Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 1690 The last one!

"Don't try to kill me!" Zhui'er shouted again almost madly. Following this shout, a black light flew out from his ribs. To say that Brother Zhui'er was really unambiguous, even though he was frightened His liver and gallbladder were trembling, but he did not completely lose the courage to resist. He actually still had the courage to urge Wu Ting to launch a counterattack. Of course, this was also because the magic circle blocked several lightning strikes, which gave him some hope, even though his mind was already crazy. Damn, this counterattack can only be regarded as an instinctive reaction, but that is not easy.

The black thunder that flashed from the tip of Wu Ting's spear was only about an inch long. Zhui'er, who was so frightened that he couldn't help but tremble, was able to move Wu Ting like this. It was already considered good. The next lightning bolt struck straight into the black airspace. As Wu Ting walked away, Zhui'er's body suddenly shook. Shen Qing felt that Zhui'er's body softened immediately. Fortunately, Zhui'er couldn't use too much cultivation in the panic, otherwise the backlash would still be there. It hurt him even more.

Zhui'er's "heroic" behavior reminded Shen Qing that as a disciple of Cihang Immortal Lord, she had known for a long time that Jie Lei could be resisted, but she would inevitably be in a hurry when things came to a head, so after Zhui'er launched a counterattack, she also A flying sword was activated.

The sixth calamity thunder struck Wu Ting and then disappeared. The seventh calamity thunder struck Shen Qing's flying sword and turned the high-grade flying sword invisible. The weakened thunder still struck it. Standing on the magic circle above Zhui'er's head, Shen Qing groaned. Although she was slightly injured, it was not too serious. Once she woke up, she remembered all the knowledge about how to deal with thunder tribulation. Zhui'er couldn't use it. No matter how much cultivation she exerted, she deliberately did not exert too much cultivation. She knew that she did not have the ability to resist the thunder, so she reluctantly took action just to reduce the burden on the magic circle.

People need to inspire each other and infect each other. With Shen Qing's move, Zhui'er's courage suddenly increased when he was on the verge of madness. With the support of this courage, he urged Wu Ting, who was shot down by the thunder, to move again.

"Stop!" Shen Qing knew very well that if Zhui'er continued to fight like this, he would definitely die, so he sealed off Zhui'er's spiritual power in desperation.

Although Wu Ting's castration slowed down after losing his spiritual power, he still faced the ninth thunderbolt. The dark green lightning struck out a black light, and Wu Ting's gun body collapsed into nothingness. A high-grade spiritual treasure was destroyed, but it blocked the thunder.

"Stop taking action!" Shen Qing released the restriction on Zhui'er's spiritual power and took him to fly towards the end of the small piece of land. Zhui'er had told her the secrets of these two pieces of land. What if something happened here? The magic circle could no longer hold it, so she had to keep Zhui'er and flee to the land created by Xiaoyao Immortal Lord. Although the magic circle there was only Zhui'er could enter, the sky thunder only struck Zhui'er, and her own Don't worry about safety.

Zhui'er was no longer staring at Tian Lei at this moment, but was looking at a thin black line wrapped in dark green lightning. The thin black line was twisting and twisting above the magic circle. It was Wu Ting's weapon spirit. Usually, it was Wu Ting's weapon spirit. Under normal circumstances, if the spiritual weapon is destroyed, the weapon spirit will disappear, but Wu Ting's weapon spirit is miraculously preserved in the entanglement with Tianlei. Zhui'er can feel the pain that the weapon spirit is suffering through his mind. This was his fault, so he sadly comforted the weapon spirit with his thoughts, no matter what, he had to send this spiritual creature that blocked the thunder for him to its last journey.

While Zhuo'er was calming the weapon spirit, Shen Qing lost two more magic weapons, reducing the power of two thunderbolts. Even though she acted cautiously, blood still flowed from the corner of her mouth.

Nine thunderbolts had fallen. Wu Ting blocked two of them, and the remaining seven struck the magic circle.

What Shen Qing is carrying at the moment is the God of Punishment Whip. She has no suitable treasure left. The Whip of the God of Punishment is a spiritual treasure that is held in her hand. If she uses it to resist the thunder, she will suffer fatal backlash. This cannot be done easily. Yes, she took out the God of Punishment Whip just to make final preparations in advance. Next, she would have to see how many more sky thunders and defensive arrays she could withstand. Against her estimation, her spiritual treasure might only be able to withstand it. He could block a sky thunder, but he had to pay the price of being hit hard. If he couldn't send Zhui'er to the small piece of land thousands of miles away before the next sky lightning struck, he could only rush up and use the God of Punishment Whip to block Zhui'er. That thunder struck, and death was inevitable. She was prepared but did not dare to think too much about it. She could sacrifice her life for Zhui'er, but she was afraid that she would hesitate if she thought about it too much.

In order to distract her mind, she said to Zhui'er, "If you need to escape there, just dive into the middle of the mountain as soon as you enter. This should work."

