Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 1656 The green moss is completely dry

Zhui'er realized that he had spoken too harshly and said with a grimace, "You can't push me around like this. If you're in this state, it's hard for you to get into the Qiankun Bag..."

Shen Qing looked at the case and raised his hand to stop him. He tried his best to use a calm tone and said, "You don't need to say anything, I understand."

Zhui'er chewed her teeth and spoke again, "Believe me, don't worry, Second Senior Sister is here now, and I promise to send her away. I will definitely let you enter the Qiankun Bag today. Second Senior Sister really promises it." No, she won’t coax me, and she can’t coax me either.”

Shen Qing closed her eyes and nodded gently, then took a deep breath to calm her mind. When she opened her eyes again after a few breaths, her eyes had returned to their former wise glory, and she had returned to the aloof and cold person. The sweet girl of heaven.

"You're right. In my situation just now, I can't understand the way of heaven even if it is placed in front of me. Losing my state of mind is much more unfortunate than losing this blessing. You reminded me in time. There is no need to say anything else. Just Let’s talk about this Qiankun bag.”

"Hey! Okay." Shen Qing's rapid transformation made it a little difficult for Zhui'er to adapt. He picked up the tea cup and took a sip before he started talking. He didn't tell the origin of the Qiankun Bag. Shen Qing wouldn't care about this now, so he just started talking. He directly talked about the magic of the Qiankun Bag that he had experienced.

As Zhui'er narrated, Shen Qing remained calm, only his eyes flickered from time to time.

"That's all I know so far. Get ready. I'll send you in when you're ready. But we have to agree not to run around after you get in. Don't let me worry. We have plenty of time, so we can let you go slowly." explore."

Shen Qing's eyes flashed with enthusiasm, and he nodded, "I'm ready, don't worry, I won't let you lecture me again."

Zhui'er smiled awkwardly and said, "How did I teach you a lesson? I just advised you to calm down."

"You taught me a lesson." Shen Qing stood up after saying that, glanced at the Qiankun bag in Zhuo'er's hand and closed it.

Eyes, she must concentrate on experiencing this magical journey, starting from the moment she is sent into the Qiankun Bag.

"Attention." Zhui'er warned before urging the Qiankun bag to put her in it.

Shen Qing's behavior after arriving inside was similar to when Zhi Xia went in for the first time, because he knew more things in advance than Zhi Xia, which made up for the difference in cultivation, otherwise Shen Qing would definitely be much more excited than Zhi Xia.

After looking at the space excitedly for a while, Shen Qing said, "Zhui'er, tell me something." Her voice was a little trembling.

"I'm watching you, don't worry."

Shen Qing also raised his head and looked at the sky like Zhi Xia did, "It is indeed as the Second Immortal Concubine said, your voice seems to come from the gods in the upper world." After verifying this, she stopped paying attention to Zhui'er.

Shen Qing was proud of herself, and she quickly stabilized her mind and began to calmly comprehend this strange space. She did what she said, and only walked a few circles within a radius of ten miles without letting her fall. My son is worried about this.

Less than half an hour later, Zhui'er began to urge, "Come out first. Your cultivation is not as good as that of Second Senior Sister. Let's be careful. If there are no injuries, we can stay a little longer next time."

"Okay, let me stay a little longer."

Although Shen Qing agreed very well, she delayed it for a while, and Zhui'er was a little anxious before she was willing to come out. Before she came out, she placed a spiritual stone on the big bluestone, and put it on the big bluestone. Another piece hangs next to the big bluestone.

As soon as she came out, she asked, "Look, what happened to the two spiritual stones?"

Zhui'er stretched out his hand to catch a spiritual stone that flew out of the Qiankun bag, "Hanging on

The piece on the side fell down after you came out, and the other piece is still on the bluestone. "

"Oh..." Shen Qing took the spirit stone and fell into thought.

"Do you still need me here?" Zhui'er asked knowingly.

"Don't leave yet." Shen Qing put away the spiritual stone, took the Qiankun bag in Zhui'er's hand and looked at it, then stared into Zhui'er's eyes and said, "If you can break a hole from the inside, You can reach another realm.”

"Don't think about it now, it will be useless if you really break the Qiankun Bag." Zhui'er's heart was lifted. He understood what Shen Qing meant. This fairy had broken through the Silent Spirit Space.

"Of course I won't do that." Shen Qing said with flashing eyes. ??

Zhui'er bit her lip and secretly warned herself that she must be on guard against her. This sister would do anything for the sake of the road.

"Don't worry, I won't destroy your baby. You don't look like a person who wants to be righteous anymore." Shen Qing was so amused by his behavior that he wanted to laugh.

"I don't have high hopes for the Great Dao. Anyway, if you want to try this, you have to tell me first. This is an immortal treasure, and you have to show it to Shu Yan and the others."

Shen Qing said disdainfully, "It scares you, but you don't even think about it. If I can break it, can it still be considered an immortal treasure?"

Zhui'er said disapprovingly, "Didn't I tell you? Second Senior Sister concluded that it is not the same as before. I think it will definitely become much more fragile and must be carefully protected."

Shen Qing nodded and said, "She said that the idea of ​​adding another small crescent moon is worth a try. If one fails, continue adding until the green moss on the bluestone can survive. I just saw that the green moss is completely dry."

Zhui'er complained, "Every one of you is more courageous than the other, and each of you is more daring to think and do than the other."

, not your baby anyway. "

Shen Qing couldn't help but laugh and teased, "So you are obsessed with money sometimes?"

Zhui'er rolled his eyes and said, "Here you are, maybe you are even more obsessed with money than me. This is an out-and-out fairy treasure. There are only a few of them in the entire cultivation world. Even if I let you in once, you will be so excited. How dare you say it?" I am obsessed with money."

Shen Qing was choked so much that her pretty face turned red. She pointed at Zhuo'er in embarrassment and said, "If you dare to tell others about this, I'll beat you to death!"

Zhui'er chuckled and said, "So you know how to be embarrassed?"

Shen Qing gave him a sharp look and said, "Let's go, let's go. It's so confusing that I'm not even in the mood to understand."

Just as Zhui'er was about to leave, Shen Qing pulled him back and said, "Forget it, your mood has been disturbed anyway. Let's talk to each other about our feelings about this space first."

"It's up to you." Zhui'er thought to himself, don't put the blame on me, you are just like Second Senior Sister and can't calm down.

Feelings in the heart can trigger enlightenment, but if you feel too many things at once, you will not be able to enter the state of enlightenment. There is undoubtedly a lot of mystery contained in this Qiankun bag, and it needs to be sorted out first.

"First tell me how you got this Qiankun Bag." Shen Qing had time to worry about this issue.

"I can't tell you this."

Shen Qing glanced at Zhui'er with a meaningful look. There were not many things that Zhui'er couldn't tell her. It must have involved some great supernatural power who had a predestined relationship with him.

"Okay, then I won't ask any more questions. Tell me about the mystery you experience from this Universe Bag."

Zhui'er spoke without thinking, thinking that it would be best to send the remaining people in groups, otherwise he would have to tell everyone over and over again.

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