Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 1702 Am I pretty lucky?

Yu Chan didn't dare to push him into a hurry, so she said earnestly, "In terms of magical power, you can be regarded as a great fairy concubine who is superior to the initial cultivation of Yu, but in terms of the clarity of mind, you are still far behind." After all, your age is on display here, and there are many things that you should look away from. Not to mention that I have no intention of harming your people, even if I have this intention, you should just take it lightly. If anyone wants to now I won’t even blink my eyelids if I destroy the cultivation world in Puyunzhou. The attitude of the great supernatural powers in Puyunzhou will probably be similar to mine. This is the state of seeing the world as a floating cloud that a clear mind should have. I think you can see through it. , but if you just refuse to let go, you may get stuck in the trap, or even fall into reincarnation again.”

Ming Lan pursed her lips and said, "What you said about the ancients has its truth, but can we escape the shackles of heaven without clearing the fate? Do you think it is possible?" She knew that Yu Chan was afraid of reentering reincarnation, and it was her fault. Scare Yu Chan.

"I think it's okay, just destroy the way of heaven." Yu Chan had to convince herself of this, otherwise she would have to live in fear.

Ming Lan pointed at Zhui'er on the brocade couch and said, "If you want him to destroy the way of heaven, don't do anything harmful to him, don't create more trouble for him. We can't control anything else, but we can control the relationship with him." His fate can reduce his bond with us, right?"

"Letting me go is the greatest help to him. He repaired the Qiankun Bag, and you brought him here so that I can hide in the Qiankun Bag and leave safely. Isn't this God's will?"

Ming Lan shook her head and said, "This is just your wishful thinking. How can I explain to the tribe if I let you go? Even if you tell the truth, I can't let you go. Let's not get into unnecessary entanglements on this matter." You can't get out of this circle without my help, and I'm willing to give up my life for the sake of my people. You should be clear about this, right? It's your choice whether you talk to him or I talk to him." She said. After that, she picked up Zhui'er and showed that there was no room for negotiation. She knew that she was no match for Yu Chan in this kind of contest, so she had to cut the knot with a sharp knife.

Yu Chan sighed in disappointment. Minglan had too many advantages. She couldn't defeat Minglan just by being brave. Besides, she couldn't really fight off Zhuo'er. Now that she finally saw this brat, how could she? She just let Minglan send him away, and after she had a falling out with Minglan, she would never have such a comfortable life.

"Put him down." Yu Chan admitted defeat, and after saying that, she pondered over what to say to Zhui'er.

Minglan quickly put the pendant back on the brocade couch and reminded, "I will hide and watch from the side. Just make an oath."

Yuchan popped out a drop of oath blood and said as Minglan asked, "I swear with my Taoist heart that I will not say anything I shouldn't say to him."

Ming Lan nodded with satisfaction and said apologetically, "It's hard for you. If you have any dissatisfaction, just put it on my head. You can think about how to tell him first. I will deal with Shen Qing and let her use her Taoist heart to stand up." Make an oath, and then break his seal."

Ming Lan came back soon after she left. It was very simple to ask Shen Qing to swear an oath. She and Shen Qing didn't have much politeness to say. Shen Qing also understood that the opportunity given to her to swear an oath was for Zhui'er's sake. After asking Shen Qing to swear an oath, Ming Lan Didn't bring her here.

After coming back, Minglan said to Yuchan, "He probably didn't see the two of us.

, if you think about what to say, I will wake him up. "

Yu Chan nodded slightly, and Ming Lan immediately disappeared.

As soon as Zhui'er opened his eyes, he saw a beautiful face that made him feel very close to him. He was stunned at that moment, and it took him a few breaths before he got excited and said, "Immortal Concubine Chan?! Is it really you?! No, Is it really you?”

"Do you know me?" Yu Chan asked pleasantly.

Zhui'er struggled to get up and salute, but Yu Chan waved her hand and said, "You are very weak, just lie down."

Naturally, Zhui'er didn't dare to be so rude and struggled to get up. He was pushed back by Yu Chan before he gave up. "Then please forgive me for being rude. I have seen your image. It was Ling Xiang who gave it to me." Look, I'm still... um..." Zhui'er almost spilled the words in her excitement, but luckily she stopped in time.

