Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 1654 Is this still a human?

Shu Yan nodded, "Of course I've heard of it." She knew more about Qianxu Palace than Zhui'er because she had a bunch of senior sisters who couldn't keep their mouth shut.

"Then do you know who is guarding the Jade Scripture Pavilion?"

"Master Hengcha."

Zhui'er was startled for a moment. He didn't expect that Shu Yan even knew this. He calmed down and continued, "Since you know, it's easier to do it? Master Hengcha's cultivation has been stagnant for thousands of years in the late Yuanying period." I have already given up on breaking through the realm, and I am very impatient with life. If not for the persuasion of several other masters, I would have given up long ago."

"Yeah." Shu Yan nodded and waited eagerly for him to continue. She was particularly interested in such secrets.

Zhui'er's expression became more serious as he said, "I met Master Hengcha by chance and told him a little bit about his views on cultivation. He praised me greatly, and then he couldn't wait to retreat."

"Really or not?" Shu Yan thought this was a bit too evil. A young monk in the Dan formation stage was preaching to the master in the late Nascent Soul stage, and even made the master impatient to go into seclusion. Zhui'er was so powerful. It's not that powerful.

Zhui'er watched in silence as she passed on the memory of Uncle Hengcha praising him.

Shu Yan was stunned for a while, then grabbed Zhui'er's arm and asked, "What did you tell him? Tell me quickly."

Zhui'er looked at her with calm eyes and said, "What I want to tell you is the part I told Uncle Hengcha. Don't worry, stay calm and concentrate. I will explain it to you in detail, and I am better than before." Have a deeper understanding.”

Shu Yan closed her eyes to calm down, and then listened solemnly to Zhuo'er's lecture on Taoism.

Zhui'er's Taoism refers directly to the truth that when the world of cultivation was formed, everyone found their own way. It explores the correct method of cultivation from the root. When I talked with Uncle Hengcha, it couldn't be called Taoism. It could only be called Taoism. It was just an idea. Now with the deepening of understanding, he also learned the Lingxin Clan's skills from Minglan, and after integrating them, he gradually became a Taoist method. Of course, what he wanted to teach Shu Yan was still focused on enlightening Master Hengcha. The purpose of uncle's part is to enhance Shu Yan's confidence and give her a perspective on the way of cultivation. This will not fundamentally subvert her understanding of cultivation. Those views that completely negate the cultivation world can only be discussed by Shen Qing. , although the various miraculous events that happened to him have subverted the inherent understanding of the cultivation world, such as the continuous breaking of realms, everyone still regarded it as a weird and special situation. Only he knew that there might be a way out. After a clear path is established and the Tao method is formed, everyone can go.

Although Zhuo'er didn't say anything too subversive, Shu Yan still had the shocking feeling of entering a new world. This was inevitable. Even Heng Cha in the late Yuan Ying felt a sudden awakening after listening to it, let alone her knot. As for the little nun in the late Dan period.

After listening to Zhui'er's story, Shu Yan went into seclusion and left Shu Yan's residence. Zhui'er wandered around in the fruity apricot forest for a while, and finally came to the place where Shen Qing lived. Shen Qing's cabin disappeared. This was the start of the magic circle retreat. Zhui'er slowly and gently circled around the location of the cabin.

Just after turning around, Shen Qing's voice came out, "Next time you want to wake me up, be quick." Before he finished speaking, the magic circle opened.

Zhui'er walked in and said, "Hey, I'm just giving it a try. If you retreat too deeply, I won't disturb you."

Shen Qing did not put away the protective magic circle. After Zhui'er sat down across from the table, she poured tea for Zhui'er and asked, "Two months ago, I

I feel a strange magic attack, which is very similar to the Yuanyi clan's spell. Is it you who created it? "

Zhui'er answered honestly, "Yes, I inadvertently came to understand the spell that Sijia taught me that day. I didn't expect that it would cause such a big fuss. The Yuanyi tribe's spell is really powerful."

"How did you explain it to the Second Immortal Concubine?" Shen Qing pushed the tea cup in front of him.

"Second Senior Sister, I didn't ask too much. The great magical power of Hua Yu is Ming Da." Zhui'er sincerely praised Second Senior Sister.

Shen Qing smiled lightly and thought to herself, she already knew it well. People must have known everything about your relationship with Sijia in your previous life, and they could guess it without asking.

"How far did you finally comprehend the spell?"

Zhui'er rolled his eyes and said, "Second Senior Sister said it can cause damage to mid-stage Nascent Soul monks, but because I can't send and receive it at will, I'm told not to use it when facing enemies."

