Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 1695 I’m sure there’s something

"Let's keep a jade slip each. If we really can't go out, the next one to get this fairy treasure will be our destined person."

This rather discouraging suggestion made Shen Qing look at Zhui'er displeased, "I have nothing to keep. You can keep it for yourself if you want."

"Then...then I won't stay either." Under Shen Qing's glare, Zhui'er had to give up the idea.

"Are you still ready?" Shen Qing was helpless and anxious. ??

"Don't worry, this is a life-or-death moment, we have to take it easy." After finishing speaking, Zhui'er looked into the distance as if missing the world.

Shen Qing stopped urging him. He was a person who had put aside all his worries. He could die without any regrets at any time. But Zhuo'er was different. There were still many things that made him miss him, and his life had only just begun.

After half an hour, Shen Qing felt that it was almost done and asked, "Can we make up our minds now?"

Zhui'er hesitated and said, "I feel... there seem to be living things here." When he said this, Zhui'er moved his head slowly, searching in the distance.

"Is it true?" Shen Qing suspected that he was still trying to delay time.

"It really feels like it." Zhui'er's eyes showed uneasiness.

Shen Qing felt a little scared in his heart, thinking to himself, could it be a seductress? Can ghosts enter this universe bag?

"It seems... over there." Zhui'er pointed his finger, then closed his eyes and felt it with his mind.

Shen Qing shuddered slightly, holding the punishment whip and staring closely at the direction pointed by Zhuo'er.

"I'm sure there is something, it doesn't seem to be a human being." Zhui'er reported to Shen Qing while sensing it.

Shen Qing clenched his silver teeth, his heart filled with the tension and uneasiness of unknown blessings and misfortunes. The things that could enter this universe bag were probably not something they could handle. They could only hope that it would be good and not evil, because the catastrophe was yet to come. However, because the sky thunder was still in front of her, she was a little excited to guess whether it was God or a messenger sent by him. Even though in that case, neither Zhui'er nor she would survive, but she still She was a little excited. If she could see with her own eyes that God would die without surrender, it would be better if she could be allowed to ask two more questions.

Thinking of this, Shen Qing pulled back all his wandering thoughts and secretly cursed himself for being too confused. How could God answer her question? Isn't that just leaking secrets? Didn't the two of them end up like this just because they were searching for secrets? God wished they both died early. I was really lost in thinking about the great road.

"It's coming towards us, I think..." Zhui'er was obviously unsure about something and only half of what he said.

Shen Qing looked at Zhui'er without daring to express her anger. The half of what Zhui'er said made her so worried.

While Shen Qing was waiting anxiously, Zhui'er frowned and opened his eyes, "I feel like it's a bit familiar, but I also feel like it's hostile to me."

"What on earth is that?" Shen Qing's heart was beating, but his face remained calm.

"I can't remember it. That familiar feeling is very strange, very..." Zhui'er's eyes flashed suddenly when he said this, showing an expression of disbelief, "It's Wu Ting?! But how could it...!"

"The Spirit of Wu Ting? It has not died?" Shen Qing was confused. Logically speaking, Zhui'er, as the master, should not be mistaken about whether the Spirit of Wu Ting has died.

There's no mistaking it either.

Zhui'er didn't bother to answer, and quickly closed her eyes again to feel it with her mind.

Soon, Shen Qing seemed to understand what was going on, because she saw that thing - a thin black line, which seemed to be the spirit of Wu Ting that ran away without a trace, but it had changed now, When it ran away, it was wrapped in a layer of lightning, and there was a layer of vague water-like things inside. Now the outside lightning is gone, but the water-like things are still there, and it is not the same as before. The size and shape have not changed. , but occasionally there will be a flash of dark green brilliance in the black.

Generally speaking, weapon spirits cannot use their spiritual consciousness to detect them at will, because they are too dangerous and can easily attack when harassed by their spiritual consciousness. If you want to investigate, you must be extremely careful. Shen Qing has checked this item belonging to Zhuo'er. Lingbao, he knows very well how powerful this weapon spirit is. Now he can tell that it is more powerful than before without using his spiritual sense to detect it. Just looking at it with his eyes makes Shen Qing feel the huge danger.

Judging from Shen Qing's knowledge, it should be that Wu Ting's spirit mutated after devouring too many thunders. Some weapon spirits can grow. Although mutating is rare, it does happen, especially with the devouring spirit. There are mostly soul-type weapon spirits, which can be explained as a fight between spirits, or the stronger party has become the master. Since Zhui'er previously thought that this weapon spirit has died, it will no longer be the spirit of Wu Ting from then on. This strong change made it no longer recognize the master Zhui'er, or the effect of the fusion was completely eliminated.

