Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 1823: Calculate your conscience more

Lang Xing noticed that she was using her spiritual consciousness to peek at his Taoist robe, so he pointed to the place where the Qiankun bag was stored and said, "Come here, look hard, use all your spiritual consciousness, and try to see if you can see through my Taoist robe." ”

"Just try it!" Huaying pretended to be angry and gathered her consciousness to look over.

Langxing retaliated with a vicious smile, "How is it? You've never seen such a good Taoist robe, have you? Have you never seen such a powerful spiritual treasure that I used before? Then tell me, do you believe that the Qiankun Bag is an immortal treasure?" ah?"

"Love, isn't it! Even if it's a fairy treasure, I won't even look at it! Don't show such a face to me!" Hua Ying could only retreat as a way forward, and sat back with her knees in her arms as if she was angry and aggrieved, and pursed her lips. Gotta be tight.

Lang Xing said depressedly, "You scolded and pinched me without asking me clearly, and you were so cruel. Now you are still angry. Do you think it's appropriate?"

Huaying burst out laughing, then changed his expression from gritted teeth, pointed at him and said, "If it is really a fairy treasure, let's give it up. If you are teasing me, I will strangle you to death! Take it out and let me distinguish it." one time!"

Langxing said grumpily, "Didn't you say you don't want to look at it? Can you identify the fairy treasures?" It was endless fun to play with Huaying. Although he didn't want to attract any more, he couldn't help it.

Huaying dropped her fierce look and said calmly, "Then I'll just strangle you to death." As he said that, he stretched his hand towards Lang Xing's neck.

Lang Xing smiled and took out the Qiankun bag and stuffed it into her open hand, "This is really a fairy treasure. You take a look at it first and talk about it later. Let's talk about other things first."

Huaying stared at the Qiankun bag with wide eyes and said, "I have nothing else to say to you."

Lang Xing laughed and scolded, "You are short-sighted and forget your own good. Don't you want to ask how you got this treasure first?"

"I'm going to ask, will you tell me?" Huaying still looked at the Universe Bag with wide eyes.

"" Lang Xing replied seriously.

"Then it's over." Huaying finally moved his gaze to Lang Xing's face and asked with a serious expression, "Is this really a fairy treasure?"

Lang Xing looked at her disappointedly and said, "It seems you really have nothing else to say to me. Then we will only have financial exchanges from now on."

Huaying pursed her lips and smiled and said, "Okay! If you can give so many things and such great benefits every time, then it would be good to only exchange money."

"I've seen through you!" Lang Xing smiled and took back the Qiankun Bag, "This is a Qiankun Bag that can contain living beings. It has its own universe, but the magic power has been greatly damaged, but it is still extremely mysterious and has great supernatural powers. We have built two pieces of land inside. If you have nothing to say to me, then I will put you in there to understand. "

"Put me in?!" Huaying looked at Lang Xing with straight eyes, and said timidly, "I still have something to tell you, this is not urgent."

Lang Xing nodded happily and said, "That's pretty much it. It doesn't chill my heart at least."

Huaying blinked twice and asked, "Can I still use my cultivation after entering? How many people have you pretended to be?"

"Is this what you want to tell me?" Lang Xing's eyes were full of disappointment again.

Huaying grabbed his arm and shook it and said, "Don't tease me. No one can remain calm in the face of the immortal treasure. Just talk to me. I will talk to you for the rest of my life." , Now we only have two or three days, how can we allow for delay? "

r\u003e "Well, this fairy treasure and that fruit should be very helpful for you to break through the realm. If it still doesn't work, I will help you think of other ways. Don't worry about gains and losses. It doesn't matter even if you can't break through the realm. Qian Don’t be anxious, your state of mind is the most important thing.”

"Well, I understand. If I can break through this realm with the help of this fairy treasure, I can save the spirit fruit for you to take. I'll keep it for you."

Lang Xing frowned and shook his head and said, "Look where your thoughts have gone? This is because you are too calculating. You shouldn't think about whether you can save the spirit fruit now." He did not go deeper. He said that he understood that Huaying was really planning on the spiritual fruit, and was trying to please him. This was also a calculation. The former calculation was not conducive to enlightenment, and the latter was Calculation is superfluous. No wonder she still hasn't been able to break through the realm. The master's Dharma eyes are as bright as a torch and he can see very well. Drawing like this will only end in the late Nascent Soul stage at most.

Hua Ying said with a shy look, "I'm sorry that I've fallen behind for your sake. You're heartless, okay, okay, I'll just forget about it."

