Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 1663 Try it on me

"You...can kill a mid-stage Nascent Soul monk so easily?" Jiang Xiao could only ask this.

Zhui'er shook his head and said, "I didn't expect that either. Before, I just thought that fighting against two or three early-stage Nascent Souls shouldn't be a disadvantage. But now... I feel like I can handle it head-on against two or three mid-stage Nascent Souls."

"Then isn't your cultivation equivalent to the late Yuanying stage? At least it must be considered the middle stage of the Yuanying stage." Jiangxiao considered the factor of Lingbao and felt that it was more reliable to settle on the middle stage of the Yuanying stage.

"It's not that evil. The main purpose this time is to kill them by surprise, but it should be enough to say that they are close to the middle stage of Nascent Soul."

Jiangxiao took a deep breath and her eyes filled with joy, "No wonder you have to wait for Lu Gang and the others. It turns out you are so powerful!" As for what level Zhui'er's cultivation level should be, she felt there was no need to discuss it. , anyway, it’s enough to know that he can kill the monks in the middle stage of Nascent Soul. There is no point in assigning a level to his weird cultivation. She was really happy for Zhui’er, thinking silently in her heart, Xunyi, Xunyi, you can really surprise me. Ah, I knew there was nothing you couldn't do! She was feeling energetic again now, but just now she was still hopeless and just hoping that Zhui'er could escape with her life.

Zhui'er giggled happily, proving that he actually had such great abilities. Of course he was so happy that he could laugh even in his dreams.

"Is your injury really okay?" He looked at the blood on the corner of Jiang Xiao's mouth and felt unspeakable distress and self-blame. If he had been there to guard her honestly, Jiang Xiao would have been beaten like this.

"It's okay, it'll be fine in two days." Jiangxiao wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, then winked at Zhui'er and said, "We have to hide this matter. If we let them know, we will definitely get scolded."

"Of course." Zhui'er smiled knowingly.

"This Xuanshui Sword is really powerful." Jiang Xiao admired sincerely.

"I didn't expect it to be so powerful. I just coaxed the weapon spirit to play with it for a while when I was bored. It's not a formal fusion. But it was quite easy to activate it just now. No wonder it is so famous."

"I think my Xuan'a won't be bad either." Jiangxiao Rong Lian Xuan'a's mood became even higher.

"It's definitely not worse than the Xuanshui Sword. You have to hurry up and refine it. If you can use it, these four people won't be enough for you to kill."

Jiang Xiao was so beautiful that she pursed her lips and smiled and said, "Isn't this nonsense? It's easy to kill a monk of one level higher with a high-grade spiritual treasure. These four are nothing." She couldn't help but say curse words when she was so happy, she said After that, he covered his mouth and laughed.

"You heal your injuries first, and we'll continue the melting process as soon as the injuries are healed."


This can be regarded as the boldness of an expert. They had just experienced a near-death escape. Not only did the two of them not have the timidity to survive the disaster, but they were even more courageous. They did not consider that the escaped old man would find someone to take revenge.

When he turned back into a three-foot-tall little monkey and jumped back, clutching his left shoulder, Zhui'er finally thought of this question and asked, "Where did these people come from? How did you get into a fight with them?"

Jiangxiao looked at the little monkey's injuries and said, "They killed me as soon as they came up. They must be a group of bandits who make a living by robbing. Don't worry, the one who ran away is not in danger. Once such a small gang is beaten, Once disabled, it will be difficult to become a good person again.”

"Oh, these people." Zhui'erpo

He shook his head in disgust. What he hated most now was people with bad conduct, even more than monsters. "I really should have killed that white-haired old guy just now."

Jiang Xiao looked at him suspiciously and said, "Can you kill him? You were still several thousand feet away from him at that time."

Zhui'er pondered and said, "I saw that he could no longer threaten you, so I didn't try. I killed three people in a row. Once the anxiety subsided, I felt a little panicked and didn't want to kill anyone anymore."

"Are you really capable of chasing him?" Jiang Xiao was surprised again.

Zhui'er shook his head and said, "My abilities are useless if I haven't tried them before. I don't know much about them myself."

"Come on, come on, try me. You have to know your own abilities well." Jiangxiao said and was about to go thousands of feet away to help Zhuo'er practice.

Zhui'er pulled her and said, "Please let me worry less and heal my wounds quickly. People will notice it when I go back like this."

"Then wait until I recover and try again." Jiangxiao felt that it was really time to recover first, so she fell to the grass below and began to meditate.

