached within five hundred miles.

But she still underestimated the terrifying power that the threat represented. When the woman stopped, a huge bow appeared in her hand, and at the same time, a blood-red arrow was placed on the open bow string. , it was a sharp arrow made of blood.

Heaven sets the bow, the earth produces arrows, the heart guides, and settles the grudges!

As soon as the hunter's bow came out, the color of the world changed. The powerful force seemed to freeze time. The invisible murderous aura caused all the creatures within its envelope to be devastated and lose their fighting spirit. In the hands of a person with great magical powers, the power of the hunting stem bow is so terrifying that it is unimaginable.

Yu Chan's eyes were also frozen by the sharp arrow, and her heart was sinking rapidly. The powerful magic power displayed by this fairy treasure made her dare not make the slightest move. She was not sure that she could escape this. Arrow, so she can only hope that things can ease. She understood clearly that if the other party really wants to use this treasure to deal with her, she will not use this method. He only needs to shoot an arrow suddenly in the fierce battle. Then she will He must be killed immediately.

"I saw you in the Gendo Rift Plains."

This is the first time Yu Chan has received the Lingxin Clan’s unique way of transmitting spiritual messages. After fighting for so many days, she has only heard one panic call from the other party before. The Lingxin Clan didn’t talk to her. There was nothing to talk about, and secondly, he didn't want her to know more about the secrets of his clan. This actually put an invisible pressure on Yu Chan. It was very awkward to fight with a bunch of silent people.

Hearing the other party mention the Xuan Tu Riyuan, Yu Chan's heart rose with hope. For such a young and powerful supernatural power, she had already thought of the "True Wisdom Fruit" mentioned by the Immortal Concubine Jing Shui. It seemed that Xun Yi was the If you give the Zhenghui Fruit to this woman, she must be the one who takes away Xun Yi's reincarnated body!

"Let me see him, and the rest can be easily discussed." Finally, there was hope of seeing Xun Yi's reincarnation. This excitement diluted the fear of death, and Yu Chan turned his gaze away from the bloody arrow. He moved up and looked at Ming Lan with sincere eyes.

Ming Lan, who was in seclusion to heal her wounds, was disturbed by Yu Chan's spiritual call. Although she had been recovering for more than fifty years, her injuries were still serious, so even if the war was so critical, the Spirit Heart Clan did not wake her up. When I came back, I was already dying. I went into emergency retreat without saying a word.

So no one knows what she did, and no one knows who she was injured by, and no one would think that the great fairy concubine who broke into the territory now was found on their head because of what she did back then.

Ming Lan already had a certain status in the clan. She didn't need to ask. She guessed it just by the divine thought that woke her up. So she advised everyone to leave and came to see Yu Chan alone, which was a bit secretive. She didn't want her tribe to know.

"He's not here. It's a long story. I don't want to be your enemy, but for the sake of my clan, I can't let you go. Let's discuss it." Ming Lan felt helpless. She knew very well that this great fairy concubine Her feelings towards Xun Yi were what she saw with her own eyes when the Great Immortal Concubine fought hard against Immortal Xiaoyao in the Xuantu Rift Plains despite the danger of her spiritual body being destroyed. Logically speaking, it was for Xun Yi's affection She must never make things difficult for the Great Immortal Concubine, but it is impossible for her tribe to agree to let the Great Immortal Concubine go, and she cannot bear this responsibility.

"He's not here?" Yu Chan's heart twitched. She believed that Ming Lan wouldn't lie about this matter. Looking at her like that, it seemed that Xun Yi's reincarnated body was not in good condition.

"Then where is he?" Yu Chan was so concerned about Xun Yi that she no longer cared about her own safety.

"He should be safe. I was injured because of him. I hope you can believe me." Minglan's eyes were sincere, but the bowstring of the hunter's bow was not loosened at all.

Yu Chan nodded lightly, frowned and said, "Since it was you he met in the Xuantu Riyuan, you should also believe me. We are all his friends. I only care about him and will not fight." What is your Lingxin Clan’s idea? Tell me where he is and I will take care of him. I swear by my Taoist Heart not to reveal anything about you.”

Minglan sighed worriedly and said, "I can believe you, but I can't convince the people. After all, this is a major matter related to the safety of the whole clan. Moreover, this matter happened because of me. I have to make something that everyone can agree with." Arrangements, and all I can strive for is to save your life, but you must be imprisoned. I will try my best to give you a good cultivation environment, but other than that, I can't help you with anything else. Three million dollars away There is a place filled with spiritual energy, just let me go."

Yu Chan's eyes turned cold, and he said with disdain, "Xunyi gave you the most precious treasure, the Zhenghui Fruit, and you treat his friends like this? Just because I came to find him regardless of safety, if you have any conscience, you shouldn't treat him like this." Me?"

Ming Lan said bitterly, "Actually, he gave me this fairy treasure. I know that I feel sorry for him and for you. I feel very guilty, but I really can only do this." At this point, I have no power to influence the clan’s decision. Don’t force me anymore. I really don’t want to fight with you, but if you want me to have no way to go, then I can only stand on the clan’s side and hurt me. This is a great fairy concubine in the middle stage of feathering. She has already died under this fairy treasure. She is still fighting alone. In this situation, you have no chance of winning. Even though my arrow can't kill you. It will definitely hurt you seriously."

"You used the treasure he gave you to deal with me. Did God want to trick people like this?" Yu Chan raised his head and asked the sky, his expression filled with unspeakable sadness.

Ming Lan sensed that the great fairy concubine had the intention to launch a surprise attack with her innate supernatural power, and hurriedly said, "Don't move! You can't confuse me, I advise you to think twice before you act!"

Yu Chan did have the idea of ​​​​fighting to the death. She was not willing to be imprisoned by the Lingxin tribe, but Minglan's warning made her despair. It was too difficult to sneak attack on the great magical power of the Lingxin tribe. If she could not rely on If a sneak attack eliminates the threat of this fairy treasure, she will not dare to test the arrow with herself.

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