Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 1624 makes a brilliant debut

Zhui'er studied "Tianqiao Nourishing Cultivation" for more than half a month with Fairy Huarui. She didn't know much about whether she had invisible spiritual eyes, but she learned all the secrets of "Tianqiao Nourishing Cultivation". Although Fairy Huarui is still cautious in teaching, she does not have the sure spiritual vision like Xun Yi, and because he has learned it once in his previous life, he can only pass it on to him first, in the hope that he can learn it in the future. After digging out the spiritual eye, you can continue to nourish and practice.

When Zhuo'er finished studying "Tianqiao Zixiu", the "Three Immortals Meeting" organized by Zixiao Palace for Zhixia, Xinxie and Xiaochun also arrived. In order to make this event grand and lively, Xinde and the others Tian Ke was so busy that at dawn that day, with the sound of a drum that shook the sky and the earth, the auspicious glow slowly emerged amidst the sound of fairy music. Under the attention of thousands of guests and disciples in the palace, "Zixiao" "Palace" appeared in the sky above the sea of ​​sinking flowers. In an instant, purple light shone millions of miles away. Drums were beating loudly. The palace-protecting dragon in golden light led several palace-suppressing spiritual beasts to rush around the palace in the air. The cheers of the crowd rose to the sky. Jiuxiao.

The twenty-odd great supernatural powers who were invited to come appeared in the air. Xinde led hundreds of great monks in the late Nascent Soul stage to line up in front of the "Purple Sky Palace" to welcome the four great supernatural powers in the palace.

So many great monks gathered together, making the airspace above the Chenhua Sea become like a fantasy world. The invisible pressure made everyone below the Nascent Soul stage kneel to the ground involuntarily. This grand and majestic formation naturally reminded everyone of the five words "Qianxian Zhen Zixiao". Zixiao Palace has already made a comeback and regained its glory. Looking at the world, there are several sects that can handle such a mammoth scene. Woolen cloth?

Surrounded by the auspicious light, Fairy Huarui led three feathered disciples to fly out of the air. People's emotions rose to the peak again. Pei Yuan, Xiao Shaxing and others saw the calm and calm person showing the appearance of being reborn. The little devil was so excited that his eyes filled with tears.

But when the four great magical powers came to Zixiao Palace and dispersed the auspicious light, everyone was stunned because they saw Fairy Huarui leading a young monk in her hand. On this occasion, Princess Huarui actually brought a young monk to the stage.

What a grace it is? This little guy's blessing is too great.

Not to mention the guests, even the disciples of Zixiao Palace were shocked. Although they knew that the newly arrived Nanjingzhou monk was favored by the Second Immortal Concubine and the Sixth Immortal Lord, except for a few disciples from Inner Sea Besides, no one else could have imagined that this little monk would be so favored.

This was Zhixia's arrangement. According to Qingqiu's wishes, it would have been fine just to let Zhui'er perform the apprenticeship ceremony at the grand ceremony. However, Fairy Huarui and Zhixia both felt that it would be better to wait until they talked with Hengguan Immortal before officially becoming their apprentice. Although this time it was unclear It is said that Shui'er is accepted as the tenth generation disciple, but he should participate in all ceremonies as the tenth generation disciple, and he should be graced deliberately so that everyone can understand.

Although Zhui'er didn't like such publicity, he could only follow the arrangement. His performance in dealing with such a big scene was definitely not as calm as Xun Yi's, but his even weaker heart than Xun Yi didn't make him look too much. Nervous and awkward, after all, he has seen a lot of great supernatural powers, and the little devil even specially helped him to exercise his courage.

After Fairy Huarui invited a group of great supernatural powers into the "Purple Sky Palace", the following celebrations began immediately. Some sects who were good at singing and dancing took turns to perform. For a while, fairy music floated, the flowing lights and beautiful shadows were like dreams, and the sea of ​​sinking flowers was like a fairyland. generally.

Zhui'er's brilliant debut immediately made him the hottest topic, and everyone asked people in Zixiao Palace about the origin of this little monk.

The only person who was worried about this matter was Jiangxiao. She sat on the seat of the Seven Immortal Lords lineage. Although this lineage had no disciples, special seats were set up for every celebration. At first, only Yuehong, There were three people, Shao Ling and Ping'er. Later, Shao Ling brought two disciples in to make up the number. Xiyang and Jiangxiao naturally fell into this group after arriving at Zixiao Palace.