Zhui'er and the little monkey vigilantly stood guard nearby. The little monkey was not seriously injured, and the expression on his face was more excited than painful. He beat the spirit beast that had been entangled with it to death, and tore it into pieces. The female nun who hurt it was avenged.

After all, Zhui'er didn't take Jiangxiao to the test, because it was impossible to control the severity of the attack with a useless spell. He couldn't let Jiangxiao take such a risk no matter what.

After returning home, Jiangxiao pretended to be in seclusion for about ten days, and then happily went out with Zhui'er to refine Xuan'a.

After finding a good place, Jiangxiao immediately started to melt. Zhui'er didn't dare to slack off this time. He led the little monkey to guard it carefully from a distance of ten thousand feet. After a while, the little monkey noticed something, but he didn't show any vigilance. He looked in that direction with his round eyes.

Zhui'er concentrated his consciousness and swept in the direction the little monkey was looking. After failing to detect any clues, he used his mind to sense it again. After a hundred years of dreams, his magical power has also improved. Not only is the sensing distance much farther, but the power is also It's a lot bigger, otherwise it would be impossible to frighten a giant python that is approaching the middle stage of Nascent Soul with just one shout, so that it won't dare to move for a long time.

This perception brought a smile to his eyes. Xiyang was hidden dozens of miles away. He could already identify these familiar people with his mind's perception. It felt really amazing.

These two people have been sneaking around for more than half a year. Xiyang has noticed it for a long time. Today, he really can't help but want to see what they are doing.

Of course Zhui'er could guess what Xiyang was doing, so he pretended not to notice and looked elsewhere.

Xiyang quietly went back after seeing clearly that Jiangxiao was refining Xuan'a. Jiangxiao's willfulness really made him helpless. Why couldn't he wait so much? The two immortal concubines both said that they would personally help her refine it after passing the customs. It was a spiritual treasure. She couldn't wait for such a short period of time, and she also asked Zhui'er, who was in the elixir formation stage, to protect her. It was a shame she could think of it.

But now that he has released the little monkey, he can rest assured, because after suffering two serious injuries in Beijiang and Shui Qingzhou, Jiang Xiao's cultivation level is already slightly higher than his, and he doesn't want to do it in secret If Jiang Xiao notices it, it will be bad. He can only go back and ask Jiang Xiao to explain the matter and persuade him.

Shortly after Xiyang left, a strong warning sign suddenly arose in Zhui'er's heart for no reason! "You...can kill a mid-stage Nascent Soul monk so easily?" Jiang Xiao could only ask.

Zhui'er shook his head and said, "I didn't expect that either. Before, I just thought that fighting against two or three early-stage Nascent Souls shouldn't be a disadvantage. But now... I feel like I can handle it head-on against two or three mid-stage Nascent Souls."

"Then isn't your cultivation equivalent to the late Yuanying stage? At least it must be considered the middle stage of the Yuanying stage." Jiangxiao considered the factor of Lingbao and felt that it was more reliable to settle on the middle stage of the Yuanying stage.

"It's not that evil. The main purpose this time is to kill them by surprise, but it should be enough to say that they are close to the middle stage of Nascent Soul."

Jiangxiao took a deep breath and her eyes filled with joy, "No wonder you have to wait for Lu Gang and the others. It turns out you are so powerful!" As for what level Zhui'er's cultivation level should be, she felt there was no need to discuss it. , anyway, it’s enough to know that he can kill the monks in the middle stage of Nascent Soul. There is no point in assigning a level to his weird cultivation. She was really happy for Zhui’er, thinking silently in her heart, Xunyi, Xunyi, you can really surprise me. Ah, I knew there was nothing you couldn't do! She was feeling energetic again now, but just now she was still hopeless and just hoping that Zhui'er could escape with her life.

Zhui'er giggled happily, proving that he actually had such great abilities. Of course he was so happy that he could laugh even in his dreams.

"Is your injury really okay?" He looked at the blood on the corner of Jiang Xiao's mouth and felt unspeakable distress and self-blame. If he had been there to guard her honestly, Jiang Xiao would have been beaten like this.

"It's okay, it'll be fine in just two days." Jiangxiao wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, then winked at Zhui'er and said, "We have to hide this matter. If we let them know, we will definitely get scolded."

"Of course." Zhui'er smiled knowingly.

"This Xuanshui Sword is really powerful." Jiang Xiao admired sincerely.

"I didn't expect it to be so powerful. I just coaxed the weapon spirit to play with it for a while when I was bored. It's not a formal fusion. But it was quite easy to activate it just now. No wonder it is so famous."

"I think my Xuan'a won't be bad either." Jiangxiao Rong Lian Xuan'a's mood became even higher.

