Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 1684: Being struck by lightning since childhood

"I agree with the latter one. The one you mentioned before... I think it is too easy. If it is so simple, there must be a loophole in the law. I don't think God will make a loophole in the law because of its wisdom. Magic power is not on the same level as ours, just like asking you to build a cage to contain a sheep. The cage made by a mortal may have flaws, but the cage made by you as a monk will definitely be able to contain the sheep tightly. It will not have any problems. Any chance of escape."

"This comparison is wrong." Zhui'er waved his arm and gestured, "I think the appropriate comparison is to let me build a big sheepfold, so big that the water and grass inside can support a group of sheep to thrive. With my magic power Of course, I can build a sheepfold that makes it difficult for them to escape, but if I leave or die, the magic on the sheepfold will one day disappear, and even the wall made of huge stones will eventually rot. ”

"This is not the same thing as what we are going to say. I have long understood your idea that God is dead or has left."

Zhui'er shook his head and said, "It's the same thing. The law may not have had loopholes originally, but now it obviously does."

"Why do you see it?" Shen Qing's energy rose again.

Zhui'er pointed to the sky and said, "The thunderbolt didn't kill me last time."

Shen Qing said frustratedly, "Isn't that because the Second Immortal Concubine protected you? Now if you attract Jie Lei, it will probably be over."

Zhui'er narrowed his eyes, his scalp was a little numb and said, "That's right. If God wants to kill me, he should find a good time to do it. I know that Second Senior Sister can block the thunder for me, why do I have to do it?" At that time? It can be inferred that the tribulation thunder is only operating according to the law, rather than being controlled by God. "

"This makes sense, but it cannot be inferred that God is dead or has left, right? Maybe your harm is not enough to attract its attention."

"Then do you think the harm of the cultivation world is not great enough? The cultivation world can already block the tribulation thunder, so that its laws cannot play their due role. If I were God, I would have wiped out the cultivation world long ago. "

Shen Qing muttered, "I tend to agree with your point of view, but I can't confirm it finally."

Zhui'er secretly looked at the sky and said cautiously, "My mother told me that a lightning strike struck me shortly after I was born. She thought it was an evil spirit attached to me, but I'm sure it wasn't like that." Come on, think about it, why can a little baby cause disaster?"

Shen Qing frowned. She could explain this problem. Xun Yi's wisdom was enough to be struck by lightning.

Zhui'er continued, "I'm thinking that maybe I was delayed by taking the wrong path in cultivation. If I didn't practice cultivation, I might have been able to directly understand the great path." After saying this, he smiled a little embarrassedly.

"The thunderbolt didn't kill you that time?"

Zhui'er said angrily, "Isn't this nonsense? If you were to kill me, I would still be standing here."

"I mean why didn't I kill you?"

"That sounds really awkward." Zhui'er rolled his eyes at Shen Qing with a look of disgust, "It was the defensive formation that my master set up at my house that blocked that disaster for me."

"Your destiny is considered to be great enough." Shen Qing looked at the sky, considering his statement that he could directly become a great supernatural power without any training.

Zhui'er waited for a while and then said, "Supernatural powers do not necessarily require spiritual power to be used. I am now

I have a deep understanding of this, and even feel that the magical powers that are exerted by spiritual power are low-level magical powers, and the power of the Feather Monk's artistic conception attack is greater than that of spells. "

Shen Qing nodded slowly, thinking without saying a word.

"Come on, let's talk as we walk. If we encounter a monster seeking death, I'll give it a try and show it to you." After finishing speaking, Zhui'er took the lead and flew north.

"What is the trial?" Shen Qing chased after him and asked.

"It's the method of making characters into stones. I can use it to attack the enemy." Zhui'er said as he spread his consciousness and looked around for monsters.

"That way." Shen Qing pointed to the front left to lead the way.

"That white deer spirit in the dense forest, right? It seems to be an honest and kind person, so don't harm it." Zhui'er continued to fly forward.

"That's at least three thousand miles away." Shen Qing said to Zhui'er's back. After the long dream, Zhui'er told her about his various miraculous progress. This time, seeing is believing.

Zhui'er was busy looking for monsters and didn't even look back. He had a lot of things to show off now, but he was too busy to show off this skill that he had already told Shen Qing.

Zhui'er's posture made Shen Qing quite a bit confused. Zhui'er was growing so fast that even he, the person who had been staring at him, couldn't see clearly.

