Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 1682 About ten million miles

Xiaochun saw that he was hesitant and wanted to give a few more instructions but felt that what he said was clear enough, so he looked at Zhui'er with serious eyes. It wasn't until Zhui'er nodded seriously that she said, "These are It can only be discussed between the two of us in private, as long as you know what's going on."

"I understand." Zhui'er nodded seriously again, and then said with a lively voice, "Then I'll go talk to Shen Qing right now. I also have to say hello to Lu Gang and Shu Yan, just say that Master wants to take them." I'm going to travel, otherwise they will definitely follow me. I won't talk about Jiangxiao and Xiyang. Please tell me, I can't afford to offend Jiangxiao."

"Okay." At this moment, Xiaochun's heart started to lift involuntarily.

Zhui'er happily went to find Shen Qing. The matter went so smoothly that he was overjoyed. Originally, he didn't dare to have any hope, but he didn't expect that the senior sister would be so reasonable.

After hearing Zhui'er's story, Shen Qing was also surprised that Xiaochun dared to let Zhui'er go out for a trip.

Zhui'er pretended to be relaxed and said, "You said last time that there is a lot to comprehend right now. If you don't want to go out, I'll ask Qingyu to come with me. I get along well with her, and her cultivation has reached the late Nascent Soul stage." ”

Shen Qing glanced at him sideways and said, "Confused, of course I like a freer environment, but in terms of retreat and meditation, this place is not bad. If you have the opportunity to go out and practice meditation, you can put it aside later. What are we doing?" Time to leave?"

"I went to say hello to Shu Yan and Lu Gang and we'll leave. If we catch the second senior sister coming out of seclusion, we'll be in trouble." Seeing that she was willing to go with them, Zhui'er stopped pretending and jumped up happily towards him. Fly to Shu Yan's hut.

Shu Yan was sitting restlessly and worried about him. When she saw him running over happily, she couldn't help but said overjoyed, "What's wrong with you? You're doing scary things every now and then, so you're not in any trouble, right?"

"No trouble, no trouble. I'm fine. You don't have to worry about me in the future. I've had dreams for hundreds of years. What else do you have to worry about?"

Shu Yan said worriedly, "Can we not worry? Everything you do is weird and weird. I don't know how to help you even if I want to."

Zhui'er smiled naively and said, "I don't need your help, just take care of yourselves. Well...I'm here to say goodbye to you. The master of Zixiao Palace will take me out for some sightseeing, and the Great Immortal Concubine is about to pick me up." Well, I just happened to catch up with Xiyang to invite her. I don’t know how long I will be out. You and Lu Gang should practice well here. Maybe my cultivation will be much higher than yours when I come back. "

"Ah? The palace master of Zixiao Palace will take you out..." The old sorrow on Shu Yan's face has not gone away, but new sorrow has appeared on her face. Now she can feel more relieved about Zhixia, but she is still wary of other people in Zixiao Palace. of.

"Don't worry, even Shen Qing is going to be brought there. It is said that the palace master wants to meet with Cihang Immortal Lord, and I don't know if he wants to talk about the two continents joining forces to deal with the monsters." Zhui'er also said in a hurry. I can only make it up.

"Oh..." Shu Yan really took it seriously. She grabbed Zhui'er's arm and asked quietly, "Will Pu Yunzhou sincerely help us?"

Zhui'er smiled and said, "This is just a wild guess on my part. Maybe they didn't come to discuss this matter at all. Okay, the Great Immortal Concubine is waiting for me. I'll go tell Lu Gang and leave."


"Zhui'er..." Shu Yan neither gave up nor felt relieved, holding on to Zhui'er's arm and refusing to let go.

Zhui'er blinked at her and secretly said, "Isn't it easy to find me with your spiritual eyes? Just take a look when you are really worried. Anyway, the Second Immortal Concubine and the others will not stay here after I leave." Yes, Jiangxiao and the others live far away and may not be able to detect anything. Just don’t look all the time.”

"Well, you come back soon." Shu Yan let go of her hand, and there was no need for Zhui'er to tell her that she would do the same thing when the time came.

It would be much easier to send Lu Gang away. After listening to Zhui'er's words, the boy felt envy and wanted to follow her, but this was obviously impossible.

After coaxing the two friends, Zhui'er happily went to find Shen Qing. At this time, Xiaochun also finished explaining to Xiyang and Jiangxiao, saying that Princess Huarui was going to take Zhui'er and Shen Qing to travel, and Jiang Although Xiao was suspicious, she had not spoken to Xiaochun a few words in recent years, so naturally it was not easy for her to inquire. When sending these three people out of Yunxing Pavilion, she used inquiring words several times. He looked at Zhui'er, hoping that Zhui'er could reveal something, but Zhui'er just responded with a happy giggle.

