Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 1640 I saw the light

Seeing that he insisted on trying, Xiyang handed him the Qiankun bag and the spirit stone.

Zhui'er carefully took the spirit stone and sent it towards the Qiankun bag, and the spirit stone went into the Qiankun bag.

Xiyang's eyes widened, he looked at Qiankun Bag and then at Zhuo'er, and asked, "Are you okay?"

"It's okay." Zhui'er's eyes widened, this was strange.

"Here!" Xiyang took out two more spiritual stones and handed them to Zhui'er. Seeing Zhui'er easily put the two spiritual stones in, he took the Qiankun bag, took out two more spiritual stones and tried to put them in, but still couldn't put them in.

"This is a bit like..." Xiyang looked at Zhui'er, stopped mid-sentence, handed the Qiankun bag to Zhui'er, and then handed over a jade plaque, "You try again."

Zhui'er casually put the jade token in.

Xiyang frowned and looked at Zhui'er, and said the next half of the sentence, "It's a bit like recognizing the master. I think it's probably related to the spiritual consciousness you were sucked into. This can all be explained. Can you try it? You can't take out the jade tablet. "Using spiritual consciousness as a seal is a very common method, but it's too abnormal to absorb so much spiritual consciousness in one go.

"Screw you." Zhui'er said with a bitter face. Although you need to use your spiritual consciousness to assist in putting things into the inner universe bag, you don't have to send your spiritual consciousness in. To take things out, you have to send your spiritual consciousness. He doesn't have that much spiritual consciousness to waste.

"Even if this judgment is wrong, you won't lose much spiritual consciousness. Just be careful and give it a try." Xiyang became more curious.

"If I come out in the future, I won't choose you even if I choose to lead Lu Gang."

Xiyang encouraged with a smile, "I think it's not wrong. Don't be so timid. Give it a try."

Zhui'er glanced at Xi Yang disapprovingly. He was already frightened. This Qiankun bag was too weird. If something happened to trigger another mechanism and suck away all his consciousness, his life would be gone. .

Facing Xiyang's persistent and earnest gaze, Zhui'er couldn't act too timid. After gritting his teeth, he could only send a tiny bit of his spiritual consciousness into the Qiankun Bag in fear.

Xiyang stared at Zhui'er nervously and excitedly. When he saw the look of horror in Zhui'er's eyes, his heart tightened. He immediately knocked away the Qiankun bag and at the same time raised his foot and turned Zhui'er backward. Direction kicked out.

"Are you okay?" He rushed to Zhui'er and asked.

Zhui'er was kicked more than ten feet away and sat down on the ground. At this time, he was staring straight at the direction where the Qiankun Bag fell, looking dumbfounded.

"Tell me, what exactly is going on?" Xiyang felt a little weak.

Zhui'er blinked twice, stood up slowly, waved his hand to Xiyang with a solemn expression, and walked towards the Qiankun bag that fell in the grass without saying a word.

"Hey, tell me." Xiyang followed anxiously.

Zhui'er stopped and complained, "I was kicked away by you before I could see clearly. Don't follow me."

"Did you see it? So I didn't suck your consciousness anymore, right? What did you see? Tell me, otherwise how can I rest assured?" Xiyang was so anxious that he even wanted to put it in Zhuo'er's mouth. The words came out, and his curiosity was completely aroused.

Zhui'er said angrily, "You said you didn't see clearly. It's not that you're worried, you're just anxious to know. If you were really worried, you wouldn't force me to try."

"You must have seen

What's wrong? Otherwise, your expression won't change drastically. Tell me quickly. If there is danger, I really can't try again. "

Zhui'er squinted his eyes and thought for a moment and said, "I saw the light, it was bright inside, and then I was kicked away by you, and my ray of consciousness was lost inside again."

"Is there light? What kind of light?" After asking, Xiyang ran over and picked up the Qiankun bag, then stared at Zhuo'er and waited for his answer.

"It's just a bright light with no end in sight." Zhui'er said and took the Qiankun bag from Xiyang's hand.

"Do you feel in danger?" Xiyang held on to the Qiankun bag.

"I can't say I feel anything, the amount of consciousness I sent in is too little."

"I'll try again." Xiyang pushed Zhui'er away, gathering more consciousness than last time and sending it towards the Qiankun Bag.

"You..." Zhui'er was afraid of disturbing him, so he only said one word and closed his mouth. When Xiyang opened his eyes and frowned and shook his head at him, he raised his foot and kicked Xiyang.

Xiyang didn't dodge, and Zhui'er still had thoughts of revenge, which meant that he really didn't feel any danger, but he had no intention of making fun at the moment, "Then try again. No matter what the situation is, don't send him in." There is too much spiritual consciousness, so beware of possible tricks.”