"It's definitely no worse than the Xuanshui Sword. You have to hurry up and refine it. If you can use it, these four people won't be enough for you to kill."

Jiang Xiao was so beautiful that she pursed her lips and smiled and said, "Isn't this nonsense? It's easy to kill a monk of one level higher with a high-grade spiritual treasure. These four are nothing." She couldn't help but say curse words when she was so happy, she said After that, he covered his mouth and laughed.

"You heal your injuries first, and we'll continue the melting process as soon as the injuries are healed."


This can be regarded as the boldness of an expert. They had just experienced a near-death escape. Not only did the two of them not have the timidity to survive the disaster, but they were even more courageous. They did not consider that the escaped old man would find someone to take revenge.

When he turned back into a three-foot-tall little monkey and jumped back, clutching his left shoulder, Zhui'er finally thought of this question and asked, "Where did these people come from? How did you get into a fight with them?"

Jiangxiao looked at the little monkey's injuries and said, "They killed me as soon as they came up. They must be a group of bandits who make a living by robbing. Don't worry, the one who ran away is not in danger. Once such a small gang is beaten, Once disabled, it will be difficult to become a good person again.”

"Oh, these people." Zhui'erpo

He shook his head in disgust. What he hated most now was people with bad conduct, even more than monsters. "I really should have killed that white-haired old guy just now."

Jiang Xiao looked at him suspiciously and said, "Can you kill him? You were still several thousand feet away from him at that time."

Zhui'er pondered and said, "I saw that he could no longer threaten you, so I didn't try. I killed three people in a row. Once the anxiety subsided, I felt a little panicked and didn't want to kill anyone anymore."

"Are you really capable of chasing him?" Jiang Xiao was surprised again.

Zhui'er shook his head and said, "My abilities are useless unless I try them, and I don't know much about them."

"Come on, come on, try me. You have to know your own abilities well." Jiangxiao said and was about to go thousands of feet away to help Zhuo'er practice.

Zhui'er pulled her and said, "Please let me worry less and heal my wounds quickly. People will notice it when I go back like this."

"Then wait until I recover and try again." Jiangxiao felt that it was really time to recover first, so she fell to the grass below and began to meditate.

Zhui'er and the little monkey vigilantly stood guard nearby. The little monkey was not seriously injured, and the expression on his face was more excited than painful. He beat the spirit beast that had been entangled with it to death, and tore it into pieces. The female nun who hurt it was avenged.

After all, Zhui'er didn't take Jiangxiao to the test, because it was impossible to control the severity of the attack with a useless spell. He couldn't let Jiangxiao take such a risk no matter what.

After returning home, Jiangxiao pretended to be in seclusion for about ten days, and then happily went out with Zhui'er to refine Xuan'a.

After finding a good place, Jiangxiao immediately started to melt. Zhui'er didn't dare to slack off this time. He led the little monkey to guard it carefully from a distance of ten thousand feet. After a while, the little monkey noticed something, but he didn't show any vigilance. The expression on his face was just that of looking over there with his round eyes.

Zhui'er concentrated his consciousness and swept in the direction the little monkey was looking. After failing to detect any clues, he used his mind to sense it again. After a hundred years of dreams, his magical power has also improved. Not only is the sensing distance much farther, but the power is also It's a lot bigger, otherwise it would be impossible to frighten a giant python that is approaching the middle stage of Nascent Soul with just one shout, so that it won't dare to move for a long time.

This perception brought a smile to his eyes. Xiyang was hidden dozens of miles away. He could already identify these familiar people with his mind's perception. It felt really amazing.

These two people have been sneaking around for more than half a year. Xiyang has noticed it for a long time. Today, he really can't help but want to see what they are doing.

Of course Zhui'er could guess what Xiyang was doing, so he pretended not to notice and looked elsewhere.

Xiyang quietly went back after seeing clearly that Jiangxiao was refining Xuan'a. Jiangxiao's willfulness really made him helpless. Why couldn't he wait so much? The two immortal concubines both said that they would personally help her refine it after passing the customs. It was a spiritual treasure. She couldn't wait for such a short period of time, and she also asked Zhui'er, who was in the elixir formation stage, to protect her. It was a shame she could think of it.

But now that he has released the little monkey, he can rest assured, because after suffering two serious injuries in Beijiang and Shui Qingzhou, Jiang Xiao's cultivation level is already slightly higher than his, and he doesn't want to do it in secret If Jiang Xiao notices it, it will be bad. He can only go back and ask Jiang Xiao to explain the matter and persuade him.

Shortly after Xiyang left, a strong warning sign suddenly arose in Zhui'er's heart for no reason!

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