Jiangxiao secretly felt sulky. Logically speaking, after Zhui'er woke up, he would have to tell her and Xiyang what happened. This brat is really heartless, but look at him jumping up and down. She didn't seem to have to worry about him going crazy. She was dissatisfied, so she still forced the little monkey to Zhui'er. If it wasn't for the inconvenience of bringing Wu Hei with her, she would definitely let Zhui'er take Wu Hei away with him.

Zhui'er knew that he was in the wrong, but he didn't dare to say anything to Jiangxiao at this moment. Jiangxiao was not as easy to coax as Shuyan Lugang, so he could only pretend to be stupid first.

After leaving Yunxing Pavilion, Zhui'er pointed to the east, "Sister, please give us a ride, about ten million miles. It will be much more convenient if we both go into the Qiankun Bag."

Xiaochun nodded in agreement. Before the two entered the Qiankun Bag, she passed a map of an extremely wide area to Zhui'er. Such a map cannot be bought with spirit stones.

Ten million miles is not a long distance at the feet of Monk Huayu. As soon as Xiaochun stopped, Zhui'er came out of the Qiankun Bag. Although his consciousness could not penetrate the Qiankun Bag, he could rely on it to communicate with the Qiankun Bag. The mysterious connection of the bag allows him to "see" the situation outside. He can't explain what it means. Anyway, when he wants to see the situation outside, his eyes seem to be able to go outside the Qiankun Bag. It is a very weird experience. It clearly feels like Even if you are looking with your eyes, the scenery will look different from what you usually see. Take trees for example. The original green leaves will show all kinds of strange colors. At first glance, they may appear red. Maybe it's black.

Moreover, the scenery will be missing inexplicably, ranging from trees to grass. You may not be able to see it at all when you look inside, or you may see it at first, but then disappear in the blink of an eye, as if it had never been there. It seems to exist. The lack of scenery is not weird. What is really weird is the presence of something extra. For example, when you look inside, there are trees nearby, but when you look outside, there are no trees at all. The weirdness is not limited to these, because this kind of experience makes Zhui'er feel scared, so he doesn't like to "look" outside. Based on his current experience, the scenery he "sees" is generally reliable. Strange sights don't happen every time. Xiaochun saw that he was hesitant and wanted to give a few more instructions but felt that what he said was clear enough, so he looked at Zhui'er with serious eyes. It wasn't until Zhui'er nodded seriously that she said, "These are It can only be discussed between the two of us in private, as long as you know what's going on."

"I understand." Zhui'er nodded seriously again, and then said with a lively voice, "Then I'll go talk to Shen Qing right now. I also have to say hello to Lu Gang and Shu Yan, just say that Master wants to take them." I'm going to travel, otherwise they will definitely follow me. I won't talk about Jiangxiao and Xiyang. Please tell me, I can't afford to offend Jiangxiao."

"Okay." At this moment, Xiaochun's heart started to lift involuntarily.

Zhui'er happily went to find Shen Qing. The matter went so smoothly that he was overjoyed. Originally, he didn't dare to hold out any hope, but he didn't expect his senior sister to be so reasonable.

After hearing Zhui'er's story, Shen Qing was also quite surprised that Xiaochun dared to let Zhui'er go out for a trip.

Zhui'er pretended to be relaxed and said, "You said last time that there is a lot to comprehend right now. If you don't want to go out, I'll ask Qingyu to come with me. I get along well with her, and her cultivation has reached the late Nascent Soul stage." ”

Shen Qing glanced at him sideways and said, "Confused, of course I like a freer environment, but in terms of retreat and meditation, this place is not bad. If you have the opportunity to go out and practice meditation, you can put it aside later. What are we doing?" Time to leave?"

"I went to say hello to Shu Yan and Lu Gang and we will leave. If we catch the second senior sister coming out of seclusion, we will be in trouble." Seeing that she was willing to go with them, Zhui'er stopped pretending and jumped up happily towards him. Fly to Shu Yan's hut.

Shu Yan was sitting restlessly and worried about him. When she saw him running over happily, she couldn't help but said overjoyed, "What's wrong with you? You're doing scary things every now and then, so you're not in any trouble, right?"

"No trouble, no trouble. I'm fine. You don't have to worry about me in the future. I've had dreams for hundreds of years. What else do you have to worry about?"

Shu Yan said worriedly, "Can we not worry? Everything you do is weird and weird. I don't know how to help you even if I want to."