Shen Qing secretly clicked his tongue. This kid is so unbelievable. He can achieve this result just by meditating casually. Even if Sijia says that his spells are the best, there still has to be a process of cultivation. , I haven’t seen him comprehend it in these years, let alone practice it. Suddenly, it can cause harm to the monks in the middle stage of Nascent Soul. Is this still a human being?

The spell involves the secrets of the Yuanyi tribe, so she couldn't ask too much, so she vented her resentment that she had been holding back for more than two months and said, "Last time you said that you met a huge blessing, which made me think about it all these days. Come on, remember this, so you don’t have to make a special trip to show off to me if you can’t tell me right away.”

"Hehe..." Zhui'er smiled a little evilly. He knew that this matter would definitely make Shen Qing miss him, but he felt itchy and panicked if he didn't tell Shen Qing about such a big happy event. Anyway, this blessing was big enough, and it hurt him. It's nothing for Shen Qing to worry about.

"Why did you come to see me?" Shen Qing stopped asking about Fuyuan. If Zhui'er could say it, she would definitely say it. No matter how anxious she is, she must endure it. This is her temperament. , which is also her way of getting along with others.

"I just gave Shu Yan a lecture on Taoism, and then I wanted to come and talk to you."

"Okay." Shen Qing carefully glanced at Shu Yan with his consciousness, and said with a smile on his lips, "You told her to go into seclusion? Her abilities are getting better and better."

"Hehe, please be careful and don't let me tell you to go into seclusion."

Shen Qing picked up his tea cup and took a sip, and said calmly, "It's not like it never happened. Let's talk about it."

There was no need to worry about talking about Taoism with Shen Qing. The two of them talked for more than two hours.

However, Zhui'er had reservations this time because he wanted to discuss some issues after Shen Qing had seen the Immortal Qiankun Bag.

Late at night, Zhui'er began to feel a little absent-minded. He said he was a little tired and asked Shen Qing to accompany him to the apricot grove.

When the two of them were walking in the moonlit apricot forest, Zhui'er would look in the direction where he and his second senior sister lived from time to time.

Shen Qing asked, "Are you waiting for the call from the Second Immortal Concubine?"

"She is in seclusion." Zhui'er flew up and picked an apricot fruit, then stood in mid-air above the apricot forest, eating it and looking around, as if admiring the scenery under the moonlight.

Shen Qing glanced at him silently, then walked leisurely and thought about some of the issues they had just discussed. She could tell that Zhui'er must be pretending to be something. Shu Yan nodded, "Of course I've heard of it." She knew more about Qianxu Palace than Zhui'er because she had a bunch of senior sisters who couldn't keep their mouth shut.

"Then do you know who is guarding the Jade Scripture Pavilion?"

"Master Hengcha."

Zhui'er was startled for a moment. He didn't expect that Shu Yan even knew this. He calmed down and continued, "Since you know, it's easier to do it? Master Hengcha's cultivation has been stagnant for thousands of years in the late Yuanying period." I have already given up on breaking through the realm, and I am very impatient with life. If not for the persuasion of several other masters, I would have given up long ago."

"Yeah." Shu Yan nodded and waited eagerly for him to continue. She was particularly interested in such secrets. .??.

Zhui'er's expression became more serious as he said, "I met Master Hengcha by chance and told him a little bit about his views on cultivation. He praised me greatly, and then he couldn't wait to retreat."

"Really or not?" Shu Yan thought this was a bit too evil. A young monk in the Dan formation stage was preaching to the master in the late Nascent Soul stage, and even made the master impatient to go into seclusion. Zhui'er was so powerful. It's not that powerful.

Zhui'er watched in silence as she passed on the memory of Uncle Hengcha praising him.

Shu Yan was stunned for a while, then grabbed Zhui'er's arm and asked, "What did you tell him? Tell me quickly."

Zhui'er looked at her with calm eyes and said, "What I want to tell you is the part I told Uncle Hengcha. Don't worry, stay calm and concentrate. I will explain it to you in detail, and I am better than before." Have a deeper understanding.”

Shu Yan closed her eyes to calm down, and then listened solemnly to Zhuo'er's lecture on Taoism.

Zhui'er's Taoism refers directly to the truth that when the world of cultivation was formed, everyone found their own way. It explores the correct method of cultivation from the root. When I talked with Uncle Hengcha, it couldn't be called Taoism. It could only be called Taoism. It was just an idea. Now with the deepening of understanding, he also learned the Lingxin Clan's skills from Minglan, and after integrating them, he gradually became a Taoist method. Of course, what he wanted to teach Shu Yan was still focused on enlightening Master Hengcha. The purpose of uncle's part is to enhance Shu Yan's confidence and give her a perspective on the way of cultivation. This will not fundamentally subvert her understanding of cultivation. Those views that completely negate the cultivation world can only be discussed by Shen Qing. , although the various miraculous events that happened to him have subverted the inherent understanding of the cultivation world, such as the continuous breaking of realms, everyone still regarded it as a weird and special situation. Only he knew that there might be a way out. After a clear path is established and the Tao Dharma is formed, everyone can leave.

