Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 1639 Extreme joy leads to sorrow

Or...don't take it yet...

Zhui'er weighed it over and over again and made this difficult choice, but his mind was still wavering. It took a lot of effort for him to move his eyes away from those two things. When he saw that there was a Qiankun bag in the grid on the side. , eyes slowly lit up, the Qiankun bag placed here is definitely not ordinary, and it may not be able to hold fairy treasures!

There was also a jade slip placed next to the Qiankun Bag. Zhui'er reached out and picked up the Qiankun Bag. His heart was turbulent for a long time and he had forgotten to be cautious. However, the Qiankun Bag should not be dangerous. He held it in his hand and used his spiritual consciousness to examine it. Zhui'er's heart felt cold. His spiritual consciousness couldn't be sent in at all. This meant that it was blocked by a profound restriction and he couldn't use this Qiankun Bag.

Jade slip! right! The jade slip placed next to the Qiankun Bag is probably related to the Qiankun Bag. Zhui'er didn't even bother to get it. He directly sent his spiritual consciousness into the jade slip to check it. The result made him feel disappointed and surprised. The description of the jade slip It turned out to be some content about the Lingxin Clan. There wasn’t much recorded in it. Most of it was similar to what Shen Qinghe had talked about. The remaining small part mostly involved the Lingxin Clan’s spells and the relationship between the Lingxin Clan and the Lingxin Clan. Judging from the tone of the whole article, the rumors about the clan's dealings are mainly based on speculation. It seems that the person who left this jade slip did not know much about the Lingxin clan.

Zhui'er didn't have the mind to pay attention to these at the moment. When he browsed to the end in a hurry, he suddenly opened his mouth in surprise. The last content obviously had nothing to do with the previous ones. It was the image of several people, most of whom were immortal figures. Zhui'er was surprised. The one he saw was Master Huarui Fairy, and the Flower Fairy he had seen was among them, and the person ranked first made him even more stunned. It was a little baby - Xiao Zhuo'er in infancy!

How come you have yourself? ! And it’s still ranked first! This strange thing made Zhui'er's body tremble involuntarily. Master and the flower fairy who loved him were also there. What was going on?

Zhuo'er wouldn't be able to figure this out even if he tried to think about it. The last three items, the Immortal Treasure Soul-catching Ling, Zhenyuan Lun, and Qiankun Bag, were put in in a hurry before Yuchan set out to find the Lingxin Clan, so they didn't have any idea. She had enough time to match the corresponding box, and the jade slip was a clue she left for her reincarnation. At that time, she had already found out from Jingshui Fairy Concubine that Zhui'er might have been taken away by someone from the Lingxin tribe. Therefore, some information about the Spirit Heart Clan that she had inquired about was stored in it, which shows that she was prepared to never come back once she went there, and the purpose of leaving the images of those people is self-evident. These people are all She felt that someone she could trust might be able to help her reincarnation. She would not dare to find someone like Zhixia, so even though her relationship with Zhixia was quite harmonious at the moment, she would not leave Zhixia’s image with her. Inside.

Zhui'er was still wondering, what kind of connection did the owner of this treasure have with him that he was recorded as the first one? Could it be that Master Huarui Fairy was involved in the construction of this treasure? What is the relationship between Sister Minglan and this treasure? And that Flower Fairy, why are so many people I know involved with this treasure?

When his head was in a mess, he inadvertently put the small crescent moon he held in his left hand into the Qiankun bag held in his right hand. This was just a random move of his hands, and he was shocked when he woke up.

Then I found that the little crescent moon had been put in!

How come I can hold things again? ! Zhui'er didn't care to think about the problems that were giving him a headache. He gathered his consciousness and looked into the Qiankun bag. This was what he deserved. He knew that there were all unusual items on this row of shelves, but he dared to be so stupid. If you are irritable, it would be strange if you are not unlucky.

He tried his best to send his consciousness into the Qiankun Bag because he couldn't send it in before. As a result, the consciousness he sent out was sucked in at once. He suddenly lost so much consciousness that he fainted with a groan. In the past, his body hit the shelf like a fallen stake, his nose hit the beam firmly, and then he collapsed to the ground. If Yu Chan and Zhi Xia saw this scene, they would probably be relieved and say, "You deserve it!"

It took a while for Zhuo'er to recover. His nose was slightly sore from being hit, so he relied on his body bones to practice, otherwise his nose would have been flattened this time.