Can Zhui'er make him recognize his master again? Shen Qing was quite worried about this. Although it was not appropriate to disturb Zhui'er at this moment, she still reminded her uneasily, "Be careful with it. It contains thunder. Maybe it will attack you."

Zhui'er closed her eyes and nodded slightly. Shen Qing bit her lips, secretly reminding herself not to say more and to believe Zhui'er, but Zhui'er's heart was as soft as mud and she couldn't help but worry. , in comparison, Xunyi, who was full of arrogance, made her feel very at ease. Xunyi would not be easily fooled, and Zhuo'er was still too immature.

As the black line approached, Shen Qing was so nervous that she didn't dare to think too much. She activated the defensive spirit treasure and watched the black line slowly fly towards the light cocoon wrapping the Xuanshui Sword.

"Let's go! It doesn't want us to stay here." After saying this, Zhui'er picked up Shen Qing and flew away.

"Do you think you can conquer it again?" Shen Qing asked with concern.

"It's hard to say, the sky thunder has changed it a lot, but no matter what, I have to explain the important things to it clearly. If it doesn't use the Xuanshui Sword to survive, it won't survive."

While talking, the two of them landed on a hill, each raising his head to look at the scene above. After a while, the light cocoon flashed a thin thunder light and struck the black line, and the black line immediately covered it again with a heavy weight. Layers of lightning escaped.

"Is it deliberately attracting thunder to strike it?" Shen Qing turned to look at Zhui'er and asked.

"Yeah, it looks like it to me. I don't know if it's to save the spirit of Xuanshui or to swallow the thunder."

"Come on, let's take the opportunity to go there. You talk to the spirit of Xuanshui and let him say a few good words to you."

"Okay, I think so too."

The two people who had just landed on the hill flew back again.

Time was precious. Shen Qing didn't say a word this time. He held the defensive spirit treasure in his hand and guarded Zhui'er with full vigilance. Zhui'er didn't dare to delay and immediately started talking to the spirit of Xuanshui with his heart. "Let's keep a jade slip each. If we really can't go out, the next one to get this fairy treasure will be our destined person."

This rather discouraging suggestion made Shen Qing look at Zhui'er displeased, "I have nothing to keep. You can keep it for yourself if you want."

"Then...then I won't stay either." Under Shen Qing's glare, Zhui'er had to give up the idea.

"Are you still ready?" Shen Qing was helpless and anxious.

"Don't worry, this is a life-or-death moment, we have to take it easy." After finishing speaking, Zhui'er looked into the distance as if missing the world.

Shen Qing stopped urging him. He was a person who had put aside all his worries. He could die without any regrets at any time. But Zhuo'er was different. There were still many things that made him miss him, and his life had only just begun.

After half an hour, Shen Qing felt that it was almost done and asked, "Can we make up our minds now?"

Zhui'er hesitated and said, "I feel... there seem to be living things here." When he said this, Zhui'er moved his head slowly, searching in the distance.

"Is it true?" Shen Qing suspected that he was still trying to delay time.

"It really feels like it." Zhui'er's eyes showed uneasiness.

Shen Qing felt a little scared in his heart, thinking to himself, could it be a seductress? Can ghosts enter this universe bag?

"It seems... over there." Zhui'er pointed his finger, then closed his eyes and felt it with his mind.

Shen Qing shuddered slightly, holding the punishment whip and staring closely at the direction pointed by Zhuo'er.

"I'm sure there is something, it doesn't seem to be a human being." Zhui'er reported to Shen Qing while sensing it.

Shen Qing clenched his silver teeth, his heart filled with the tension and uneasiness of unknown blessings and misfortunes. The things that could enter this universe bag were probably not something they could handle. They could only hope that it would be good and not evil, because the catastrophe was yet to come. However, because the sky thunder was still in front of her, she was a little excited to guess whether it was God or a messenger sent by him. Even though in that case, neither Zhui'er nor she would survive, but she still She was a little excited. If she could see with her own eyes that God would die without surrender, it would be better if she could be allowed to ask two more questions.

Thinking of this, Shen Qing pulled back all his wandering thoughts and secretly cursed himself for being too confused. How could God answer her question? Isn't that just leaking secrets? Didn't the two of them end up like this just because they were searching for secrets? God wished they both died early. I was really lost in thinking about the great road.

