Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 1665: Evil people will have their own troubles

Zhui'er was already in a hurry. What he wanted to use was the volleying finger that he learned from Xuan Su Tian Wen. This trick was originally ineffective, but after a long dream, he taught Uncle Heng Si how to use it. He had some understanding of the "Virtual Shadow Technique", and coupled with Minglan Chuan's technique, he felt that he had a good feel for this move. If he could use it, he might be able to severely damage the opponent, but unfortunately he still couldn't use it in the end. Come out, although he has many methods, there is nothing left after using it here. It seems that he can only reveal the secret of the Immortal Qiankun Bag to gain a chance to deal with it. He is the only one who can use this Immortal Treasure. I forgive them for not being able to use it. Will kill himself casually.

Zhui'er wasn't desperate yet. As long as they didn't dare to kill him, it would be easy to handle. He couldn't deal with the three great monks in the late Yuan Ying stage, but if he could seize an opportunity where they were alone, then he might be able to kill them and put them to death. It doesn't matter if his Qi Palace is sealed, he can still use his killing moves without spiritual power.

Dao Scarmei's sudden retreat caused the other two people to stop in a hurry. Zhui'er was proud to be able to scare three great monks of the late Nascent Soul to this level.

"You! Go and seal him." One person ordered the white-haired old man hiding in the distance.

The white-haired old man's expression changed immediately when he heard this, and he cursed these three people in his heart for being so shameless. The three great monks in the late Yuan Ying stage were so frightened by a young monk in the elixir formation stage that they did not dare to step forward and asked him to ventilate them. It was so inhumane to ask someone who brought a message and a big gift to ask questions. If he had known this, he would never go to these three brothers. This time he was really trapped in a cocoon. At this point, he understood that his old life was almost No, even if the little monk couldn't kill him, these three brothers would probably kill him because he saw the ugliness these three people made.

When the white-haired old man approached, Zhui'er wanted to kill him. He hated this scourge that caused trouble again and again, but Zhui'er didn't want to continue to expose his methods because of him. These methods had to be reserved to deal with the three Nascent Souls. As a late-stage great monk, although Zhui'er doesn't like to play tricks, he has wisdom. Wisdom is higher than scheming. It not only allows Zhui'er to observe the situation and come up with strategies, but also allows him to be calm and not impulsive because he can see the overall situation clearly. It’s not about restraining impulses, it’s about not having impulses.

"You will definitely die, you already know it." Zhui'er said to the old man calmly and confidently like a wise man who has understood destiny.

The old man's eyes narrowed, and even the little monk could see through his end, which made him even more desperate. He wanted to kidnap Zhui'er. In the worst case, he would die with the little monk, but he gave up on this the next moment. The thought was that the cruelty of the three brothers made him weak. If he obeyed, he could at least die a quick death. If he failed to resist, the tragic ending would be unimaginable.

"You are just a bedbug. You are not worthy of being punished. They will just crush you to death." Zhui'er seemed to have seen through the old man's heart and wanted to encourage him to cause trouble. Although he was prepared for the worst, at this time It would be good to delay for a moment longer.

The old man's eyes flashed. What the young monk said was quite reasonable. In this case, the three brothers probably didn't have time to torture themselves, so why don't they fight to the death? But his chances of winning against these three brothers were extremely slim, and it was really hard for him to muster the courage.

"Hurry up!" Dao Scar eyebrow urged impatiently.

This scolding made the old man's liver and gallbladder tremble, and all his thoughts of resistance disappeared. He leaned towards Zhui'er with a desperate death light in his eyes.

"Trash, a despicable trash like you deserves to be punished. That is very satisfying." Zhui'er looked at the old man with contempt and gloating, as if he had seen his end.

Zhui'er's gesture made the old man even more frightened about his upcoming fate.

He was scared and annoyed. He also wanted to hit Zhui'er, but his death was right in front of him and he was not in the mood to argue with others, so he accepted his fate and pinched the seal and pressed it towards Zhui'er.

With a flash of clear light, Zhui'er activated the evil-eliminating shield. He had to delay until the end. Although the chance of Second Senior Sister and the others being able to arrive in time was slim, as long as there were still available means, he would persist a little longer.

The evil-eliminating shield Hengguan Xianzun prepared for Zhui'er cannot be an ordinary product. Although it is vulnerable in the eyes of the monks in the late Yuanying stage, it can still withstand attacks from the mid-stage Yuanying stage, and the seal is blocked. .

"I can't break his defensive magic weapon." The white-haired old man said to the three brothers with a lot of self-knowledge.

"What a useless waste!" The man who took the Xuanshui Sword cursed, and had no choice but to seal Zhuo'er himself. When he flew over, a warning sign suddenly appeared in his heart, and then he saw a female cultivator appear. Thousands of feet away.

This female cultivator was wearing a brown monk's robe, her hair was tawny, her complexion was not fair, her appearance was plain and she looked like she was in her thirties, her eyes were calm and indifferent.

The female cultivator who could appear so quietly in front of three late-stage Nascent Soul monks was definitely not an ordinary female cultivator. She was the Immortal Concubine Huayu! Even Zhuo'er understands this truth.

