Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 1835 These beasts...

Qi Jia was speechless for a moment. After passing a few orders to his subordinates during the flight, he said to Sijia, "Thanks to the immortal driver for helping me this time."

Sijia smiled faintly and said, "I only tried my best, it's not worth mentioning."

Qi Jia sighed, "Including the Wu Xiao you just killed, you two killed a total of five large monsters in the late Nascent Soul stage. Two of them were divine beasts, which became the key to turning the tide of the battle. This makes it difficult for me to explain to the superiors. After that, she looked at Sijia with a sad expression.

"Put it on me. The ones no one saw were injured." Sijia could only bear this false reputation.

At this moment, Si Jia suddenly received a warning from Lang Xing's mind: "There is a very powerful monster lurking 20,000 feet ahead!" At the same time, Lang Xing secretly communicated to Qi Jia through the hand she held. Read "I feel there is danger ahead, stop first!"

Although Sijia had seen what Lang Xing was capable of, she was still surprised. She had been on full alert and didn't notice anything unusual nearby. This monster could get as close as 20,000 feet without being noticed by her. She didn't need to It was said to be extremely powerful. She felt a little unsure of Lang Xing's detection methods. Just now, she wanted to send Qi Jia away so she could ask Lang Xing how he found the fog.

Sijia remained silent and was just secretly on guard, but Qi Jia gathered her consciousness and looked ahead. She couldn't blame her, she didn't know much about Lang Xing's abilities.

As soon as Qi Jia's consciousness swept over, a vague shadow appeared 20,000 feet in front of him. It was two feet in size and looked like a tiger-shaped rune simply outlined with an ink pen. The shadow flashed out. Pass away.

Sijia was horrified and opened her body-protecting divine light. The moment the shadow flashed out, she felt the pressure of the feather cultivation!

Qi Jia breathed a sigh of relief and said to Sijia, "It should just come here to take a look and won't take action. We also have the great magical power of Huayu behind us watching the battle. It will be like this every time there is a war." After saying that, she looked at Lang The star must have attracted the great feathered demonic beast.

This is the guy.

"They came here to check because they suspected that you had the ability to transform into a feather. You'd better stay away from the battlefield in the future. People are paying attention to you." Qi Jia said to Langxing worriedly.

"Oh..." Lang Xing's eyes were slightly distracted. He had not yet recovered from the pressure from the other party.

"How did you feel its existence?" Qi Jia secretly asked with spiritual thoughts. The other party was a feather-level monster.

"I can't explain clearly. I just suddenly felt that I was in danger."

Qi Jia felt that it was the monster that used its spiritual consciousness to carefully examine him that made him feel it. Just when he was about to ask him what treasure he used to kill Tunyun, Sijia said at this time, "They found Shu Yan." ”

Langxing looked in the direction of Sijia's gaze. At this time, the battlefield showed a one-sided situation. The spiritual shock caused by the fierce battle was not so strong and intensive. His consciousness could pass through it and he saw that between the two sides Thousands of miles away, Huahu and the others were standing in front of a team of four female cultivators, talking about something, and Shu Yan was among them!

"Take me there!" Lang Xing couldn't help himself from rushing over.

Sijia glanced at Qi Jia, who hesitated for a moment before letting go of Lang Xing's hand.

After Sijia sent Lang Xing nearby, he disappeared and hid aside.

"Shu Yan!" Lang Xing shouted and flew over anxiously.

Huahu smiled and said, "You kid, you still ran over by yourself. We found the person for you. We must remember this favor. That Lu Gang rushed forward. She insisted on finding Lu Gang. I left it to you. We I’ll help you find Lu Gang.”

"Thank you so much! Go quickly!" Lang

Xing rushed to Shu Yan and waved his hand to urge the three of them to quickly find Lu Gang.

"This kid is so rude." Huahu looked at Lingxiang and Heisi and laughed and cursed, and then the three of them continued to move forward.

"Zhui'er..." Shu Yan grabbed Lang Xing's arm and shouted, tears filling her eyes.

Lang Xing reassured him, "It's okay. They will definitely get Lu Gang back. Don't worry."

Shu Yan cried and nodded, holding on to Lang Xing tightly. With Brother Zhui'er's cultivation, she really didn't dare to let go.

"Shu Yan, can you fight anymore?" the leading female cultivator asked Shu Yan.

Lang Xing saw that the three of them were all wearing the clothes of Qianxu Palace, and said, "She must not be able to fight anymore like this. Don't rush forward. Just protect her here."

A female cultivator with big eyes said quickly, "I have to protect you even if I don't have to protect her. You haven't given birth to a baby yet? Shu Yan always mentions you and guesses that you must have given birth to a baby. My name is Hao Xin. The three of us are from Yuelangshan, be careful!" Just as she was mid-sentence, a monster rushed towards them.

Lang Xing used his long knife to chop the monster to death, which surprised the four female cultivators who rushed to fight. Even Shu Yan didn't expect that he could kill a monster at the early stage of Nascent Soul so easily.

"Why are you so powerful?" Hao Xin asked in astonishment.

"This magic weapon is so powerful." Lang Xing shook the long knife in his hand and said perfunctorily.

At this time, Shu Yan grabbed Lang Xing's arm again and cried, "Don't blame Lu Gang. He listened to your advice. At first, he just wanted to kill a few monsters to do something for the teacher. But...but after arriving here, he heard the news that Uncle Xu and Aunt Juan were killed in the battle, and Lu Gang became red-eyed..."

"What?!" Lang Xing yelled, looking at Shu Yan with wide eyes.

"Uncle Xu and Aunt Juan died in the battle..." Shu Yan said in tears.

Bloodshot streaks snaked out quickly in Langxing's wide eyes. Uncle Xu and Aunt Juan raised him as their own son. He also regarded these two people as his parents. When he heard the bad news, it was like five lightning strikes. He was stunned. .

Hao Xing just wanted to say some words of comfort, but suddenly felt a strong pressure coming from outside Lang Xing's body. She was so shocked that she involuntarily stepped back, as did Shu Yan and the other two female cultivators.

At this moment, Sijia appeared, pulled up Langxing and flew into the sky.

"Calm down." After Sijia said this, he gently recited the Pingbo Mantra to help him calm down the turmoil in his heart.

"My uncle and aunt died in the war..." Langxing choked and said, big tears falling from his wide eyes. The power of the Pingbo Curse made his mind clearer.

Sijia was secretly horrified and did not dare to speak out. He used all his cultivation to recite the Ping Bo Curse. Lang Xing's cultivation could actually resist most of the effects of the Ping Bo Curse.

"These beasts..." After gritting his teeth and saying these four words, Lang Xing's eyes were completely red.

The light from Langxing's bloody eyes made Sijia feel frightened and miserable. The Pingbo Curse was useless, so she had no choice but to seal Langxing.

At this time Qi Jia rushed over and asked worriedly, "What's going on?"

Sijia said sadly, "Shu Yan said that his Uncle Xu and Aunt Juan were killed in the battle. This is what happened after hearing the news. If you have a calming pill, please give him one."

Just as Qi Jia was about to take the elixir, she suddenly saw Lang Xing's face twisting in pain. Before she could think about it, a wave of spiritual power followed, and then she saw the sealed Lang Xing step forward, and his figure flashed. It’s thousands of miles away!

The two great monks in the late Nascent Soul stage were stunned on the spot.

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