Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 1678 Maybe it’s worse than that

"There are so many people who want to die." Zhui'er sighed.

"It's not much. It's just that Xunyi is too famous and has close contacts with us people, so I mentioned it more often to make you feel this way. I regard the avenue as more important than my life. In order to seek Da Dao is willing to risk his life, not because he doesn't care about his life." Shen Qing was afraid that he would have thoughts of death early like in his previous life, so he wanted to give more guidance.

Naturally, Zhui'er had no way of understanding Shen Qing's concerns. He thought to himself, "After my parents passed away, I felt like I had no love in my life. Although I have gotten better these years, I still don't realize how much fun it is to live. Jiangxiao said that my life is too nourishing, and I have whatever I want. This may also be an important reason. As a close disciple of Cihang Immortal Lord, your life is also very nourishing, but you pursue the great road wholeheartedly. I feel like life is boring, but I just don’t have much interest in the avenue, so I have nothing to do. Even if I have a rare fairy treasure in the world, I will only be excited for a while. "

This time it was Shen Qing's turn to look into the distance. She knew that trouble was coming. Xun Yi had spent all his energy to torture himself to death just to find Su Wan after reincarnation, so no matter how she tried to persuade him to go to Tao, it would be useless. Yes, she persuaded her too many times, and now she no longer wants to say it. Zhui'er was born for Su Wan, and the meaning of his life is only for Su Wan. This was decided in the previous life, so no matter how much he gets, Fuyuan, no matter how close he is to the avenue, cannot satisfy him or generate long-term interest in him. It is estimated that his life will become meaningful only when he meets Su Wan. Zhui'er has grown up to the point where this kind of obsession The point where I want to wake up.

Is it true that fate cannot be eliminated? Is there really the only way to hand him over to Amelia Su?

Shen Qing was unwilling to give in. Judging from the extent of Xun Yi's infatuation with Su Wan, he fell into a love barrier. Letting their relationship continue to develop would not have a good outcome. It would only make Xun Yi fall deeper and deeper into the love barrier. The deeper it goes, anyway, this is the judgment based on her wisdom.

"I have to find something for you to do." Shen Qing said quietly, secretly making up her mind, whether it was to find Yu Chan, or detour to Yuanyi State to find Sijia and Huaying, or even go to her to steal In the jade sea guided by the jade slip, she had to find something for Zhui'er to do first. She still adhered to her previous plan and hoped that Zhui'er could realize the great truth before meeting Su Wan.

Zhui'er waved his hands and said, "You'd better be busy with your enlightenment first. Don't worry about me. I'm not bored enough to have nothing to do now. Just don't blame me for not making progress. You've seen it too, isn't it? I don’t want to make progress, it’s God who doesn’t allow me to make progress. I just started talking about Taoism and I got hit by thunder. How can I go on?”

"Then study some spells first and improve your self-protection ability, so that you can do what you want to do better in the future."

"Okay." Zhui'er agreed simply, but he understood in his heart that studying spells means giving up the basics and chasing the weak. Although it can improve the magic power, it is far less significant than the effect brought by the improvement of the realm, but that's all it can do at the moment. .

Early the next morning, Shen Qing and Jiang Xiao left Yunxing Pavilion with Lu Gang and Shu Yan. Ling Xiang was also traveling with them. Ling Xiang, who had become a monk in the middle stage of Nascent Soul, also needed to go out and walk around. Everyone understood Zhixia's instructions. As long as nothing happened to Zhuo'er, it didn't matter whether something happened to others.

Arriving at a wilderness infested with monsters, Jiangxiao said to Lingxiang, "Take them both to have fun, and we'll follow."

Before Ling Xiang could agree, Lu Gang and Shu Yan flew forward happily like two birds out of the cage.

Xiang took out the flying sword and followed with a smile. As a monk in the middle stage of Nascent Soul, she had already seen clearly that there were only monsters here whose alchemy skills were only equivalent to the alchemy stage.

After the three of them flew away, Shen Qing and Jiang Xiao started talking with their spiritual thoughts while flying forward leisurely.

"He can't sit still anymore. It should be that some of the things imprinted in his previous life have begun to revive."

"Immortal Concubine Chan?" Jiangxiao's eyes were filled with worry.

"Maybe it's worse than that, but he doesn't know what he's looking for yet." Shen Qing said, looking ahead.

"You mean Amelia Su?"

Shen Qing didn't answer. This was a question that didn't need to be answered. "I think I need to find something for him to do, or simply try to find a replacement for him. That might save him from falling into a mental disorder, even if it just delays it a little longer." No matter how old he is, once he reaches a high level of cultivation, he will definitely take a lighter view of the relationship between men and women. "

"He has no feelings for Shao Ling anymore. Your method of finding a replacement may not work."

