Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 1630 A hundred years after waking up from the dream

Zhixia took it and examined it slightly, raising her eyebrows and saying in surprise, "You actually refined a spiritual treasure?"

Xiaochun couldn't hide his joy and said, "And it's something that I'm quite satisfied with. Refining this thing is secondary, the gains from the refining process are the most precious. But I owe my junior brother a favor. This thing The delivery of the keel was very timely. ”

Zhixia smiled and said, "This needs to be said emphatically, otherwise he may not be able to accept this thing, but he must be carefully warned not to abuse this treasure and not to cause trouble for you."

Xiaochun waved his hands and said, "No, my junior brother is sincere. If you say that, he probably won't use it. Let's put his safety first. Although this spiritual treasure is powerful, it still has mercy. Unless it is deliberately Activate otherwise it won’t kill people.”

"Huh? How can we ensure this? Does this weapon spirit have such intelligence?" Zhixia asked in surprise.

Xiaochun said proudly, "The weapon spirit definitely does not have such high intelligence. As for how to achieve this, it is difficult to explain to you. This is almost the highest level of weapon refining. It can only be understood but not expressed in words. Moreover, I have only just begun to get a glimpse of the secrets, so I have a lot of luck in refining such a thing, and the soul breaker will be destroyed in a single risk."

"Then I want to experience it." Zhixia handed the dragon bone whip back to Xiaochun, "At what level of cultivation can it be fused? I feel that it must be at the early stage of Nascent Soul, right?"

Xiaochun nodded and said, "This fire dragon is too fierce. I can only lower my fusion skills to this level. It is best to reach the middle stage of Nascent Soul before fusion. Otherwise, not only will it be very difficult to fuse, but it may also cause If the weapon spirit never recognizes it, then it means it has no chance of being associated with this treasure.”

"I think there is nothing wrong with him. It is enough for him to reach the perfect state in the early stage of Nascent Soul." .??.

Xiaochun cherished the treasure he had made and said cautiously, "Then let him try it and see. If it feels difficult, don't force it. Anyway, this thing was made for him. If he doesn't have the opportunity to use it, then it will be fine." You can't give it to others if you destroy it. How is he doing? Is there any sign of having a baby?" She said and looked in the direction of Yunxing Pavilion.

Zhixia pondered for a moment and said, "Let me take you to see it. This is a very strange thing. I will tell you after seeing it."

After Xiaochun learned about Zhui'er's situation, she discussed it with Zhixia for a while, and then returned to Zixiao Palace. She couldn't help with the matter, so she had to let Zhixia continue to guard here and wait for him to change. A pill-forming monk After sixty years of seclusion, there are not many signs of haggard. Faced with this situation, they really should not act rashly.

Winter comes and summer comes, flowers bloom and fall, another thirty years pass, and it has been ninety years since Zhui'er fell into a dream.

Time is the best elixir for calming one's mind. Even Jiang Xiao and Shu Yan can't get anxious anymore. They are still worried, but even if they have been like this for decades, their anxious mood will calm down, because all they can do is wait. .

Lingxiang broke through and became a monk in the middle stage of Nascent Soul. This was a height that she had not dared to hope for before. Perhaps this was the most important thing in her life, but it was insignificant to everyone who was full of worries. Everyone just Jiangxiao came over to congratulate her and gave her some gifts. Jiangxiao only chatted with her for a few more words and then continued to guard Zhui'er.

Lingxiang cried alone for a long time. Of course, it was not because of everyone's attitude. She was excited. She was a great monk in the middle stage of Nascent Soul! She doesn't care much if people here don't care about her, because she is an insignificant little character. Now she wants to tell the good news to two people most, one is Xunyi and the other

It was Zhui'er. She could only tell Xun Yi silently in her heart, and this confession made her burst into tears. She missed Xun Yi. If Xun Yi was still here, he would definitely accompany her to celebrate with her. Share this joy.

After telling Xun Yi, she began to pray to God for Zhui'er. If Zhui'er didn't fall asleep, she would be as sincerely happy for her and celebrate with her, just like Xun Yi.

After praying for Zhui'er, Lingxiang couldn't help but miss Nanhai. Although there was no one close to her there, she still felt quite warm thinking about her sisters who had no deep feelings for her. She had been alone for too long. , even if it’s just to go back and see everyone, it would be good. When she had just given birth, she also wanted to go back to her sect, but what she wanted at that time was to go back and show off to them, so that those who looked down on her could see her current glory, but now she doesn't care at all about those with her classmates. After all the grudges, she just wanted to share her joy with them. She would also sincerely distribute some belongings to everyone without any intention of showing off.