Zhui'er nodded and said, "Don't bother me in a hurry. I only have this little sense of consciousness. If I lose it again, it will be gone."

"Okay." Xiyang took a step back.

Zhui'er waved to him repeatedly, and only when Xiyang retreated ten steps away did he carefully send his consciousness into the Qiankun bag again.

Xiyang held his breath and slowly came back nervously. He saw the look of horror in Zhui'er's eyes again, but it was not as serious as last time. But soon, Zhui'er's eyes opened wider and wider, and it seemed that After discovering something incredible, he couldn't wait to get into the Qiankun Bag to see what happened. This situation made him not know how to grasp the opportunity to interrupt.

Something that made Xiyang's hair stand on end happened at this moment. Zhui'er, who was only five steps away from him, suddenly disappeared. He watched helplessly as the Qiankun bag fell to the ground from where Zhuo'er was holding it. Xiyang couldn't react for a moment. Later, when he recalled the scene at this moment, he felt that he had stood for a long time before he realized what had happened. In fact, his performance was not that bad. After only one breath, he collapsed and sat down. On the ground.

Xiyang slumped to the ground, not because he was frightened, but because he was completely confused, because at such a close distance, even if a person with great supernatural powers kidnapped Zhui'er, he would not be unaware of it, and Zhui'er would not be aware of it. If the person who was kidnapped would not have had time to drop the Qiankun bag, he would be sure that no teleportation occurred because he did not feel any fluctuations in spiritual power. How did Zhui'er disappear? Are you dreaming?

Xiyang later thought that he had been sitting on the ground for three breaths, which was a bit flattering to his face. He sat there for at least ten breaths before crawling towards the Qiankun bag, because he really couldn't think of a reason, and he didn't want to Once he understood, he couldn't take action. In the end, he couldn't come up with any result, so he could only take a look at the Qiankun Bag.

He put his hands on the ground and stared straight at the Qiankun Bag. The hairs on Xiyang's back stood up little by little, and he shuddered involuntarily. He was afraid. Xiyang, who was not afraid of anything, was really a little scared at this moment. He was scared. What was happening before him was too weird. What scared him the most was that Zhui'er might be dead. He had this intuition. If he were a timid person, he should run away now. If he didn't run, he would have to stay away from the Qiankun Bag, but Xiyang lay on the Qiankun Bag and stared at it, his heart pounding, still trying to think of what force had taken Zhui'er away. Seeing that he insisted on trying, Xiyang handed him the Qiankun bag and the spirit stone.

Zhui'er carefully took the spirit stone and sent it towards the Qiankun bag, and the spirit stone went into the Qiankun bag.

Xiyang's eyes widened, he looked at Qiankun Bag and then at Zhuo'er, and asked, "Are you okay?"

"It's okay." Zhui'er's eyes widened, this was strange.

"Here!" Xiyang took out two more spiritual stones and handed them to Zhui'er. Seeing Zhui'er easily put the two spiritual stones in, he took the Qiankun bag, took out two more spiritual stones and tried to put them in, but still couldn't put them in.

"This is a bit like..." Xiyang looked at Zhui'er, stopped mid-sentence, handed the Qiankun bag to Zhui'er, and then handed over a jade plaque, "You try again."

Zhui'er casually put the jade token in. .??.

Xiyang frowned and looked at Zhui'er, and said the next half of the sentence, "It's a bit like recognizing the master. I think it's probably related to the spiritual consciousness you were sucked into. This can all be explained. Can you try it? You can't take out the jade tablet. "Using spiritual consciousness as a seal is a very common method, but it's too abnormal to absorb so much spiritual consciousness in one go.

"Screw you." Zhui'er said with a bitter face. Although you need to use your spiritual consciousness to assist in putting things into the inner universe bag, you don't have to send your spiritual consciousness in. To take things out, you have to send your spiritual consciousness. He doesn't have that much spiritual consciousness to waste.

"Even if this judgment is wrong, you won't lose much spiritual consciousness. Just be careful and give it a try." Xiyang became more curious.

"If I come out in the future, I won't choose you even if I choose to lead Lu Gang."

Xiyang encouraged with a smile, "I think it's not wrong. Don't be so timid. Give it a try."

Zhui'er glanced at Xi Yang disapprovingly. He was already frightened. This Qiankun bag was too weird. If something happened to trigger another mechanism and suck away all his consciousness, his life would be gone. .

Facing Xiyang's persistent and earnest gaze, Zhui'er couldn't act too timid. After gritting his teeth, he could only send a tiny bit of his spiritual consciousness into the Qiankun Bag in fear.

Xiyang stared at Zhui'er nervously and excitedly. When he saw the look of horror in Zhui'er's eyes, his heart tightened. He immediately knocked away the Qiankun bag and at the same time raised his foot and turned Zhui'er backward. Direction kicked out.