The two of them flew for a while, and Shen Qing pointed to the right and asked, "Can't the Juling Fox, which is almost at the Nascent Soul stage, two thousand miles away?"

Zhui'er replied without looking back, "It doesn't look like an evil beast."

Shen Qing was anxious to see his methods and complained, "Are you so picky about killing monsters now?"

Zhui'er slowed down and said with a smile, "We are not in a hurry. Of course, it is better to choose an evil beast. Didn't I tell you that since I have the ability to communicate with living beings, I am not afraid of evil beasts." I’d rather kill indiscriminately.”

Shen Qing said angrily, "You are not in a hurry, but I am."

"Don't be anxious, don't be anxious, I'll look for it again." After Zhui'er coaxed Shen Qing, he quickly accelerated his flight speed and started searching even harder.

Shen Qing felt quite helpless. When she saw five figures appearing in the distance, she became even more helpless. In this place where demons are entrenched, walking like the two of them with their consciousness wide open was like walking with lanterns in the dark night. For a moment, It’s just half a moment, it’s almost an hour, it’s not surprising if she doesn’t cause trouble. Judging from the movement skills, at least three of the five people have the same cultivation level as her, and the other two are not much worse than her. Judging from the obvious posture, It was coming in an outflanking manner, and the opponent's strength was not enough to worry her too much. What worried her was that Zhui'er was now picky about killing monsters, and his foul mouth. Just after I said that I wouldn't suffer a loss if I could deal with five or six mid-stage Nascent Soul monks, here come five.

She stepped forward and grabbed Zhui'er, and secretly said, "Five bandits are coming. There won't be any good people in a place like this. They obviously have evil intentions. If there is a fight, don't show mercy to me." "

"I saw them, what kind of cultivation are they?" Zhui'er asked with a stern expression.

"God heard what you just said. For five of you in the middle stage of Nascent Soul, it's up to you to fight or run away." Shen Qing revealed his body-protecting divine light to protect Zhui'er, and at the same time activated his invisible magic weapon to take Zhui'er with him. Dive to the side.

"Don't run away." Zhui'er said firmly. With the growth of his ability, he now felt a little more confident. "I agree with the latter one. The one you mentioned before... I think it is too easy. If it is so simple, there must be a loophole in the law. I don't think God will make a loophole in the law because of its wisdom. Magic power is not on the same level as ours, just like asking you to build a cage to contain a sheep. The cage made by a mortal may have flaws, but the cage made by you as a monk will definitely be able to contain the sheep tightly. It will not have any problems. Any chance of escape."

"This comparison is wrong." Zhui'er waved his arm and gestured, "I think the appropriate comparison is to let me build a big sheepfold, so big that the water and grass inside can support a group of sheep to thrive. With my magic power Of course, I can build a sheepfold that makes it difficult for them to escape, but if I leave or die, the magic on the sheepfold will one day disappear, and even the wall made of huge stones will eventually rot. ”

"This is not the same thing as what we are going to say. I have long understood your idea that God is dead or has left."

Zhui'er shook his head and said, "It's the same thing. The law may not have had loopholes originally, but now it obviously does."

"Why do you see it?" Shen Qing's energy rose again.

Zhui'er pointed to the sky and said, "The thunderbolt didn't kill me last time."

Shen Qing said frustratedly, "Isn't that because the Second Immortal Concubine protected you? Now if you attract Jie Lei, it will probably be over."

Zhui'er narrowed his eyes, his scalp was a little numb and said, "That's right. If God wants to kill me, he should find a good time to do it. I know that Second Senior Sister can block the thunder for me, why do I have to do it?" At that time? It can be inferred that the tribulation thunder is only operating according to the law, rather than being controlled by God. "

"This makes sense, but it cannot be inferred that God is dead or has left, right? Maybe your harm is not enough to attract its attention."

"Then do you think the harm of the cultivation world is not great enough? The cultivation world can already block the tribulation thunder, so that its laws cannot play their due role. If I were God, I would have wiped out the cultivation world long ago. "

Shen Qing muttered, "I tend to agree with your point of view, but I can't confirm it finally."

Zhui'er secretly looked at the sky and said cautiously, "My mother told me that a lightning strike struck me shortly after I was born. She thought it was an evil spirit attached to me, but I'm sure it wasn't like that." Come on, think about it, why can a little baby cause disaster?"

