Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 1833 Little brother, you are so fierce

Sijia's reminder made Langxing slow down. Even if he didn't think about himself, he still had to think about Sijia. Sijia refused to leave the battlefield to heal his injuries just to protect him. He had already caused Sijia to be injured. He couldn't To drag others down again, he participated in killing four big monsters, including two mythical beasts. So far, no one has seen it. Since the monsters have retreated, there is really no need to cause trouble for himself.

The eight late-stage Nascent Soul cultivators of Yilingwei were like a whirlwind, blowing straight towards the Minglu camp that was besieged in the mountains. Anyone who encountered monsters along the way would be killed immediately. On the bloody road they fought through, the three of them were killed. The dead soldiers from the Hundred Fierce Sword Camp and the Heavenly Tribulation Camp followed closely. A team of three people performed very fiercely and eye-catchingly. They rushed to the front at first. The three of them killed the monsters in the middle stage of Nascent Soul with almost no need. There was a pause, and when they were halfway through the fight, the three people actually left the team and started to kill in the direction of Qi Jia's team, because the monsters were densely packed here.

The fierce momentum of these three people chopping melons and vegetables made Lang Xing a little jealous, so he used the long and agile knife to kill them in the direction they were charging.

"Hey! Little brother, you are so fierce. You dare to come here to fight in the pill-forming stage. Are the battalions led by Deputy Commander Qi Jia about to be wiped out by monsters?" The gentle young man among the three said to Lang Xing The spiritual thought came to him. Although this boy looked polite, he spoke with a gangster tone and had no respect for the dignified deputy commander of the East Route Army.

"We are about to exterminate the monster. I'm just here to join in the fun. Mainly to see if your Yiling Guards are as fierce as the legend says." Lang The demonic beast of Daoxing in the early stage of infancy was cut into two pieces.

"You're an interesting little guy. What's your name? Which faction are you from?" The elegant young man led the team to fight over quickly.

"Langxing, what do you call these three fellow Taoists? Aren't you Yiling Guards not allowed to talk to outsiders casually?"

The elegant young man replied, "The Yiling Guards need to be more humane. Now is the time to employ people. We have been fighting monsters with our heads up for hundreds of years. If we still have such strict control, who would be willing to do so?"

Working hard? Moreover, the three of us have already chosen not to go to the battlefield based on our military exploits. Yilingwei owes us, so naturally we have to give some extra benefits. My name is Huahu, this big black guy is called Hei Si, and this little girl is called Lingxiang. You That's almost it, this place is too dangerous for you. "He talked freely on this bloody battlefield, as calmly and calmly as if he were at a banquet.

"Hahaha..." Lang Xing laughed. He had already seen that Lingxiang was a boy and a girl. Not only was he an out-and-out man, he was also the most powerful among the three.

"Are you looking for a fight?" Lingxiang waved a seal with his left hand to make a small hole in the head of a middle-stage Nascent Soul. With his right hand, he fired a burst of spiritual power at the painting pot. The three of them were extremely experienced in killing monsters and would not waste more. He has every bit of spiritual power, but he doesn't hesitate to waste it on internal fighting.

Hua Hu dodged the finger of Ling Xiang and said to Lang Xing, "This little girl is very powerful. Don't mess with her. You must respect her as the Xiang Fairy."

While talking, the three of them rushed to Lang Xing. Lang Xing pointed to the direction where Minglu Camp was surrounded and said, "Business matters, let's go over there and kill."

The black-faced Hei Si then said, "You are really fierce. If you do this, you won't survive to have a baby."

"My two friends are in the Minglu Camp. Please help me kill over there." Lang Xing joined their team.

"There is no need to go over. The monsters have been completely defeated. The Minglu camp is probably chasing monsters. I said you are so fierce. It turns out you are saving your friends. You are very loyal, but your cultivation level is too low. It's too much trouble to take you with you, so let's send you back to your camp." Huahu looked at the young monk with admiration.

Without saying a word, Langxing rushed towards a defeated mid-stage Nascent Soul monster, urged Mo Xin Zhui to kill it, and then

Then he waved to the three of them and said, "Just don't get in my way."