"Are you okay?" He rushed to Zhui'er and asked.

Zhui'er was kicked more than ten feet away and sat down on the ground. At this time, he was staring straight at the direction where the Qiankun Bag fell, looking dumbfounded.

"Tell me, what exactly is going on?" Xiyang felt a little weak.

Zhui'er blinked twice, stood up slowly, waved his hand to Xiyang with a solemn expression, and walked towards the Qiankun bag that fell in the grass without saying a word.

"Hey, tell me." Xiyang followed anxiously.

Zhui'er stopped and complained, "I was kicked away by you before I could see clearly. Don't follow me."

"Did you see it? So I didn't suck your consciousness anymore, right? What did you see? Tell me, otherwise how can I rest assured?" Xiyang was so anxious that he even wanted to put it in Zhuo'er's mouth. The words came out, and his curiosity was completely aroused.

Zhui'er said angrily, "You said you didn't see clearly. It's not that you're worried, you're just anxious to know. If you were really worried, you wouldn't force me to try."

"You must have seen

What's wrong? Otherwise, your expression won't change drastically. Tell me quickly. If there is danger, I really can't try again. "

Zhui'er squinted his eyes and thought for a moment and said, "I saw the light, it was bright inside, and then I was kicked away by you, and my ray of consciousness was lost inside again."

"Is there light? What kind of light?" After asking, Xiyang ran over and picked up the Qiankun bag, then stared at Zhuo'er and waited for his answer.

"It's just a bright light with no end in sight." Zhui'er said and took the Qiankun bag from Xiyang's hand.

"Do you feel in danger?" Xiyang held on to the Qiankun bag.

"I can't say I feel anything, the amount of consciousness I sent in is too little."

"I'll try again." Xiyang pushed Zhui'er away, gathering more consciousness than last time and sending it towards the Qiankun Bag.

"You..." Zhui'er was afraid of disturbing him, so he only said one word and closed his mouth. When Xiyang opened his eyes and frowned and shook his head at him, he raised his foot and kicked Xiyang.

Xiyang didn't dodge, and Zhui'er still had thoughts of revenge, which meant that he really didn't feel any danger, but he had no intention of making fun at the moment, "Then try again. No matter what the situation is, don't send him in." There is too much spiritual consciousness, so beware of possible tricks.”

Zhui'er nodded and said, "Don't bother me in a hurry. I only have this little sense of consciousness. If I lose it again, it will be gone."

"Okay." Xiyang took a step back.

Zhui'er waved to him repeatedly, and only when Xiyang retreated ten steps away did he carefully send his consciousness into the Qiankun bag again.

Xiyang held his breath and nervously came back slowly. He saw the look of horror in Zhui'er's eyes again, but it was not as serious as last time. But soon, Zhui'er's eyes opened wider and wider, and it seemed that After discovering something incredible, he couldn't wait to get into the Qiankun Bag to see what happened. This situation made him not know how to grasp the opportunity to interrupt.

Something that made Xiyang's hair stand on end happened at this moment. Zhui'er, who was only five steps away from him, suddenly disappeared. He watched helplessly as the Qiankun bag fell to the ground from where Zhuo'er was holding it. Xiyang couldn't react for a moment. Later, when he recalled the scene at this moment, he felt that he had stood for a long time before he realized what had happened. In fact, his performance was not that bad. After only one breath, he collapsed and sat down. On the ground.

Xiyang slumped to the ground, not because he was frightened, but because he was completely confused, because at such a close distance, even if a person with great supernatural powers kidnapped Zhui'er, he would not be unaware of it, and Zhui'er would not be aware of it. If the person who was kidnapped would not have had time to drop the Qiankun bag, he would be sure that no teleportation occurred because he did not feel any fluctuations in spiritual power. How did Zhui'er disappear? Are you dreaming?

Xiyang later thought that he had been sitting on the ground for three breaths, which was a bit flattering to his face. He sat there for at least ten breaths before crawling towards the Qiankun bag, because he really couldn't think of a reason, and he didn't want to Once he understood, he couldn't take action. In the end, he couldn't come up with any result, so he could only take a look at the Qiankun Bag.

He put his hands on the ground and stared straight at the Qiankun Bag. The hairs on Xiyang's back stood up little by little, and he shuddered involuntarily. He was afraid. Xiyang, who was not afraid of anything, was really a little scared at this moment. He was scared. What was happening before him was too weird. What scared him the most was that Zhui'er might be dead. He had this intuition. If he were a timid person, he should run away now. If he didn't run, he would have to stay away from the Qiankun Bag, but Xiyang lay on the Qiankun Bag and stared at it, his heart pounding, still trying to think of what force had taken Zhui'er away.

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