"It's coming towards us, I think..." Zhui'er was obviously unsure about something and only half of what he said.

Shen Qing looked at Zhui'er without daring to express her anger. The half of what Zhui'er said made her so worried.

While Shen Qing was waiting anxiously, Zhui'er frowned and opened his eyes, "I feel like it's a bit familiar, but I also feel like it's hostile to me."

"What on earth is that?" Shen Qing's heart was beating, but his face remained calm.

"I can't remember it. That familiar feeling is very strange, very..." Zhui'er's eyes flashed suddenly when he said this, showing an expression of disbelief, "It's Wu Ting?! But how could it...!"

"The Spirit of Wu Ting? It has not died?" Shen Qing was confused. Logically speaking, Zhui'er, as the master, should not be mistaken about whether the Spirit of Wu Ting has died.

There's no mistaking it either.

Zhui'er didn't bother to answer, and quickly closed her eyes again to feel it with her mind.

Soon, Shen Qing seemed to understand what was going on, because she saw that thing - a thin black line, which seemed to be the spirit of Wu Ting that ran away without a trace, but it had changed now, When it ran away, it was wrapped in a layer of lightning, and there was a layer of vague water-like things inside. Now the outside lightning is gone, but the water-like things are still there, and it is not the same as before. The size and shape have not changed. , but occasionally there will be a flash of dark green brilliance in the black.

Generally speaking, weapon spirits cannot use their spiritual consciousness to detect them at will, because they are too dangerous and can easily attack when harassed by their spiritual consciousness. If you want to investigate, you must be extremely careful. Shen Qing has checked this item belonging to Zhuo'er. Lingbao, he knows very well how powerful this weapon spirit is. Now he can tell that it is more powerful than before without using his spiritual sense to detect it. Just looking at it with his eyes makes Shen Qing feel the huge danger.

Judging from Shen Qing's knowledge, it should be that Wu Ting's spirit mutated after devouring too many thunders. Some weapon spirits can grow. Although mutating is rare, it does happen, especially with the devouring spirit. There are mostly soul-type weapon spirits, which can be explained as a fight between spirits, or the stronger party has become the master. Since Zhui'er previously thought that this weapon spirit has died, it will no longer be the spirit of Wu Ting from then on. This strong change made it no longer recognize the master Zhui'er, or the effect of the fusion was completely eliminated.

Can Zhui'er make him recognize his master again? Shen Qing was quite worried about this. Although it was not appropriate to disturb Zhui'er at this moment, she still reminded her uneasily, "Be careful with it. It contains thunder. Maybe it will attack you."

Zhui'er closed her eyes and nodded slightly. Shen Qing bit her lips, secretly reminding herself not to say more and to believe Zhui'er, but Zhui'er's heart was as soft as mud and she couldn't help but worry. , in comparison, Xunyi, who was full of arrogance, made her feel very at ease. Xunyi would not be easily fooled, and Zhuo'er was still too immature.

As the black line approached, Shen Qing was so nervous that she didn't dare to think too much. She activated the defensive spirit treasure and stared at the black line as it slowly flew towards the light cocoon surrounding the Xuanshui Sword.

"Let's go! It doesn't want us to stay here." After saying this, Zhui'er picked up Shen Qing and flew away.

"Do you think you can conquer it again?" Shen Qing asked with concern.

"It's hard to say, the sky thunder has changed it a lot, but no matter what, I have to explain the important things to it clearly. If it doesn't use the Xuanshui Sword to survive, it won't survive."

While talking, the two of them landed on a hill, and each raised his head to watch the scene above. After a while, the cocoon of light flashed a thin beam of lightning and struck the black line, and the black line immediately covered it again with a heavy weight. The first layer of lightning escaped.

"Is it deliberately attracting thunder to strike it?" Shen Qing turned to look at Zhui'er and asked.

"Yeah, it looks like it to me. I don't know if it's to save the spirit of Xuanshui or to swallow the thunder."

"Come on, let's go there while we have the opportunity. You talk to the spirit of Xuanshui and let him put in a few good words for you."

"Okay, I think so too."

The two people who had just landed on the hill flew back again.

Time was precious. Shen Qing didn't say a word this time. He held the defensive spirit treasure in his hand and guarded Zhui'er with full vigilance. Zhui'er didn't dare to delay and immediately started talking to the spirit of Xuanshui with his heart.

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