After falling asleep for exactly one hundred years, Zhui'er finally woke up. Different from the previous times, this time he did not look confused, but looked at Shen Qing who appeared outside the apricot forest with dissatisfied eyes.

Shen Qing said to him, "You have been sleeping for a hundred years. I am really worried."

After hearing this, Zhui'er was stunned, and then his eyes widened in surprise.

Jiangxiao, who was standing a hundred feet away, was meditating. When she noticed something strange, she opened her eyes and looked at Xianghuo'er. It took her two breaths to realize. She didn't dare to stand up. Maybe she forgot to stand up. Anyway, she was so excited. He had to crawl directly towards Zhui'er, and while climbing carefully, he asked in a trembling voice, "Are you...are you awake?"

Zhui'er nodded vigorously to her, then closed his eyes while waving his hand to her.

Jiangxiao stopped there like a frozen little toad, raising her head forward, with one hand and one knee on the ground, and the other hand and one knee in the air, not even daring to breathe.

Shen Qing flew over quietly, picked up Jiang Xiao who was frozen there, and took her more than ten miles away before putting her down. Jiang Xiao asked with straight eyes, "Is he awake?"

Shen Qing said calmly, "When I woke up, I was probably recalling what I had learned in my dream. Go and tell the Second Fairy, I will be here to guard you."

"Hey! Hey..." Jiangxiao's body trembled. She was so excited that she looked at the direction of Zhui'er and took a few steps forward before remembering that she had to fly. Then she hurriedly got up and cautiously Flying towards the outside of the magic circle.

It took more than a month for Zhui'er to have this aftertaste. If his heartbeat and other physical signs hadn't returned to normal, everyone would have suspected that he hadn't woken up at all.

When Zhui'er opened her eyes again, Zhixia showed a happy smile. With her discerning eyes, she could tell that Zhui'er had undergone tremendous changes.

"You scared us to death, what do you think?" Jiangxiao slowly approached, holding a few fire apricots in one hand and a white jade water bottle in the other.

Zhui'er stood up and went up to him, grabbed the fire apricot and stuffed it into his mouth. At the same time, he grabbed the jade bottle and poured water into his mouth.

"Slow down, slow down!" Jiang Xiao patted his back gently in distress.

"I'm's fine..." Zhui'er said vaguely as he swallowed something.

"It's fine..." Jiangxiao breathed a long sigh of relief and watched with joy as Zhui'er devoured food and drinks. Zhixia took it and examined it slightly, raising her eyebrows and saying in surprise, "You actually refined a spiritual treasure?"

Xiaochun couldn't hide his joy and said, "And it's something that I'm quite satisfied with. Refining this thing is secondary, the gains from the refining process are the most precious. But I owe my junior brother a favor. This thing The delivery of the keel was very timely. ”

Zhixia smiled and said, "This needs to be said emphatically, otherwise he may not be able to accept this thing. However, he must be carefully warned not to abuse this treasure and not to cause trouble for you."

Xiaochun waved his hands and said, "No need. Junior brother is sincere. If you say this, he probably won't use it. Let's put his safety first. Although this spiritual treasure is powerful, it still has mercy. Unless it is deliberately Activate otherwise it won’t kill people.”

"Huh? How can we ensure this? Does this weapon spirit have such intelligence?" Zhixia asked in surprise.

Xiaochun said proudly, "The weapon spirit definitely does not have such high intelligence. As for how to achieve this, it is difficult to explain to you. This is almost the highest level of weapon refining. It can only be understood but not expressed in words. And I’ve only just gotten a glimpse of it, so it’s quite a bit of luck to refine such a thing, and the soul breaker will be destroyed in just a few seconds.”

"Then I want to experience it." Zhixia handed the dragon bone whip back to Xiaochun, "At what level of cultivation can it be fused? I feel that it must be at the early stage of Nascent Soul, right?"

Xiaochun nodded and said, "This fire dragon is too fierce. I can only lower my fusion skills to this level. It is best to reach the middle stage of Nascent Soul before fusion. Otherwise, not only will it be very difficult to fuse, but it may also cause If the weapon spirit never recognizes it, then it means it has no chance of being associated with this treasure.”

"I think there's no problem with him. It's enough to reach the perfect state in the early stage of Nascent Soul."

Xiaochun cherished the treasure he had made and said cautiously, "Then let him try it and see. If it feels difficult, don't force it. Anyway, this thing was made for him. If he doesn't have the opportunity to use it, then it will be fine." You can't give it to others if you destroy it. How is he doing? Is there any sign of having a baby?" She said and looked in the direction of Yunxing Pavilion.

Zhixia pondered for a moment and said, "Let me take you to see it. This is a very strange thing. I will tell you after seeing it."

