Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 1642 It’s really big there

After Zhui'er finished speaking, Zhixia shook her head and said, "Since she left Master's image in the jade slip, she must have some connection with Master, but I really can't think of who this person is. It should be someone I don't know." People who have seen it, as to why the image of you as a baby was left in it, it is really puzzling. Maybe the master mentioned you to her? "

"That doesn't mean you should put me first, right?"

Zhixia didn't think it was strange and said, "She left the images of these people in a jade slip that told the secrets of the Spirit Heart Clan. It was obviously a random move. She must not have thought too much about it at the time. The ordering can't explain anything, and the little baby's facial features are still there." If they haven’t grown yet, newborn babies all look the same, so they may not really be you.”

"But I think it's me! Master showed me what I looked like when I was a child." Zhui'er showed the image that Fairy Huarui showed him in front of Zhixia.

Zhixia frowned and looked at it and said, "It's quite similar, but as I said, such a young child has a lot of similarities. You will know if you go back to the mortal world and see a few more times. Let's assume that he is you for now, wait for the teacher." Maybe we can solve these mysteries by asking her when she comes back."

Zhui'er was a little shaken by what he said. The baby in the jade slip was lying on the ground, and the baby shown to him by his master was held in his mother's arms. What the second senior sister said did make sense. The children do look quite similar, so he doesn't have to go to the mortal world to see them. He has been in the mortal world longer than most monks, and has seen many newborn babies, including his little nephew and little one. niece. .??.

"Tell me about the Qiankun Bag, starting from the beginning." Although Zhixia was more eager to know who told Zhui'er about this treasure, but since Zhui'er refused to tell him, he had to think of another way later. Being able to tell that this was a treasure built by Yu Chan herself meant that Yu Chan was less likely to be killed, which made her feel a little more at ease.

Mentioning this magical Universe Bag, Zhui'er immediately put aside the previous matter and said excitedly, "Second Senior Sister, you won't believe it, and I can't believe it myself, but I really entered this Universe Bag! Yes!" The whole person goes in! Really!”

Zhixia pretended to open her eyes in astonishment. In fact, she already knew in her heart that this was an immortal Qiankun bag. There were widespread rumors about its magic. Among those rumors, pretending to be a living person was one of the most common. Xiang Mana, what she wants to know most now is why Yu Chan left the repaired Qiankun Bag in the treasure, and left all the immortal treasures. It was probably because he became an immortal.

"Tell it from the beginning, from the moment you saw it."

"It's placed on the last row of shelves..." Zhui'er started gesticulating. After he came out of the Qiankun Bag, he sat there and thought for a while before getting up and rushing to Yunxing Pavilion, so here is He has roughly figured it out.

After talking about the plot of putting the little crescent moon inside, Zhui'er said excitedly, "It's that little crescent moon. I saw it when I went in. It hung like a moon inside. I knew it was the one that made this Qiankun bag usable again. It's very big inside, so big that I can't even explore the end. Anyway, it's much bigger than hundreds of thousands of miles. The little crescent moon has also become very big. It's similar to the moon when we look at it, but it's brighter than the moon. , of course not as good as the sun, Second Senior Sister, I don’t know how to say it, I know you don’t believe it, but it’s really big there. It’s not that I have been made smaller, but... but... it’s really

It's very big. I also found the spiritual consciousness that was lost inside. They came back as soon as I entered. There are also the spiritual stones and jade tablets that were put in before. They are all hanging in the air. Second Senior Sister, don't believe it. ,What I said is real! "

Although Zhui'er was so excited that he was a little incoherent, Zhixiaquan understood. It turned out that it was not Yu Chan who repaired the Qiankun Bag, but his magical little junior brother. This can explain why Yu Chan left it in the treasure. From Zhui'er's story, she also guessed that Yu Chan left some of the most precious fairy treasures in the treasure in a hurry, and the jade slip showed that Yu Chan probably went to find the Lingxin tribe. Further speculation is that Yuchan most likely encountered misfortune, and the person who told Zhui'er about the treasure must know Yuchan's whereabouts.

Seeing the second senior sister frowning, Zhui'er pointed at the Qiankun bag and said, "Take a look at it for yourself. Don't be too afraid. Just don't send too much spiritual consciousness into it at once. Xiyang said it recognizes its master through spiritual consciousness. I I don’t know if it’s right, but it’s definitely possible with your cultivation.”

Zhixia said slowly, "I have tried it a long time ago. The magic power of this Qiankun bag is far higher than you think. It is an immortal treasure and my consciousness cannot penetrate it."