"That kind of spiritual fruit is nothing to me. I can get ten or eight of them. Don't think about anything. Clear your messy mind and put everything aside until you become a great monk in the late Nascent Soul stage. "

Huaying nodded, looked at the Qiankun bag in Langxing's hand and said nervously, "It's not that easy. Not even one of a thousand people who have reached the perfect state of the mid-Nascent Soul can enter the late Nascent Soul. I used to be very confident." , but now it’s getting harder and harder, you can’t think I’m stupid.”

Lang Xing smiled brightly and said, "Where has your arrogance gone? This is not the cold, arrogant and refined painting senior sister I first met. If you don't become a great fairy concubine who is arrogant in the world, I will be sorry for my admiration for you. You Don’t let me look down on you, aren’t you just a person who has entered the late Nascent Soul stage? Do you take it seriously?”

"How can I be so arrogant in front of you? You are so crazy. You don't even care about the late stage of Nascent Soul. I don't know when you can give us a Nascent Soul."

"Hahahaha, I don't want to get married. If I wanted to get married, I would have done it long ago. Okay, okay, stop mumbling to yourself, adjust your state of mind and prepare for enlightenment."

Huaying hesitated and said, "I still have something in my heart. If I don't say it, I can't be free of distractions, but I'm afraid you don't believe me."

"What is it? Tell me."

"I... I want to go back and find Zhefeng again, and tell him what I want to say clearly. He was angry just now, and he didn't listen to anything I said. I don't mean anything else. After all, I owe him some debts. I'm going to pay off the debts and express my sincere apologies." She knew in her heart that Langxing had become indifferent to her because she was too utilitarian and unfeeling to Zhefeng last time in the bamboo sea. This time, she couldn't make the same mistake.

Langxing pondered and said, "You can make your own decision on this matter, but I think it's right to return what you owe to others, so there's no need to say that the debt is paid off. This kind of debt is not easy to settle. When you can help others in the future, try to help them as much as possible, don't calculate the gains and losses of money and property, and feel that you don't owe them anything."

"Alas, compared to you, I seem to be calculating everything. What should I do, Langxing?" Huaying asked worriedly.

"No one is not calculating. Just be more conscientious and less materialistic. That way, you won't be too utilitarian."

"Do you hate my utilitarianism?" Huaying had a guilty look in her eyes.

s?:Thank you for the reward and monthly ticket from Senior Brother?heenoy?, hehe. Langxing noticed that she was using her spiritual sense to peek at her Taoist robe, so he pointed to the place where the Qiankun bag was stored and said, "Come on, look hard, use all your spiritual sense, and try to see through my Taoist robe."

"Try it!" Huaying pretended to be angry and gathered her spiritual sense to look over.

Langxing retaliated with a vicious smile, "How is it? You haven't seen such a good Taoist robe, right? You haven't seen such a powerful spiritual treasure that I used before, right? Then tell me, do you believe that the Qiankun bag is a fairy treasure?"

"Is it love? Even if it is a fairy treasure, I won't look at it! Don't give me such a face!" Huaying could only retreat to advance, and sat back with her knees hugged as if she was wronged, and pursed her cherry lips tightly.

Lang Xing said depressedly, "You scolded and pinched me without asking clearly, and you were so cruel. Now you are still sulking. Do you think it's appropriate?" Huaying laughed, and then changed to a gnashing expression, pointing at him and said, "If it is really a fairy treasure, let's give up. If you are playing tricks on me, I will pinch you to death! Take it out and let me identify it!" Lang Xing said angrily, "Didn't you say you don't want to see it? Can you identify fairy treasures?" Playing with Huaying is endless fun. Although he doesn't want to attract her again, he can't help it. Huaying put away his fierce look, pretended to be uninterested and said lightly, "Then I will just pinch you to death." Then he stretched out his hand to Lang Xing's neck. Lang Xing smiled and took out the Qiankun bag and stuffed it into her open jade hand, "This is really a fairy treasure, take a look first, and we'll talk about it later. Let's talk about other things first."

Huaying stared at the Qiankun bag with wide eyes, saying, "I have nothing else to say to you."

Lang Xing laughed and scolded, "You are short-sighted and forget your principles when you see profit. Don't you want to ask how you got this treasure first?"

"If I ask, will you tell me?" Huaying still stared at the Qiankun bag with wide eyes.

"Well... no." Lang Xing answered seriously.

"That's it." Huaying finally moved her eyes to Langxing's face and asked seriously, "Is this really a fairy treasure?"

Langxing looked at her disappointedly and said, "It seems that you really have nothing else to say to me, so the only thing we can do from now on is to exchange money and goods."