Shen Qing frowned. She could explain this problem. Xun Yi's wisdom was enough to be struck by lightning.

Zhui'er continued, "I'm thinking that maybe I was delayed by taking the wrong path in cultivation. If I didn't practice cultivation, I might have been able to directly understand the great path." After saying this, he smiled a little embarrassedly.

"The thunderbolt didn't kill you that time?"

Zhui'er said angrily, "Isn't this nonsense? If you were to kill me, I would still be standing here."

"I mean why didn't I kill you?"

"That sounds really awkward." Zhui'er rolled his eyes at Shen Qing with a look of disgust, "It was the defensive formation that my master set up at my house that blocked that disaster for me."

"Your destiny is considered to be great enough." Shen Qing looked at the sky, considering his statement that he could directly become a great supernatural power without any training.

Zhui'er waited for a while and then said, "Supernatural powers do not necessarily require spiritual power to be used. I am now

I have a deep understanding of this, and even feel that the magical powers that are exerted by spiritual power are low-level magical powers, and the power of the Feather Monk's artistic conception attack is greater than that of spells. "

Shen Qing nodded slowly, thinking without saying a word.

"Come on, let's talk as we walk. If we encounter a monster seeking death, I'll give it a try and show it to you." After finishing speaking, Zhui'er took the lead and flew north.

"What is the trial?" Shen Qing chased after him and asked.

"It's the method of making characters into stones. I can use it to attack the enemy." Zhui'er said as he spread his consciousness and looked around for monsters.

"That way." Shen Qing pointed to the front left to lead the way.

"That white deer spirit in the dense forest, right? It seems to be an honest and kind person, so don't harm it." Zhui'er continued to fly forward.

"That's at least three thousand miles away." Shen Qing said to Zhui'er's back. After the long dream, Zhui'er told her about his various miraculous progress. This time, seeing is believing.

Zhui'er was busy looking for monsters and didn't even look back. He had a lot of things to show off now, but he was too busy to show off this skill that he had already told Shen Qing.

Zhui'er's posture made Shen Qing quite a bit confused. Zhui'er was growing so fast that even he, the person who had been staring at him, couldn't see clearly.

The two of them flew for a while, and Shen Qing pointed to the right and asked, "Can't the Juling Fox, which is almost at the Nascent Soul stage, two thousand miles away?"

Zhui'er replied without looking back, "It doesn't look like an evil beast."

Shen Qing was anxious to see his methods and complained, "Are you so picky about killing monsters now?"

Zhui'er slowed down and said with a smile, "We are not in a hurry. Of course, it is better to choose an evil beast. Didn't I tell you that since I have the ability to communicate with living beings, I am not afraid of evil beasts." I’d rather kill indiscriminately.”

Shen Qing said angrily, "You are not in a hurry, but I am."

"Don't be anxious, don't be anxious, I'll look for it again." After Zhui'er coaxed Shen Qing, he quickly accelerated his flight speed and started searching even harder.

Shen Qing felt quite helpless. When she saw five figures appearing in the distance, she became even more helpless. In this place where demons are entrenched, walking like the two of them with their consciousness wide open was like walking with lanterns in the dark night. For a moment, It’s just half a moment, it’s almost an hour, it’s not surprising if she doesn’t cause trouble. Judging from the movement skills, at least three of the five people have the same cultivation level as her, and the other two are not much worse than her. Judging from the obvious posture, It was coming in an outflanking manner, and the opponent's strength was not enough to worry her too much. What worried her was that Zhui'er was now picky about killing monsters, and his foul mouth. Just after I said that I wouldn't suffer a loss if I could deal with five or six mid-stage Nascent Soul monks, here come five.

She stepped forward and grabbed Zhui'er, and secretly said, "Five bandits are coming. There won't be any good people in a place like this. They obviously have evil intentions. If there is a fight, don't show mercy to me." "

"I saw them, what kind of cultivation are they?" Zhui'er asked with a stern expression.

"God heard what you just said. For five of you in the middle stage of Nascent Soul, it's up to you to fight or run away." Shen Qing revealed his body-protecting divine light to protect Zhui'er, and at the same time activated his invisible magic weapon to take Zhui'er with him. Dive to the side.

"Don't run away." Zhui'er said firmly. With the growth of his ability, he now felt a little more confident.

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