Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 1825 Do you regret it? Do you regret it?

"Go back to seclusion. I have to rush to the pass as soon as possible." Langxing was not as dizzy as last time. The imperial concubine did not feed him, but she also gave him control in this regard.

"I don't! I'm going into seclusion in the Qiankun Bag. I told you I won't fall out with you anymore." There was an embarrassed snicker in Huaying's arrogance, which was very charming.

"Several people have died inside. This fairy treasure has not been completely repaired. Staying in it for a long time will make you weak to death. If something happens to me, you will have no choice but to die in it." Lang Xing patted her soothingly. He patted her back and then gently pushed her away from him.

"Ah? Are you lying to me?" Huaying looked at him suspiciously.

"Don't you feel it yourself? There is no life inside. If I can let you retreat inside, why should I bother you?"

"Hmph, I'm such a hindrance in there. It would be inconvenient if I pretended to be a saint or something."

"Hahahaha, okay, okay, don't delay. This is a relationship that breaks the situation. It's not worth it if this feeling is dissipated. Go back to retreat."

Huaying originally planned to find a way to stay in the Qiankun Bag for seclusion. Since it didn't work, she didn't dare to delay too much. She looked at Lang Xing affectionately and said, "I said I won't fall out. If you want to fall out, you have to Just help me become the Fairy Feather, otherwise you have no conscience."

"Okay, okay, I can't run away. Stop thinking about other things. I will always try my best to help you."

"Lang Xing, you're so kind. Don't..." She bit her lips before saying anything. She leaned forward and kissed Lang Xing's forehead affectionately. Then she looked into his eyes and said, "You must take good care of yourself. If I can break through the situation, I will go to you immediately and tell me where you will go."

"I don't have any long-term plans. Don't worry about me. Just take care of yourself. Let's meet again at Qianxu Palace."

"Then I'll leave first..." She looked at this lucky star with great reluctance, who would be hard to catch as soon as she let go.

"Go quickly, I will go back as soon as the siege of Qianxu Palace is resolved." Lang Xing pushed her.

Watching Huaying's graceful figure disappear into the distance, Langxing breathed out softly, feeling both relieved and a little reluctant to leave. The senior sister he had worried about for many years was finally safe and sound, and he had done his best, It's a pity that the time was short and we couldn't chat for a while. He could only hope that she could break through to the late Yuanying stage as soon as possible, so that he would feel more relaxed. A great monk in the late Yuanying stage is extremely powerful both in terms of mentality and ability. Powerful, when dealing with Huaying like that, he wouldn't have to be as hesitant as he is now.

Reminiscing about this short time together, Langxing urged the flying sword to fly towards the pass. After flying for only a meal, he saw two figures in the distance and disappeared in a flash, although at the moment he was just distracted. He was exploring the way, but he still noticed that the two people were wearing Qianjie Sect's Taoist robes, and after careful consideration, one of them looked very much like the black sheep with the protruding forehead.

"Damn it, you're looking for death!" Lang Xing cursed fiercely in his heart. This sign couldn't be more obvious. These two people were probably looking for him with the intention of revenge. After discovering him, they immediately concealed themselves and prepared to kill him. With this sudden attack, they must not only be seeking revenge, they must also be thinking about their own Mo Xin Cone.

Langxing pretended to be ignorant and continued to fly forward. When he was approaching the hiding place of the two men, he had discovered their location with his powerful spiritual consciousness.

In order to avoid killing someone by mistake due to his misunderstanding, he turned around when he was five thousand feet away from the two people, and the two people immediately blocked him and blocked them.

Just when the two of them were about to rush forward to attack, Langxing's side Mo Xintui and the God-Binding Jue had already fired out the God-Binding Jue at the same time. The God-Binding Jue attacked the person with the protruding forehead, while Mo Xintui directly killed the other person.

Lang Xing came to the young man with a convex forehead who was restrained by the God Binding Art with a ferocious expression. He waved his hand and slapped him hard. After more than a dozen slaps, the man's face was swollen and almost all his teeth were missing. .

"Do you regret it? Tell me do you regret it?!" Lang Xing asked with anger in his eyes.

" are not a cultivator of alchemy..." the man said with fear in his eyes.

"I'm asking you, do you regret it! Do you regret it! Do you regret it!" He asked and slapped him in the face. The more he slapped him, the more he couldn't understand his hatred. He had wanted to kill this kid for a long time, but he didn't expect that he would dare to come to him. If he doesn't change his nature and doesn't teach him a lesson, it will really make him feel bad.