Everyone froze and dared not move. The air seemed to be stagnant. No one knew this fairy concubine, and no one dared to act rashly until they understood her intentions.

"Who are you? What are you doing here?" The fairy concubine's tone seemed a little bored.

The white-haired old man and the three brothers hesitated and did not answer immediately. They are all notorious people, and reporting their names may not bring any good results.

"This junior is a disciple of Zixiao Palace..." Zhui'er also muttered a little about taking the name of Zixiao Palace. This place is far away from the jurisdiction of Qianzonghui, and many of the people who live outside the jurisdiction are related to the Nine Sects. Hateful.

Before Zhui'er finished speaking, a voice came from afar, "He is my junior brother, Xing'er, please pay your respects to Junior Uncle Chixia." Before he finished speaking, Zhixia had already arrived in front of everyone.

It was the Fairy Chixia, the master of Yunxing Pavilion and the master of Yanxia and others, who came. Three hundred years ago, Xunyi informed her of the death of Ling Pingzi. The fairy left Yunxing Pavilion in agitated mood. Now she remembered that the deadline for returning Yunxing Pavilion had come. She came to visit her four disciples. After seeing the disputes so close to Yunxing Pavilion, she sent Taoist thoughts to Yunxing Pavilion. I wanted to ask what was going on, but this divine thought directly woke Zhixia up.

"My nephew Langxing pays homage to my uncle! Don't let them run away!" Zhui'er was so excited that he saluted and asked his uncle Chixia and the second senior sister. This is truly a blessing from heaven!

Zhixia also nodded to Fairy Chixia as a gift. Given her status and cultivation, this was enough. It meant that Xunyi helped Zixiao Palace and Yunxing Pavilion resolve their grudges. Otherwise, she would only rely on her cultivation to fight Chixia. Xia's peers discuss friendship.

"No need to be polite." Chixia Fairy also nodded to Zhixia, then waved to Zhui'er, and then asked Zhixia, "Where are my four disciples now?"

Before Zhixia could speak, Zhui'er rushed to answer, "I gave Senior Sister Yanxia and the others a new place to practice. I don't know if they have gone there or not. We will talk about this later. Let's capture a few of them first!"

Zhixia was afraid that Chixia would be suspicious, so she explained, "I have been in seclusion recently and have not seen Yanxia and the others. I think it was my little junior brother who took the initiative to talk to them." After saying that, she turned to Zhui'er and said, "None of these four people ran away. No, tell your uncle quickly why you didn't return Yunxing Pavilion to your four senior brothers and sisters. What did you guys talk about?" Zhui'er was already in a hurry. What he wanted to do was to use the volley that he understood from Xuan Su Astronomy. One finger, this move was originally useless, but after a long dream, he had some understanding of the "Shadow Technique" taught to him by Master Hengsi, and coupled with the technique taught by Ming Lan, he felt I have a good feel for this move. If I could use it, I might be able to severely damage the opponent. Unfortunately, I still couldn't use it. Although he has many methods, there is nothing left after using it here. It seems that he can only leak it. I have a chance to deal with the secret of the Immortal Qiankun Bag. I am the only one who can use this immortal treasure. I bet they will not kill me casually.

Zhui'er wasn't desperate yet. As long as they didn't dare to kill him, it would be easy to handle. He couldn't deal with the three great monks in the late Yuan Ying stage, but if he could seize an opportunity where they were alone, then he might be able to kill them and put them to death. It doesn't matter if his Qi Palace is sealed, he can still use his killing moves without spiritual power.

Dao Scarmei's sudden retreat caused the other two people to stop in a hurry. Zhui'er was proud to be able to scare three great monks in the late Yuan Ying stage like this.

"You! Go and seal him." One person ordered the white-haired old man hiding in the distance. .??.

The white-haired old man's expression changed immediately when he heard this, and he cursed these three people in his heart for being so shameless. The three great monks in the late Yuan Ying stage were so frightened by a young monk in the elixir formation stage that they did not dare to step forward and asked him to ventilate them. It was so inhumane to ask someone who brought a message and a big gift to ask questions. If he had known this, he would never go to these three brothers. This time he was really trapped in a cocoon. At this point, he understood that his old life was almost No, even if the little monk couldn't kill him, these three brothers would probably kill him because he saw the ugliness these three people made.

When the white-haired old man approached, Zhui'er wanted to kill him. He hated this scourge that caused trouble again and again, but Zhui'er didn't want to continue to expose his methods because of him. These methods had to be reserved to deal with the three Nascent Souls. As a late-stage great monk, although Zhui'er doesn't like to play tricks, he has wisdom. Wisdom is higher than scheming. It not only allows Zhui'er to observe the situation and come up with strategies, but also allows him to be calm and not impulsive because he can see the overall situation clearly. It’s not about restraining impulses, it’s about not having impulses.

"You will definitely die, you already know it." Zhui'er said to the old man calmly and confidently like a wise man who has understood destiny.