Zhui'er was so shocked that he opened his mouth. He said that the Qiankun Bag was a fairy treasure, which wouldn't shock him too much. After all, he had seen how magical it was, but in his understanding, the great magical power was basically omnipotent. Now, the situation of an immortal treasure facing a great supernatural power was far beyond his knowledge. The second senior sister, the feathered fairy concubine, could not check the situation inside the Qiankun bag, which surprised and surprised him.

"Could it be...could it be...that I am the only one who can use it?" Zhui'er's face turned red with excitement. It was certainly exciting for him to monopolize an immortal treasure, but it was something that monks who could transform feathers couldn't do. It made him even more excited.

Zhixia nodded uncertainly and said, "You opened it with the little crescent moon and sent it into the consciousness first. I think that should be the case."

"Hehe..." Zhui'er giggled with joy, "I actually have an immortal treasure. Second Senior Sister, is it really an immortal treasure?"

Zhixia had no intention of paying attention to him at the moment, and nodded perfunctorily. After flashing his eyes for a while, he waved his hand to set up a magic circle, and said to Zhui'er with a serious expression, "I want to try again. Send in a lot of spiritual consciousness like you did. You Should I trust Senior Sister? I just want to see the scene inside with my own eyes, and I will never argue with you about this Qiankun Bag."

Zhui'er said anxiously as if he had been insulted, "Second senior sister, what are you talking about?! You treat me so well. If it can recognize you as its master, it should let you take it with me. It’s so low, it will be ruined if someone takes it away.”

Zhixia patted him on the shoulder, "If anything happens to me, you should immediately ask Jiangxiao and Xiyang to find Senior Sister."

"Well, you must be careful." Zhui'er took a few steps back uneasily.

The temptation to understand the mysteries of immortal treasures was too great for Zhixia. She risked a thousand years of cultivation to give it a try, but the result disappointed her. In the end, she almost gathered all her consciousness, and No breakthrough could be made.

"Come here, it seems that it only recognizes the first person who enters the consciousness."

Zhui'er couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when he saw that the second senior sister was fine. Before he could walk back, Zhixia suddenly raised his hand and caught a gray-purple bird flying by in the sky. After Zhui'er finished speaking, Zhixia shook her head and said, "Since she left Master's image in the jade slip, she must have some connection with Master, but I really can't think of who this person is. It should be someone I don't know." People who have seen it, as to why the image of you as a baby was left in it, it is really puzzling. Maybe the master mentioned you to her? "

"That doesn't mean you should put me first, right?"

Zhixia didn't think it was strange and said, "She left the images of these people in a jade slip that told the secrets of the Spirit Heart Clan. It was obviously a random move. She must not have thought too much about it at the time. The ordering can't explain anything, and the little baby's facial features are still there." If they haven’t grown yet, newborn babies all look the same, so they may not really be you.”

"But I think it's me! Master showed me what I looked like when I was a child." Zhui'er showed the image that Fairy Huarui showed him in front of Zhixia.

Zhixia frowned and looked at it and said, "It is quite similar, but as I said, such a young child has a lot of similarities. You will know when you go back to the mortal world and see a few more times. Let us assume that he is you for now, wait for the teacher." Maybe we can solve these mysteries by asking her when she comes back."

Zhui'er was a little shaken by what he said. The baby in the jade slip was lying on the ground, and the baby shown to him by his master was held in his mother's arms. What the second senior sister said did make sense. The children do look quite similar, so he doesn't have to go to the mortal world to see them. He has been in the mortal world longer than most monks, and has seen many newborn babies, including his little nephew and little one. niece.

"Tell me about the Qiankun Bag, starting from the beginning." Although Zhixia was more eager to know who told Zhui'er about this treasure, but since Zhui'er refused to tell, she had to think of another way later. Being able to tell that this was a treasure built by Yu Chan herself meant that Yu Chan was less likely to be killed, which made her feel a little more at ease.

Mentioning this magical Universe Bag, Zhui'er immediately put aside the previous matter and said excitedly, "Second Senior Sister, you won't believe it, and I can't believe it myself, but I really entered this Universe Bag! Yes!" The whole person goes in! Really!”

Zhixia pretended to open her eyes in astonishment. In fact, she already knew in her heart that this was an immortal Qiankun bag. There were widespread rumors about its magic. Among those rumors, pretending to be a living person was one of the most common. Xiang Mana, what she wants to know most now is why Yu Chan left the repaired Qiankun Bag in the treasure, and left all the immortal treasures. It was probably because he became an immortal. .??.