"I'm sorry, please spare my life." The man finally begged for mercy. The fierce look of the young monk at this moment was completely different from the calm look in front of the battle. He knew that he had offended the wrong person.

Langxing gritted his teeth and said, "I have already spared your life, but you still dare to find this thing that you don't know whether to live or die. You are asking for your own death!" After saying this, he felt that he was not free and elegant, and since the other party had been defeated Most of his anger was gone, so he put away his ferocious expression, put on a faint smile and asked, "How much do you regret it?"

The man said with a mournful face, "I regret it so much. I was blind. I didn't expect you to be so powerful. Please spare my life."

"Do you know how much I want to kill you?" Lang Xing asked with itching teeth, and then he couldn't help but began to gnash his teeth again and said, "I don't want to kill people, but for you idiots, I wish I could kill you thousands of times." Damn, I hope you can have a longer memory in your next life. You deserve to end up in the eternal hell, but you bastards are too harmful to people. If I could kill all of you bastards, the world would not be so chaotic. "

"Spare my life. I don't dare to do this anymore. I will change! I will change!" The man saw that his life was about to be saved. He didn't show any arrogance in front of the battle. If his body hadn't been restrained, he would have been killed long ago. Kneel down and kowtow.

"Do you regret it?" Lang Xing asked again with a little pleasure in his calm eyes.

"Regret! Regret! I really regret it, please spare me!"

"Remember to change it in the next life, you are hopeless in this life." Langxing's eyes flashed with disgust, and after saying that, he fired a burst of spiritual fire and turned him invisible.

After killing the people, Lang Xing stood there with gloomy eyes for a while before leaving. He was enjoying the pleasure. Although he had not killed a few people so far, he did not feel flustered after killing these two people. He felt that such a person should be killed!

When he was still four to five hundred thousand miles away from the pass, Langxing was surprised to see Sijia!

"Why are you here?" He flew over happily.

"You are a busy man now. Since you don't have time to see me, I have no choice but to come over and see you." Sijia looked at him with a half-smile but not a smile.

"I came to visit you just as promised. Who would have thought that so much trouble would happen? Hehe, I even bothered you to make a trip. Are you now a late-stage Nascent Soul cultivator?" Lang Xing also looked at this person with excitement. A saintess from the Yuan clan who is even more elegant than before. "Go back to seclusion. I have to rush to the pass as soon as possible." Langxing was not as dizzy as last time. The imperial concubine did not feed him, but she also gave him control in this regard.

"I don't! I'm going into seclusion in the Qiankun Bag. I told you I won't fall out with you anymore." There was an embarrassed snicker in Huaying's arrogance, which was very charming.

"Several people have died inside. This fairy treasure has not been completely repaired. Staying in it for a long time will make you weak to death. If something happens to me, you will have no choice but to die in it." Lang Xing patted her soothingly. He patted her back and then gently pushed her away from him.

"Ah? Are you lying to me?" Huaying looked at him suspiciously.

"Don't you feel it yourself? There is no life inside. If I can let you retreat inside, why should I bother you?"

"Hmph, I'm such a hindrance in there. It would be inconvenient if I pretended to be a saint or something."

"Hahahaha, okay, okay, don't delay. This is a relationship that breaks the situation. It's not worth it if this feeling is dissipated. Go back to retreat."

Huaying originally planned to find a way to stay in the Qiankun Bag for seclusion. Since it didn't work, she didn't dare to delay too much. She looked at Lang Xing affectionately and said, "I said I won't fall out. If you want to fall out, you have to Just help me become the Fairy Feather, otherwise you have no conscience."

"Okay, okay, I can't run away. Stop thinking about other things. I will always try my best to help you."

"Lang Xing, you're so kind. Don't..." She bit her lips before saying anything. She leaned forward and kissed Lang Xing's forehead affectionately. Then she looked into his eyes and said, "You must take good care of yourself. If I can break through the situation, I will go to you immediately and tell me where you will go."

"I don't have any long-term plans. Don't worry about me. Just take care of yourself. Let's meet again at Qianxu Palace."

"Then I'll leave first..." She looked at this lucky star with great reluctance, who would be hard to catch as soon as she let go.

"Go quickly, I will go back as soon as the siege of Qianxu Palace is resolved." Lang Xing pushed her.