The soreness in his nose was nothing compared to the pain of losing a lot of consciousness. Zhui'er struggled to sit up in pain, gritting his teeth and enduring the unspeakable discomfort. His face had turned into He was gray-white, with sweat on his head and body. He could only resist the damage to his spiritual consciousness. Only after passing that level could he slowly adapt to it. His damage was too great, and it would probably be difficult to recover within a hundred or so years.

After almost an hour, Zhui'er stood up with all his strength. Xiyang was still waiting for him outside. He must have been very anxious at this time. He had to crawl out even if he crawled.

Before he stood up, Zhuo'er stuffed the Qiankun bag into his arms. This had to be taken away, and he had to let the second senior sister see if she could help him get his spiritual consciousness out. After he got up, he stuffed the ocher stone slab into his arms as well. It would be a bit aggrieved if I didn't take away this favorite object after being injured like this. Let's take advantage of the injury to pretend to be confused.

After leaving the hut, Zhui'er didn't even dare to look at the Zhuhong Building. He escaped from the magic circle in embarrassment, but something unexpected happened again. He thought he was coming out to the small pond, but after a moment of dizziness, When I opened my eyes, I saw a strange place.

Tough luck! It actually added teleportation. The dizziness made Zhui'er realize that he had experienced teleportation. Normally being teleported was nothing, but the feeling of having just suffered such a serious injury was too unbearable. Zhui'er fell to the ground. He couldn't even stand up. He panted for a while before looking up at the sky. Judging from the astrology, he was teleported at least thousands of miles away. This was fatal. If he wanted to find Xiyang now, he really had to crawl. , I had no choice but to recover first. I originally wanted to harmonize my relationship with Xiyang, but this time I had to be scolded to death by Xiyang.

When Zhui'er closed his eyes and was about to meditate, a thought suddenly occurred to him. He summoned the little cloud and tried to tell it to find Xiyang. The reason why he had this thought was that he felt that the little cloud could do this. This was because he had comprehended the secret book given to him by Fairy Princess Tianji in his long dream. He hadn't had time to test it with Xiao Yunduo yet.

In fact, if he wanted Xiao Yunduo to do this, he didn't have to use the method in the secret book. But after understanding the secret book, he became more confident in letting Xiao Yunduo do this. Xiao Yunduo is indeed very suitable for this kind of errand. Just as Zhui'er conveyed his intention, Xiao Yunduo left in a flash before he could tell him the direction of Xiyang. Or...don't take it yet...

Zhui'er weighed it over and over again and made this difficult choice, but his mind was still wavering. It took a lot of effort for him to move his eyes away from those two things. When he saw that there was a Qiankun bag in the grid on the side. , eyes slowly lit up, the Qiankun bag placed here is definitely not ordinary, and it may not be able to hold fairy treasures!

There was also a jade slip placed next to the Qiankun Bag. Zhui'er reached out and picked up the Qiankun Bag. His heart was turbulent for a long time and he had forgotten to be cautious. However, the Qiankun Bag should not be dangerous. He held it in his hand and used his spiritual consciousness to examine it. Zhui'er's heart felt cold. His spiritual consciousness couldn't be sent in at all. This meant that it was blocked by a profound restriction and he couldn't use this Qiankun Bag.

Jade slip! right! The jade slip placed next to the Qiankun Bag is probably related to the Qiankun Bag. Zhui'er didn't even bother to get it. He directly sent his spiritual consciousness into the jade slip to check it. The result made him feel disappointed and surprised. The description of the jade slip It turned out to be some content about the Lingxin Clan. There wasn’t much recorded in it. Most of it was similar to what Shen Qinghe had talked about. The remaining small part mostly involved the Lingxin Clan’s spells and the relationship between the Lingxin Clan and the Lingxin Clan. Judging from the tone of the whole article, the rumors about the clan's dealings are mainly based on speculation. It seems that the person who left this jade slip did not know much about the Lingxin clan.

Zhui'er didn't have the mind to pay attention to these at the moment. When he browsed to the end in a hurry, he suddenly opened his mouth in surprise. The last content obviously had nothing to do with the previous ones. It was the image of several people, most of whom were immortal figures. Zhui'er was surprised. The one he saw was Master Huarui Fairy, and the Flower Fairy he had seen was among them, and the person ranked first made him even more stunned. It was a little baby - Xiao Zhuo'er in infancy!

How come you have yourself? ! And it’s still ranked first! This strange thing made Zhui'er's body tremble involuntarily. Master and the flower fairy who loved him were also there. What was going on?