Zhui'er didn't say anything, and his eyes moved from the weapon spirit to the place where the thunder struck. At this time, the black space flashed with dark green light. It seemed that the tenth lightning strike was stronger than the previous nine. Zhui'er's heart was beating violently, his fear had reached its limit, and hope began to sprout. He seemed to have a premonition that this was the last thunder.

"The last one!" Zhui'er shouted out the premonition in his heart, and at the same time activated the Xuanshui Sword to slash upward.

Shen Qing did not stop her. She also noticed the new changes in the black space. Since it was the last one, it was time to fight. She pushed the spiritual treasure to the extreme, and the punishment whip in her hand flashed out. White brilliance.

The tenth thunder struck down under the eyes of the two of them. The previous thunder was only as thick as an arm, but this one was as thick as a thigh. The ripples from the Xuanshui Sword met the thunder, and the cylindrical thunder seemed to be absorbed. , forming a dark green light curtain more than ten feet long and thirty feet wide, hitting the Xuanshui sword against the ripples.

Zhui'er spat out a mouthful of blood, and at the last moment when he fainted, he sent a thought to Wu Ting's weapon spirit.

Shen Qing didn't care about Zhui'er. She didn't have time to worry about Zhui'er in this electric light and flint. She could only focus on activating her spiritual treasure. She saw Wu Ting's weapon spirit shot towards him with its dark green color. Xuanshui Sword, but then the lightning struck the defensive array with a dazzling light, and she waved the God of Punishment Whip upwards to meet him. She couldn't wait for the lightning to hit the defensive spirit treasure before taking action. It would be too late. She would rather be seriously injured than save Zhuo'er.

The God of Punishment whip was empty. Shen Qing gasped for air and stared straight up. The black space disappeared. The magic circle blocked the last thunder. It took three breaths for her to stop panicking. After Zhongxuan recovered, he anxiously checked Zhui'er's condition and felt that the problem was not too big, so he woke him up, took out a healing pill and stuffed it into his mouth, and then took one himself.

After waking up, Zhui'er looked above with dim eyes.

"We have resisted." Shen Qing's eyes were still a little straight.

"Send me up..." Zhui'er said in a weak voice while looking at the Xuanshui Sword hanging in the air.

"There's still thunder attached to it. You can't go over there, and don't take it back." Shen Qing grabbed Zhui'er's arm.

"Then send me closer." After finishing speaking, Zhui'er closed her eyes. "Don't try to kill me!" Zhui'er shouted again almost madly. Following this shout, a black light flew out from his ribs. To say that Brother Zhui'er was really unambiguous, even though he was frightened His liver and gallbladder were trembling, but he did not completely lose the courage to resist. He actually still had the courage to urge Wu Ting to launch a counterattack. Of course, this was also because the magic circle blocked several lightning strikes, which gave him some hope, even though his mind was already crazy. Damn, this counterattack can only be regarded as an instinctive reaction, but that is not easy.

The black thunder that flashed from the tip of Wu Ting's spear was only about an inch long. Zhui'er, who was so frightened that he couldn't help but tremble, was able to move Wu Ting like this. It was already considered good. The next lightning bolt struck straight into the black airspace. As Wu Ting walked away, Zhui'er's body suddenly shook. Shen Qing felt that Zhui'er's body softened immediately. Fortunately, Zhui'er couldn't use too much cultivation in the panic, otherwise the backlash would still be there. It hurt him even more.

Zhui'er's "heroic" behavior reminded Shen Qing that as a disciple of Cihang Immortal Lord, she had known for a long time that Jie Lei could be resisted, but she would inevitably be in a hurry when things came to a head, so after Zhui'er launched a counterattack, she also A flying sword was activated.

The sixth calamity thunder struck Wu Ting and then disappeared. The seventh calamity thunder struck Shen Qing's flying sword and turned the high-grade flying sword invisible. The weakened thunder still struck it. Standing on the magic circle above Zhui'er's head, Shen Qing groaned. Although she was slightly injured, it was not too serious. Once she woke up, she remembered all the knowledge about how to deal with thunder tribulation. Zhui'er couldn't use it. No matter how much cultivation she exerted, she deliberately did not exert too much cultivation. She knew that she did not have the ability to resist the thunder, so she reluctantly took action just to reduce the burden on the magic circle.

People need to inspire each other and infect each other. With Shen Qing's move, Zhui'er's courage suddenly increased when he was on the verge of madness. With the support of this courage, he urged Wu Ting, who was shot down by thunder, to move again. ??

"Stop!" Shen Qing knew very well that if Zhui'er continued to fight like this, he would definitely die, so he sealed off Zhui'er's spiritual power in desperation.

Although Wu Ting's castration slowed down after losing his spiritual power, he still faced the ninth thunderbolt. The dark green lightning struck out a black light, and Wu Ting's gun body collapsed into nothingness. A high-grade spiritual treasure was destroyed, but it blocked the thunder.