"I know there is someone in his heart. He is his senior sister in Xianlinyuan, named Huaying. This person should have gone to Yuanyi State now. He and Sijia have also met, and they have some vague feelings. Yes, Sijia has figured out his identity, but I think it is unlikely that he and Sijia will be together. I understand Sijia’s thoughts. She loves Xunyi, but she might as well give it a try if she goes to Yuanyi State. "

"You understand Sijia because you have the same thoughts as her, right?" Jiang Xiao said straightforwardly.

Shen Qing seemed not to have heard, and continued what he said, "The second option is to take him to Yu Chan. He told me that he felt something happened to Yu Chan. I believe his hunch."

"That's too dangerous. If even Immortal Concubine Chan is trapped, wouldn't taking her there be a waste of her life?"

Shen Qing shook his head slightly, "He once rescued Yu Chan from Yaoxian Palace. Yaoxian Palace is also a dangerous place that even great supernatural powers dare not set foot in, but he was able to do it. At that time, his The cultivation level is at the early stage of Nascent Soul.”

"Is there such a thing?" Jiang Xiao looked surprised.

"I don't know much about the whole story. He didn't even know where Yaoxiang Palace was at that time. He was so anxious that he almost went crazy when he learned that Yu Chan was trapped inside. Then he miraculously rescued Yu Chan. ”

Jiangxiao said sadly, "If something really happened to Concubine Chan, then of course she should be rescued, but... he has just reached the late stage of pill formation. Is it possible? If he wants to save him, he has to discuss it with the Second Immortal Concubine. She invites a few more great powers to help.”

Shen Qing muttered, "Let's take a look at this matter before we talk about it. If his fate with Yu Chan is not over, he will not let it go. If the fate is not so deep, don't mention it again. You can tell the two immortals again." Concubine, let her decide how to rescue Yu Chan."

"The Second Immortal Concubine may not try her best to save Immortal Concubine Chan."

Shen Qing didn't care much and said, "That's her business. There is another option that may arouse his interest. He behaved abnormally when we passed by here." As she spoke, she passed on the scene in the Jinyuan Desert. Gave it to Jiangxiao.

Jiangxiao narrowed her eyes slightly. Of course she could recognize that this was the hiding place of her ancestors. It was because of this treasure that they got together.

"I found this jade slip underground, so I took it quietly." Shen Qing handed the jade slip left by Gongsun Chong to Jiang Xiao.

After reading the jade slips, Jiangxiao couldn't help but feel furious. Finally, there was news about Gongsun Chong. "There are so many people who want to die." Zhui'er sighed.

"It's not much. It's just that Xunyi is too famous and has close contacts with us people, so I mentioned it more often to make you feel this way. I regard the avenue as more important than my life. In order to seek Da Dao is willing to risk his life, not because he doesn't care about his life." Shen Qing was afraid that he would have thoughts of death early like in his previous life, so he wanted to give more guidance.

Naturally, Zhui'er had no way of understanding Shen Qing's concerns. He thought to himself, "After my parents passed away, I felt like I had no love in my life. Although I have gotten better these years, I still don't realize how much fun it is to live. Jiangxiao said that my life is too nourishing, and I have whatever I want. This may also be an important reason. As a close disciple of Cihang Immortal Lord, your life is also very nourishing, but you pursue the great road wholeheartedly. I feel like life is boring, but I just don’t have much interest in the avenue, so I have nothing to do. Even if I have a rare fairy treasure in the world, I will only be excited for a while. "

This time it was Shen Qing's turn to look into the distance. She knew that trouble was coming. Xun Yi had spent all his energy to torture himself to death just to find Su Wan after reincarnation, so no matter how she tried to persuade him to go to Tao, it would be useless. Yes, she persuaded her too many times, and now she no longer wants to say it. Zhui'er was born for Su Wan, and the meaning of his life is only for Su Wan. This was decided in the previous life, so no matter how much he gets, Fuyuan, no matter how close he is to the avenue, cannot satisfy him or generate long-term interest in him. It is estimated that his life will become meaningful only when he meets Su Wan. Zhui'er has grown up to the point where this kind of obsession The point where I want to wake up.

Is it true that fate cannot be eliminated? Is there really the only way to hand him over to Amelia Su?

Shen Qing was unwilling to give in. Judging from the extent of Xun Yi's infatuation with Su Wan, he fell into a love barrier. Letting their relationship continue to develop would not have a good outcome. It would only make Xun Yi fall deeper and deeper into the love barrier. The deeper it goes, anyway, this is the judgment based on her wisdom.

"I have to find something for you to do." Shen Qing said quietly, secretly making up her mind, whether it was to find Yu Chan, or detour to Yuanyi State to find Sijia and Huaying, or even go to her to steal In the jade sea guided by the jade slip, she had to find something for Zhui'er to do first. She still adhered to her previous plan and hoped that Zhui'er could realize the great truth before meeting Su Wan.