After Xiaochun learned about Zhui'er's situation, she discussed it with Zhixia for a while, and then returned to Zixiao Palace. She couldn't help with the matter, so she had to let Zhixia continue to guard here to wait for him to change. A pill-forming monk After sixty years of seclusion, there are not many signs of haggard. Faced with this situation, they really should not act rashly.

Winter comes and summer comes, flowers bloom and fall, another thirty years pass, and it has been ninety years since Zhui'er fell into a dream.

Time is the best elixir for calming one's mind. Even Jiang Xiao and Shu Yan can't get anxious anymore. They are still worried, but even if they have been like this for decades, their anxious mood will calm down, because all they can do is wait. .

Lingxiang broke through and became a monk in the middle stage of Yuanying. This was a height that she had not dared to hope for before. Perhaps this was the most important thing in her life, but it was insignificant to everyone who was full of worries. Everyone just Jiangxiao came over to congratulate her and gave her some gifts. Jiangxiao only chatted with her for a few more words and then continued to guard Zhui'er.

Lingxiang cried alone for a long time. Of course, it was not because of everyone's attitude. She was excited. She was a great monk in the middle stage of Nascent Soul! She doesn't care much if people here don't care about her, because she is an insignificant little character. Now she wants to tell the good news to two people most, one is Xunyi and the other

It was Zhui'er. She could only tell Xun Yi silently in her heart, and this confession made her burst into tears. She missed Xun Yi. If Xun Yi was still here, he would definitely accompany her to celebrate with her. Share this joy.

After telling Xun Yi, she began to pray to God for Zhui'er. If Zhui'er didn't fall asleep, she would be as sincerely happy for her and celebrate with her, just like Xun Yi.

After praying for Zhui'er, Lingxiang couldn't help but miss Nanhai. Although there was no one close to her there, she still felt quite warm thinking about her sisters who had no deep feelings for her. She had been alone for too long. , even if it’s just to go back and see everyone, it would be good. When she had just given birth, she also wanted to go back to her sect, but what she wanted at that time was to go back and show off to them, so that those who looked down on her could see her current glory, but now she doesn't care at all about those with her classmates. After all the grudges, she just wanted to share her joy with them. She would also sincerely distribute some belongings to everyone without any intention of showing off.

After falling asleep for exactly one hundred years, Zhui'er finally woke up. Different from the previous times, this time he did not look confused, but looked at Shen Qing who appeared outside the apricot forest with dissatisfied eyes.

Shen Qing said to him, "You have been sleeping for a hundred years. I am really worried."

After hearing this, Zhui'er was stunned, and then his eyes widened in surprise.

Jiangxiao, who was standing a hundred feet away, was meditating. When she noticed something was wrong, she opened her eyes and looked at Xiu'er. It took her two breaths to realize. She didn't dare to stand up. Maybe she forgot to stand up. Anyway, she was so excited. He had to crawl directly towards Zhui'er. While climbing carefully, he asked in a trembling voice, "Are you...are you awake?"

Zhui'er nodded vigorously to her, then closed his eyes while waving his hand to her.

Jiangxiao stopped there like a frozen little toad, raising her head forward, with one hand and one knee on the ground, and the other hand and one knee in the air, not even daring to breathe.

Shen Qing flew over quietly, picked up Jiang Xiao who was frozen there, and took her more than ten miles away before putting her down. Jiang Xiao asked with straight eyes, "Is he awake?"

Shen Qing said calmly, "When I woke up, I was probably recalling what I had learned in my dream. Go and tell the Second Fairy, I will be here to guard you."

"Hey! Hey..." Jiangxiao's body trembled. She was so excited that she looked at the direction of Zhui'er and took a few steps forward before remembering that she had to fly. Then she hurriedly got up and cautiously Flying towards the outside of the magic circle.

It took more than a month for Zhui'er to have this aftertaste. If his heartbeat and other physical signs hadn't returned to normal, everyone would have suspected that he hadn't woken up at all.

When Zhui'er opened her eyes again, Zhixia showed a happy smile. With her discerning eyes, she could tell that Zhui'er had undergone tremendous changes.

"You scared us to death, what do you think?" Jiangxiao slowly approached, holding a few fire apricots in one hand and a white jade water bottle in the other.

Zhui'er stood up and went up to him, grabbed the fire apricot and stuffed it into his mouth. At the same time, he grabbed the jade bottle and poured water into his mouth.

"Slow down, slow down!" Jiang Xiao patted his back gently in distress.

"I'm's fine..." Zhui'er said vaguely as he swallowed something.

"It's fine..." Jiangxiao breathed a long sigh of relief and watched with joy as Zhui'er devoured food and drinks.

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