Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 1674 Discussing Tao leads to punishment from heaven

Shen Qing did not agree with Zhui'er telling their Taoist teachings. Of course, it was for ordinary people. She had no objection to letting Monk Huayu help him understand it. When Zhui'er brought her over, she seemed very calm. She was not stage frightened when Monk Huayu talked about Taoism. She had always respected Monk Huayu when she and Xunyi were in the poor snowfield before. It was Xunyi who brought her to the realm of despising Monk Huayu.

No wonder Zhui'er wanted to be lazy. He had discussed too much with the three great powers in the past six months. It was really tiring to talk to Zhixia and Shen Qing respectively. After bringing Shen Qing over, he started talking carefully, He was cautious mainly because he was afraid of surprising the second senior sister.

To Zhui'er's expectation, the second senior sister behaved extremely calmly. In fact, this is not difficult to understand. Speaking of which, Zhixia is now the person who knows Zhui'er the most besides Shen Qing. Her retreat after Zhui'er's dream was already She was thinking about whether mana could be independent of cultivation, so Zhui'er's remarks that subverted the cultivation world had less of an impact on her.

Zhui'er talked about Zhi Xia and discussed with him, but Shen Qing never said a word, because she had already gone a long way on this road, far ahead of Zhi Xia. The questions that troubled her could not be answered by Zhi Xia. She just came here. After listening to the remarks of Xiaoyao Xianjun and others, the most important thing is to hear whether Zhui'er has made any new breakthroughs in enlightenment.

Zhui'er did have a breakthrough, because he walked on that road physically. Compared to him, Shen Qing relied more on imagination. She was still stuck in making a handwriting in the stone, but Zhui'er could do it. It made the heart of the great monk in the late Nascent Soul ache, and he also felt quite fond of the "finger in the air" that did not rely on spiritual power.

The first day's teaching of Taoism went very smoothly. Zhixia was quite happy to hear it. But something was wrong the next day. Others' lectures on Taoism were warm and peaceful when they talked about the mysteries, which made people feel intoxicated and like a spring breeze. However, Zhui'er said The world was dejected, murderous intentions were everywhere, and dark clouds appeared in the sky.

The three of them thought it was a change in the weather and didn't pay much attention to it. On the third day, Zhui'er had just talked about the weather not long ago.

Dark clouds were already rolling in the sky. Not to mention Zhixia and Shen Qing, even Lu Gang and Shu Yan could tell that something was wrong. The two of them ran over with panic on their faces. Jiangxiao, Xiyang, Ling Xiang came over soon after.

Zhixia looked at the stormy sky outside the magic circle and said suspiciously, "This is the calamity cloud."

"Jie Yun? Is there someone going through the tribulation nearby?" Lu Gang became excited. Demonic beasts are the easiest to attract tribulation clouds. If the one who goes through the tribulation is a big monster, it will be a big deal.

Zhixia shook her head gently. She couldn't find anything strange nearby. It seemed that Jie Yun came to Yunxing Pavilion.

"You guys go and guard the array." She ordered Xiyang and others, leaving Jiangxiao and Shen Qing behind. After everyone left in a hurry, she said to Shen Qing, "Guard the Qiankun bag, Zhuo'er. Go hide in the Qiankun Bag first."

"Second Senior Sister, are you going out?" Zhui'er asked worriedly.

"Not only will such a calamity cloud not hurt me, but it will also give me the opportunity to explore its mysteries. Hurry up and enter the Qiankun Bag." Zhixia looked at the dark sky with a rather anxious look.

"Be careful, I think this calamity cloud... is coming for me." Zhui'er was aware of this.

"I thought about it." Something sparkling flashed in Zhixia's eyes. If preaching Taoism can cause calamity clouds, it means that this Taoism is tabooed by heaven, and such Taoism may not be far from the way of heaven.

"I'll go in with you. From this moment on, stop thinking about Taoism. Remember," Shen Qing urged Zhui'er. She had been punished by God, and she was afraid that Zhui'er would fall into the same boundless darkness and fear as herself. in, so

She had to stay by Zhui'er's side.

Jiangxiao looked at the three of them doubtfully, guessing what the three of them must have done just now. She was very unhappy that the three of them did not take her to play, but with Zhixia here, she had to endure it no matter how unhappy she was. With.

After entering the Qiankun Bag, Zhui'er worriedly said to Shen Qing, "I have a feeling that the robbery cloud is coming for me."

Shen Qing said with a stern expression, "Then don't tell others this easily in the future. This is a punishment from God. You should be more careful in the future. If there is a God, both of us will already be targeted by God."

"Then why are we punished in different ways?" Zhui'er felt panic. If God was watching, there would be no way to escape.

"I was just thinking about it to myself, and you told it out, so you will be punished in public in a loud and public manner, so that the audience will be frightened and dare not continue to spread the word, that's what I guessed."

"Will Second Senior Sister be okay?" Zhui'er asked worriedly.

Shen Qing shook his head and said, "The power of Tribulation Thunder cannot affect Monk Huayu, so you don't have to worry about her."

"But the Huayu monks are also bound by the laws of heaven. I guess God has another way to deal with them. If the second senior sister drives away the thunder for me, isn't it going to cause trouble?" ??

"Don't think about this anymore. If you fall into another kind of punishment like I did last time, no one can save you. Even I will be trapped and die here."

Zhui'er narrowed his eyes and said, "Let's get out. It's useless to escape no matter what if God is really targeting you. If you can escape, you won't be able to escape forever. If God doesn't even have this means, he won't be worthy of being God."

Shen Qing's eyes flickered, as if he wanted to say something but he shuddered slightly, "Then go out."

Zhui'er was still unable to send others out while he was in the Qiankun Bag, so he committed suicide

Ji first got out of the Qiankun Bag, and then released Shen Qing.

"Why did you come out?" Jiang Xiao asked anxiously.

Zhui'er looked at the green thunder light flashing faintly in the dark sky and said, "I'm not worried about Second Senior Sister. You all stay away from me and don't get involved with me. There is a defensive array set up by Second Senior Sister here. In case of a thunderstorm, Come down and resist for me."

Jiang Xiao mobilized the defensive treasure in his hand and said urgently, "Go in quickly, don't make me anxious!"

Shen Qing said expressionlessly, "Let him stay outside first. The defensive array of Yunxing Pavilion and the defensive array of Erxianfei can withstand the tribulation thunder. Let him go in after the tribulation thunder strikes down." It’s too late.”

Jiang Xiao looked at Shen Qing displeased and said, "Then will he go in? Why are you so confused!"

"It's more dangerous for him to go in now." Shen Qing closed his mouth after saying this.

"Why?" Although Jiang Xiao saw that Shen Qing would no longer answer, she still couldn't help but ask.

Shen Qing looked at the sky silently, pulled Zhui'er to his side, and said secretly, "What you just said makes sense. There should be no chance of being caught by God. Logically speaking, you can't even cultivate the world." is allowed to exist, if there is no deeper mystery in it, then your previous guess that God is dead or has left is correct. This world only operates under the control of laws, and these laws are either too loose or there are Part of it has failed, so the cultivation world can exist. The Huayu monks should have broken through the constraints of the underlying laws. The so-called laws of heaven are the higher laws they can touch. "

"Don't think too much about it yet." This time it was Zhui'er's turn to advise Shen Qing. He didn't want Shen Qing to be in chaos at this time.

Seeing that Shen Qing didn't answer her questions, Jiang Xiao was angry and helpless, but she expected that Shen Qing would be unreasonable and could only let Shen Qing make the decision at this moment.

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