"Tell it from the beginning, from the moment you saw it."

"It is placed on the last row of shelves..." Zhui'er started gesticulating. After he came out of the Qiankun Bag, he sat there and thought for a while before getting up and rushing to Yunxing Pavilion, so here is He has roughly figured it out.

After talking about the plot of putting the little crescent moon inside, Zhui'er said excitedly, "It's that little crescent moon. I saw it when I went in. It hung like a moon inside. I knew it was the one that made this Qiankun bag usable again. It's very big inside, so big that I can't even explore the end. Anyway, it's much bigger than hundreds of thousands of miles. The little crescent moon has also become very big. It's similar to the moon when we look at it, but it's brighter than the moon. , of course not as good as the sun, Second Senior Sister, I don’t know how to say it, I know you don’t believe it, but it’s really big there. It’s not that I have been made smaller, but... but... it’s really

It's very big. I also found the spiritual consciousness that was lost in it. They came back as soon as I entered. There are also the spiritual stones and jade tablets that were put in before. They are all hanging in the air. Second Senior Sister, don't believe it. ,What I said is real! "

Although Zhui'er was so excited that he was a little incoherent, Zhixiaquan understood. It turned out that it was not Yu Chan who repaired the Qiankun Bag, but his magical little junior brother. This can explain why Yu Chan left it in the treasure. From Zhui'er's story, she also guessed that Yu Chan left some of the most precious fairy treasures in the treasure in a hurry, and the jade slip showed that Yu Chan probably went to find the Lingxin tribe. Further speculation is that Yuchan most likely encountered misfortune, and the person who told Zhui'er about the treasure must know Yuchan's whereabouts.

Seeing the second senior sister frowning, Zhui'er pointed at the Qiankun bag and said, "Take a look at it for yourself. Don't be too afraid. Just don't send too much spiritual consciousness into it at once. Xiyang said it recognizes its master through spiritual consciousness. I I don’t know if it’s right, but it’s definitely possible with your cultivation.”

Zhixia said slowly, "I have tried it a long time ago. The magic power of this Qiankun bag is far higher than you think. It is an immortal treasure and my consciousness cannot penetrate it."

Zhui'er was so shocked that he opened his mouth. He said that the Qiankun Bag was a fairy treasure, which wouldn't shock him too much. After all, he had seen how magical it was, but in his understanding, the great magical power was basically omnipotent. Now, the situation of an immortal treasure facing a great supernatural power was far beyond his knowledge. The second senior sister, the feathered fairy concubine, could not check the situation inside the Qiankun bag, which surprised and surprised him.

"Could it be...could it be...that I am the only one who can use it?" Zhui'er's face turned red with excitement. It was certainly exciting for him to monopolize an immortal treasure, but it was something that monks who could transform feathers couldn't do. It made him even more excited.

Zhixia nodded uncertainly and said, "You opened it with the little crescent moon and sent it into the spiritual consciousness first. I think that should be the case."

"Hehe..." Zhui'er giggled with joy, "I actually have an immortal treasure. Second Senior Sister, is it really an immortal treasure?"

Zhixia had no intention of paying attention to him at the moment, and nodded perfunctorily. After flashing his eyes for a while, he waved his hand to set up a magic circle, and said to Zhui'er with a serious expression, "I want to try again. Send in a lot of spiritual consciousness like you did. You Should I trust Senior Sister? I just want to see the scene inside with my own eyes, and I will never argue with you about this Qiankun Bag."

Zhui'er said anxiously as if he had been insulted, "Second senior sister, what are you talking about?! You treat me so well. If it can recognize you as its master, it should let you take it with me. It’s so low, it will be ruined if someone takes it away.”

Zhixia patted his shoulder and said, "If anything happens to me, you should immediately ask Jiangxiao and Xiyang to find Senior Sister."

"Well, you must be careful." Zhui'er took a few steps back uneasily.

The temptation to understand the mysteries of immortal treasures was too great for Zhixia. She risked a thousand years of cultivation to give it a try, but the result disappointed her. In the end, she almost gathered all her consciousness, and No breakthrough could be made.

"Come here, it seems that it only recognizes the first person who enters the consciousness."

Zhui'er couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when he saw that the second senior sister was fine. Before he could walk back, Zhixia suddenly raised his hand and caught a gray-purple bird flying by in the sky.

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