Huaying smiled and said, "Okay! If you can give so many things every time, and such a big benefit, then it's also good to just exchange money and goods."

"I see through you!" Langxing smiled and took back the Qiankun bag, "This is a Qiankun bag that can hold living beings. It has its own Qiankun inside, but the magic power has been greatly damaged, but it is still It is extremely mysterious. The great gods have created two pieces of land in it. If you have nothing to say to me, then I will put you in to comprehend it. "

"Put me in?!" Huaying stared at Langxing with straight eyes, and said timidly, "I still have something to say to you, this is not urgent." Langxing nodded with relief and said, "This is better, at least it didn't chill my heart." Huaying blinked twice and asked, "Can you still use your cultivation after entering? How many people have you put in?" "Is this what you want to tell me?" Langxing's eyes were full of disappointment again. Huaying grabbed his arm and shook it, saying, "Don't tease me. No one can stay calm in front of a fairy treasure. Tell me now. I can talk to you for the rest of my life. We only have two or three days now. There's no time to waste."

r\u003e    "Okay, this fairy treasure and that fruit should be very helpful for you to break through. If it doesn't work, I'll help you think of other ways. Don't worry about gains and losses. Even if you can't break through, it doesn't matter. Don't be anxious. The state of mind is the most important."

"Well, I understand. If you can break through with the help of this fairy treasure, you can save that spiritual fruit for you to take. I'll keep it for you."

Lang Xing frowned and shook his head and said, "Look where your thoughts have gone? This is because you are too calculating. You shouldn't think about whether you can save the spirit fruit now." He did not go deeper. He said that he understood that Huaying was really planning on the spiritual fruit, and was trying to please him. This was also a calculation. The former calculation was not conducive to enlightenment, and the latter was Calculation is superfluous. No wonder she still hasn't been able to break through the realm. The master's Dharma eyes are as bright as a torch and he can see very well. Drawing like this will only end in the late Nascent Soul stage at most.

Hua Ying said with a shy look, "I'm sorry that I've fallen behind for your sake. You're heartless, okay, okay, I'll just forget about it."

"That kind of spiritual fruit is nothing to me. I can get ten or eight of them. Don't think about anything. Clear your messy mind and put everything aside until you become a great monk in the late Nascent Soul stage. "

Huaying nodded, looked at the Qiankun bag in Langxing's hand and said nervously, "It's not that easy. Not even one of a thousand people who have reached the perfect state of the mid-Nascent Soul can enter the late Nascent Soul. I used to be very confident." , but now it’s getting harder and harder, you can’t think I’m stupid.”

Lang Xing smiled brightly and said, "Where has your arrogance gone? This is not the cold, arrogant and refined painting senior sister I first met. If you don't become a great fairy concubine who is arrogant in the world, I will be sorry for my admiration for you. You Don’t let me look down on you, aren’t you just a person who has entered the late Nascent Soul stage? Do you take it seriously?”

"How can I be so arrogant in front of you? You are so crazy, you don't even care about the late stage of Nascent Soul. I don't know when you will give us a Nascent Soul."

"Hahahaha, I don't want to get married. If I wanted to get married, I would have done it long ago. Okay, okay, stop mumbling to yourself, adjust your state of mind and prepare for enlightenment."

Huaying hesitated and said, "I still have one thing in my heart. If I don't say it out loud, I can't keep my mind clear of distracting thoughts, but I'm afraid you won't believe me."

"What's the matter? Tell me."

"I...I want to go back and look for Zhifeng again and tell him clearly what I want to say. He was so angry just now that he didn't listen to anything I said. I don't mean anything else. After all, I owe him some debt. I Go pay off the debt and sincerely apologize." She knew in her heart that Langxing was indifferent to her because she was too utilitarian and unkind to Zhe Feng last time in Zhuhai. She couldn't make the same mistake this time. .

Langxing pondered and said, "You can make up your own mind about this matter, but I think it's right to pay back what you owe others, so there's no need to talk about paying off the debt. This kind of debt is not easy to settle." , try to help others when you can in the future, don’t count the financial gains and losses, just feel that you are not owed anything.”

"Oh, compared to you, I seem to be calculating everything. What should I do, Langxing?" Huaying asked worriedly.

"No one is arrogant. Just calculate more conscience accounts and less financial accounts. That way things won't be too utilitarian."

"Do you hate my utilitarianism?" Huaying had a guilty conscience in her eyes.

s?: Thanks to ?heenoy? for the reward and monthly ticket, hehe.

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