Zhuo'er wouldn't be able to figure this out even if he tried to think about it. The last three items, the Immortal Treasure Soul-catching Ling, Zhenyuan Lun, and Qiankun Bag, were hurriedly put in before Yu Chan set out to find the Lingxin Clan, so they didn't have any idea. She had enough time to match the corresponding box, and the jade slip was a clue she left for her reincarnation. At that time, she had already found out from Jingshui Fairy Concubine that Zhui'er might have been taken away by someone from the Lingxin tribe. Therefore, some information about the Spirit Heart Clan that she had inquired about was stored in it, which shows that she was prepared to never come back once she went there, and the purpose of leaving the images of those people is self-evident. These people are all She felt that someone she could trust might be able to help her reincarnation. She would not dare to find someone like Zhixia, so even though her relationship with Zhixia was quite harmonious at the moment, she would not leave Zhixia’s image with her. Inside.

Zhui'er was still thinking, what kind of connection did the owner of this treasure have with him that he was recorded as the first one? Could it be that Master Huarui Fairy was involved in the construction of this treasure? What is the relationship between Sister Minglan and this treasure? And that Flower Fairy, why are so many people I know involved with this treasure?

When his head was in a mess, he inadvertently put the small crescent moon he held in his left hand into the Qiankun bag held in his right hand. This was just a random move of his hands, and he was shocked when he woke up.

Then I found that the little crescent moon had been put in!

How come I can hold things again? ! Zhui'er didn't care to think about the problems that were giving him a headache. He gathered his consciousness and looked into the Qiankun bag. This was what he deserved. He knew that there were all unusual items on this row of shelves, but he dared to be so stupid. If you are irritable, it would be strange if you are not unlucky.

He tried his best to send his consciousness into the Qiankun Bag because he couldn't send it in before. As a result, the consciousness he sent out was sucked in at once. He suddenly lost so much consciousness that he fainted with a muffled groan. In the past, his body hit the shelf like a fallen stake, his nose hit the beam firmly, and then he collapsed to the ground. If Yu Chan and Zhi Xia saw this scene, they would probably be relieved and say, "You deserve it!"

It took a while for Zhuo'er to recover. His nose was slightly sore from being hit, so he relied on his body bones to practice, otherwise his nose would have been flattened this time.

The soreness in his nose was nothing compared to the pain of losing a lot of consciousness. Zhui'er struggled to sit up in pain, gritting his teeth and enduring the unspeakable discomfort. His face had turned into He was gray-white, with sweat on his head and body. He could only resist the damage to his spiritual consciousness. Only after passing that level could he slowly adapt to it. His damage was too great, and it would probably be difficult to recover within a hundred or so years.

After almost an hour, Zhui'er stood up with all his strength. Xiyang was still waiting for him outside. He must have been very anxious at this time. He had to crawl out even if he crawled.

Before he stood up, Zhuo'er stuffed the Qiankun bag into his arms. This had to be taken away, and he had to let the second senior sister see if she could help him get his spiritual consciousness out. After he got up, he stuffed the ocher stone slab into his arms as well. It would be a bit aggrieved if I didn't take away this favorite object after being injured like this. Let's take advantage of the injury to pretend to be confused.

After leaving the hut, Zhui'er didn't even dare to look at the Zhuhong Building. He escaped from the magic circle in embarrassment, but something unexpected happened again. He thought he was coming out to the small pond, but after a moment of dizziness, When I opened my eyes, I saw a strange place.

Tough luck! It actually added teleportation. The dizziness made Zhui'er realize that he had experienced teleportation. Normally being teleported was nothing, but the feeling of having just suffered such a serious injury was too unbearable. Zhui'er fell to the ground. He couldn't even stand up. He panted for a while before looking up at the sky. Judging from the astrology, he was teleported at least thousands of miles away. This was fatal. If he wanted to find Xiyang now, he really had to crawl. , I had no choice but to recover first. I originally wanted to harmonize my relationship with Xiyang, but this time I had to be scolded to death by Xiyang.

When Zhui'er closed his eyes and was about to meditate, a thought suddenly occurred to him. He summoned the little cloud and tried to tell it to find Xiyang. The reason why he had this thought was that he felt that the little cloud could do this. This was because he had comprehended the secret book given to him by Fairy Princess Tianji in his long dream. He hadn't had time to test it with Xiao Yunduo yet.

In fact, if he wanted Xiao Yunduo to do this, he didn't have to use the method in the secret book. But after understanding the secret book, he became more confident in letting Xiao Yunduo do this. Xiao Yunduo was indeed very suitable for this kind of errand. As soon as Zhui'er conveyed his intention, Xiao Yunduo left in a flash before he could tell him the direction of Xiyang.

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