Jiangxiao was a little uneasy at this moment, she wanted to protect her

The last thing I wanted to protect Zhui'er was for Zhui'er to be exposed, but I was powerless. Thinking about it, I really felt ashamed of Xun Yi for taking such good care of her back then, but besides hating myself for not having the ability, I was only worried.

Ping'er, who was sitting next to her, was extremely happy. Seeing that Zhui'er received such favor, she was sincerely happy for Zhui'er.

Shao Ling's two disciples, Xi Yuan and Yan Wei, were a little dumbfounded. They had been talking to Zhui'er about the majesty and magnificence of those wealthy children. At this time, they realized that this was the pinnacle of glory. Those wealthy children of Qian Shao League. His deeds pale into insignificance compared to this boy's glory at the moment.

Yuehong was also happy for Zhui'er, because she already understood how extraordinary Zhui'er was, so she didn't feel anything about it. Shao Ling could also calmly accept that Zhui'er had overshadowed the Seven Immortals at this time, but in her heart It is impossible not to feel uncomfortable at all, so the expressions of these people are the most colorful.

Yan Bing, Wen Bing and other disciples from Guanhe Island have similar mentality to Shao Ling. After this period of contact, they all fell in love with Zhui'er, but the situation made them inevitably think of the Seven Immortals from before, "Zi" The "Xiao Palace" reopened after two hundred years. The original Seven Immortals, who were elves and ghosts, have been replaced by the innocent and simple Eight Immortals. Of course, in terms of manners, these Eight Immortals are more elegant and steady, and have more of an immortal demeanor. But they still prefer the naughty and clever Qixianjun. The deep relationship with Qixianjun cannot be diluted by this little time.

Wherever there is Pei Yuan, the flag of the Qian Shao Alliance will be flying. For such a grand gathering, Quan Jue, the chief leader of the alliance, will of course be brought to the Wuji Sect to increase his knowledge. Seeing Pei Yuan unfurling the banner of the deputy leader behind him, Of course Quan Jue wanted to compete with him, but what he saw was that Pei Yuan's flag looked more and more wrong. The deputy leader's flag was obviously larger and more delicate than his main leader's flag. After looking at it for a while, Quan Jue figured it out. Pei Yuan must have asked Xiao Shaxing to make a new flag for him. The flags of the Qian Shao League were all made by the spirit pattern sect.

Yes, Little Evil Star will naturally obey what Pei Yuan says. Maybe this is the idea given by Little Evil Star.

Thinking about this, Quan Jue was so angry that he was about to explode. If the occasion hadn't been so big that he didn't dare to have an attack, he would have taken his brothers to Pei Yuan and Xiao Shaxing to question him. It only took more than two hundred years for the Qian Shao Alliance to become famous in the Mingyang sect from the initial united efforts. It only took more than two hundred years for this virtue to be achieved today. However, it is not short in the history of Puyunzhou that such an alliance of famous disciples can last for such a long time. , and they haven't completely fallen apart yet. No, Pei Yuan and a few of his younger brothers are busy recruiting people to join the alliance, but Quan Jue also suppresses the anger in his heart and brings a few of his own The younger brothers have begun to recruit troops. Whenever there is a grand gathering, the Qian Shao League people are always the busiest group.

In the "Purple Sky Palace", all the great supernatural powers were sitting in attendance. After opening the Zixiao Palace last time, Fairy Huarui sat on the chair for the second time. The four disciples Xinde, Xiaochun, Zhixia, and Xinxie lowered their hands. The attendant stood behind the fairy concubine, while Zhui'er stood beside the fairy concubine.

Three feather-making great supernatural powers stood behind her. Although the expression on Huarui Fairy's face was more gentle and approachable than the last time, she also interpreted the words "not angry and self-powerful" to the extreme. Who can have such a demeanor? In particular, there is Xinxie inside who should be promoted to the Great Demon Lord. The atmosphere in the hall this time is quite different from last time. Last time, the news that Lord Zhengtian was not dead made everyone fearful. Now, no matter what Whether Lord Zhengtian is dead or not, the four masters and disciples alone are enough to make everyone be cautious about their words and deeds. Even though they all have great supernatural powers, they will also encounter times when their power is overwhelming. Who dares to provoke four giants huddled together? Supernatural power? There are few such powerful forces in the whole world, not to mention that behind them there is Yu Chan, the Great Immortal Concubine in the middle stage of becoming a feather, and Lord Zhengtian, whose life and death are still unknown.

s: Thank you very much, Brother Heenoy, for your large reward and monthly pass. There are too many characters in these chapters, so writing them is quite laborious. I don’t have time to type out another chapter today. Please publish more words in this chapter. I will try to publish two chapters tomorrow.

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