"Yo!" Huahu's eyes lit up, and Hei Si and Ling Xiang also looked surprised. They were already in the middle stage of Nascent Soul, so they could see how powerful this spiritual treasure was.

"Which faction are you from?" Lingxiang asked as he came over and took him flying in the direction of Minglu Camp. With the victory already determined, the three of them killed monsters more to accumulate military exploits. The young monk made the three of them very interested, so they didn't care about killing more monster beasts and less monster beasts.

"Qianxu Palace, you won't be punished if I join your team, right?"

Hua Hu rushed forward to serve as the team's arrowhead, and said to Lang Xing, "It's okay. No wonder you dare to come to such a battlefield with your alchemy cultivation. It turns out that you are under the sect of Qianxu Palace. Do you want to sell your spiritual treasure?" I’ll give you three inner elixirs from the ten-thousand-year-old monster.”

Lang Xing observed the battlefield with his eyes and said, "For this price, I can sell you the long knife in my hand at most."

Hei Si laughed and said, "Yeah, almost."

Huahu turned his head and glanced at Lang Xing, and laughed and cursed, "You are more damn evil than me. Your broken sword is not even worth half of the inner elixir of a ten thousand year monster. Have you ever seen the inner elixir of ten thousand years?" ?”

"Wouldn't it be nice to kill a big monster in a while?" Lang Xing said seriously.

"Hahahaha..." Huahu said to Hei Si and Lingxiang, "This kid is really good at pretending to be stupid. Do you think his virtue is like sending his life? His madness is also the same!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a figure passed by them.

"Saint?!" Hei Si shouted in surprise.

"That's right!" Huahu tried his best to catch up, but the graceful figure flashed twice and then disappeared.

Sijia had been following Lang Xing invisibly. Hearing Huahu mention Xunyi, he didn't want them to talk about it anymore, so he showed up and wanted to use it to fight.

Cut them off.

"Why is the saint here too? Did Yuan Yizhou join the war?" Hei Si asked Ling Xiang.

Lingxiang shook his head and said, "Yuan Yizhou has little strength in the cultivation world. Even if she participates in the war, it is just a temporary occasion. This saint has reached the late stage of Yuanying. She is indeed very qualified."

Hei Si sighed and said, "If he had survived, he would probably be in the late Nascent Soul stage. Although his qualifications don't seem to be any better than ours, his evil energy makes me think he will definitely be able to become a feather."

Hua Hu, who had not caught up with the saint, stepped back at this time, as if he was holding back some idea. His eyes were shining and he taught Lang Xing, "When you live, you must be happy with your grudges. You have to risk your life and forget your own death." It's good to save a friend. He is a man. He can avenge a grudge and repay a favor without losing his true nature as a man. In the end, the most important thing is to join the Yiling Guard. You don't have to be afraid even if you join the Yiling Guard. The three of us will take care of you. You can still live freely."

Hei Si let go of a monster that rushed past, frowned and said, "Aren't you destroying him by teaching him this way? Don't listen to him, Langxing. One mistake will cause eternal hatred. I will now regret my recklessness." I am extremely upset. If I had not entered Yilingwei, I might have reached the late stage of Nascent Soul cultivation at this moment. People should not be too willful in life. When you have to endure it, don’t put yourself in a desperate situation and then regret it. Show off your courage for a moment. He is a reckless man, not a good man.”

"Hehe, he can't destroy me, I'm not as stupid as him." Lang Xing had a thoughtful smirk on his face.

"Bang!" Huahu felt guilty and stopped encouraging Langxing. He pointed at the clouds rolling in front of him and said, "It must be a big monster that is entangled. Let's go join in the fun!" After saying this, he said without waiting for everyone to express their opinions. Rush upward.

"Let's go rescue people first!" Lang Xing shouted anxiously.

Lingxiang said, "Stop shouting, it's useless. His best skill is cheating his brothers." After that, he pushed Lang Xing to Hei Si and said, "You come and look after him." Then he chased after Hua Hu.

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