Yu Chan pointed to the Qiankun bag placed on Minglan's desk, and said with a look that revealed the mystery, "You have seen my incarnation in that treasure, right? I discovered that treasure first. Then I told Minglan, Minglan and I are good friends, and she told me about you. "

"Oh! You and Sister Minglan are good friends? That's great. Do you know where Sister Minglan is? I miss her very much." Zhui'er looked at Yuchan with sincere eyes.

"She likes to wander around and is hard to find. Whether we can meet again depends on the fate of the two of you. I will convey this feeling to you next time I see her."

"Hey, okay! Please tell her that I miss her very much. If she has free time, please come and see me." After finishing speaking, Zhui'er suddenly thought of Shen Qing and hurriedly leaned over and looked out, "Where is Shen Qing? Did you see it?" Is she there?" Shen Qing could not be seen from the door. Zhui'er's expression suddenly changed and he turned to stare at the Qiankun Bag. He felt that he had released Shen Qing, but he was too weak at the time and was fainting. The former Shen Qing did not answer his question. If Shen Qing was still in the Qiankun Bag, it would be troublesome.

"Don't worry, I saw her. If she has another chance, she will come back to you."

"Oh..." Zhui'er breathed a long sigh of relief and lay there weakly for a while, "How did we get here? Where are we?"

"This is one of my cleansing places. A friend of mine saw this Qiankun Bag while passing through the Haishan Region. She knew that this Qiankun Bag had something to do with me, so she sent it to me. Unexpectedly, it has now been restored. Mana, tell me what's going on."

Zhui'er showed a smile and said, "It's very simple. When I saw it, I was holding a small crescent-shaped thing in front of me. I casually put it in and then it can be used. ”

Yu Chan almost spit out blood. This was really bullying. She tried to put things in it countless times and tried countless repair methods. She was disappointed every time, but he just pretended to be so casual. It's just installed correctly, it's fixed, and you put these two things together yourself. How can you be so bullying?

"Hey, I'm pretty lucky, right?" Zhui'er saw the stunned expression on Fairy Chan's face and couldn't help but smile proudly.

"Your luck is so good." Yu Chan almost squeezed out these words through her teeth. If the person lying down was Xun Yi, she would have to go up and slap him twice, and she would have to squeeze his cheeks hard. Face. Yu Chan didn't dare to push him into a hurry, so she said earnestly, "In terms of magical power, you can be regarded as a great fairy concubine who is superior to the initial cultivation of Yu, but in terms of the clarity of mind, you are still far behind." After all, your age is on display here, and there are many things that you should look away from. Not to mention that I have no intention of harming your people, even if I have this intention, you should just take it lightly. If anyone wants to now I won’t even blink my eyelids if I destroy the cultivation world in Puyunzhou. The attitude of the great supernatural powers in Puyunzhou will probably be similar to mine. This is the state of seeing the world as a floating cloud that a clear mind should have. I think you can see through it. , but if you just refuse to let go, you may get stuck in the trap, or even fall into reincarnation again.”

Ming Lan pursed her lips and said, "What you said about the ancients has its truth, but can we escape the shackles of heaven without clearing the fate? Do you think it is possible?" She knew that Yu Chan was afraid of reentering reincarnation, and it was her fault. Scare Yu Chan.

"I think it's okay, just destroy the way of heaven." Yu Chan had to convince herself of this, otherwise she would have to live in fear.

Ming Lan pointed at Zhui'er on the brocade couch and said, "If you want him to destroy the way of heaven, don't do anything harmful to him, don't create more trouble for him. We can't control anything else, but we can control the relationship with him." His fate can reduce his bond with us, right?"

"Letting me go is the greatest help to him. He repaired the Qiankun Bag, and you brought him here so that I can hide in the Qiankun Bag and leave safely. Isn't this God's will?"

Ming Lan shook her head and said, "This is just your wishful thinking. How can I explain to the tribe if I let you go? Even if you tell the truth, I can't let you go. Let's not get into unnecessary entanglements on this matter." You can't get out of this circle without my help, and I'm willing to give up my life for the sake of my people. You should be clear about this, right? It's your choice whether you talk to him or I talk to him." She said. After that, she picked up Zhui'er and showed that there was no room for negotiation. She knew that she was no match for Yu Chan in this kind of contest, so she had to cut the knot with a sharp knife.