The old man's eyes narrowed, and even the little monk could see through his end, which made him even more desperate, and he began to kidnap Zhui'er. In the worst case, he would die with the little monk, but he gave up this the next moment. The thought was that the cruelty of the three brothers made him weak. If he obeyed, he could at least die a quick death. If he failed to resist, the tragic ending would be unimaginable.

"You are just a bedbug. You are not worthy of being punished. They will just crush you to death." Zhui'er seemed to have seen through the old man's heart and wanted to encourage him to cause trouble. Although he was prepared for the worst, at this time It would be good to delay for a moment longer.

The old man's eyes flashed. What the young monk said was quite reasonable. In this case, the three brothers probably didn't have time to torture themselves, so why don't they fight to the death? But his chances of winning against these three brothers were extremely slim, and it was really hard for him to muster the courage.

"Hurry up!" Dao Scar eyebrow urged impatiently.

This scolding made the old man's liver and gallbladder tremble, and the idea of ​​resistance suddenly disappeared. He leaned towards Zhui'er with a desperate death light in his eyes.

"Trash, a despicable trash like you deserves to be punished. That is very satisfying." Zhui'er looked at the old man with contempt and gloating, as if he had seen his end.

Zhui'er's gesture made the old man even more frightened about his upcoming fate.

He was scared and annoyed. He also wanted to hit Zhui'er, but his death was right in front of him and he was not in the mood to argue with others, so he accepted his fate and pinched the seal and pressed it towards Zhui'er.

With a flash of clear light, Zhui'er activated the evil-eliminating shield. He had to delay until the end. Although the chance of Second Senior Sister and the others being able to arrive in time was slim, as long as there were still available means, he would persist a little longer.

The evil-eliminating shield Hengguan Xianzun prepared for Zhui'er cannot be an ordinary product. Although it is vulnerable in the eyes of the monks in the late Yuanying stage, it can still withstand attacks from the mid-stage Yuanying stage, and the seal is blocked. .

"I can't break his defensive magic weapon." The white-haired old man said to the three brothers with a lot of self-knowledge.

"What a useless waste!" The man who took the Xuanshui Sword cursed, and had no choice but to seal Zhuo'er himself. When he flew over, a warning sign suddenly appeared in his heart, and then he saw a female cultivator appear. Thousands of feet away.

This female cultivator was wearing a brown monk's robe, her hair was tawny, her complexion was not fair, her appearance was plain and she looked like she was in her thirties, her eyes were calm and indifferent.

The female cultivator who could appear so quietly in front of three late-stage Nascent Soul monks was definitely not an ordinary female cultivator. She was the Immortal Concubine Huayu! Even Zhuo'er understands this truth.

Everyone froze and dared not move. The air seemed to be stagnant. No one knew this fairy concubine, and no one dared to act rashly until they understood her intentions.

"Who are you? What are you doing here?" The fairy concubine's tone seemed a little bored.

The white-haired old man and the three brothers hesitated and did not answer immediately. They are all notorious people, and reporting their names may not bring any good results.

"This junior is a disciple of Zixiao Palace..." Zhui'er also muttered a little about taking the name of Zixiao Palace. This place is far away from the jurisdiction of Qianzonghui, and many of the people who live outside the jurisdiction are related to the Nine Sects. Hateful.

Before Zhui'er finished speaking, a voice came from afar, "He is my junior brother, Xing'er, please pay your respects to Junior Uncle Chixia." Before he finished speaking, Zhixia had already arrived in front of everyone.

It was the Fairy Chixia, the master of Yunxing Pavilion and the master of Yanxia and others, who came. Three hundred years ago, Xunyi informed her of the death of Ling Pingzi. The fairy left Yunxing Pavilion in agitated mood. Now she remembered that the deadline for returning Yunxing Pavilion had come. She came to visit her four disciples. After seeing the disputes so close to Yunxing Pavilion, she sent Taoist thoughts to Yunxing Pavilion. I wanted to ask what was going on, but this divine thought directly woke Zhixia up.

"My nephew Langxing pays homage to my uncle! Don't let them run away!" Zhui'er was so excited that he saluted and asked his uncle Chixia and the second senior sister. This is truly a blessing from heaven!

Zhixia also nodded to Fairy Chixia as a gift. Given her status and cultivation, this was enough. It meant that Xunyi helped Zixiao Palace and Yunxing Pavilion resolve their grudges. Otherwise, she would only rely on her cultivation to fight Chixia. Xia's peers discuss friendship.

"No need to be polite." Chixia Fairy also nodded to Zhixia, then waved to Zhui'er, and then asked Zhixia, "Where are my four disciples now?"

Before Zhixia could speak, Zhui'er rushed to answer, "I gave Senior Sister Yanxia and the others a new place to practice. I don't know if they have gone there or not. We will talk about this later. Let's capture a few of them first!"

Zhixia was afraid that Chixia would be suspicious, so she explained, "I have been in seclusion recently and have not seen Yanxia and the others. I think it was my little junior brother who took the initiative to talk to them." After saying that, she turned to Zhui'er and said, "None of these four people ran away. No, please tell me why you didn’t return Yunxing Pavilion to your four senior brothers and sisters, and how you discussed it.”

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