Zhui'er waved his hands and said, "You'd better be busy with your enlightenment first. Don't worry about me. I'm not bored enough to have nothing to do now. Just don't blame me for not making progress. You've seen it too, isn't it? I don’t want to make progress, it’s God who doesn’t allow me to make progress. I just started talking about Taoism and I got hit by thunder. How can I go on?”

"Then study some spells first and improve your self-protection ability, so that you can do what you want to do better in the future."

"Okay." Zhui'er agreed simply, but he understood in his heart that studying spells means giving up the basics and chasing the weak. Although it can improve the magic power, it is far less significant than the effect brought by the improvement of the realm, but that's all it can do at the moment. .

Early the next morning, Shen Qing and Jiang Xiao left Yunxing Pavilion with Lu Gang and Shu Yan. Ling Xiang was also traveling with them. Ling Xiang, who had become a monk in the middle stage of Nascent Soul, also needed to go out and walk around. Everyone understood Zhixia's instructions. As long as nothing happened to Zhuo'er, it didn't matter whether something happened to others.

Arriving at a wilderness infested with monsters, Jiangxiao said to Lingxiang, "Take them both to have fun, and we'll follow."

Before Ling Xiang could agree, Lu Gang and Shu Yan flew forward happily like two birds out of the cage.

Xiang took out the flying sword and followed with a smile. As a monk in the middle stage of Nascent Soul, she had already seen clearly that there were only monsters here whose alchemy skills were only equivalent to the alchemy stage.

After the three of them flew away, Shen Qing and Jiang Xiao started talking with their spiritual thoughts while flying forward leisurely.

"He can't sit still anymore. It should be that some of the things imprinted in his previous life have begun to revive."

"Immortal Concubine Chan?" Jiangxiao's eyes were filled with worry.

"Maybe it's worse than that, but he doesn't know what he's looking for yet." Shen Qing said, looking ahead.

"You mean Amelia Su?"

Shen Qing didn't answer. This was a question that didn't need to be answered. "I think I need to find something for him to do, or simply try to find a replacement for him. That might save him from falling into a mental disorder, even if it just delays it a little longer." No matter how old he is, once he reaches a high level of cultivation, he will definitely take a lighter view of the relationship between men and women. "

"He has no feelings for Shao Ling anymore. Your method of finding a replacement may not work."

"I know there is someone in his heart. He is his senior sister in Xianlinyuan, named Huaying. This person should have gone to Yuanyi State now. He and Sijia have also met, and they have some vague feelings. Yes, Sijia has figured out his identity, but I think it is unlikely that he and Sijia will be together. I understand Sijia’s thoughts. She loves Xunyi, but she might as well give it a try if she goes to Yuanyi State. "

"You understand Sijia because you have the same thoughts as her, right?" Jiang Xiao said straightforwardly.

Shen Qing seemed not to have heard, and continued what he said, "The second option is to take him to Yu Chan. He told me that he felt something happened to Yu Chan. I believe his hunch."

"That's too dangerous. If even Immortal Concubine Chan is trapped, wouldn't taking her there be a waste of her life?"

Shen Qing shook his head slightly, "He once rescued Yu Chan from Yaoxian Palace. Yaoxian Palace is also a dangerous place that even great supernatural powers dare not set foot in, but he was able to do it. At that time, his The cultivation level is at the early stage of Nascent Soul.”

"Is there such a thing?" Jiang Xiao looked surprised.

"I don't know much about the whole story. He didn't even know where Yaoxian Palace was at that time. When he learned that Yu Chan was trapped inside, he was so anxious that he almost went crazy. Then he miraculously rescued Yu Chan. ”

Jiangxiao said sadly, "If something really happened to Concubine Chan, then of course she should be rescued, but... he has just reached the late stage of pill formation. Is it possible? If he wants to save him, he has to discuss it with the Second Immortal Concubine. She invites a few more great powers to help.”

Shen Qing muttered, "Let's take a look at this matter before we talk about it. If his fate with Yu Chan is not over, he will not let it go. If the fate is not so deep, don't mention it again. You can tell the two immortals again." Concubine, let her decide how to rescue Yu Chan."

"The Second Immortal Concubine may not try her best to save Immortal Concubine Chan."

Shen Qing didn't care much and said, "That's her business. There is another option that may arouse his interest. He behaved abnormally when we passed by here." As she spoke, she passed on the scene in the Jinyuan Desert. Gave it to Jiangxiao.

Jiangxiao narrowed her eyes slightly. Of course she could recognize that this was the hiding place of her ancestors. It was because of this treasure that they got together.

"I found this jade slip underground, so I took it quietly." Shen Qing handed the jade slip left by Gongsun Chong to Jiang Xiao.

After reading the jade slips, Jiangxiao couldn't help but feel furious. Finally, there was news about Gongsun Chong.

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