Yu Chan sighed in disappointment. Minglan had too many advantages. She couldn't defeat Minglan just by being brave. Besides, she couldn't really fight off Zhuo'er. Now that she finally saw this brat, how could she? She just let Minglan send him away, and after she had a falling out with Minglan, she would never have such a comfortable life.

"Put him down." Yu Chan admitted defeat, and after saying that, she pondered over what to say to Zhui'er.

Minglan quickly put the pendant back on the brocade couch and reminded, "I will hide and watch from the side. Just make an oath."

Yuchan popped out a drop of oath blood and said as Minglan asked, "I swear with my Taoist heart that I will not say anything I shouldn't say to him."

Ming Lan nodded with satisfaction and said apologetically, "It's hard for you. If you have any dissatisfaction, just put it on my head. You can think about how to tell him first. I will deal with Shen Qing and let her use her Taoist heart to stand up." Make an oath, and then break his seal."

Ming Lan came back soon after she left. It was very simple to ask Shen Qing to swear an oath. She and Shen Qing didn't have much politeness to say. Shen Qing also understood that the opportunity given to her to swear an oath was for Zhui'er's sake. After asking Shen Qing to swear an oath, Ming Lan Didn't bring her here.

After coming back, Minglan said to Yuchan, "He probably didn't see the two of us.

, if you think about what to say, I will wake him up. "

Yu Chan nodded slightly, and Ming Lan immediately disappeared.

As soon as Zhui'er opened his eyes, he saw a beautiful face that made him feel very close to him. He was stunned at that moment, and it took him a few breaths before he got excited and said, "Immortal Concubine Chan?! Is it really you?! No, Is it really you?”

"Do you know me?" Yu Chan asked pleasantly.

Zhui'er struggled to get up and salute, but Yu Chan waved her hand and said, "You are very weak, just lie down."

Naturally, Zhui'er didn't dare to be so rude and struggled to get up. He was pushed back by Yu Chan before he gave up. "Then please forgive me for being rude. I have seen your image. It was Ling Xiang who gave it to me." Look, I'm still... um..." Zhui'er almost spilled the words in her excitement, but luckily she stopped in time.

Yu Chan pointed to the Qiankun bag placed on Minglan's desk, and said with a look that revealed the mystery, "You have seen my incarnation in that treasure, right? I discovered that treasure first. Then I told Minglan, Minglan and I are good friends, and she told me about you. "

"Oh! You and Sister Minglan are good friends? That's great. Do you know where Sister Minglan is? I miss her very much." Zhui'er looked at Yuchan with sincere eyes.

"She likes to wander around and is hard to find. Whether we can meet again depends on the fate of the two of you. I will convey this feeling to you next time I see her."

"Hey, okay! Please tell her that I miss her very much. If she has free time, please come and see me." After finishing speaking, Zhui'er suddenly thought of Shen Qing and hurriedly leaned over and looked out, "Where is Shen Qing? Did you see it?" Is she there?" Shen Qing could not be seen from the door. Zhui'er's expression suddenly changed and he turned to stare at the Qiankun Bag. He felt that he had released Shen Qing, but he was too weak at the time and was fainting. The former Shen Qing did not answer his question. If Shen Qing was still in the Qiankun Bag, it would be troublesome.

"Don't worry, I saw her. If she has another chance, she will come back to you."

"Oh..." Zhui'er breathed a long sigh of relief and lay weakly for a while, "How did we get here? Where are we?"

"This is one of my cleansing places. A friend of mine saw this Qiankun Bag while passing through the Haishan Region. She knew that this Qiankun Bag had something to do with me, so she sent it to me. Unexpectedly, it has now been restored. Mana, tell me what's going on."

Zhui'er showed a smile and said, "It's very simple. When I saw it, I was holding a small crescent-shaped thing in front of me. I casually put it in and then it can be used. ”

Yu Chan almost spit out blood. This was really bullying. She tried to put things in it countless times and tried countless repair methods. She was disappointed every time, but he just pretended to be so casual. It's just installed correctly, it's fixed, and you put these two things together yourself. How can you be so bullying?

"Hey, I'm pretty lucky, right?" Zhui'er saw the stunned expression on Fairy Chan's face and couldn't help but smile proudly.

"Your luck is so good." Yu Chan almost squeezed out these words through her teeth. If the person lying down was Xun Yi, she would have to go up and slap him twice, and she would have to squeeze his cheeks hard. Face.

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