Watching Huaying's graceful figure disappear into the distance, Langxing breathed out softly, feeling both relieved and a little reluctant to leave. The senior sister he had worried about for many years was finally safe and sound, and he had done his best, It's a pity that the time was short and we couldn't chat for a while. He could only hope that she could break through to the late Yuanying stage as soon as possible, so that he would feel more relaxed. A great monk in the late Yuanying stage is extremely powerful both in terms of mentality and ability. Powerful, when dealing with Huaying like that, he wouldn't have to be as hesitant as he is now.

Reminiscing about this short time together, Langxing urged the flying sword to fly towards the pass. After flying for only a meal, he saw two figures in the distance and disappeared in a flash, although at the moment he was just distracted. He was exploring the way, but he still noticed that the two people were wearing Qianjie Sect's Taoist robes, and after careful consideration, one of them looked very much like the black sheep with the protruding forehead.

"Damn it, you're looking for death!" Lang Xing cursed fiercely in his heart. This sign couldn't be more obvious. These two people were probably looking for him with the intention of revenge. After discovering him, they immediately concealed themselves and prepared to kill him. With this sudden attack, they must not only be seeking revenge, they must also be thinking about their own Mo Xin Cone.

Langxing pretended to be ignorant and continued to fly forward. When he was approaching the hiding place of the two men, he had discovered their location with his powerful spiritual consciousness.

In order to avoid killing someone by mistake due to his misunderstanding, he turned around when he was five thousand feet away from the two people, and the two people immediately blocked him and blocked them.

Just when the two of them were about to rush forward to attack, Langxing's side Mo Xintui and the God-Binding Jue had already fired out the God-Binding Jue at the same time. The God-Binding Jue attacked the person with the protruding forehead, while Mo Xintui directly killed the other person.

Lang Xing came to the young man with a convex forehead who was restrained by the God Binding Art with a ferocious expression. He waved his hand and slapped him hard. After more than a dozen slaps, the man's face was swollen and almost all his teeth were missing. .

"Do you regret it? Tell me do you regret it?!" Lang Xing asked with anger in his eyes.

" are not a cultivator of alchemy..." the man said with fear in his eyes.

"I'm asking you, do you regret it! Do you regret it! Do you regret it!" He asked and slapped him in the face. The more he slapped him, the more he couldn't understand his hatred. He had wanted to kill this kid for a long time, but he didn't expect that he would dare to come to him. If he doesn't change his nature and doesn't teach him a lesson, it will really make him feel bad.

"I'm sorry, please spare my life." The man finally begged for mercy. The fierce look of the young monk at this moment was completely different from the calm look in front of the battle. He knew that he had offended the wrong person.

Langxing gritted his teeth and said, "I have already spared your life, but you still dare to find this thing that you don't know whether to live or die. You are asking for your own death!" After saying this, he felt that he was not free and elegant, and since the other party had been defeated Most of his anger was gone, so he put away his ferocious expression, put on a faint smile and asked, "How much do you regret it?"

The man said with a mournful face, "I regret it so much. I was blind. I didn't expect you to be so powerful. Please spare my life."

"Do you know how much I want to kill you?" Lang Xing asked with itching teeth, and then he couldn't help but began to gnash his teeth again and said, "I don't want to kill people, but for you idiots, I wish I could kill you thousands of times." Damn, I hope you can have a longer memory in your next life. You deserve to end up in the eternal hell, but you bastards are too harmful to people. If I could kill all of you bastards, the world would not be so chaotic. "

"Spare my life. I don't dare to do this anymore. I will change! I will change!" The man saw that his life was about to be saved. He didn't show any arrogance in front of the battle. If his body hadn't been restrained, he would have been killed long ago. Kneel down and kowtow.

"Do you regret it?" Lang Xing asked again with a little pleasure in his calm eyes.

"Regret! Regret! I really regret it, please spare me!"

"Remember to change it in the next life, you are hopeless in this life." Lang Xing's eyes flashed with disgust, and after saying that, he fired a burst of spiritual fire and turned him invisible.

After killing the people, Lang Xing stood there with gloomy eyes for a while before leaving. He was enjoying the pleasure. Although he had not killed many people so far, he did not feel flustered after killing these two people. He felt that such a person should be killed!

When he was still four to five hundred thousand miles away from the pass, Langxing was surprised to see Sijia!

"Why are you here?" He flew over happily.

"You are a busy man now. Since you don't have time to see me, I have no choice but to come over and see you." Sijia looked at him with a half-smile but not a smile.

"I came to see you as promised. Who knew that so much trouble would happen? Hehe, I even bothered you to make a trip. Are you now a late-stage Nascent Soul cultivator?" Lang Xing also looked at this person with excitement. A saintess from the Yuan clan who is even more elegant than before.

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