Although Zhuo'er didn't say anything too subversive, Shu Yan still had the shocking feeling of entering a new world. This was inevitable. Even Heng Cha in the late Yuan Ying felt a sudden awakening after listening to it, let alone her knot. As for the little nun in the late Dan period.

After listening to Zhui'er's story, Shu Yan went into seclusion and left Shu Yan's residence. Zhui'er wandered around in the fruity apricot forest for a while, and finally came to the place where Shen Qing lived. Shen Qing's cabin disappeared. This was the start of the magic circle retreat. Zhui'er slowly and gently circled around the location of the cabin.

Just after turning around, Shen Qing's voice came out, "Next time you want to wake me up, be quick." Before he finished speaking, the magic circle opened.

Zhui'er walked in and said, "Hey, I'm just giving it a try. If you retreat too deeply, I won't disturb you."

Shen Qing did not put away the protective magic circle. After Zhui'er sat down across from the table, she poured tea for Zhui'er and asked, "Two months ago, I

I feel a strange magic attack, which is very similar to the Yuanyi clan's spell. Is it you who created it? "

Zhui'er answered honestly, "Yes, I inadvertently came to understand the spell that Sijia taught me that day. I didn't expect that it would cause such a big fuss. The Yuanyi tribe's spell is really powerful."

"How did you explain it to the Second Immortal Concubine?" Shen Qing pushed the tea cup in front of him.

"Second Senior Sister, I didn't ask too much. The great magical power of Hua Yu is Ming Da." Zhui'er sincerely praised Second Senior Sister.

Shen Qing smiled lightly and thought to herself, she already knew it well. People must have known everything about your relationship with Sijia in your previous life, and they could guess it without asking.

"How far did you finally comprehend the spell?"

Zhui'er rolled his eyes and said, "Second Senior Sister said it can cause damage to mid-stage Nascent Soul monks, but because I can't send and receive it at will, I'm told not to use it when facing enemies."

Shen Qing secretly clicked his tongue. This kid is so unbelievable. He can achieve this result just by meditating casually. Even if Sijia says that his spells are the best, there still has to be a process of cultivation. , I haven’t seen him comprehend it in these years, let alone practice it. Suddenly, it can cause harm to the monks in the middle stage of Nascent Soul. Is this still a human being?

The spell involves the secrets of the Yuanyi tribe, so she couldn't ask too much, so she vented her resentment that she had been holding back for more than two months and said, "Last time you said you had a huge blessing, which made me think about it all these days. Come on, remember this, so you don’t have to make a special trip to show off to me if you can’t tell me right away.”

"Hehe..." Zhui'er smiled a little evilly. He knew that this matter would definitely make Shen Qing miss him, but he felt itchy and panicked if he didn't tell Shen Qing about such a big happy event. Anyway, this blessing was big enough. It's nothing for Shen Qing to worry about.

"Why did you come to see me?" Shen Qing stopped asking about Fuyuan. If Zhui'er could say it, she would definitely say it. No matter how anxious she is, she must endure it. This is her temperament. , which is also her way of getting along with others.

"I just gave Shu Yan a lecture on Taoism, and then I wanted to come and talk to you."

"Okay." Shen Qing carefully glanced at Shu Yan with his consciousness, and said with a smile on his lips, "You told her to go into seclusion? Her abilities are getting better and better."

"Hehe, please be careful and don't let me tell you to go into seclusion."

Shen Qing picked up his tea cup and took a sip. He said calmly, "It's not like it never happened. Let's talk about it."

There was no need to worry about talking about Taoism with Shen Qing. The two of them talked for more than two hours.

However, Zhui'er had reservations this time because he wanted to discuss some issues after Shen Qing had seen the Immortal Qiankun Bag.

Late at night, Zhui'er began to feel a little absent-minded. He said he was a little tired and asked Shen Qing to accompany him to the apricot grove.

When the two of them were walking in the moonlit apricot forest, Zhui'er would look in the direction where he and his second senior sister lived from time to time.

Shen Qing asked, "Are you waiting for the call from the Second Immortal Concubine?"

"She is in seclusion." Zhui'er flew up and picked an apricot fruit, then stood in mid-air above the apricot forest, eating it and looking around, as if admiring the scenery under the moonlight.

Shen Qing glanced at him silently, then walked leisurely and thought about some of the issues the two had just discussed. She could tell that Zhui'er must be pretending to be something.

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