Zhui'er smiled naively and said, "I don't need your help, just take care of yourselves. Well...I'm here to say goodbye to you. The master of Zixiao Palace will take me out for some sightseeing, and the Great Immortal Concubine is about to pick me up." Well, I just happened to catch up with Xiyang to invite her. I don’t know how long I will be out. You and Lu Gang should practice well here. Maybe my cultivation will be much higher than yours when I come back. "

"Ah? The palace master of Zixiao Palace will take you out..." The old sorrow on Shu Yan's face has not gone away, but new sorrow has appeared on her face. Now she can feel more relieved about Zhixia, but she is still wary of other people in Zixiao Palace. of.

"Don't worry, even Shen Qing is going to be brought there. It is said that the palace master wants to meet with Cihang Immortal Lord, and I don't know if he wants to talk about the two continents joining forces to deal with the monsters." Zhui'er also said in a hurry. I can only make it up.

"Oh..." Shu Yan really took it seriously. She grabbed Zhui'er's arm and asked quietly, "Will Pu Yunzhou sincerely help us?"

Zhui'er smiled and said, "This is just a wild guess on my part. Maybe they didn't come to discuss this matter at all. Okay, the Great Immortal Concubine is waiting for me. I'll go tell Lu Gang and leave."


"Zhui'er..." Shu Yan neither gave up nor felt relieved, holding on to Zhui'er's arm and refusing to let go.

Zhui'er blinked at her and secretly said, "Isn't it easy to find me with your spiritual eyes? Just take a look when you are really worried. Anyway, the Second Immortal Concubine and the others will not stay here after I leave." Yes, Jiangxiao and the others live far away and may not be able to detect anything. Just don’t look all the time.”

"Well, you come back soon." Shu Yan let go of her hand, and there was no need for Zhui'er to tell her that she would do the same thing when the time came.

It would be much easier to send Lu Gang away. After hearing what Zhui'er said, the boy felt one thing - envy, and wanted to follow her, but this was obviously impossible.

After coaxing the two friends, Zhui'er happily went to find Shen Qing. At this time, Xiaochun also finished explaining to Xiyang and Jiangxiao, saying that Princess Huarui was going to take Zhui'er and Shen Qing to travel, and Jiang Although Xiao was suspicious, she had not spoken to Xiaochun a few words in recent years, so naturally it was not easy for her to inquire. When sending these three people out of Yunxing Pavilion, she used inquiring words several times. He looked at Zhui'er, hoping that Zhui'er could reveal something, but Zhui'er just responded with a happy giggle.

Jiangxiao secretly felt sulky. Logically speaking, after Zhui'er woke up, he would have to tell her and Xiyang what happened. This brat is really heartless, but look at him jumping up and down. She didn't seem to have to worry about him going crazy. She was dissatisfied, so she still forced the little monkey to Zhui'er. If it wasn't for the inconvenience of bringing Wu Hei with her, she would definitely let Zhui'er take Wu Hei away with him.

Zhui'er knew that he was in the wrong, but he didn't dare to say anything to Jiangxiao at this moment. Jiangxiao was not as easy to coax as Shuyan Lugang, so he could only pretend to be stupid first.

After leaving Yunxing Pavilion, Zhui'er pointed to the east, "Sister, please give us a ride, about ten million miles. It will be much more convenient if we both go into the Qiankun Bag."

Xiaochun nodded in agreement. Before the two entered the Qiankun Bag, she passed a map of an extremely wide area to Zhui'er. Such a map cannot be bought with spirit stones.

Ten million miles is not a long distance at the feet of Monk Huayu. As soon as Xiaochun stopped, Zhui'er came out of the Qiankun Bag. Although his consciousness could not penetrate the Qiankun Bag, he could rely on it to communicate with the Qiankun Bag. The mysterious connection of the bag allows him to "see" the situation outside. He can't explain what it means. Anyway, when he wants to see the situation outside, his eyes seem to be able to go outside the Qiankun Bag. It is a very weird experience. It clearly feels like Even if you are looking with your eyes, the scenery will look different from what you usually see. Take trees for example. The original green leaves will show all kinds of strange colors. At first glance, they may appear red. Maybe it's black.

Moreover, the scenery will be missing inexplicably, ranging from trees to grass. You may not be able to see it at all when you look inside, or you may see it at first, but then disappear in the blink of an eye, as if it had never been there. It seems to exist. The lack of scenery is not weird. What is really weird is the presence of something extra. For example, when you look inside, there are trees nearby, but when you look outside, there are no trees at all. The weirdness is not limited to these, because this kind of experience makes Zhui'er feel scared, so he doesn't like to "look" outside. Based on his current experience, the scenery he "sees" is generally reliable. Strange sights don't happen every time.

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