"Stop taking action!" Shen Qing released the restriction on Zhui'er's spiritual power and took him to fly towards the end of the small piece of land. Zhui'er had told her the secrets of these two pieces of land. What if something happened here? The magic circle could no longer hold it, so she had to keep Zhui'er and flee to the land created by Xiaoyao Immortal Lord. Although the magic circle there was only Zhui'er could enter, the sky thunder only struck Zhui'er, and her own Don't worry about safety.

Zhui'er was no longer staring at Tian Lei at this moment, but was looking at a thin black line wrapped in dark green lightning. The thin black line was twisting and twisting above the magic circle. It was Wu Ting's weapon spirit. Usually, it was Wu Ting's weapon spirit. Under normal circumstances, if the spiritual weapon is destroyed, the weapon spirit will disappear, but Wu Ting's weapon spirit is miraculously preserved in the entanglement with Tianlei. Zhui'er can feel the pain that the weapon spirit is suffering through his mind. This was his fault, so he sadly comforted the weapon spirit with his thoughts, no matter what, he had to send this spiritual creature that blocked the thunder for him to its last journey.

While Zhuo'er was calming the weapon spirit, Shen Qing lost two more magic weapons, reducing the power of two thunderbolts. Even though she acted cautiously, blood still flowed from the corner of her mouth.

Nine thunderbolts had fallen. Wu Ting blocked two of them, and the remaining seven struck the magic circle.

What Shen Qing is carrying at the moment is the God of Punishment Whip. She has no suitable treasure left. The Whip of the God of Punishment is a spiritual treasure that is held in her hand. If she uses it to resist the thunder, she will suffer fatal backlash. This cannot be done easily. Yes, she took out the God of Punishment Whip just to make final preparations in advance. Next, she would have to see how many more sky thunders and defensive arrays she could withstand. Against her estimation, her spiritual treasure might only be able to withstand it. He could block a sky thunder, but he had to pay the price of being hit hard. If he couldn't send Zhui'er to the small piece of land thousands of miles away before the next sky lightning struck, he could only rush up and use the God of Punishment Whip to block Zhui'er. That thunder struck, and death was inevitable. She was prepared but did not dare to think too much about it. She could sacrifice her life for Zhui'er, but she was afraid that she would hesitate if she thought about it too much.

In order to distract her mind, she said to Zhui'er, "If you need to escape there, just dive into the middle of the mountain as soon as you enter. This should work."

Zhui'er didn't say anything, and his eyes moved from the weapon spirit to the place where the thunder struck. At this time, the black space flashed with dark green light. It seemed that the tenth lightning strike was stronger than the previous nine. Zhui'er's heart was beating violently, his fear had reached its limit, and hope began to sprout. He seemed to have a premonition that this was the last thunder.

"The last one!" Zhui'er shouted out the premonition in his heart, and at the same time activated the Xuanshui Sword to slash upward.

Shen Qing did not stop her. She also noticed the new changes in the black space. Since it was the last one, it was time to fight. She pushed the spiritual treasure to the extreme, and the punishment whip in her hand flashed out. White brilliance.

The tenth thunder struck down under the eyes of the two of them. The previous thunder was only as thick as an arm, but this one was as thick as a thigh. The ripples from the Xuanshui Sword met the thunder, and the cylindrical thunder seemed to be absorbed. , forming a dark green light curtain more than ten feet long and thirty feet wide, hitting the Xuanshui sword against the ripples.

Zhui'er spat out a mouthful of blood, and at the last moment when he fainted, he sent a thought to Wu Ting's weapon spirit.

Shen Qing didn't care about Zhui'er. She didn't have time to worry about Zhui'er in this electric light and flint. She could only focus on activating her spiritual treasure. She saw Wu Ting's weapon spirit shot towards him with its dark green color. Xuanshui Sword, but then the lightning struck the defensive array with a dazzling light, and she fiercely waved the God of Punishment Whip upward to meet him. She couldn't wait for the lightning to hit the defensive spirit treasure before taking action. It would be too late. She would rather be seriously injured than save Zhuo'er.

The God of Punishment whip was empty. Shen Qing gasped for air and stared straight up. The black space disappeared. The magic circle blocked the last thunder. It took three breaths for her to stop panicking. After Zhongxuan recovered, he anxiously checked Zhui'er's condition and felt that the problem was not too big, so he woke him up, took out a healing pill and stuffed it into his mouth, and then took one himself.

After waking up, Zhui'er looked above with dim eyes.

"We have resisted." Shen Qing's eyes were still a little straight.

"Send me up..." Zhui'er said in a weak voice while looking at the Xuanshui Sword hanging in the air.

"There's still thunder attached to it. You can't go over there, and don't take it back." Shen Qing grabbed Zhui'er's arm.

"Then send me closer." After finishing speaking, Zhui'er closed her eyes.

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